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Ghost stories from United States: Page 35

The Haunting: Part 3 by shhh_im_sleeping

It's now July 4, 2010. Everyone everywhere is celebrating Independence Day! My husband and kids wanted to go to his friend's house to celebrate that evening. I have social anxiety. I get nervous when I'm in crowds or around people, I don't know. My husband is aware of my anxiety disorder so he wasn'...

The Haunting: Part 2 by shhh_im_sleeping

After hearing footsteps and seeing that black shadow in early March 2010 it got quiet around my home. Everything seemed normal again and felt normal too. I convinced myself that my eyes and ears were playing tricks on me and that I wasn't being logical. I continued to sleep in my son's room with no ...

The Haunting: Part 1 by shhh_im_sleeping

My home is located in the woods on a private road in Callao, Va. Located on this road close to my home is an old cemetery. This cemetery is knows as The Dungan Cemetery (pictures available on I've lived in my home since October of 2005. I knew about the cemetery before moving to my h...

Haunted Apartment by GottaWonder

I am posting this story in 2 parts since there were so many strange and occurrences at our old place. In this posting I'll start with the earliest things that happened, and finish in Part 2 with the later events, and suggest some theories we had for the hauntings. I hope you enjoy these accounts, an...

The Ghost That Missed Us by Horselover12345

It all started about 16 years ago when we bought our house from my grandparents. After living there for a few weeks weird things started happening. We would hear knocking noises throughout the house, doors shutting on their own, lights that would either turn on or off, and sometimes even faint voice...

Ghost Experiences by Redbombay

My name is Lauren and I live in Utah. I am only 14 years old. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted. One time when I was walking in to my mom's room I saw a shadowy figure. I'm not really sure if it was a man or a woman because this happened a couple of years ago and I don't remember all the detai...

My Friend's Ghost by Ghost_Girl1993

I have a two friends that live within the same neighborhood that complain about both of their houses having weird events. What I am going to write about is what I witnessed over a year at one of the houses. I swear what I am writing is true, but I understand people are skeptics. I will not claim to ...

The Lake House by shhh_im_sleeping

My mother-in-law passed around 5 pm in May of 2009. She died in the kitchen of her home. Her home is called "The Lake House". The Lake House is a late 1800's Victorian home in College Park, MD. My husband Steve and I received the news of her passing that night from his brother Donald and we went...

This Happened 7 Times by stefs111

I am very concerned because when I was in my bedroom, alone, the other morning, and I heard someone say "Help me". I heard it said 6 times, about a few seconds apart, but I could not tell if it was a male voice or a female voice, because it had a kind of electronic sound to it. So, I called my husba...

No You're Not by fancyfeast

Hey, guys. Since you guys were very accepting of my general experience in my old house I thought I would share with you one of the scariest things that happened to me in that house. It deserves it's own little story, I found it really creepy and it could be nothing but because of my house I don't th...

Dreamcatcher by nicblind

For my birthday, a good friend of mine got me a dreamcatcher. I had no idea the "rules" of dreamcatchers and put it on top of my cat and watched him play with it. Then, I hung it up in my room above my bed. That night I was woken up about once or twice to something pulling at my ankles, causing a...

Living With The Unknown by Anakaterine

Sorry if my English is not that good, I am from Greece. I was just about 8 years old when my family brought a new house. During the first few years everything seemed fine. Until I got older, that's when I started having strange things happen. There are many things that happened but I will share ...

Tulpa Created? by Pjod

Something happened to me quite recently that has put a bit of a scare in me. We have lived in our home for several years now without anything "unusual" to report, just how I like it. Raising two young boys is difficult enough without having to deal with any "strange activity." My wife is a ficti...

The Cat Ghost by savsavvy1023

We recently adopted a dog named Lena, who has a strong dislike towards cats. Unfortunately, we have a cat named Smokey. We keep them in different rooms and then for one hour a day we take them out and put them together. Sometimes it goes nicely, the cat sits on top of the fish tank while Lena lays d...

Bloody Banshee by ftilly79

I have always called this thing a Bloody Banshee in my own head. It was over 30 years ago when I was between the ages of three and five. There was a room in our house that my mother tells me no one else would stay in but me. I am guessing at the time no one really cared about the opinion of a four y...

Office Place by CharlaC

Once again, I have another interesting experience I feel like sharing with everyone. I won't give all the details, but recently, because of medical reasons, I was put in an office job, so I am no longer working the usual "police" work that I have been doing. So now I'm working at a desk with a compu...

Not An Animal-not A Person? by MaxSharpe

In the spring of 2008 my family moved into a townhouse in a quiet cul-de-sac in Centralia, Washington near Centralia High School and less than 100 yards from the banks of the Chehalis River. My daughters, age 16 and 12 at the time, shared bunk beds in a bedroom that overlooked several neighbors'...

The Exit Ramp Calling by B4Freya

I like to write and I'm always conjuring story ideas. I pull ideas from real-life experiences or simply imagine scenarios and ask myself "what if?" questions about them. But it's said that truth is stranger than fiction, and I have to agree. A few years ago, while driving my usual route home from...

Haunted Smoke Pit by CharlaC

It's me again. I just had an interesting experience while I was out for a smoke the other night and thought I should put it up here. So, because of safety reasons, we are not allowed to smoke inside the dorms, or any of the buildings on the base for that matter, so they have designated smoking ar...

My First Experience With The Other Side by shhh_im_sleeping

My first paranormal experience was when I was 19 years old around September 2000. My boyfriend and I weren't speaking at the time. I rode into town around 8:30 pm to see if I could find him. I wanted to apologize to him for my "diva" behavior. I couldn't find him. The town of Callao is a ver...

Small Happenings by CJT

Our home resides at the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It was built in the 1950's but the property was once farmland that stretched many acres into our neighborhood. There are interesting characteristics to this property from the past; an old stone grill, a pit where the outhouse stood, ...

Ouija Board Aftermath by Jeanene23

I already feel sort of silly for saying all of this, but I would like to see if anybody has experienced similar things. To be honest, I am an Atheist, and for many years I was skeptical about ghosts (yet I still found the topic to be interesting as a kid). Just a few short years ago my sisters a...

Strange Unknown Feeling In Certain Rooms - Need Help by DaemAesthetics

I may be posting this in the wrong section but I am desperately in need of answers. I am 17 and live in Massachusetts. For as long as I can remember, when I walk in to certain rooms (or parts of rooms) my head begins to throb and I feel light headed. The majority of the time this happens in rooms wi...

Ouija And Zozo by LostLibra22

I'm Octavia, I live in Tacoma Washington, right next to the University of Puget Sound. So my story goes like this... Last night was the first time I played with a Ouija Board. I had made it out of the back of a pizza box and decorated it with festive drawings for this coming Halloween season. ...

Who Answered The Phone? by NorthCoastie

I am a 30 year old insurance adjuster who has both law enforcement and military experience. I have always believed in ghosts, and have always had an interest in "ghost stories," paranormal TV shows, etc., but until recently can't say I've had a definitive experience. I was on my way to inspect a...

She Wasn't Playing Alone by Amanda32

In 2006, my now ex husband and I bought a home in Vienna. My daughter, Maliah was 3 at the time. She was an only child, and was very good at entertaining herself. Shortly after we moved in, she began playing with a child (a boy) that only she could see. She said that his name was Sadie Hans. Maliah ...

Flashback By The Tennessee River by Frances23

My family moved around a few times when I was growing up. When I was six, we left Michigan and bought a house in Tennessee. We ended up staying in Tennessee for sixteen years, and over time I had a few paranormal experiences in that neighborhood. The first experience happened around the time we move...

Confined In A Mirror by Amanda32

When I was in the third grade, my parents packed my 2 younger brothers and myself and moved to a house on the outskirts of a small Ohio town. The house was at the end of a dead end street, few houses, no railroad tracks, but surrounded by woods. The house had been built, lived in for two years, ...

My Granparents by LH

My experience is very short, but very real. I should say that I was very close to my dad's parents. I spent a lot of time with them growing up. They lived close by, and I'd spend after school time at their house. My grandad and I were close, I loved spending time with him. After high school, ...

The Mist On The Basement Stairwell by jennybear772

Let me start by telling you that I volunteer at a haunted house that is put on for 3 weekends in October. It's such a fun place to volunteer, and I'm SO glad that I got involved. Let me tell you a little bit about the building. The FIRST (yes first) building was built in the the late 1800's, and...

The Tables Have Turned by Sparkie

I really need to get this out and for someone to hear me out. There has never been a moment when I have personally felt threatened or afraid in this home. Over the years I have become numb to all of the normal day to day occurrences with the few that stick out. After I submitted my last story, I ...

Little Guys, Old Man, Creepy House by abelievermetalfan

I previously submitted a story relating to my son, now I would like to relate my personal experiences. 1) The Little Guys: I don't know much about this one, but this has been told to me many times by my mother and the story hasn't ever changed. I was born in Lancaster, CA, and until I was 5 li...

Papa And My Family by abelievermetalfan

I want to start this off with my own background. I am not a religious person, most would consider me to be an Agnostic, but I more personally identify myself with the overall concept of Deism. I am really the only member of my family with this set of beliefs, which has alienated me in a way. Because...

The Ghost In The Mobile Home by Lady_Nightmare

My story is kind of a weird one. I am 53 years old and have lived in the same state my whole life. I was raised on a small farm, driving tractors and riding horses. In the summer we used to sleep out on the hay stacks and tell ghost stories. We had an abandoned farm house a couple of miles from my h...

Green Eyes by rath9375

This is the first time I have posted a story on here and I am a bit nervous to do so. I ask you bear with me as I am not an eloquent writer. I am 38 years old now but this happened to me when I was about 14 and still haunts me to this day. I grew up in Galveston, TX which has a rich history inclu...

Demonic House by CCTEMP

I have lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma my entire life. At the age of eleven (approx. January 2000,) my family moved into a posh neighborhood in south Tulsa. Our new house was enormous. It was nothing my family ever imagined we could afford. The whole family was so excited! The house was three stories ta...

Something Lurking by Phoenix23

I am new to this site and a little unsure of where to begin with this... First, I will say I am a fairly skeptical person and consider myself very level headed and logical. That being said, I cannot explain logically what I experienced five years ago. I have tried to explain it to friends and family...

Objects Moving Near Me And Voices by Jasonh12345678

A couple quick stories: A couple years ago around 11pm, I was walking past my laundry room to go into another room heading out my back door. Laundry room light was off, hallway light was on. We have a hanger rack in there with a few metal hangers on it, with no clothes on any. Out of the corner o...

Strange Occurrences At My Parents' House by SanguineConscripte

From the age of about four until I left for college, I lived with my parents in a house surrounded by woods. It wasn't that far back from the road, but just far enough that it was considered to be "in the woods". That alone was kind of creepy, but at least it was explainable. I should mention that m...

My Encounters At The Daffodale House Estate B And B by daffodaleestate

I have recently closed my own business and sought out work with some folks who own a B&B in Monticello Florida. I had met them when I had a booth at the "Flea Across Florida." They (the owners of the Bed and Breakfast - Daffodale House Estate B&B) were quite warm and interesting and so I called and ...

Unholy Church by Kayla_Lynn

This account takes place a few years back when I was living with my father and stepmother over the summer in Lima, Ohio. I've mentioned in a previous submission that we were homeless and part of a program that sheltered two homeless families, we'll call it the Family Circle. In the Family Circle...

Grandpa's Funeral Spirit by Acacia

This is my first time to actually write this out however I have told what happened at my Grandpa's funeral to other family members. It's not spectacular or even scary, but it is genuine. My paternal Grandpa died when I was 14 years old after a 2 year battle with cancer. When he finally passed the...

The Ghost Who Follows by WRB

I'm 16 and I wanted to write this to get it out there and to see if anyone can help me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Okay so to set the stage I'll explain how my living situation works. I originally live in San Antonio, Texas. I am a Sophomore and started online courses in order to gr...

My Uncle's Visits by spiritwaiting

I'm not sure exactly where to start with this experience, but here goes. It was 2007, and my mother was still grieving the death of my uncle. She had many questions, unanswered, and I was never allowed a proper goodbye. I did not attend the funeral, due to my living a state away with my grandpare...

What Did I See In My House? by destiinyy

A few years ago when I first moved to my current city, something really weird happened. My parents were at work, and I was walking around outside, trying to get used to the new neighborhood. I was making my way back home and my house came into view. The front door was wide open, and I know for a...

Unexplainable Things Happening In Our Home by mommy7195

In the last few days things seem to be getting weird around our home. The Sunday after Friday the 13th, my 15yr old daughter was asleep in her room when a little stuffed bear she got from the fair a few weeks before hand started to just make noises for no reason. It was on her dresser nowhere near h...

We Call Him The Man by lillyn19

This is my first time posting my story. I've had quite a few experiences growing up and the one I'm going to share here is the one that scared me the most. We call him "The Man", because when he's been seen he's a very tall, blacker than black, solid "shadow" man. My family and I believe he's the on...

Death Or Shadow by bluejean

I was 13 years of age when I experienced my first ghost. I was at my grandma's house about to celebrate by uncle's birthday. Let it be known that it was during the day around 1:30 pm. My aunt had gone to go buy food to celebrate my uncle's birthday. When she arrived at my grandma's house I went ...

Black Figures And White Eyes by TheLastRavenMocker

I have seen things all around me that no one else can ever see but me for as long as I remember. For most of my life the things I have always seen have been black shadow-like figures. Well, I shouldn't say shadow-like, cause they are always solid black. All of them... Except for two. I used to only ...

Mom Could Always Make Me Smile by babygoatpuller

I lost my mom very suddenly to a massive heart attack in August of 2009. She was a wonderful, kind and loving woman and raised us six kids on her own and had a major role in helping to raise a couple of grandchildren including my own daughter. I missed her terribly and found myself forever wondering...

Doppleganger Encounter by grench

My name's Aaron and this happened to my girlfriend less than an hour ago. I found this site whilst looking up doppelganger stuff on Google immediately after the encounter. I'm more or less hoping I can get some information on the phenomena. I was sitting on the couch playing xbox (which sits loo...

The Thing In Black by andreahelp

A friend and I were driving in South Clinton, TN, it was around November, in 2001. We were the only ones on the road at that time, seeing it was after midnight on a week night. We saw what we thought was a very tall man walking on the left side of the road. The way this man moved was very strang...

Ghost Smoke by kyotesknwlkr

It was in the 1970s, I was young, with two sons. We were living in a rented house close to an air force base. The house was small. It was three bedrooms, we only used two. The kitchen was tiny, as the house was shaped like a box - two bedrooms on one side, one bedroom and bathroom on the other side,...

Black Long Hair by Pcv007

What's a horror flick without long black hair and a scary girl in a white dress. Cliche? Well, I wish my experience was a bad dream or a fake scene for a movie. My story starts off when I was at my mom's house. We were chatting about dreams and how weird it is when you know you're dreaming and yo...

A Night Out by Ladybug-

This happened the summer of 2006. My friend and I had the whole Saturday hanging out, shopping and sightseeing. We live in a small town not far from the border of Arizona and New Mexico. In the evening, we went back to my house to eat dinner. My husband at the time had cooked dinner. He had made...

The Big Man by Kayla_Lynn

In a previous submission, Held Down By Unknown Force, I mentioned an encounter in a comment about seeing a man in my grandmother's living room. I said that I would share it, so here we go. This took place perhaps about a year ago, give or take. My ex-boyfriend and I had just returned to my grandm...

Over The Phone by larkascending39

I was home alone one day, working on my five essays that I needed to finish by the next day. I was down in my dad's office, which always feels off and smells weird, has varying temperatures... I hate going down there alone. Anyways. I was finishing up my analysis of Paul Revere's account of the B...

13 Year Old Attacked By Laughing Spirit by JustMeAgain31

This all happened in the last four Days. Bear with me as while the incidents were short, they were rather malicious. I moved from Kansas City, Kansas to Riverside, MO after an insurance problem forced us to move to another state, so my son Ricky would be covered for some medication he needed. In ...

Mysterious 'knocking' At My Parents' House by Udon555

This event happened at my parent's house when I was either 16 or 17. My parent's house has always been 'strange', even to this day. Ever since my brother and I were small, I remember weird events happening every now and again. It was when I hit my teen years did the events become more 'creepy' and...

Scariest Foot Pursuit Ever by daveslod

September 12, 1989 I was on routine patrol in Blackford County, Indiana. I was on Lake Blue Water Road outside the city of Montpelier when I pulled into the parking lot of the Erie (real name) stone quarry. I observed someone standing near the building, I ordered the person to stop and not move. The...

Those Angry Eyes by Rajen

I am Rajena and I am from India. I am currently doing my Masters in United States. And before I start, I would like to thank the admin for having such a wonderful website that let's us share real life experiences. So, it has been an interesting stay in the United States so far and I love the peo...

Security Forces Post by CharlaC

I've already submitted a story about how I've experienced things my whole life. I didn't go into a lot of detail about all of my experiences and only listed off some of the more interesting ones. And I still experience these things and have a lot of stories to tell, but I will give one that I have e...

All My Life by CharlaC

I didn't know what else to name my story because it is exactly as it is: I've experienced things all my life. I've been reluctant to say anything to anyone before. Done research on this sort of thing because wanted to understand a little more about what I've seen, and then I found this website and b...

My Brother's Double by Lady_Bug81

In my first post, I wrote about seeing an unknown entity mimic my mother; in my second post I'm writing about the entity taking on the form of my older brother. One day when I was a teenager, I was at home and I was reading a really good book that I didn't want to put down, but my bladder was ab...

Strange Happenings, Obes, Shadow People by Andromeda33

This all started a few years back when we lived in a different home but same area. My, then, 5 year old son kept experiencing night terrors. They were so extreme that when he'd be experiencing one, there was nothing I could do except comfort him and wait for it to end. Night terrors are very dif...

They Follow Me by RevengeWillBeSweet

Ever since I was 17 years old I've been having strange paranormal experiences. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't so naive as to think it couldn't possibly be me, such as a mental issue. I was evaluated by two separate therapists who deemed me mentally healthy. I was not using drugs, taking any medicat...

Shadow In My Bedroom And Someone Outside My Door by girlymadness

Shadow in My Bedroom: This happened when I was really young. I'm not sure how old I was but it was before I started school. I was so young that it was probably one of my first memories because it was so vivid that I still remember it even today, years later. One night I was asleep in my room wit...

Our Little Haunted House by Groovieghoulie

I was 14 years old, living with my mom in rural West Viriginia. My Father had passed away that year from lung cancer, he was a coal miner and like many men in that profession, he developed black lung and lung cancer. He was only 59 when he passed. The house my parents bought was a strange little two...

Orange Entity by OminousBlackSoul

I had my first ghostly encounter when I was 13, When I was 7-12 I would always go to my aunts house on the weekends and we would have a good time together. She had one puppy called Teddy and it was my main reason to go to her house. When I was 11 my aunt got a boyfriend and on 2 more years she moved...

Dark Figure by Doijio

I don't really know how to start a story but whenever I walk or hangout with friends there is always a dark figure that follows me. It's size is about 6 ft 3 and it hangs when it is there. I am not very frightened by the figure but it seems very helpful to me. One night I was walking around my n...

Spirit Playing With My Stuffed Toys by spiritwaiting

This event occurred about 6 months after I settled into the house in Del-City, Oklahoma. I was I believe 11 years old at this time. It happened about a year before the garage incident, written in another posting. My room was arranged with stuffed animals galore. I had them in particular spots, ra...

Is Anybody There? by ForestShepherd

For a long time at my mother's home many of us have experienced the entity in the home. Curious to see if it was all superstition or not I invited a friend over one night and we did a walk through the house with a voice recorder. We preceded to head for the stairs leading toward the laundry room...

Paranormal Activity In The 70's by reincarnation

I have experienced strange phenomena throughout my whole life. I was born in 1962 in San Diego. My parents had always been into paranormal and supernatural phenomena. When I was about 13 years old they got a Ouija board. They used it right away and had much fun doing so. I don't know exactly wha...

Childhood Stories by LeRouxGirl

What I am about to relate is a compilation of stories/events that happened to me/my family members back in the mid 80's to early 2000's. I come from a very large family, ten children altogether but the eldest three are half-siblings from my father. We lived in a rural area of KY with an unpaved,...

My Experience by tonycourchaine35

We live in a small town of about 10, 943 people in Marinette, WI. I have been noticing strange noises and sights. This has been going on for years now. Pictures would fall off the wall, lights will turn on, and we used to have a clock radio in our bathroom for music while we take a shower that w...

Who Or What Was It? by shavaughn

When I was about five years old I saw what I thought was a ghost for the first time. I lived with my parents (now divorced) in Coco, Florida. I don't know why but I was a very fearful child. I'm still scared of the dark at thirty two years old. My dad wasn't home and my mom was asleep on the cou...

Not Scary, Just Unexplainable by mad_minute

Recently I visited my grandmother with a few family members. We stayed at her house for about a week. While we were staying with her there were a few strange occurrences. The biggest thing I feel I should stress that these aren't threatening or scary. Just phenomena that none of us who experienced t...

Who's Jumping In My Bed? by LouisianaBelle

This experience happened in September 2011. One day I was sitting in my living room just watching television and I felt small shakes. I stopped for a minute and thought it could have been anything. Then I noticed they got a little more harder and kind of like a rhythm. It clicked, "My daughter is ju...

Was She Haunted? And Did It Hate Me? by LouisianaBelle

This experience begins in April 2010. I just entered a new relationship and things seemed to be fine. One night I slept at my friend's house. We were in her guest room and all of a sudden I froze because I heard the sound of a baby crying downstairs, there were no babies in the house. She asked,...

Disappearing Old Man by makyla6666

I had just gotten ready for bed when I heard dragging on my floor. I looked down from my bed and saw a shadow. I was really freaked out. I looked at the chair across my bed and an old man was staring at me. I cried myself asleep. Later that night around 3:00am, my brother ran in my room and woke...

Haunted Childhood Home by salad

I lived in Denver, Colorado, as a child and the things I witnessed scarred me for life. There was always a baby crying in the basement and the basement was filled with rocks of sand. To get to the basement you had to go through a closet and pull down the stairs. There was also a figure of a tall...

Camp Roberts' Ghost In Bldg 6038 by fitnatic33

I'm in the National Guard and currently on ADOS orders in BLDG 6038 Operations at Camp Roberts, CA. I have had unexplained paranormal situations happen to me in barracks 6312 before, but that's not what I'm going to speak of today. I have been working in the Operations Building for about 6 month...

Don't Play In The Woods by 7Holy7Soldier7

My story takes place in a small town in central Arkansas. During the summer of 2012, I was hanging out with a couple of my friends in town. The day was very uneventful and boring, and my friends and I don't handle boring very well. We decided to hop in my truck and go for a drive and see if we could...

Grampa Is Still There by RedWolf

A few months ago my nephew's father in-law Dan died in his sleep. Out of respect for the family I will be changing names. After my nephew Tim was discharged from the military he could not find a job. So he, his wife Carrie and 2 young daughters, not quite 2 year old Grace and newborn Sara, moved ...

Shadow Man In The Doorway by Queequeg

I have always been a rational, scientific person and extremely skeptical of the so called paranormal, but I had an experience when I was 12 or 13 that I knew was odd at the time but just assumed it was the worst, most realistic dream I've ever had. I'm now 44 and am thinking differently about it aft...

Skeletons Floating And Staring by shedvl357

About a month ago I fell asleep on the couch and about 3 in the morning I woke up from a flash of light. I found a skeleton floating parallel to me just staring. I closed my eyes and shook my head to make sure I was really awake, opened my eyes again and there were 2 more skeletons floating in the r...

Haunted Mobile Home by HauntedinArkansas

When me and my wife were first married, we bought a mobile home. I was still going to college and my wife was the only one bringing in a paycheck at the time so we didn't have many options in buying a home. A few years went by before we noticed anything strange happening. I am a very neat person,...

Haunted House On Colonial by HauntedinArkansas

When myself and my wife first started dating, she lived with her parents in a rent house because they were building a house. I have always been a skeptic, and even until this day I am one that has to see it to believe it. My wife would tell me stories of the house they lived in was haunted, well I w...

Our Tiny Haunted Apartment by spiritwaiting

In our little two bedroom apartment, in 2007 we had four kids and ourselves. It wasn't what you would call spacious or cozy in the least, but we made do with what little we had. When we first moved in, the feel to it was stuffy. Not because of the size, but it felt crowded. I felt as though there...

That Was Odd by BadJuuJuu

Last July, early in the afternoon, I was sitting outside with my dogs. It was a bright, sunny day, not terribly hot yet, just a pleasant day. I was sitting in my chair, relaxing in the shade, Riley was sitting watching the woods for deer, Sassy was just laying in the sun. It was a quiet day, much to...

A Ghost Sleeps Inside Me by Rich73

One day, earlier this year, I awoke after just a little sleep. I was somewhat groggy but otherwise fully awake. I felt something on my bed, and it moved around a little. I was sleeping on the edge of the bed, and whatever it was, was in the middle somewhere. I looked and didn't see anything. I went ...

Tragic End By The Quija? by spiritwaiting

This is my second experience with a Ouija board. I had just married my husband, and it was during Halloween. It took place at his grandmother's house, during a family gathering. I was 16 at this time, I know I was young. Three of his female cousins and one aunt (she is our age) as well decided t...

My Mother's Study by EchoStrung

So, it's been quite some time since I submitted my first story to this site, but I have always been lurking. I've decided it's time to document another one of my experiences. I lived in the same house in West Palm Beach with my parents from the age of 2 to about the age of 23. One semi-common occu...

Apartment Haunting by Seeker1

As promised here are a few more happenings in the South West, USA. All of which occurred in the same apartment. As Bugs Bunny would say: " I knew I shouldn't have taken that left in Al-bah-curr-key!" My husband and I have sort of been nomads up until now, working where we were needed in our pa...

I Know You're There by pixiejenn

There has been activity in my life for as long as I can remember but it's gotten horrible since I got pregnant with my daughter in 2010. I met her father through a friend and we dated for a little while, he was a Iraqi veteran with PTSD and decided friends would be best as he was still having some p...

Sleeping Paralyzed: Horrible Dreams And Visions by pbeters

My name is Britney and I live in a very historical town called Upland in PA. I live very close to the site of The Pusey House which was owned by Caleb Pusey and was a plantation. All of the houses (including mine) surrounding the plantation are very very old, build in the late 1800's to early 1900's...

Energy by Mstanion

I'm empathetic. I feel emotion, energy, everything. It tends to turn a person crazy if they can't control it. I've seen things, heard things, that most people don't. Where I live, I have a grocery store across the street. My husband walked over there yesterday afternoon for me; shortly after he ...

The Thing Across The Road? by Icy82

I've been reading stories on this website for several years now, but today I finally decided to sign up and share one of my stories. I have had a few occurrences in my life that I couldn't explain and I will probably post them later. This account happened around 1995 when I was 13 or 14. I grew ...

Gettysburg Has Ghosts by tedbear

It was June 23rd 2013 when my wife and I returned to the Farnsworth House B&B to spend another night with Jeremy (the ghost boy), and anyone else who came along. We had just checked in to our room when we had our first paranormal experience. Two plastic soldiers that had been standing on a table wer...

Odd Draining Experience by Mdivision

About a month ago, my friend and I played with a Ouija Board. She said she was experienced enough to know how to open, maintain a safe atmosphere, and close the board. I believe she did so. Anyways, she was proving to me that she had a friend called "X", and asked her a bunch of "yes" or "no" q...

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