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Ghost stories from United States: Page 23

Black And White Figures by CHUNKYB3AR

First off, let me tell you a little bit about myself since it is my first post. I am fourteen years old, and I live in an old house that was built in the 1940's. I talk to my grandfather a lot and he says that his uncle died in the front yard (important). I have always believed in the supernatural, ...

A Big Mess by Zenith

This happened when I was a small child and I actually remember this one myself. It took place in the same room in my other story. We lived in this house up until I was about 7 or 8. It was Easter and my sister and I had just gotten two medium sized boxes full of candy and small Easter themed toys. ...

A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 2 Of 3 by msforgetmenott

Thank you all for the generous and kind responses on the first of my events with this deep frightening voice. I now shall tell of the second time I heard, sensed or felt that same voice. After the tremendous fear from first hearing the unearthly, deep, thunderous voice, I found I could not speak of...

Be Careful What You Invite Home by Hecate0

Over the last two weeks, my son and I have been removing a very negative entity attached to him. I'll call my son E. It is a long story, so I will hit the highlights. E has struggled with depression for a long time. I had some stresses with some threatening students a few years ago, a stalker, a...

Evp? Can A Piano Hold Residual Energy Or Be Haunted? by Whiplash00

My family and I recently bought a home that was built 10 years ago. We moved in 1 month ago today and we've never had any paranormal or strange things happen. The house itself feels fresh and positive so I don't think it's the house. The sellers asked if we wanted an old piano they had so we sai...

Infant Crib by Zenith

This is not a very long story nor does it have much of a background. I was still an infant when this took place. I only know of it because my mother and grandmother have told me about it many times. This was only the beginning to my many experiences to come. These days, however, I really don't exper...

Oregon Haunted Theatre by Heidilynnneill

My name is Heidi, I am from a small town in Southern Oregon called Klamath Falls (Clam-ath). First, I would like to let you know that rotary phones are still operational, my parents still use one to this day. Now to my ghost story, I spend a great deal of my non-working hours at two local theatre...

A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 1 Of 3 by msforgetmenott

Growing up in the hill towns of Western Massachusetts was at times very lonely. The view of rolling green hills and rich thick woods of sugar maples, oak and pine, so beautiful. However, if you lived there, farm life was filled with responsibility and chores. Neighbors were often as far away as a ha...

The String by ashlcoopa

Coming on to my night shift, I was informed of a patient (pt) with a newly placed trach and the high amount of anxiety the pt was experiencing. That the pt was crawling the walls, sticking the oxygen tube down the pt's throat, call light happy, etc... So of course I knew this pt would be my number 1...

Father-in-law Is Still Around by RedWolf

If you read my last story "Visiting Relatives", you will know that my father-in-law was 1 of 2 spirits annoyed at me for not ending Jethro's suffering. The other was my grandfather as he loves dogs and has my dogs that have passed and brought Jethro up to Heaven. But my father-in-law was here fo...

Old Woman Ghost That Protected Me by JakeLC

This happened to me when I was little (3-4 years) and I swear on my life this is true. When I was little I used to see this ghost in my room. She was an old woman and she always stood in my corner at night. All you could see of her was her head and shoulders. When my mom was putting me to sleep ...

The Pink House by Tiffrb20

I was 15 when my dad, my best friend and I moved into your average three bedroom, two bath house that was painted a light pink. We took to calling it "The Pink House". The house was not new but not historic either. If I had to guess, I would say it was probably built in the 1970's. The layout of...

Encounters With Phil by Tiffrb20

I've been enjoying reading lots of stories here so I thought I'd share my own experiences. I hope you enjoy! My first ghostly encounters happened when I was about 11 or 12 years old (I am now 32). I lived with my dad but he worked evenings, not getting home until about midnight, so my aunt would ...

The Spirit In The Woods by RadioGuy42

Here is an experience I had one or two years ago. It might have been the summer of 2013. Anyway, here it is. When I was a thirteen-year-old, me and my sister would hang out a lot. Outside the house that was. At that time, I still had a thing for the paranormal. But I didn't know what I was going...

It All Started When I Was A Kid by otherworldsavior

I'm by no means an author and I'm coming here out of desperation in an attempt to reach someone who knows what is actually happening in our time. When I was a little boy one night, out of a dead sleep, I awoke to the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. On my dresser immediately to the ri...

At The End Of The Hall by ashlcoopa

Anyone who works in the medical field knows the wise tales, such as opening windows when a patient passes, or "they come in three's". Given my background with my house, I tend to shrug things off my shoulders and ignore little incidents, telling myself I'm seeing things. On this particular night...

My Grandpa's Last Days by LosAngelesGirl

Just a note, this story isn't about ghosts, but more of supernatural thing I would say. I don't really have a name for it, since I do not belong to a religion. I kind of consider this as a goodbye, sort of. Before November of 2014 I did not know how it felt to lose someone in your life that meant...

My Horse Saw Him First by msforgetmenott

I am currently sixty-seven years of age, and have some ability to see or hear what others cannot. What I am telling of in this writing took place when I was about ten years old, one of the earliest events I recall with detail. We lived on a farm that was in our family since 1791. First I must ex...

My Family Makes A Sick Call: Part I by Seraphina

I've hesitated to offer these experiences on YGS because some readers would probably classify them as dreams or hallucinations. Although I understand why someone might come to that conclusion, I personally can't think of my experiences as anything but interactions with some of my deceased family mem...

Grandpa's Cloud Communication by Wardo

I was recently visiting my grandma with my wife and daughter and just having a great time chatting and playing with our daughter when I recalled an incident that took place years back now. I think I mentioned something about it in a comment long back, but I can't quite remember now and haven't searc...

Entity Called Me Pet Names by christabelle

Over a span of twenty-two years, I've come to learn that living in a haunted space or simply being a sensitive person is a lot like sharing your home with a cluster of usually invisible cats. They're clingy, occasionally affectionate, a little snobby, mildly self-involved, and you're never sure if i...

Night Frights At The Nursing Home by Science-tastic

Ever since I could remember, I'd always believed in the paranormal. I grew up in a Roman Catholic household, attended nine years of Catholic school, and up until recently, went to church nearly every Sunday. However, my dad had a firm fascination with all things ghostly and that go bump in the night...

He's At The Door by valkricry

It was after midnight when I went to bed last night (7/22/2015), not long after I heard a rapping on my apartment door. I got up and called through the locked door, "Who is it?" Silence. Another knock. "Who is it?" I called out louder. No way am I just opening the door, so I drag over the stepstool ...

The Spencer's Gifts Light by The-Cool-Bus

I've had paranormal experiences throughout my whole life, but this one really stands out for me. If you have ever been to the mall and you've gone to that store Spencer's, at the back of the store they have all the crazy lights and lava lamps. Well I happened to buy this lightning-plasma lamp th...

My Son's Real Father by DiamondDani

I had this boyfriend named Isaiah in high school, and he was the greatest guy I could ask for. He was a year older than me and we'd been dating all through his senior year. He went into the army right after he graduated though, and he was sent to Maryland for basic training, and we didn't know where...

Something's Up by LBReyes

In the last few weeks I have had odd things happening to me around my home. They have been enough to get my attention and creep me out and now one of my coworkers came to inform me weird things are happening at my cubicle. This morning I come in to work, set my things down and got my computer on...

Goodnight Gramma by ahuff6513

In my great gramma's old age she didn't like kids very much. She wasn't always nice to the grandkids or the great-grandkids. Except me. I looked exactly like her and her daughter, so from what my mom tells me I was always her favorite. I don't remember much of her she passed in her sleep when I was ...

Dream House by dmitchell74

My Name is "Blank" and this is my story... I call it the Dream House. Ten years ago my family and I moved into a rather large home. We considered it a mini mansion, if you will, with four bedrooms, three and half bathrooms. Through the red door you entered into a large elegant foyer with a glass ...

My Cat, Fifi by Mac_Barbie93

On 16th July 2015, at 9:21am, I lost my 19 year old cat, Fifi to multiple organ failure due to old age. He was my best friend, and companion since I was 3 years old. His previous owners abandoned him, and my dad took him in when he was probably a year old. He came to us when he was fully grown, so I...

What Does This Mean by Micandkids1

I'm new here everyone. This is my first time on here, the first time of hearing about this site. I seen some people seen a little girl in all white so I know my son ain't seeing stuff and we ain't going crazy. People don't believe me when I tell them what is happening to me. Last night I went to...

A Ghostly Reminder? by JiJey

My roommate used to have a chocolate lab mix pitbull. It was one of the biggest, dumbest, fattest, loveable dogs I've ever seen or met. My friend grew up with this dog, so you can imagine his anguish when the dog started randomly going into seizures and urinating all over the house and back yard....

The Face In The Tree by Manafon

A couple of YGS members were interested in my account of an incident I had with what I believe to have been an elemental or nature spirit--so here it is! This incident took place around eighteen years ago when I was thirty or thirty one. At that time I was living with my wife in a coach house in...

The Little Girl And The Jack In The Box by Kya1994

I had just remembered this last night before I went to bed. This was a time when the little girl was going in and out of doors a lot, and when we seen her angelic figure. This was just a random night, and it came unexpectedly. We were eating dinner, and we heard something turning, and a cracklin...

The Woman In The Kitchen Doorway by Marypatricia_Elizabeth

The last time I wrote I was 19 years old. I wrote about a little girl who we felt was present in our home. Giggling Little Girl (editor provided links: and Giggling Little Girl, Not So Giggly Anymore (

Inexplicable Eerie Experiences by nnndrea

I am sharing my recent experiences in hopes of getting some responses from others that are familiar with what is is I may be dealing with and to get some insight and advice on my situation. My first strange experience occurred approximately three weeks ago, the week of June 22, 2015. I am not su...

What My Brother Saw by StrangeThings

My family and I moved into a suburban, fairly new house in the summer of 2009. Ever since we moved in, we had many experiences, one of which I will tell in this story. Before I begin, I feel it is appropriate to describe the layout of the house. It was a 3 bedroom, two story house. As soon as yo...

Number 19 by BurningSnowflakes

I was only 8 years old when my family and I had moved into lot number 19. We had lived in the small town of Woodland Park, Colorado, a true beauty at first glance. It was not until one night that we had discovered the true evil that lay behind the beauty of the towering mountains and swaying pin...

A Ghost Got In My Bed by first-time-experience

I live in Tampa, Florida, but the event happened at 5 am on July 14th in Orlando, Florida. I was attending an educational conference at the Hilton. I had a very secluded room on the 9th floor. You had to go all the way down the hall, take a left, go past a service set of stairs, and around another c...

Ghosts In My Grandpa's House by crashhat69

When I was about 17 or so I was living at my grandpa's house. My cousin and I were in my room hanging out and watching TV. I got hungry so I started walking to the kitchen. It was so dark you could barely see your hand in front of your face. I got to the edge of the kitchen, reached over to turn...

Unknown Woman Haunting My Grandmother's Home by christabelle

When my maternal grandmother and (late) grandfather were first married, they purchased a several acre lot on the street where my grandmother spent her childhood. They built their own home using inexpensive bricks recovered from the rubble of the Chicago fire, and if you care to look, you can easily ...

The Woman Who Visited Me Every Night by RadioGuy42

This happened to me when I was a four-year-old. This is something I've always remembered. Every night, my mom put me to bed. Just another normal night in the house. But every night when my mom left, I would wait for somebody. Someone I now call The White Woman (for a reason). Every night I wok...

Davison Horror Story Part I by JoyBells

[The experiences about to be detailed happened between 2013-2014. During this time I was undergoing an incredibly personal crisis and a great deal of stress, the likes of which I do not wish to disclose.] In January of 2013 my husband and I moved into a rental home in Davison, MI. At first, it wa...

The Man I Saw In My Bedroom by Renaee97

A lot of people may not believe in ghosts, spirits, demons, ect. But I do. I have a lot of experience with them but, not only me, a cousin of mine has been there too. We've experienced them together a lot when were were kids. These have happened around the years of 2008 and 2011, haven't really ...

Demonic Voices In The Night by Manafon

My Wife and I have run a pet care business for fifteen years. One of the many services we provide is caring for customers' pets in their homes while they are away. On average we spend half of each month at various houses, often together, sometimes apart if there are multiple house sittings. Through ...

The Ghost That Whispered My Name by gstories

This happened to me when I was 17 (so I thought) but it turned out I was 18 when this happened. I had just gotten home that day or I guess the day before (since it happened around midnight). I was sitting on my bed with iPad taking pictures of myself. This one picture I took on September 23, 201...

My Dad Warned Me by Wardo

My dad was a hard working man who loved his family very much. He was a simple man, but very pure of heart. I know he always tried to do the thing that he felt was right to do. Sadly, he contracted small cell lung cancer, which he battled for the better part of a year. After nearly fighting it off, w...

My Imaginary Friend Who Hung From The Ceiling by Annalee420

So when I was 21 and engaged, I brought my fiance to my family dinner where I expected to be made fun of with silly childhood stories. BUT THEN... My mom asks me, "do you remember Kay Kay (or kk) who hung from the ceiling or chandelier and drank Pocher/Pocker (sp?) wine?" And I, having ZERO idea wha...

Visiting Relatives by RedWolf

The past couple of weeks I felt one spirit, which I quickly identified as my father in-law. One day my mother in-law came over in a tizzy because she got one of her renewed credit card with a rather self-explanatory letter about a "chip" being in it. I tried to explain to her the chip is for places ...

Our Dog by andytesa

Me and my girlfriend brought a rescue Rottweiler (which was used for dog fighting) from an Animal Shelter. With its pesky grey eyes, we instantly loved it. Although distant and distrusting at first, the relationship soon warmed up and we felt we had completed a family. Besides his general distru...

Old Lady In My New House by lisasimpson94

This is my first time ever posting anything. So here it goes. I was kind of a rebel in high school. Always fighting so I was suspended a lot. Afterwhile me, my mom and three siblings had to move to this lil house. It had some age to it but they fixed it up real nice. So it was one night my sibling w...

Something I Experienced A While Ago by Qu33n_of_Shadow

So when I was about 8 or 9 years old I lived with my grandparents, my dad, and my sisters in a small house in California. My grandma loved sofa-beds, and she would replace the one she had every year or so. She would never really let me or my sisters sleep on it, it was exclusively for her or my baby...

Attached And Scared by FallenAngel98

I recently discovered that I'm Psychic Medium. I can see, talk, and feel the presence of ghosts. I don't quite understand everything just yet, so I'm not an expert. But it all freaks me out still, but I find it unique that I have this ability. I figured this all out after I've started to have dreams...

The Pointsies And Bonky by eklg

I'm not sure where to begin in this story, I've never shared it with anyone outside my family. I guess I can start with what happened tonight. My family was sitting at the table eating and my niece starts talking about the "pointsies". This isn't the first time she's mentioned them and at first we t...

Chased By An Eerie Laugh by jaderae

This is my first submission to the site. I have tried to be detailed in my description of the physical surroundings to help readers understand why this occurrence was so disturbing to me. On St. Patrick's Day, either 2011 or 2012, I was out with my friends at a sports bar when our designated driv...

The Demon I Couldn't Remember At First by Kya1994

I will be telling a story about a demon, and definitely hope I make no mistakes in this one. My father has history with it, but I won't be mentioning his story, only because it's not mine. But if there are questions about it from readers I will answer. I have seen this evil entity once, but I don't ...

The Bingham Light by Dee-J

NOTE: I copied and pasted this story from my personal blog. Even though the events first took place a few years prior, the actual story was written back in 2013-2014. However, earlier this year (2015) I made an updated conclusion on my evolved thoughts regarding the nature of this phenomena. Now ...

Possible Contact With The Malevolent Entity by Parabol

I have yet more stories that take place at my ex-friend's severely haunted property. Quick recap of backstory for those who haven't been keeping track: These stories take place in a more rural part of Pennsylvania where there is more open and unused farmland than there are houses and people. I belie...

Phantom Voice by Jawsh

I'm not sure if this falls under the paranormal category but I couldn't explain what it was that happened so I'm posting it here. About five or so years ago I was home alone because my family went to some gathering or something like that and I didn't really feel like going. They left around 7 PM ...

The Orb And The Angry Woman by LosAngelesGirl

This is my first story that I am writing on YGS, so I want to tell you guys some information about myself. I am a 20 year old female, born and raised in Lakewood California, and I have lived in the same house my whole life. I don't remember ever having any imaginary friends growing up or my mom ever...

Ghost In My Old Bed by gstories

This story isn't very long or interesting. It's not even really a story but here it is. I don't trememer when this storages but my earliest memory is when I was in 6th grade. So I'm not sure if this happened before this time or not (probably not). It happened mostly at night until I was 17 years ...

An Expression Scarier Than My First Ghostly Encounter by Kya1994

I remember another one, regardless of my last submissions, I'll suck it up and get over my previous discarded, even though other of the same subject were accepted. This was years ago, I was trying to relax and avoid yet another argument going on with my family I assume, or maybe I was yelled at. It ...

The Shadow In My Corner by Turtlegirlsocks

I'm still a teenager. A lot of people tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, that it's not real. I refuse to believe what those tell me. I know what I see and what I've always been able to see. I moved into my new house just on the outskirts of Jesup. It's a large house with five bed rooms,...

Man Of Shadows by NCrules01

This strange occurrence has be happening since I was around 8. When I was 8 me and some friends would talk about ghosts and monsters, you know being 8 years old and all, but one day I was walking home from school and I thought I saw someone following me. My house was only a few minutes away from the...

Strange Noise On Bottom Bunk by Dee-J

This encounter happened when I was 12. It was a week before Thanksgiving, 1997 and I had gotten suspended from school for about 3-4 days for something petty. On the first day of my suspension I was awakened by the sound of the plastic cover moving on the bottom bunk (The plastic protective covering ...

Who Was Walking Around The House? by Dee-J

This encounter in particular was just outright odd. Nothing that would make you scream in terror, but it was disturbing. First of all, before I go into the story let me explain the layout of my house because the rest of the story won't make sense if I don't. My house is a 1-story brick home. A...

Lake House by FruitTart

My Dad is an appraiser here in Tennessee. He doesn't actually buy any of the houses he appraises, but one day a few years ago he came across an old house by a Lake for our family to spend quality time in. Nothing seemed weird at first until we asked my older sister and her boyfriend to stay over. Th...

We Both Heard It by thelioness08

When I was about ten years old, my mother and her husband moved us about three towns over to an apartment that was like none I'd ever seen. It had four floors, and three apartments per floor. One of the bedrooms had no windows, as there was only another apartment on the other side of the wall. My be...

My Sister's Guardian Angel by ahuff6513

This story didn't happen to me but it happened to my sister. In our town there is a bridge that is on a dirt road that is said to be haunted. It's called Hollow Bridge. They say a couple were murdered and the wife still comes around every night about 2 am which is the time they died. This was about ...

Shadow In The Apartment Complex by Des_b_97

In November of 2011, Me and my dad moved into an apartment complex called Candlelight, It's in Mt. Orab. Well, all the way from the time we moved in there until the day we moved out, Weird stuff happened. It wasn't really scary, just creepy. A month after we moved in, my aunt died. I am not sure if ...

Conservative Ghost, Or? by Larkin

So supposedly, before I moved in with my current roommate, he has this confederate cuckoo clock he kept hanging in his bedroom. It features a confederate solider riding a horse, brandishing a saber and flying a southern flag. Every hour a small set of cannons come out and fire off a few rounds. H...

Big White House by Des_b_97

When I was about 4 years old, my dad got married to this woman named Judy. We moved in to her house in Williamsburg. It's on 133. Well, my dad has told me numerous times (and still tells me to this day) about a man who owned that house way before any of us did. He was said to be a fishermen and ...

An Old Friend Is In My Hallway by Kya1994

This happened just yesterday. Rook suggested me to do a ritual, to cleanse and shield my house and what not, to see if he is capable of answering my questions without any risks. I followed his instructions, every closet I could reach was cracked, and so were the windows. I definitely felt someth...

Stay Away From Ouija Boards by Parabol

I have more stories to tell from the same haunted location as my creek stories from last time. A quick rundown of backstory for those who haven't read the last one or don't remember: These stories take place in a more rural part of Pennsylvania that has few houses and is mostly open farmland. I beli...

My Ouija Board Experiences Two Hurt Friends by RedWolf

I am always telling people not to use the O.B. Now I will tell you why. My mother bought one when I was around 17 years old. We were cautioned to ask for a white light of protection before using one. My friends would come over to ''play'' with it. I could always feel others push/pull the planchette ...

A Boy And His Dog by Faith3715

On March 7, 2015, we had to make one of the hardest decisions in our life - to get our 14 year old dog, Faith, put to sleep. Faith was a very intelligent Rhodesian Ridgeback. She loved to play and loved attention from everyone - except small children. She would never bite at anyone, but she would gr...

Ghost Hunt by teriland1

About 10 years ago I befriended a lovely woman, that I shall call Jade. Jade, like me was quite interested in the paranormal. Our reasons were different though as she, having lost a son was curious in life after death. I, having felt ghosts my whole life, wanted to hone my craft more. Jade had just ...

Hovering Ghost by Kya1994

I've remembered this recently, I definitely forgot about it for quite some time. This happened years ago, my step mother would take naps every once in a while on my bed, in my bedroom. She was still taking a nap in there one night, and I saw a shadow of a man hovering over her. It was creepy, but he...

Black Orchid by Kya1994

"Strange Goings On In Our Home" by Miracles reminds of another ghost story of mine, it included a cat sometimes. This was years ago when I was still dealing with love issues from my first love, and I think this was when we had eight people under our roof. It was really dark (and I think before t...

A House Of Which Was Haunted by Larkin

For the good part of my childhood we lived in this old, run down house in the worst part of town. The house literally had an oppressive atmosphere to it; you'd walk in and it felt like it was smothering you like a heavy blanket and EVERYONE felt it. Rumor in the neighborhood was at some point, be...

Spirit Messing With Me by Sluge

This happened when I was quite young, so my mom told me this story. When I was really little, I had a sound machine in my room. My mom still occasionally uses it, but I don't use one anymore. (If you haven't read my other story about this house I lived in, check out "Little Boy In the Corner") So...

I Was About To Say Shut Up by goteamgo5

The only paranormal experiences I've ever had have been when I was around thirteen. I have read that girls going through puberty tend to be more susceptible to the supernatural, particularly poltergeist activity. Sure seems true in my case. I am twenty eight now but I still think about what happened...

The Doll In My Room by chousakura

When I was like 6 or 7, I got a free doll at the flea market. I still remember other toys in the box that the woman was selling. She let me and my brother take the box home for free along with the doll. The doll wore a red dress and have a red hat to go along with it. It have blue eyes and blond mes...

My 3 Year Old Daughter Sees Ghosts by GGREED2012

It all began when my daughter was two years old. She would wake in the middle of the night, the same time every night (approximately around 2:30am) screaming and crying beyond control. It would take us hours to get her soothed and back to sleep. Sometimes, we would even have to bring her into our ro...

The Trailer 3 by Mischief-Managed

MY GRANNY'S HOUSE I was eight when everything started, I had decided to sleep in my granny's house that night and I would go home tomorrow and spend the day with my daddy before he had to leave and work for two weeks. Papa was snoring in his bedroom, Granny was taking care of the foster baby in the...

The Trailer 2 by Mischief-Managed

We moved a block over into a new house (an actual house, not a trailer) that was supposed to be great with no skeletons in its closet. We were still in the process of moving in when I had my first experience. My Cocker Spaniel and I were walking down the hall when I heard heavy footsteps above me in...

The Messenger Of Death by AnswerzInTheDark

As this is my first experience I am sharing on the website - or any in that case - and I plan on sharing all of them as my time allows, I would like to preface my story with a bit of background regarding my experiences. In the past 10 years, ever since I was about 15 years old, I have had some profo...

The Trailer by Mischief-Managed

My trailer was newly fixed up with a Koi pond and a tetherball set in the front yard; it seemed great for a child who wasn't really used to staying in one house for very long. I had helped my dad dig the Koi pond and decorate it as a Mother's Day present and my little Cocker Spaniel would sit beside...

The Little Boy In The Corner by Sluge

This whole story took place when I was about one year old, so of course I can't remember this, but my mom told me this story about when my older sister (about three at the time) saw something unusual. My mom was getting ready for bed when she heard my sister Stephany yell. Mom ran into Stephany's...

I'm Not Scared Of Shadow People by amayanoelle

I am very spiritually sensitive. Actually, every woman in my family seems to be sensitive. As soon as I was born paranormal things started to happen to me and the people around me. One incident being, when I was very young my mom and I lived in a single wide trailer. Now every time my mom went g...

Little Foot by amayanoelle

This is not so much my story but more my uncle's story. But this does provide a little background information for my first ghost story. So, many years ago my uncle lived with his girlfriend, his daughter, and his girlfriend's two other daughters. The two oldest daughters were Ali (age:16), Skyla...

Strange Dream Or Did My Grandfather Visit Me? by Featherkat

This is my first story on here. About a year ago my grandfather died and about a week later I had a weird dream. In the dream I was in our kitchen getting something to eat. We have a window above our sink and suddenly I had the urge to look at it. As soon as I did a young man, about 25-30, popped up...

Angelic by Kya1994

I have a ghost friend, probably my age. I think he loves me, and I won't explain it in full detail cause I don't want it to be more accepted to the sites guidelines. He's dressed in all white all the time, seems angelic same as the little girl, hes shown as a bright white angelic color, well it only...

Ouija Board Trouble by amayanoelle

My family and I live in South Carolina, but my other family (my uncle, aunt, three cousins, and grandparents) live in Kansas. So about three years ago when my grandmother pasted away, my parents and I made the unruly journey to Topeka, Kansas. While staying in Kansas my mom, dad, and I stayed with m...

Spirit House by hypershadic11

This story starts when I was 5, I can remember most of it however some of it comes from my parents. My family was fairly poor because my dad worked in the oil field. Most days we'd go without supper, but we didn't mind. My dad could rarely ever keep a job so we had to move a lot. About every year or...

Cold Hands by Sluge

I was at my friend Larson's house having a sleepover. I always found the Larson's backyard to be pretty creepy. For instance at night You can hear rattling in the bushes (which is most likely raccoons) and at night, the backyard is usually pitch black. So at this sleepover, Larson and I wanted to ea...

Yucaipa: Haunted House by Kya1994

There wasn't much going on at first at Yucaipa, other than constantly feeling watched when its bed time and after. The first time I actually saw a ghost in that house was a little girl, I definitely saw her half way detailed I guess, enough to see her face, her face was nearly identical to mine, her...

Psychological Horror by DongMaster

While in high school, there was the occasional weird thing that would happen. Doors would get locked that shouldn't, sometimes the dining room chairs would all be pulled out over night and on a few times the volume on a stereo in the basement got turned up all the way blasting. But this story isn...

My 2 Year Old Cousin by BrittanyRevis

My name is Brittany, and I'm 16 years old. When I was 1 years old my dad drowned in Broad River, in Union SC. He was 17 when he died. I feel the need to mention that when he was buried someone put his favorite red hat on him (It was a base ball cap or something). Anyway, not too long ago my mom was ...

Punchies by DongMaster

Location: Wisconsin Year: 1995 My first step father was a retired drill sargent when he met my Mother. After, he was a self employed contractor, apperently normal work wasn't good enough for him. Often my step brothers and I were dragged along to help because it was cheaper then paying other...

Wake Up Call - Texas Style by texastennessean

A little background before the story. It was the summer that I turned ten years old. I was spending the summer 'working' for my grandfather. He was retired. In his life he had been a soldier (WWI), farmer, mechanic, carpenter, salesman, general handy-man, and anything else that needed to be done to ...

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