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Ghost Stories in Category: Family / Friends Visits: Page 3

My Father Sent Me 3 Messages by Ainhoa

This story is about three incidents which occured in 2012-2013, after I lost my father. In 2012, I became entitled to study in Spain for a year. I remember that my father was so proud of me. Not long after, my dad had a heart attack in the end of August. I left for Spain with a huge grief in my h...

They Talk To Us In Our Sleep by SleepyOwl

A while ago I wrote about my own experience, this time I'm going to tell you the story my grandma told me. Five years ago there was a death of a young girl in her village, the village is pretty small so everyone knows each other. After the funeral some time later my grandmother kept having this drea...

A Last Goodbye by luckdragon

August 1997, suburban Sydney, NSW Australia I was sitting in my office at work one afternoon, when I had a phone call to say my father, aged 56, had collapsed and been taken to hospital. I immediately rang the hospital, to be told that he had passed away, heart attack. I had to go to my mother...

Apparitions Or Hallucinations by connor729

I've been reading stories from this site for awhile and I would like to upload my personal experience. I would like to thank user "yomamma" for giving me the idea of uploading my story. I have always wanted a guardian angel since my grandfather passed (I always called him geedad). And when my mo...

My Granny's Experiences by why_not

In this post I will be writing some experiences my Granny had when she was about 14 years old. She used to live in a very big house that then turned into a restaurant (that's relevant). Lets begin. First Experience: It was around 11 to 12 pm, G (I'll call her that) was in bed ready to go to s...

Shadow Encounters by lilpeachyghost

This happened around 8 or so years ago as I was still in school or maybe I was in college, I'm not sure but anyway, it happened in the same house as I'm in today (the one I've lived in my whole life). I was sleeping one night, having a bad dream, when I all of a sudden woke up for absolutely no ...

My Friend Has Been To Visit Again by Jennilou87

A couple of years ago, I wrote a post about how my friend had died and how I thought he'd been to visit me in my dream. A couple of weeks a go, I'd noticed odd things happening around the house. Just things going missing then turning back up in weird places, feeling like someone was sat next to m...

My Dad Returned! by BeagleMom

I have submitted this story years ago to the's ghost story site. It seems to have gone defunct, so since I landed here, I have decided to share it with YGS crew! My Father was a remarkable carpenter and talented builder of custom homes. My husband and I bought a lot near Mom & Dads, as ...

Advice And Validation by rookdygin

All of this started because of a comment I responded to from an experience posted not so long ago... An individual suggested the O/P find a Priesthood Holder from my Church and I found this odd as we Mormons are not normally the first Faith sought out when it comes to the 'paranormal'. The individua...

Was My Grandmother Letting Herself Be Known By Scent? by Elemental_Angel

My grandmother was from Hawaii and was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer (I cannot remember what type she had). She passed away in November two years ago, and all of us were upset, but knowing it was going to happen soon. I certainly was upset, because she helped me change myself a bit. I also had so ma...

Grandmother Had Come Back During The Shaman Ritual? by roylynx

It is nearly thanksgiving the time I write this, but by the time this story is published I bet it is going to be the holiday season, so... Feliz Ano Novo! (Happy New Year) Considering that I was experiencing too many paranormal activities (or not) this year, my relatives from my grandmother's si...

Talked To A Ghost? by migsly

This happened back in October of 1995. I went to a family reunion at a church with a cemetery. It has some of my ancestors buried in it. When I got there I didn't see anyone but an elderly lady walking through the tombstones toward the church. Her hair was up in a bun like old ladies used to wear an...

Knock On The Door... No Ones There by Rajine

Good day to all readers, I have read a lot of stories on this amazing site and I've decided to share a few personal stories and incidents that have happened to me. I would like to start off with something that happened to me twice (same year but months apart) it was in 2009 and I was 20 at the t...

Alarm Bells In The Hospital by Kindly_refrain

This account, as my last one, involves strange goings on surrounding my mother. Some might consider the following as merely a coincidence but I find the odds of that being so, astonishingly small. While not strictly "ghostly" I believe that it was orchestrated by those not in the physical realm. ...

The Last Time Around by Xylee21

Hey! This is the second story I would like to share. I'm thankful that my first one got shared and passed the criteria of this site. I'm just so glad that I was able to share my experiences to someone at last. Anyway, here goes the story. My very first encounter with the unknown/supernatural took...

Nan. Is That You? by coolan

First of all I want to say I have been reading stories on this site for a long time. I've always been interested in the paranormal. In fact most of my family have. The person I'm about to talk about was very much a believer. My dear old nan. Before her passing she always joked about haunting us, we ...

Granny Visiting For My Daughter's Birthday by kirovmom

My mother's mother had been living with my parents for almost three years before she passed away in March 2016. She was suffering from Alzheimer's for the past several years and often had strange stories to share with us. While at my parents' house, she swore there was a little boy who kept eating f...

My Step Dad Passing And Picture by chelscp11

3 years ago I remember I was on my way to costco and I couldn't shake this feeling I was having. It was as if something horrible happened but nothing had happened. I kept telling myself that everything is fine. My anxiety was through the roof. The next day I received a phone call from my brother he ...

I Got Your Back by Allicatt

This experience took place in a darker part of my life when I was seventeen, that is still hard to look back on. At the time my home life was beyond hell. My parents had separated when I was ten and as soon as she walked out the door the abuse began.Dad's excuse in half hearted apologies was that I ...

He Came Back For Them by why_not

This is my first story on YGS, well, technically this isn't my experience, but my mum's when she was 20 years old, (currently 53). Anyway, let me give you a basic layout of the rooms of the house in which the story consists in. The dinning hall connects with the entrance of the house, (the entrance ...

My Cousin's Soul by willow12

It was 1995. My cousin Dan was 20 years old. Two weeks from his 21st birthday. Dan, his girlfriend and his brother Doug had just bought a mobile home and rented a lot to put it on. During hook up an accident took his life. I loved my cousin very much. He was a wonderful kind hearted person who w...

Grandpa George by flowersnroses

I think I have told this story to everyone I meet because it makes me feel happy and bubbly inside. So a little over two years ago my grandpa George passed away, it was really heartbreaking for my whole family especially my grandma. But this story takes place last year when I was at my grandm...

Difficult Year by triden07

Empath / Sensitivity Warning. Mediums, be warned This year shaped up to be another tough one. And due to the fact that there is an exorbitant amount of stress in our lives, our "spirit family" seem to be dialing things back. Although things still do happen. In February of this year (the 7th to...

Help Me Understand by Porsha

I'm an 18 year old female and I've "BEEN" seeing dead people! I honestly wish I could understand the real reason why this happens to me. If someone very close to me is going to die I can feel it weeks before it happens. I actually have this "Death feeling" that I cannot explain. In 2010 I was 12-...

Grandpa, Is That You? by maggirockz13

I was sleeping in my room when a sound woke me up. It was almost 3 am at midnight. I went to the hall and it was little dark, the moonlight from the window made me saw a figure seated on my sofa. I was scared and quickly I switched on the light. It was my grandpa. I was surprised seeing him here ...

Who Is Always With Us? by maggirockz13

The story I'm going to say is not evil. It's about love which is forever, even after death. It all starts after my grandma's death on March 7th, 1997. We were a joint family; it includes my Grandpa, Mom, and Dad, Uncle (Father's elder brother), Aunt (Uncle's wife) and 1 month old sister (uncle's...

She Couldn't Make It. She's Sorry. by takaw-mata

This is a story my father told me and my sisters when we were still kids. It was his own experience as a child back in Nueva Ecija in the 1960s. My grandmother's father died. Unfortunately she could not attend the funeral for whatever reason. I don't remember why, either work or something about ...

Signs From My Favorite Deceased People by hallen1930

Ever since I was little, I had always wanted to meet my great-grandmother and Elvis Presley. But unfortunately both had passed away long before I was born. But recently I started talking to them. I am not a psychic medium but it helps me a lot to go outside and just talk to them whether I need their...

My Friend Billy Part 2 by RedWolf

Thank you all who read my first story. As I said I had tried more than a dozen times to write that story. It didn't matter whether I used my tablets or my P.C. The story would disappear. I even felt like something was attached to my shoulder one night and my son even confirmed he felt a electrical t...

Meeting My Great Grandmother by chaoscontroler

So I'm not really sure where to fit my experiences. I'm currently 27 years old and lived in Portugal all my life. My first ghost encounter (and only real sighting) was my great grandmother. I was at my grandmother's place with her and my mother and we were following my grandmother to her bedroom....

Grandma Was With Me by lisabag

My amazing Grandmother got sick. Her kidneys stop working, so they started her on Dialysis. It wasn't going very well, so she wasn't able to leave the hospital. Family members were going to start taking shifts to spend a day with her at the hospital. I was so excited for my day. It was on a Monday a...

Night Before Lukie's Funeral by Cassee34

It was March 9th or 10th of 2008, it was either two nights before or the night before our baby's funeral. He was 3 1/2 months old when he passed away. It was my mom, my sister, my friend, and me alone in the house. My husband and cousin were out of the house, because his cousin took him out to t...

The White Wings by Cymru_am_byth

As this is my first time at publishing a story here, I thought I should start relatively slowly and also explain some background about me. Up until recently, I have been a dancer my entire life, and have always felt most serene stood in the wings of a stage. Funny really, that this story so revo...

Totally Confused by annie16

Those of you that have read my other stories will know that I have only had those experiences. Until very recently. This next experience is far beyond anything I have experienced to date. It was also very frightening. As I stated before, I do not scare easily. In fact, I have a lot of fun scaring...

Dreaming With The Dead by OCGirl

When I was in my early twenties, I had a very vivid dream that my grandfather was visiting me. I remember lying in bed partially sitting up on one elbow when he came to me. When I saw him I said "Huelo, you're here!" (Huelo was the name we called him as a nick name for abuelo). He answered "Yes, I a...

About My Grandpa by PriyankaMenon

This is first time I am going to write here. Well I live in India sorry I can't specify exact cities but still will give a name in order to understand. This story almost date backs to 5 years, that time I was in college in second year. It was December and exams were going on. My Grandpa had been...

What My Mother Wants by Suzieb1

Every since I was five years old I've been able to see and hear things that others can't. Sometimes it's just a feeling but most times I can catch something passing out of the corner of my eye, like a haze or a mist. There are others that I can plainly see. In the days before my mother had the la...

My Gramma Returns To Visit by mommaoftwo

Since this is my first story I'll start off with a little information of myself. I am currently 24 years old and not living in Ohio anymore. I am a mom of 2 beautiful children. My gramma died January 3rd of 2001 of a terrible accident that I won't get in detail about. We had her cremated and she sit...

Strange Sensation by roylynx

I finally got what I think is my second encounter of a spirit. As in a few of my comments, I have a cat which is a mix of a Turkish Angora cat (white coated, with yellow and blue eyes) and a Bombay cat (black short fur, with yellow eyes). This little fluff is basically a black version of a Turkish ...

Goodbye Footsteps by brighteyez

These past few weeks have been pretty hard on my dad's side of the family. My grandfather passed away due to prostate cancer that had spread to his bones, and he wasn't able to breathe very well on his own due to fluid building up in his lungs so he needed oxygen everyday that the nurse gave him. ...

Nana (grandmother) Having The Last Laugh by sheld999

The story I'm going to tell you is about an enjoyable,. Aughing encounter. The year of it happening was 2012. My Nana was in the final stages of passing over. So me and my mother flew up to Palmerston North (North Island, NZ) to see her final days. She passed away after seeing most of the family...

Experiences Years After Uncle Passing by Mckayla2013

I've had a few paranormal experiences but this is a favorite and not scary and would like some insight on what you might think. My great uncle passed away a few years ago now. He was more like a grandpa to me. I spent all of my summers since I was about 5 with them learning to ride horses and jus...

Immersion by MysticFrance

This is another story happened in one of my community outreach activities (called IMMERSION) as a teacher with my freshmen college students in a Catholic school. It was February 2013. The event took place in a municipality in Camarines Sur, Philippines, near the foot of Mt. Isarog. I was with my B.S...

I Have Older Brother? by HaikuReSanovA

My religion Hindu and I live in Bali Island. My father, mother, my younger brother and me live in small house but with large yard. It start in 2010. I was 16 year old. One day mom and dad have a fight. At first I didn't really care about that. As we all know, married couple fight anytime. But af...

Our Protective Ancestors by rorzy

Last week my younger sister went for a trip along with her friends to the place called Chikmangalur, Karnataka. And they stayed in the place called the THE EAGLES EYE RESORT. She showed me the pics before going there and the place is heaven. It is located on top of the mountain and actually it is a ...

My Hawaiian Grandmother And My Supernatural Life by kamalei86

My Grandmother, or tutu as we say in Hawaii, was the center of our entire family. Around 50 close relatives, and 250 extended relatives to be exact. She has always been the center of my life and there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think of her, even 17 years after her death. She was o...

The One With The Smile by Leen3808

This goes way back in 2004 when my family was involved in a charity organization. We used to receive presents from the missionaries and my Aunt (lived with us), who was ill that time, got a a scholarship for one of her daughters who was still in primary at the moment but was to be sponsored until co...

Three Knocks On The Door by Sany21

This happened only about a week or so ago. My friend Chris just very recently passed away. I won't disclose on how since it was a shock to his friends and family. My boyfriend also happened to be his best friend and Chris was living in a spare room at my boyfriend's home... So you can imagine the de...

Friendly Visit by IndianaLadyGrey

When I was younger, elementary school age, I lost a friend in a car accident that I witnessed. It was very hard on me and to this days has caused unresolved emotional issues. Now for the paranormal part of this story. Right after his funeral, that I was unable to attend, I started feeling his presen...

Do Spirits Visit Us In Our Dreams? by ItalianChick0188

My family and I were very close with my grandpa. Like them, I was really close with him, as well. I spent 21 years of going to his house every Saturday and Sunday and spending all birthdays and holidays with him, as well. He became quite ill when I was 21 (now 28) and actively was dying over a 2...

Grey Sock by RedWolf

You've all read about all the antics my father in-law has pulled at my house. This is a prank he pulled on my mother in-law at her house. By the way he's been making comments I'm trying to type disappear today. I have her permission to write this story. My mother in-law was doing her laundry one ...

The Necklace Under The Floor by luke77

I would like to thank everyone for helping me with my past paranormal problems. This will involve both past and recent event. I've moved out of my folks' house and got married a few months back. My wife, her little sister and I are living in my grandfather's house. He died 5 years ago. My wife's...

A Visit From My Great-grandma by Melthetimelord

It was early in first grade that I had my experience. I went to a Catholic private school and was taken to church monthly by my teacher. The church was located across the street from my school and was an easy one minute walk from it. We walked across the small side street into the church, we fil...

Did I See My Dead Friend? by rorzy

Am really overwhelmed by the response which I got from my previous post. The incident which happened 2 days back made me to post this story. If you have read my previous post you knew that I live in an apartment. Three years back we have moved to different apartment where we have spacious rooms....

A Sad Dream by TG1991

As I sit here at work staring at the screen, I can't help but feel a little absurd writing this. Anyway here is a little background on myself: Hello, my name is Tanner. I am a disciple and a believer and follower of Jesus Christ and of God. I have had a fascination with the paranormal since I was a ...

Here We Go Again Family Visitors by RedWolf

In the later part of mid February my mother in-law called me a little after 9 AM. She told me that our doctor called her to get to the hospital and that she needed a blood transfusion. I had about 2 1/2 hours sleep that night because pain and hadn't gone to bed until 6 AM and didn't have nearly enou...

Easter Sunday by GOGETA128

First, a bit of background: my house is haunted by my landlady's late husband "Bill". This has been confirmed by a well known paranormal investigator whom we has asked to investigate because, when I first moved into the apartment, I had been experiencing some strange activity. Bill had died from...

My Blackberry And My Mom by Kindly_refrain

I am encouraged to submit my second ghost story to YGS, since people have been very kind regarding my first submission titled, "Eldon House Shoes". This submission is not the same level of encounter by far and some may even discount it completely. I will let you decide on that. This took place in Lo...

He Forgave Me by Kodah

I was extremely close to my grandfather when I was younger. As things started getting progressively worse than what they were between my biological father and my mother, my grandfather was someone I really looked up to as a father figure. He was extremely wise, straightforward, and despite his diffi...

Memories Of My Uncle by Angelkiss

I have been reading the stories on here and was reminded of an incident that occurred in the first house I lived in. On one particular night there was a show called Ally McBeal, I don't know if anyone remembers it, but I loved watching it and winding down before I had a bath and went to bed. My ...

Relatives by chapulin1234

I posted couple of stories before as Cholulteca but can't figure out my password, Anyway, English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar mistake. I was reading a story about a child that sees her relatives and that brought memories of my own experiences with family "encounters", so...

The Two Man Band by Bringel

I'm sure everyone has had that random moment in time when you're driving along in the car or you're out at the store and a song comes on that reminds you of a loved one. It happens to me every so often. I find it's a nice time to reflect on memories of that person, whether they're still alive or dec...

Taking Care Of My Daughter by Angelkiss

My daughter is a care worker, looking after people in their homes after illness or just due to old age. All are in various states of health but she enjoys her job and is very involved with her clients, often doing little errands or taking extra time to read the newspaper headlines and have a little ...

Visiting My Daughter by TJYAKI

These are a few things that have happened to my daughter. While I can't be 100 percent certain that these are paranormal, the timing of each of these is to coincidental. Our daughter turned 2 at start of the year. I wasn't ever home when these happened, so this is my husband telling me. First ...

My Dad Came To Meet Me by nandiiiinii

I'm a 16 years old girl and I want to share my real experience with you all. I live in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. When I was 13, my father was hospitalized because he was suffering from cancer and after many radiations and chemotherapy nothing happened. He got on ventilator on 13th June. As I was very ...

Ama... My Grandmother by Steel85

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I had a dream about my dead uncle who was shot in our house. He told me to take good care of my Ama (Ama is Chinese for Lola or Grandma on your father's side). Later, after a few months, she had a stroke but she survived the incident and lived until it I was about ...

I Think She Finally Believes Me by zzsgranny

The 30th of March will be the first anniversary of my Step-father's passing. He was a genuinely wonderful and deeply religious man. On two occasions I was able to go "Ghost Hunting With Loonies" during a vacation to visit my Mom. Of course I stayed at their home. He joked that he was worried I'd bri...

My Grandma Louis by WinterSoldier96

This story takes place in San Antonio Texas and it's about my grandma, my dad's mom, she passed away of cancer when I was about 2 or 3. My mom was the one who started experiencing things. She told me that her last moments where in a hospital bed because she couldn't walk anymore. Well everyone would...

Nothern Lights From My Brother by TJYAKI

On July 12th 2013 my big brother decided that living on earth with the rest of us wasn't worth his pain. It was the HARDEST time of my life. I don't think I'll ever forget that day. About 2 weeks prior to my brothers death, I found out I was 3 months pregnant with my daughter. He was the first pe...

She Attended Her Funeral by Mystic25

My great grandmother was my hero and I was her pride and joy. She was a beautiful Cherokee woman with a broad variety of knowledge and wisdom, she taught me everything I know about gardening and herbal remedies along with respecting the land and animals. I used to love trying to braid her long black...

My Namesake Sticking Around by FireFaerie13

So, this is my first story here on YGS, and probably one among many. Quick background of my experiences on life: I've had paranormal/supernatural/spiritual/pick a synonym experiences all my life. They range from harmless to confusing to downright terrifying. I also have a phobia of ghost/non-huma...

Never Really Alone by Calamity

I have hesitated to write about this for a few reasons. One, it will be a long story, so I'll break it up into two parts. Two, it becomes intensely personal. Three, well you never know how things will be received. The part of Central Texas where all these encounters take place is close to the De...

Visitations From My Loved Ones by spiritwaiting

I will start with my grandmother's passing as this is important to my recent visitations. A week ago my paternal grandmother (my mother's mother) passed away. I learned of this through a phone call placed by my sister. She told me our mother was frantic, and to call her asap. I called a few momen...

The Truth Shall Set Us Free by Mhannerism

I had an episode of sleep paralysis last February 8; I discussed it with Mom about it when we were having lunch a day after that. I asked her if she had experienced sleep paralysis because she's not the type of person who tells you everything unless you ask her to. So I asked her, she asked back. Wh...

A Relative's Farewell? by Loveunlucky92

In all honesty I'm used to the paranormal; hearing things move, seeing spirits or ghosts (whatever you prefer to call them), shadow figures, and even animal spirits. Now, I could recount to you details of height, clothes, relative age, but I don't usually see a face, mostly I just see them make a qu...

Coming To Say Goodbye by AugustaM

I've been an avid reader in this site for about a year since having stumbled upon it but this will be my first time writing to share an experience. I have had several paranormal experiences in my life, though, fortunately, nothing so dramatic or utterly frightening as some that have been shared here...

Nan's House by Jodie_S

The events I am about to share took place at my randmother's house in Orillia, ON. Some of the experiences I will relate are my own, and some are things that my Nan told me. Both my grandparents were very kind, loving people. Solid Baptist background, active within their church and community, and...

My Grandpa Teddy And His Cardinals by spiritwaiting

I'm not sure where to begin with this. My grandfather Teddy passed away years ago. He was the strongest male figure in my life and gave much inspiration for my strength in me. While I was a young girl my summers were spent at his home in Sunrise Beach, Missouri. My fondest memories were create...

Last Trick by jane_lee

After reading one of the stories submitted in YGS, it reminds me of an experienced I had eight years ago. Although nobody was locked in, but while I was reading the story my mind drift back to this particular event. Back then I was working with an insurance adjuster company as a clerk. There is ...

Visiting Spirits 2 by tonepete

This is a follow-up article to "Visiting Spirits" which I wrote about four years ago. In the meantime several instances listed in Visiting Spirits, having been repeated and a new approach having been used, have improved "knowledge" of what happens and why during the Spirit's visit. Based on each ...

Visited By My "brain Dead" Brother by chel

Just over four years ago my only brother, who is two years older than me, was in a car accident. This happened in Virginia where he was living with my mother temporarily, while sorting his life out and finding a job. Prior to the accident he had a sort of change of character. I had moved to Californ...

Reassuring Friend by LizP

A friend of mine and many others passed away quite suddenly at the end of 2014. I was in my final year at university and was in the midst of dissertation research. Needless to say, his passing had a pretty strong effect on me - and it still does today. A few weeks later I went home for the Chris...

My Grandparents Came Back by cirice

A bit of background. In 2004, my grandma died. In early 2007, I moved 8 hours away, we used to live in the same town and I'd visit every day before we moved. I was extremely close to my grandma and grandpa. Around Easter of 2013, my grandpa had a fifth stroke and was taken into long-term care. In Se...

Indescribable Presence by kiah

My Name is Kiah I live in Western Australia and have had my own experience with a spirit/ghost and would describe it as the most amazing but scary surreal feeling. In the back of my mind I had always believed in spirits and ghost as my mum would tell me stories and leave me very open minded about it...

Loved Ones Saying Goodbye by Jlori

My mom and my grandma passed away two years apart, and after their deaths they still made their presence known. My mom and I got along well for the most part, but my grandma and I not so much as she had a mean spirit. I went out to run an errand for my mom one day because she was tired and not f...

Found It by monica74

I know what I want to say, just hard finding the words so, please bear with me if I ramble. But my mom, sister and brother and I just lost dad on Sept 4 and was buried Sept 7 labor day, of pneumonia. He died in West Virginia Veteran hospital. He's buried in a private cemetery in Brownton, WV. On...

Ha-ha Very Funny, Josh by valkricry

Christmas. It can be rather an emotional maze for many of us. This year has been a bit rougher for me than others. Since my son's death in 2002, all the holidays are a bit bittersweet, I think is the term for it. I miss him and the rest of my still living family very much, but even more so during th...

The Owl Of Wisdom by Mystic25

When I was younger my great grandmother, who was part Cherokee, used to share Native American legends with me. One of my favorite ones was about The Owl of Wisdom. Unfortunately my great grandmother died when I was six. Though she had passed on her legends still live in my memory. One afternoon ...

Becky The Guardian Angel by Ryan_Elizabeth

I was at my cousin Becky's funeral. I was standing by her casket petrified while everyone else was in the back of the room by the sign-in. I was just staring at her pale face when I heard someone whisper, "Ryan". It sounded like my cousin Becky but... How could she whisper shout to me if she was in ...

Updates On Life by Mannerizms

I know it has been a while since I have really written anything (about 2-3 years I believe). But since then I have had a daughter and just getting into a routine again. I have not really had any issues, until my daughter turned one (July 1st, 2015). I think the protection and love of my daughter ...

Mom's Comfort by C2C

When my mother died at 55 of an unexpected heart attack, my primary feeling was anger because she'd been seeing doctors the prior six months because she wasn't feeling well. The battery of tests and procedures cost around $6,000 out of her pocket since she had no insurance and were quite wearing and...

I Am Ok by triden07

Apologies to the empaths reading this, I cried the whole way through. On Saturday, 7th November 2015, I once again experienced something that shook me to my core. In the two weeks leading up to this day 2 people I know and love had episodes where they collapsed and had ceasures. If the fact that ...

Granny Mimi's Final Goodbye by river_song25

This story is a personal one that goes all the way back to when I was still in elementary school, 30 years ago. My family is huge, with lots of aunts and uncles on both of my parents' sides of our family. Back in elementary school, on my mom's side we had a great aunt who the adults called Mama H...

Weird Coincidences After Mum's Passing by PerfectlyDisturbed

May 28th, 2015. Two days after my birthday. The day my world stopped spinning. The day my beautiful mother passed away due to a stroke. I won't go into too much detail with that because it was such a traumatizing time in my life as I witnessed everything. I will mention that the aneurysm was on t...

Incident On A Dirt Road by JerryB

Cornfields, pumpkin pie, trick or treat, ghosts, witches, etc., all come to mind this time of year, it's unavoidable, it's in the air. And that said, let me ask you, ever have one of those moments when you're just sure as hell it was a deceased loved one that intervened in your behalf? I had one ...

My Family Home by earthangel67

The story of how I came to live at my current address is a story in itself, but I will briefly outline events. My marriage had come to an end and I needed somewhere safe for my two sons to live. At the time, they still saw their father (previous ex-husband to the one I am leaving), who lived with hi...

The Old Lady Was My Great Grand Mother by Psychicsenses

This is my fist submission although I have been an avid reader of this site. Am from Hyderabad,India. Am a Tamil Brahmin whose day starts with puja and we are all very specific about every single ritual. Am the only child to my parents. This incident that am going to share happened to me when I was ...

A Grandmothers Care by johnpals02

This is my first time to share my story. Actually I have lots of story to tell but this one caught my attention. Here it goes... This story was shared by my mom to me. Back then when I was 1 to 2 years when my grandmother died. After her burial, my Dad and Mom went back to my grandmother's place ...

That Lady With No Face by Line03

This happened when I was around 8ish or 9? I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. We had just moved into this big apartment in a small suburb in Auckland it was so old, every wallpaper was mouldy and hanging off the walls and the ceiling was full of brown stains. We ignored all of those and just admired h...

Mother's Warning by Panda517

First I would like to say I do have several stories in connection with my mom. It was April 11, 1996 when my mother passed away. I was a senior in high school and 18 years old. My mom was a spiritual person and so am I. About 6 months had passed and by now I have already heard stories about othe...

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