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Ghost Stories in Category: Haunted Places: Page 23

Presidio Ghost Sargent by osnapitsDebra

It was last summer when I saw this entity in Presidio park in San Francisco. My dad and I decided to go to an abandoned military hospital further in the woods. Once we arrived we turned off the car and looked around. I decided to look around the woods instead of the hospital. It was very peaceful an...

Hotel Ghost by goonerleemc

I visited a hotel in Ireland with my girlfriend. We were both 21. It was our 4th anniversary of our first date, so we decided to go on a short holiday. When we arrived at the hotel, it didn't seem very clean, especially on the outside. The walls were a faded brown colour and the windows were pretty ...

At My Sister's Workplace by Akatsuki07

My family has a history of being sensitive of seeing or feeling ghost presence. Among us siblings, I'm the only one that is not that sensitive but I'm kind of thankful for that. I have two older sisters and the younger one sometimes comes home from work and tells me her experiences at her work. ...

My Mother's House In Springville by shandi

From the time I was young I have always heard what sounded like my mother calling my name, usually this happened when she wasn't even home. When she was home she would deny that she had been calling my name. When I was in the fourth grade we moved to a house in Springville, UT right up the stree...

Childhood Events by Kiego

Growing up in Corning, California, the Olive city, there wasn't really ever a lot that went on. The population was small, with only one movie theatre in town and no mall to speak of. My parents were always going through a separation and then getting back together. There was never any real violenc...

The Invisible Threat by KatieKoolEyes

Greetings, other ships on the sea that is the internet. I have been reading many stories on this site all weekend. I must admit, a couple have hit close to my own experiences from my own life. Many others have driven into stories from people I know and trust in real life. Spooky stuff, I don't th...

Country Road by pmadison

I came across this site after we had moved out of our house. I just wanted to share the experiences that happened to me and my family. If you are curious about the house the street name is the title and from my descriptions of the house it should be easy to find it out on Google maps. Well I hope yo...

Passing Through? by weber242

In the summer of 2006 me and my family moved from Troy Illinois to Black Diamond Washington. Up until a few months ago I have not experienced any thing out of the ordinary while living in my current home. About 5 months ago my mom woke me up and told me she had just seen a women's face right in ...

The Demon In The House by cpachecoxo

Wow I haven't even thought about this in so long, but recent events triggered it and I needed to let it out. My fiancé doesn't believe in ghosts, demons and the paranormal. The only thing he knows is that they're all 'ghost stories' since nothing's happened to him. Mind you, since he's met me he's ...

Im Pretty Sure I Have One Or More Spirits by Dawnie

It all started 5 years ago when a friend started babysitting for me on a second shift. She was here with the my young children and her older son when she first saw a dark shadow figure followed by a light going into my basement. Her son at 9yrs of age also saw it. Me, being a VERY sceptic person...

Hidden Room by SmokenMirrors

In a past story I have briefly mentioned the house my grand-parents used to own. The House is a pre-war terrace in Birmingham. I'm not sure when it was built but the street in the same form as it is now shows on 1910 OS maps, so I would assume the house or variant of it was standing at the same time...

The Closet Door by Butterfly_Kisses

My husband and I had just moved into a house that was right behind the house my parents lived in. They owned this house as well, and wanted to rent this house out to us to be close to them since I was expecting my first child. On the day we moved in I was past my due date. It so happened that was al...

Lingering Great Grandparents by soul_shine

I live in a house built in 1940 by my great grandfather. It has been lived in by family since the passing of my great grandparents. One cousin actually had so many frightening experiences there, she left in a hurry, leaving behind many of her belongings. Another claimed that when he lived there, he ...

Resident Ghost by AToastToGhosts

I have a resident ghost named Frances. Evidently she's the original owner of my house, not that my house is that old -- it was built in 1956. Yet, I'm the seventh owner. The other houses in the neighborhood have been sold three times at the most. Makes you wonder, huh? When I was moving in, I put...

The Faces In The Ground by NadaNab

I lived this experience that I can never forget. I'm an Egyptian girl, I live in Alexandria, Egypt. So forgive me if my English is poor. But I have an experience I want to share with you. It started the last summer vacation were our family, my aunt and my cousins went to another government in Egypt ...

Congress Plaza Hotel - Chicago by Marine

In summer of 2011, I accompanied my Uncle back to the US. He now lives in Dubuque, IA. I spent a week with his family before returning back to Cebu, the Philippines. On my return trip, I decided to take a few more days off and see the sights of Chicago. I have been to the US on numerous occasions bu...

A Galloping Of A Horse Or Something More? by Wyland_Renald

This was told to be by my mother. She is from Sylhet, Bangladesh. This takes place when my mother was a child. She and her family were visiting one of her grandma's home. The whole family was getting together after a long time. Some of them have visited each others' homes in between the last great g...

Little Girl In My Basement Part 3 by ghosthunter102

Since my last post about the girl in my basement a lot has happened, which has even convinced my once skeptical mother that there might be someone haunting our basement. A couple of weeks ago I was going into my basement to print something out for one of my classes. When you walk down the stairs ...

Prohibition Speakeasy Construction Renovation by Oldspeakeasy7

As a young Journeyman in a construction union I had been waiting to finish my apprenticeship so I would be able to run my own jobs and in a way be my own boss but when I finally got the opportunity to work on a job by myself, I was wishing that I would have been working with someone else. First off...

Are They Mad? by jennfelber

I have lived in my house now for 8 years with my husband and 3 children, we know our house is haunted, we have always heard strange noises, voices, things missing etc. Our ghosts or spirits have never been violent or scary and we have learned to cohabitate, but for the last year we noticed that when...

New Housemate Alters House by Saille

I have a rather odd experience to relate. In September of 2011, a friend of mine that had been living out of state for the past twelve years returned to New York. We made an agreement that he could stay with me and help with the bills of my home and such. It was not a smooth transition; he arriv...

Trip To Alcatraz Cell Block D Number 11. Reserved For Laura by Aspiredream2k

My name's Laura I'm 18, I've never had a "spiritual" experience until I visited Alcatraz for the first time two days ago. It was April 13, 2013. I was excited because I heard it was haunted and was looking to have an experience. Little did I know, the "haunt" would come back with me. I haven't stopp...

Hauntings At Emerson by DRDd

As mentioned in my first story, I saw the lady in white here; however, this house was haunted by multiple ghosts. The first thing I remember happening here started in the end of fall in Sparks about 2011. I was sitting in my room around 8 pm and I heard a tapping on my window, followed by silenc...

Loddon, Norfolk Ghost by Hellen

This happened 15 years ago. I've told it fairly regularly to friends. We booked a holiday cottage for 5 of us, plus a mooring for a boat. The place was actually a farmhouse split into two cottages just outside of Loddon. Looking at Google Maps I believe it was Hardley Estate on the edge of Hardley ...

Living With A Bad Spirit Or Energy by StormJM

My husband, me and kids moved to a newly built home 2 years ago. Since we moved we had some scary nights... Weird sounds at night and movement downstairs as our bedrooms are upstairs. I told my husband many times that something is really weird and we should consider having our home blessed again....

A Haunted Hotel by Melime

In April last year I got a job as a hotel receptionist in a town not far from where I live. I started as extra and now I've worked my way up to being a full-time night receptionist. We are only 2 who share the shifts all the time, so that means we always work alone. The hotel itself is practically j...

The House That Butler Built by Zack84

I've been asked to post the history of the house I lovingly refer to as the "horror house" where I lived with my mother starting in the late 1990's. I've detailed several of the phenomenon which we experienced there here on Your Ghost Stories. The following post is the result of research conducted b...

Harris Street Part 2 by vmolina9025

The paranormal events later escalated from footsteps and voices to seeing shadows and having objects move around. Both my sisters would wake up in the middle of the night, hold hands, and walk around the house to make sure every door was locked so no intruders would come in. They told me sometimes...

Apartment Hauntings by laurrennm

I'm brand new to this site, but I've been reading stories on here for a few weeks now. I've been eager to share my stories to people who believe, so here it goes. I have quite a few stories regarding the houses I've lived in. This story, however, will be based on a few events that occurred in the...

My Boyfriend's House And Its Little Friends by jonesss

I never really talked about it with people who might know more about it, so I really hope someone here knows more. Me and my boyfriend got together about a year ago. We talked about what we liked and believed. The same music, the same movies and we also both believed in paranormal things. I perso...

Incidents In My House by Isabelle27

My name is Isabelle and I am fifteen. I hope no one thinks that these incidents not real. I am not the sort of person to jump to conclusions and have only really thought about the paranormal these past few months after things in my house are getting more strange. I moved into my house September 2...

The Fall Of Madame M by Zack84

We had now been living in the "horror house" for about three years. I was a Senior in High School and looking forward to graduation and attending UCSC afterword. The house was complete and it looked amazing! My mother and I had researched the property extensively, and with the help of the histor...

Our House Ghost by Marine

Cebu City in the Philippines has never been a hotbed for ghostly haunting and apparitions. Unlike some areas in the country where myths and stories about strange beings and ghosts are rife, Cebu does not really qualify for a paranormal tours stopover. Having said that, I do know a couple of places a...

Irregular Haunting by Macca

My story first started when I was around the age of about 14. I had always been interested in the paranormal but never had any experiences prior to this one. I was laying in bed in the early hours of the morning when I was awakened by my covers being pulled off me slowly. I gripped them but the ...

Tragic House by Lunahenry

This is a true story recently relayed to me by my sister. The names have been changed for privacy concerns. Here is her story: You wouldn't know it by it's appearance, but there is a certain house, located in close proximity to my son "Dave" and his wife "Erica's" home, that seems to possess s...

Basements...who Needs 'em by Believer88

When I was 16 and living with my dad and step-mom, my younger brother moved out and lived with my mom for a time so I decided I wanted to take his room downstairs. This was quite a feat for me considering I hate basements with a fiery passion but I figured I would give it a shot. My step-mom had...

Akron House And Crystal Blessing by ZeitOfClubs

This event happened the duration I lived in my old house in Akron with my friend, back when I was 18 and 19 years old. The house was one of the oldest houses within the city and on lend to us to use while we got on our feet. The moment we both moved in we knew something was off. I'm a very firm beli...

Harris Street Part 1 by vmolina9025

My home on Harris Street is where my family and I encountered the most unbelievable events of our lives. I lived here with my two brothers, A and J, two sisters, Val and V (both my sisters and my name start with a V), my golden retriever, and both my parents. We had many things happen to us, and in ...

Haunted House In Which I Am Living by Talha

A part in the discussion I want to tell everyone that the inn which I am living is haunted. My family bought the house on urgent basis on cheap prices. It was good and fine for our family but in 2008 when we shifted to our new house I used to sleep alone in my room without any lights, only street li...

Haunted House On Lincoln Ave by SeaSparkzz

I spent the first 16 years of my life in a haunted house in a town called South Cle Elum, WA. Strange things happened, and they happened frequently. My youngest memory of odd happenings comes from when I was about 7, give or take a couple years. I will be telling many short stories here, trying to g...

Not Seeing Is Believing by Zack84

At this point, we've now lived in the Victorian house for approximately a year and a half. Cosmetic repairs and electrical work on the interior have been largely completed. If you would like more information on what happened during these repairs and what we experienced see my previous three stories....

Ghost Of Gar Museum And Library by RebelRaider

Long time reader, first time poster. Let me start off by saying I've had plenty of paranormal experiences when I was younger. Nothing too major has happened since I was around 17. This happened not too long ago, last week March 19th. I started volunteering at a Local Civil War Museum & Library [...

Nightmarish Year by Believer88

I lived in Orem in 2007, in my first apartment with my husband. This was the first time I had ever lived on my own and I was excited! We were previously living with my husband's grandma, but we were kicked out because we purchased our dog Bella. I had a nightmare of this apartment before we even...

Grandma's Mystery Music by Zack84

Before we get started, you might want to read my first two stories. They outline the sound of footsteps that began shortly after moving in to our new Victorian home, and the electrical problems that began to plague us when visitors came. This story begins approximately six months after my sister fle...

A Bizarre Haunting by Realistic

I never imagined that I would experience anything paranormal! To me, they only happened to other people, never realizing that they would occur to me. I have always read/ watched ghost stories, real or fictitious, enjoying that tingling sensation of fear after the story ended. But when it happened to...

The Ghost That Wouldn't Quit by PrestonJ

Sorry if this is to long I have like many of you, have had experiences from a young age but I will just concentrate on the most recent events which are of course the most intense so far in my life. About 2 years ago I decided to move from a small acre 3 bedroom home to a larger 17 acre seclude...

Ghosts Of My House by theshedcrew

This is my first story but I have been reading the ones on this site. But here it goes... I live in a house in Woonsocket, one of the oldest mill cities in America. Right now it's just me and my brother but when we were younger, the entire family lived here. We built a bedroom in the basement see...

Less Than Welcomed Guests by Zack84

For anyone interested, you may want to start by reading my first story "Restless on the Stairs" which details our first experiences in the Victorian house where I lived with my mother during and immediately after my high school years. Our efforts at renovating the old house continued despite the ran...

Housemate by daunsntein

During work week, I stay at my mom's ancestral home (owned by her parents) in the city because our house is too far from my job. I only go home on weekends. There are some occurrence in that house that makes us believe that we do have an unseen housemate. We don't really mind because it's not bot...

Scary Client Experience by v0xp0puli101

This happened when I was still connected at my previous company; see The Haunted Building story. I would say, that one of the privilege of that company is to be able to travel around the country, with company expenses. Surely, had some quick glimpse of other places. On one business travel, we wer...

Gone In A Flash by mac317

My husband and I stayed at the infamous Myrtles Plantation for our first wedding anniversary. Aside from myself experiencing various, random feelings of dizziness and nausea, my husband witnessed a bright blue flash of light illuminate the bathroom. It was in the evening and I was getting ready ...

My Experience At Aunt And Uncle's House by majikmind

My name is Derek. My story took place in Frankfort, Indiana in my aunt and uncle's house in 1994. It has been a long time ago but I still remember it like it happened yesterday. I was living with my aunt, uncle, and cousins while my parents were in between selling our old house and buying a new ...

The Scratching Room 116 by SkufuiS

My name is Christian and I am 24 years of age and currently work at the Comfort Inn & Suites in the city of Long Beach. This hotel has a hidden history and sometimes unregistered guests occupy these rooms. The following entries are true reports from the employees of our establishment. The reports al...

Of Wee Ghosties And A Haunted School by valkricry

Recently Oak Park Elementary celebrated its 120th year, which would have meant it was built around 1893. However, some suspect the school is even older since the existing records do not date farther back. Perhaps the anniversary is why this story feels the need to be told. Back in 1979, I was th...

My Experience At The Cemetery by GrimlinGod

I was walking in Decatur, Illinois, Greenwood Cemetery's path when I saw two figures which I could've sworn were two people smoking a cigarette and I was in need of one. So I asked the people (figures) if they had a cigarette they could spare. One of them turned around and all I saw was a dark shado...

Gradually Increasing, Slightly Spooky Happenings by Wampawhump

My parents bought the house I currently live in back in the early 90's...I think it was 1994, when I was about seven years old. It is a relatively large house, with six bedrooms and three floors (basement, main level, and upper level with bedrooms and bathrooms.) A contracting company built the hous...

Jazirat Al Hamra by Bliss006

Jazirat al Hamra, which translates to Red Island, has a reputation for being haunted. Established sometime in the 14th century, the once thriving fishing and pearl-diving village of over 300 houses and 13 mosques was suddenly abandoned in 1968. And since then, while the rest of the United Arab Emira...

The New House And Those Who Occupy by jane_doe287

My family moved into a new house February 23, 2011. Though moving is a stressful experience (of which I am not at all fond), this, I thought, would be good change as we have four kids and needed the space. And while it is a great thing, there are restless spirits/entities that dwell within this plac...

Strange Lake House Occurances by Anyka

I live in a one-story house by a private lake in a gated community with my mother, and my two sisters, Lily and Rose. I am the oldest child at fifteen, as Lily is nine and Rose is seven. Before I begin, I think that if I explain my house a bit more, the events that took place will make a bit more se...

Hitler's Eagles Nest by Taynevada

This is a story that my mom told me from when she was in the military about 15 years ago. All the troops were taken to Hitler's castle, called the Eagles Nest and they got to stay the night in the rooms there. My mom said that everyone else was at this party thing except for her and her few roommate...

My Grandparents' House by peterc

In the past couple of years my Granddad has passed on and most recently my Grandma has had to move in to care due to ill health. This has caused the family to begin to clear out the family home in order to rent it to fund her care and being there again reminded me of an occurrence back in my earl...

The Old Wing by Bump

These next experiences are not mine but those of my mother and occurred during the period of time she went sent to work in the Kookaburra wing also know as the old wing. It is a 5 story structure that houses the morgue and the tunnel to the old cremation building. This occurred around 2 years after ...

The House I Feared by Streetfighter

This is my first story in this site. Hope I will get some answers. Firstly, I was born and bought up in a village in Andhra Pradesh. This happened around 5 years back and after reading lots of posts in this site I had decided to share one of my best experience. From my childhood I was hearing sto...

The Strange Hotel Room by BeachBunny

This story takes place in Warsaw, Indiana, December 2011. My fiance and I went there to visit his family for Christmas, and stayed at a hotel called Ramada, now renamed as the Wyndham, for a week. Our hotel room (I wish I could remember the room number!) was situated on the first floor, next to a...

Lovers In The Paddy Fields by believerinspirits

I have always been a skeptic when it comes to believing in ghosts, spirits and the paranormal! Raised in a family of doctors and scientists, such ideas were never encouraged at our home. I am currently living in Mumbai working for a large corporate firm and my parents live in Bangalore. A couple of...

Shadows From The Past by MissMegadeth

First hello. This is the story of a friend of me. Her English is not very good so I'm writing it for her and politely asking for help. She is 18 years old and had a lot tragic incidents in her life. Her mother died when she was third grade and also the grandparents who lived with her in the house...

Is There Something In My Bedroom? by Hetti

A few nights ago I was thinking about a few people who had passed over in my family. I was feeling a bit down because I missed them a lot more than normal at the time. I went in the bath and I was reading a book by the Medium, Sally Morgan, while I was in there to try and comfort myself. I read a...

Ghost In The Bathroom? by Hetti

I live with my mum and my dad lives about 20 minutes away and I stop at his house on a Saturday night. I've always felt that there's something in my dad's house, something that's not from this world. Anyway, this one weekend that I was stopping, I'd been sensing something in the house the whol...

Ghost Wants To Come In? by yudayo

This is entirely real and has still shocked me to this very day. (This might be a bit short, but it really happened.) I need to explain a few things before I can continue to the real ghost encounter. My house is a bit echoey, and I able to hear anyone moving up and down the stairs from my room. ...

The Apartment by universe777

In May 2010, I was transferred to Clark fields in Pampanga, Philippines. I was with 2 friends and we rented an apartment for 2 years. The place was a 3-storey building with 4 apartment units. The units were spacious, the parking area was big, and the rent was cheap. We thought it was a good deal. It...

House In Port Adelaide by SebastianRaynes73

It was the first home I had owned in Australia. After being offered a regular contract with the Australian Government to do tests on sites for future Oil Rigs, I signed a contract where I would have to spend at least six months on and off in Australia. It sounded like a good opportunity at the time ...

A Ghost Story From 20th And Broadway? by alandhopewell

This one was strange, and I was never sure exactly how to categorize it; I blogged about it, under a kind of "WT*?" heading. At 20th and Broadway in Lorain, on the northwest corner, sits a storefront property. Today, it's vacant, and the basement entrance is concreted over. In the 60s, there was ...

The British Princess by AUSTRIA

This happened when I was in sixth grade. My classroom had an another room attached to it (My school was a British king's place where [according to legend]his wife and daughter used to live). We weren't allowed to go inside but me and my friends always took a peek through the glass doors. It looked l...

Chased Out By Evil by Matty-matt

I will start with a little background before I tell you about my experience two nights ago at a friends new house. I have had a few paranormal experiences in my lifetime, however nothing really of a bad nature except one kind of when I was a teenager living in my dads old terrace house in inner we...

The Shadow Man In The Old Farm House by spookykitty13

This event took place in southern Missouri, just north of Springfield, during the spring of 2011. During this time, my husband was living in Wisconsin, about an hour outside of Milwaukee. We had barely been married for a year and were struggling with the stresses that come with a mid-term miscarriag...

A Nonbeliever Now Believes by whrtnkvn

Let me start off by telling you that I have always been a skeptic. Even when I lived in Charleston, SC (one of the most haunted cities in America) I have always found a logical explanation for weird occurrences. Just a few weeks ago I had an experience that not only terrified me, but changed my view...

House Sitting For My Neighbor, My First Real Scare by TheDon

Back when I was 21, a former neighbor who is a good friend of mine came over to ask if I could house sit and care for the family dog while they went out of town for the weekend. I agreed considering I had the weekend off from work, besides my buddy always having the up to date big screen and stereo ...

I Believe by Wgsmms

My parents never really discussed the subject of "ghosts" with me as a child/teenager. Their reaction was always one of disbelief, but they never came out and said there is no such thing. This attitude changed when we moved to a house on South 13 Street. It was a very old building, recently so...

Sshhhhh by Hetti

Reccently, my friends and I went to a museum near where I live called the Galleries of Justice. It has actually been voted as one of the most haunted buildings in the UK before so we felt quite brave when we went in there alone. We were looking at one of the exhibitions and one of my friends was too...

The Haunting Of Thameside Theatre by benmower

Before I start my experience, this is my first post and I am now 15. This happened to me when I was about 8. I can feel the presence of a spirit energy. This story is about the presence I could feel at the theatre back when I was 8. The Theatre itself is on the top floor Level 3 of the Thameside...

Diplomat Hotel Experience by jaded_disciple

A few years back, when Diplomat Hotel in Baguio was not yet opened to the public, I and 7 of my friends, sneaked past security to go spook ourselves out and seek things that go bump in the night. It was almost midnight on October 30, 2003, a day before All Hollow's Eve. The time, the damp, chill...

The Event At Delta Chelsea Hotel by geetha50

I had being thinking about this story since last October (2012) and I had my reservations about submitting here because of how it would come out and what most of you would think; especially lately, as stories on YGS have come to light as fake. Since I have posted other stories on here and readers ha...

The London Shop Stockroom by Mistyy

I wasn't going to do this. A 2nd story. I hate the word story! I told my first account because I really needed to 'get it out'. It bothers me, you see. I chose this site at random on a Google search and just typed. I wanted to 'wash my story out of me' somehow. However, I've had such positive feedba...

The Haunted Building by v0xp0puli101

Good day to you, all! Now this one is from my (other) previous company. First let me describe the building. It's located between a vacant-dumped lot and some abandoned warehouses. It's about 15 years old and it was year 2010. A 4-story U-shaped concrete structure, composed of rooms occupied by c...

Little Girl In My Basement Part 2 by ghosthunter102

Since my last post a few more incidents have occurred and I am well on my way to purchasing some ghost hunting equipment. My grandmother has lived with us my whole life and has her own little apartment upstairs. After my grandfather passed away almost 10 years ago, I've been sleeping in her gues...

The Other Room by bloodruns

I was a person who never believed in the paranormal, I just assumed everyone who did was crazy or imagining things, now I can say with great certainty that I WAS the person who never believed... I had been driving from Texas to Key West Florida as a vacation and an adventure, I just broke up with ...

Occurences In My Previous Company by v0xp0puli101

These experiences happened on my previous company. It is a hardware-building materials company situated on a warehouse type 2-storey building. Being an IT always gets me into abnormal working schedules; coming to the office much earlier than the rest of the employees, going home late, spent overt...

Ghost Story In China 4 by xiao88

As always, if you have spare time, please read my stories before this one to have some clearer accounts of my situation. I moved to my first apartment in Beijing at my second year, in the middle of Beijing's super hot summer. Indeed, it was the hottest summer I've ever felt, it even reached 45 Ce...

The Pretty Girl by SkufuiS

My name is Christian and I am 24 years of age and currently work at the Comfort Inn & Suites in the city of Long Beach, CA. My job is pretty cool and I have been here for three years. It once stood as the International Inn. This hotel has a hidden history and sometimes unregistered guests occupy ...

English Village School by Mistyy

Until now the only people I've told this to are my husband and my eldest daughter. The reason is I don't want to watch peoples faces as they squirm to hide their disbelief and try to think of something kind to say. I wouldn't believe it if it were told to me. I was going to make the title 'This H...

The Old Prison Pub by MissKawaii83

I previously posted a story about a strange chant that I heard and I have received some good feedback, so I thought I would also share another story with you. It makes for an interesting read! Three years ago, I got a job in a pub in my local town. When I told my dad, he told me some history abou...

House In The Woods by Phantom380

This took place many years ago. I won't state exactly how many but it may or may not have been in the spring of 1945. (My grandson showed me this site and let me use his account to tell my story.) Growing up in rural New Jersey there was a crumbling neighborhood in my town that was set back in the o...

Ghost Story In China 3 by xiao88

Before you start reading my story, I would like to suggest you to read my first two story, to know better the circumstances, as the stories are kind of linked together. To the story, remember Myra? My seer friend who ended up as my roommate for six months. After she moved to my dormitory, I was ...

Ghost In My Room That I Can't See by honeysingh

This is my first story so sorry if I'm bad at explaining. I have never seen a ghost but I can feel it, but the things that happen to me is in my room. I have been living here since I was born! And have never felt anything there, but then, from 2 or 3 years I always feel something really weird in ...

1950's Bus Causing Hauntings by Shlain

This is an experience that happened when I was in Standard 2 (Grade 4) in 1992. Our Primary School was divided into 4 buildings. Two of these buildings were double storied and housed the class rooms. The 3rd was our school hall and the 4th was a detached single story building housing the 2nd set ...

House Making It Hard To Remain A Skeptic - Part 2 by m15terp1nk

This is the second part of my story. If you have not read the first it can be found at I'm not sure how many parts there will be in total. At least one beyond this one, breaking them up for ease of reading and to make sure I give e...

The Cafe In Reims, France Ghosts: First Work Place: by MsWrestlersGhost

My family moved from the UK to France for my father Francois (who was born in France) to look after his mother Nadine (French) after his father Thomaso (Hungarian) died from a Stroke at age 66yrs of age at work as a Policeman while on shift. He died instantly and very unexpectedly only 5-6 months sh...

Ghostly Tenants by newhunter30

This story takes place in a different residence than my other story. I live with my wife and three 3 kids. I have a 1 year old daughter, a 6 year old son and a 7 year old daughter, all who have had encounters with spirits. This will mostly be in regards to my son but there will be some things that t...

Strange Things In My House 2 by Sarah1978

I live in Waterloo, Ontario now and this semi-townhouse is kind of freaky. My one son sleeps in basement, and he has been experiencing things down there. One night he was playing video games and he had a plate sitting on top of his TV. The plate flew off of the TV, flew over the TV stand and sma...

Can I Use Your Computer? by SparklinBurgndy

Years ago I rented a small studio apartment in Crawfordsville, Indiana. The building went back to 1900 and had served a number of purposes before being made into apartments. In the laundry room in the basement you could still see where an indoor pool had been filled in with concrete. Essentially,...

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