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Ghost stories from United States: Page 63

My Aunt Nora's Story, Told To Me By My Aunt Deni by Coyote42Dances

While I still have many stories of my own to tell, I wanted to share this one which happened to my Aunt Lenora (Nora) and her family. My grandparents had fourteen children, and by the time their last child was born, their older children were grown and having children of their own. When my Aunt N...

Spirits In My Room 2 by chat234

This story is a continuation from my last story. After I moved out of my old bedroom and into my new room which is right next to my old room things quietened down. For once in like four years I was able to sleep peacefully in my room in the summer time (since most of my experiences happen during the...

Villisca Axe Murder House Tour by Chica22

My family and I went to the Villisca Axe Murder House in Villisca, Iowa this past weekend. It's a small house, quiet but creepy. It's very sad what happened in the house. Eight people, two adults and six children (two of them being friends with the daughter) were brutally murdered, hit with an a...

Butterfly by Vivacity

I moved to my Grandma's house for a while when I wasn't sure what to do in life. She lived where it was quiet and it would allow some peace for me, seeing I'd just been out of a bad situation in life due to my naïve mind set then. I was recovering. Moving to Grandma's was a good choice because my G...

My Grandparent's Old House by Chica22

Every other weekend I go over to my grandparent's house when I go with my dad. I've never liked my grandparents' house especially upstairs and the basement. The first thing I saw was a little girl in a white dress standing by the stairs. She was just standing there looking at me. I closed my eyes an...

My Two Old Son & His Imaginary Friend, Or So We Thought by jblue09

It all started a few months back, when my son out of the blue, said look its CB. This name shocked us, because it just so happens, my brother saw something/someone when he was about two years old, and his name was CB too. My parents just thought that CB was an imaginary friend... My brother is now 2...

Woman In White by Chica22

I first started seeing this woman one day when I was home alone. I was sitting on the couch when I looked over and saw her sitting in the recliner. She had on a white dress; she also had a huge smile on her face. It was kind of creepy so I got up and ran outside. Another time I saw her I was sit...

Sinister Sleep Paralysis? by vmolina9025

Lately for a little over a year now I've been experiencing strange things. I'm the only one out of my family of eight who's ever experienced it, and I'm pretty sure everyone else thinks I'm nuts. While I'm asleep, out of nowhere, I get this overwhelming fear and terrorizing pressure that either s...

Prince Charming by suni

The house we were moving into was small and crudely put together. It seemed as though the original owner had built it himself. The floors, cabinets, and walls were not completely straight. The original hardwood floor was cracked and filled with crumbs and dust. Needless to say, it was creepy right o...

Navajo Rez Skinwalker by RezJuggalo

I'm new to this website and like reading stories on this site. I want to tell you a story my cousin and I experienced in the summer of 2010. I'm full Navajo and my cousin's half native and half Mexican but he's more Navajo to me. I live with my grandma and dad in the Shiprock in New Mexico over the ...

Waking Up To The Lock by tlbay

I live up here in Juneau, Alaska, and have had a number of unexplained events happen to me or close to me. But the only one that has ever scared me happened yesterday morning, at 8:15am Alaska Standard Time. I woke up at exactly 8:15 that morning. I know because I was really tired, from falling a...

Cold Spots, Shadow & Paralysis by SoliK

I just got back home from a trip to Wisconsin to see my family. My mom still lives in the house I grew up in. As I mentioned in my previous post my sister and I did the dumb mistake of doing a séance in our basement when I was kid which freaked us out. I still think my basement is creepy. For the m...

Dad Crawling Through The Wwindow by KaylaRigz

Background information: The house where this took place at was haunted in earlier years and had some weird paranormal events when my sister was a little girl. It is the house in the foot hills so my grandparents had a big old property that was fun to explore and used to be owned by Indians. It w...

The Man In Brown by Chica22

This story just happened recently, I was getting some laundry out of the washing machine when I looked up and saw a man in a brown shirt and brown pants. He looked at me and then vanished. I saw him again just the other day. I was walking out of the laundry room and saw him sitting on my couch. (...

General Jackson's Midwestern Excursion by The-Red-Daisy

This experience of mine had taken place two days after Christmas. For the time being, I am trying to give my clairvoyant abilities a rest for reasons which I will explain in a later story. Anyway, it was two days after Christmas and I had been playing around with an app on my iPod Touch called Ghost...

Shadows In My House by Chica22

I haven't been on here in a while but I got some new stories to share. This story is kind of short but I hope you all find it interesting. A few months ago I started seeing these shadows in my house. The first one I saw was when I was walking through the dining room of my house and I saw a black ...

Guardian Angle Or Ghostly Car by Reggieaz20

Now this happened I want to say about 8 years ago while my mom my little sister and I were traveling from Arizona to California to visit my older Brother who was living just outside of San Jose at the time. On the Way to visit my Older Brother in California We were driving on a two lane highway I be...

Stop Talking... Let Me Sleep by justlovely

My entire life I lived in the same house. Family members would always talk about weird occurrences in different parts of the house, but I never had anything happen. I always went along with the stories, but I never really believed it. Until recently. I moved with my boyfriend this past august. I...

Caling My Name And Noises by iHearPsycho

I've always been used to staying home alone, late into the night. Nothing really strange happens around my house but one night I was on my computer downstairs just surfing the web. While switching from site to site I suddenly heard someone call my name. I sat up, surprised and looked around. I wasn'...

Eerie Occurances, Any Advice? by luckkyme

I am writing this story on behalf of a friend of mine. It is kind of long, but I will try to keep it short and to the point -sometimes I tend to ramble, I apologize in advance. I'm really close friends with this guy, and back last May, I happened to get on Facebook and saw a status that he had p...

Ghosts In My Livingroom? by K-D-L

Hey. This is my first time submitting something in this site... My name is Katherine and I'm 14 years old. Recently I've been experiencing weird things at home when I'm alone. I live in an apartment up in a hill with my mom my stepdad and my siblings. The apartment is small and comfortable but... La...

Notes Between Friends by zzsgranny

In light of recent discussions on this site, I would like to present some timely correspondence between a friend and myself. I ask that the moderators please leave the messages in their original form, as I feel it lends credence. Please note that permission has been granted by all whose names appear...

Haunted Morgue by always-up

I got this great job working at hospital. I really get to do something I enjoy. Taking care of others has always been a passion. I work on one of the hardest floors, the cancer floor. We always have the same patients, and not a whole lot of them make it. This makes my job hard in a lot of ways. Anyw...

My Very First Experience by Rainsura

I would like to say I can remember all of my experiences from my childhood but I have blocked some of them out. For instance the very first experience I have ever had, my mom told me. I would talk to myself in my room. Just sit there and talk. One day my mom asked who I was talking to and I informed...

Dead Letter by lethalpoet

My story is not based around my personal experience, but a close family member of mine. My Uncle Lee (Shermen Lee Tolle) has always loved to tell us kid's ghost stories when we were younger, staying over at his house on the weekends. Although most of his scary stories were make believe, he shared a ...

Thanksgiving Night Light by jpr11011

This past Thanksgiving, I went with my family to stay over at my aunt and uncle's home in Connecticut (we live in Massachusetts). I stayed in my uncle's study, where I slept on the floor in a sleeping bag. My uncle loves to collect various objects from all over, some of which are very old. Many of h...

Six Unknown Figures by LightningtheFlash

I wish I had known of this site before. I have read many stories here and thought that I would post mine. This is something that happened to my mother but I had felt something that day. But Before I begin I would like to inform everyone that my mother sees things that others don't. This may be becau...

My Dresser by Klosser803

I have two long stories that have to do with my dresser so bear with me. My house was built for us in 2001 so I know that there were no previous occupants. You'd figure that a new house wouldn't have paranormal happenings occurring in them so I can't explain why this happened to me. Although I did g...

Ghosts Haunting My House by Kelly128

This was in the house before my previous one. So like 2 years back. I was always the first one to see, hear, and feel the presence of any ghosts that may be at the house I'm currently at. In 5th grade I've always felt a presence following me since we moved into that said house. Just throwing that in...

The Trio And The Tall Man by Coyote42Dances

In 2008 I started a new job where I met the man I recently married. While we were still dating, I would spend one or two nights a week at his place. I had had two prior ghostly encounters before meeting my husband, but neither was too disturbing in any way. However, that all changed after I met my b...

The Famous Anchorage Ghost 2 by Javelina

I decided to write part 2 because I'd left some important facts out in the first story as I was trying to hurry (bad idea). I hadn't submitted the story at first because I was trying to get more history on George (the ghost in part 1) and on the restaurant. It had happened so long ago that my memor...

Psychics, Witches, And Ghosts. Oh My! by bcgags

This was when I was like 7 or 8, it was about 9:30 at night and my mom and I were downstairs watching TV. My mom went to wake my dad up because he works nightshift at a computer company. While my mom was upstairs I saw an apparition of a man, all I could tell was that he was African American. When m...

My Cousins House by BPOOH229

I want to start this off by saying up until this happened to me I was the biggest chicken. I would not watch any movie or any show that had anything to do with ghost or even mention the word ghost. Now I find myself reading all these stories on here and watching Ghost Hunters. There are a couple thi...

2:22 Am by Vivacity

Hey!:) I will tell you a little of my background on myself with these experiences. Like many people, I have always seen many ghosts as a child and have come across many strange things. I have always been able to read people well by there eyes and easily feel their energy. My great grandmother an...

My First Time Seeing A Spirit by OMGitsAnime

I was staying at my Godmother's house for a few days. The room that I was staying in was her 4 year old daughter's room, while the daughter stayed in her mom's room. Since I have trouble sleeping, I woke up somewhere around midnight but I was a little tired and really exhausted. I sat up in the bed ...

3:15 Am Is My Worst Enemy by bt19863

My history of demons, satan, or just plain evil has been with me since 6 years old. Ever since I was a kid, when I lay down for bed it started with this fear of my ceiling. Where the wall and the ceiling met together. An uncontrollable feeling would come over me where I would become paralyzed head t...

The Famous Anchorage Ghost by Javelina

I've been wanting to submit this story since I first came to this site. This happened when I was a teenager working for my mom back in 1971. My home town is Big Bear Lake, California. It's an old mining town in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern Calif. And when I grew up there we had no stop l...

Was It Really The Cat? by SoliK

Since I was a child, I have always been sensitive to either paranormal energy, spiritual energy, and very intuitive about things and emotions of others. I've even had dreams that have come true. Slowly I'm sharing a lot of my present and past experience... And future too, once they happen. Here is o...

Was It A Doppelganger? by NightGhost

I haven't submitted any stories in awhile and I have no idea why I've slacked so long to post this one! It happened last summer and I'm just getting around to sharing it now. To understand the circumstances of what happened and what may have transpired a few things are in order. Last summer I was...

Grandma Or Another Presence? by Roxanna

Shortly after the depressing death of my grandmother, I began hearing voices and feeling a presence that sometimes makes physical contact with me. The first incident that happened, and I find is somehow linked to what I am experiencing took place in my room, one of the places where there is alway...

Sleeping Paralysis Hallucinations by andiipanda

I'm not sure what I was doing but I was running and it was cold... I was running away from something and I came up to this hotel and I went inside and got a room to stay for the night. I went up to the room and I heard murmuring behind me. I turned and looked and it was no one. I started to walk fas...

It Followed Me Home by quartertwo3

I've always loved a good ghost story. Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps, depending upon your perspective), I don't have many of my own to tell. There is one, however, that happened when I was 16 and living in a northwest suburb of Chicago. Since I have read the stories of so many on this site, ...

Something In My House by Talitus

In my house I have always had a weird feeling but the last few months are really making me wonder about this place. I am fairly inexperienced with this kind of thing so pardon the awkwardness of my story. Lets start about 2 months ago. I came home from school, stressed out as usual and fell asle...

Ghost Girl Off Cherokee Street In Marietta Georgia by loublaze

I used to drive to Kennesaw every afternoon using Cherokee St in Marietta. For those familiar with this road, which is close to Marietta's historic square, you'll know that it is on a historic neighborhood with big homes, some dating back to the middle and late 1800s. On one occasion driving on C...

Uncle Is That You? by twisted_individual

This story that I am about to tell you is related to my "grandma," story except I did not experience it. My older brother, Edwin did. During the year of 2003 one of my uncle's from the Philippines died. Unfortunately my family and I could not attend his funeral. One week later, while Edwin was tryin...

Grandma? by twisted_individual

In the year of 2000 my grandma (my dad's mom) passed away in the Philippines. I remember that night when it happened too. My father received a phone call from his brother, Steve. A few moments later my dad called all of us down stairs. He said, "Your grandma, Conception passed away last night. I'm g...

A Civil Tale by Lysergia25

It was quite simple really, where I live in MD is on what was once the grounds of an estate owned by John Hanson. The area is in Edgewood and I rent a small one bedroom little abode on this land once owned by this man. Anyway, I was in my kitchen doing dishes and I felt someone there. I looked up...

Do You Have A Light? by renemo

Do You Have A Light? By: Rene A. M. There are times in life when a person must stop, step back, and take a deep breath. Such times are truly far and few between. They present themselves from events filled with drama and confusion, disbelief and at times fear. No one knows when such events will ...

Witch House by Drakester

Back in 1994 I was working on a Seismograph crew in North central Texas about 30 miles NE of Midland, TX. The job would take us walking miles off road along the country side, laying out cables and equipment. One day doing this we came across an abandoned farm house, out in the middle of nowhere. The...

Seeing Dogs? by -megan

When I was a young girl, I was fascinated with paranormal activities. I was always reading ghost stories and found the other realm to be a subject worth delving into. Once it seemed to take over my life and I was having horrid dreams (I was in fourth grade at the time), I stopped reading about all o...

Something Creepy About This Land by Mace

When I was younger, my mom and I lived in a trailer in a wooded area on the edge of town. Since we had moved in I had always felt an uncomfortable feeling. It wasn't just our home that I felt uncomfortable in, but the woods and the whole neighborhood. It seemed as though the entire area had a strang...

Any Explanation? by VictoriaElizabeth

The Story about to be told is not in the exact words it was spoken. NOTICE: I am Extremely Young and don't know what could have caused the strange event, and the weird feelings. Do not judge me harshly. I am just seeking Answers. Here goes nothing; I was in the living room, Playing Xbox Live Con...

Little Drummer by angelia

I have many stories regarding the house that I grew up in. This story is a recent one and it happened to my sons, my nephew and myself. There have always been strange happenings in my childhood home, the occurrences slowed when I came into adulthood but began again once my children, niece and nep...

The Clown by femalevampireshadow

The following story contains an experience that one of my closest friends had back in America. My friend's name is Michelle. She used to live in Kansas with her parents and her 5 year old brother. They had a very big house in a nice but quite detached neighbourhood. Nothing wrong had ever taken p...

I Saw An Angel, Of This I'm Sure by Ramzey

'My life is brilliant, my love is pure. I saw an angel, of this I'm sure.' ...

White Smoke by dene72

I have lived in my house for 7 years now (it is a very old house) and have always had a "weird" feeling that I wasn't alone. There have been several instances that I have heard noises, that I can only compare to a baking sheet being hit, or a bag of chips falling. Most were investigated by me, to fi...

Was That My Step Uncle by dreamergal72

This is a recent experience that happened to me. This October I believe I saw my step father's late brother. It was 11 AM and my mother, step father and I were leaving to go get something to eat. I walked out of the house heading to the car when I saw a man who resembled my step uncle sitting in ...

Where Did This Black Male Shadow Come From? by JoeShady

I live in a building that is a condominium and was once a "Lipton Tea Factory" but before that it was armoury. I don't know the history that went on in this build and not sure how to find out. I'm not really sure if that is relevant. During the summer I have seen this black male figure in my hou...

Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board by twisted_individual

During my 7th year in grade school I had a slumber party with my girlfriends; Shannon, Randal and Carrie. Once they arrived we discussed our plans for the evening. I wanted to do something different (besides watching scary movies, playing video games, etc.). Shannon then mentioned a game called, "Li...

Why Are You Here? 2 by Namirixi

This is my third posted story and technically a continuation of my first story, "Why Are You Here?" I've had more incidents happen since then. My mom and I are still the targets of all of this, although my stepdad was there when it occurred to my mother. We'll start with that incident. According ...

Salt And Pepper by kec92

Since I was little strange things have happened to some parts of my family. It started before I was born. When my older brother was about two or three my mom would say he would talk to thin air. They thought it was our great grandfather. Since my brother was named after him. It turns out she was wro...

The Little Indian Girl by bns123454

My grandparents trailer is surrounded by woods and more woods. My great-great grandfather, before he passed away five years ago due to melanoma (type of skin cancer) would find arrow heads in the back of the woods. Well, one particular school night around 10:00, I was coming out of my room from ...

Family Photos by always-up

One of my friends ("Jane") recently lost a child (lets call him lee) in a car crash. He was killed by a drunk driver. It was a horrible thing. Two kids killed, one scarred for life in many ways, and another was sent to prison. My friend was having a very hard time dealing with the loss of the son. A...

Haunted Or Imagination? 2 by kah11

So if you didn't read my last story- it's basically just telling my past experiences (nothing too exciting) with ghosts/spirits... Whatever it might be. This one is long, but with a lot of little incidents- I hope you choose to read through some of it and help me out! This story is about what has...

Haunted Or Imagination? by kah11

This is pretty long... But I have never posted any of this anywhere before, so I thought I would just get it all out! So to give a little background, I've never felt like I've been haunted per se- but I feel like I have been a target for spirits or ghosts, or some kind of energy before. Once in ...

The Dark Haired Man by Sporky

I was born in a suburb of just north of Los Angeles to Mexican immigrant parents who were/are staunch Roman Catholics and view anything paranormal as being a work of Satan. The house I grew up in was old; I think built in the 40's. I remember many strange things happening there, but I didn't know at...

A New Beginning by Ikatsu

As you all should know I've been in a haunted house in my childhood, but unfortunately it doesn't stop there for me. I have been in 3 houses that I can remember which were all what I deem to be haunted. This is my third house, (I will post the second later). We moved from our house in the Poconos fo...

Astral Voyage by victoriarachel

As of this past Sunday night, I astral projected subconsciously and it scared me real bad. Before it even happened I was falling asleep in my room when I got this eerie feeling that something was watching me in the dark. I had been experiencing that feeling lately in my apartment. I was really spook...

Things Go Bump In The Night by always-up

A lot of unexplainable things have happened to me ever since I was a little girl. Things I could not even explain. When I was about 8 years old my younger sister and I shared a room. We always slept in the same bed due to the fact that we were scared. Our family didn't have a lot of money so our dad...

La Fonda Hotel Orbs by Rcoronado

Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010 Time: 12:30am Location: La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, NM During our recent weekend vacation, my girlfriend and I were returning to our hotel after a night on the town. Since we are not use to cold weather, we rushed to the fireplace located near the hotel lobby. ...

School Is Out by Watersprite

In the late 1980's, I was working at my new full-time job as a medical transcriptionist with another young woman at an old, spooky hospital in central Virginia. My husband was earning his masters degree at the University of Maryland, so I was keeping up our tiny apartment and paying our bills while ...

Baby And Indians by Woody

Hey Folks, ever since my last story so many things have happened, one in taking some amazing photos and two personally. I have noticed at my place in Pittsburgh NH I had cut the trees down on top of my Mountain and then bulldozed the grade. By doing this I realized there are old Indian Carvings in t...

The Spirit Of My Fiance by Keiligh

I lost my fiance on July 9th, 2010. We were teenage sweethearts and he asked me to marry him when we were only dating a few months. He was the first man to tell me "I love you", the first man I made love to and the love of my life. We drifted apart out of unfortunate circumstances and came back toge...

An Islamic Perspective on Ghosts by hagi

This is my first post on this web site. I have had many paranormal experiences all throughout my life. Below there is quite a read, but I think it is worth everyone's time to read. I am not an expert but can give some good advice on how to deal with what the site calls ghosts. I know exactly what...

Strange Kitty And Missing Item by lazria

Two minor events, but things are "picking" up in the trailer. I thought we had handled the previous spirits, but now I'm beginning to wonder - did we get rid of them? Are there new ones? Allow me to explain two recent events that have made me wonder what is going on in my place. Strange Kitty ...

I Can't Sleep At Night by chaosgrl

About a year ago I spent the night at my cousins house, it was about 2 am and I heard noise coming from outside. I was in my cousin's room and right outside are her gates. It sounded as if someone was opening her gate so I got frightened. I was about to get up to tell her then all of a sudden I coul...

Ithaca, Michigan - Jerome Rd by JenTay5

When I was 16 years old I was at my friends, we were abruptly awoken by the sounds of pots and pans bashing together in the kitchen, so we went and looked and nothing was there but a shadowy figure and only for like a second and it disappeared. I went home and told my mom about it and she had me tak...

Forever At Camp by bilbil17

My brother and I were not on the best of terms when our father passed away in 1995. At the funeral home, we never spoke a word to each other. However, before the casket was closed for the last time, I took my brother by the arm and led him to into the room where our father's body rested. I wanted Da...

The Alien And The Hag by victoriarachel

Since I was little I have experienced strange paranormal phenomenon, though I am 23 years old and I haven't had one in a while until Wednesday of last week. I endured two episodes of sleep paralysis in one night. The first one an alien encounter and the second one having the 'old hag' sit on my ches...

My Dog's Bark by godsoldier89

I've always experienced things since I was a kid. My grandmother told me stories of kids that died on the roof of our home and how their souls still play on our roof! This was back in South America. But this story was different. I'm 21 and live in New York with my sister and her family; son, daughte...

The Haunted House She Lived In by ashleylesley

When we were 9 years old my cousin lived in a haunted house. She is the same age as I am. We were told that several years before she lived there a man killed his wife and kids in the house. I'm not sure how true that story is. I was told that one of the kids was killed in the upstairs bathroom. ...

The Dead Speak Through The Young by timidtim

This strange encounter happened back in the early to mid 80's. Connie & her son Chris ventured out to spend some quality time with her (Connie's) Mother, which meant so much to her since she lived on her own & spent countless days & nights alone & wrapped in a world of loneliness. Chris's Grandmothe...

She Watches Him by ashleylesley

AA few weeks ago my boyfriend mentioned something to me. He said that there was a little old lady that watches him sometimes. She peeks around the corner and darts back. I laughed and told him that doesn't surprise me at all. I asked him if he would know her if he saw a picture of her. He said y...

Curious Little Doctor And Nurse by SpiritEnergy

I have only seen "an apparition" one time. It wasn't scary to me, more surprising and interesting. Hope you find the telling enjoyable. My husband and I raised our five kids in a two storey, three bedroom, three bath home. Upstairs were the bedrooms, with the master being the size of the entire d...

The Old House by Bm1993

When I was a little girl about the age of six, me and my sister would lay in bed and we could hear noises at night going up and down the stairs of our house. Our brother would be sleeping and our parents would be too. We always slept in the same bed together, so we wouldn't be as scared at night. ...

My Eerie Childhood by Ikatsu

Hello, this is my second story that I'm posting, but this time it pertains to me. As a child, I was born and raised in California. Since then we kept moving around the state and eventually to Pennsylvania to live closer to my father's family in New Jersey. When I was only an infant, we had a hou...

I Think I See My Dead Brother by hannahxomichal

I'm Hannah and I'm 16. First things first, my brother passed away in a car accident Jan.20,2010. He was 27... At night I feel him everywhere I go, but last night I was walking in my house at about 3 in the morning (I couldn't sleep) and right where his ashes are I saw a man sitting next to them. I w...

Are You Following Me? by kwk1213

When I was about 5, I lived in a big white house. I can remember a lot about this house. Especially what went on. This house had a big back yard with a big tree and woods. When we first moved in we went into the back woods and found human skulls and voodoo dolls in the trees. At night we would all s...

What Was That All About by princessLotus

Hello, my friends! It's been a minute, huh? I did submit an account of mine but never saw it posted. I'm not too sore about it & no I'm not going to post it again. Perhaps there was a reason. Those of you who know me know I'm a pretty tough cookie as far as the experiences I've had. Well something h...

Ghost Student 2 by SoliK

A few weeks ago I wrote about an experience I had while teaching music at a school I was at. (See my post: Ghost Student) A child in one of my classes had seen someone walking in the music room whom I did not see and later I saw a child, which I later realized was a ghost standing by the light switc...

Helpful Ghosts In Our Home 2 by Miracles51031

This is actually a continuation of the first one. It was just way too long to include with it. Friday night, October 22nd of this year, I had a dream that I lost one of my diamond earrings. These earrings are very, very special to me. The only time I take these earrings out of my ears is when I ...

Creepy Little Gas Station by BadJuuJuu

Last Wednesday the hubby and I just had to get out of the house for a little while. We went into town, had dinner, picked up a few things at the store, and decided to head home. We needed to top off the car before leaving town, but we forgot. I suggested we stop at the last gas station in town befor...

The Virgin Mary Appearance by stacey90

Hello everyone before I start, I would like to say that my story is not scary but I wanted to share it nonetheless and see if anyone knows what this means. It started last year 09. I was going through major deep depression. I would cry every day and night. I would ask myself why I was going throu...

House Haunted... But Not For Long by MoonlightHunter

When I was young, I had a lot of paranormal and spiritual experiences. Because of my upbringing, which was very strictly Conservative Christian, I became an unusually fearful child. What this ended up meaning for me was that eventually, when I was seventeen years old, I made a conscious decision to ...

The Recently Deceased by CrypticTexas

Back in 1999 I was living in San Antonio. One day, as I drove into my apartment complex, an ambulance was leaving my parking lot in a hurry. There was a crowd of neighbours gathered around a tree talking. I saw my wife and son in the crowd and they greeted me as I walked toward my apartment. I asked...

Haunted Ship by nameineed

About 3 weeks ago at around 1 a.m. I was at my job on the U.S.S. Littlerock at the Buffalo Naval Park. I was with my friends Cesar and John who also work and sleep over on the ship during encampments. We all decided to sleep in the same room because Cesar brought his space heater. Being on the s...

My House Experiences Since Childhood by shamby

II have told you most of my Dad's stories, and now I will tell you my own from the house that I've lived in my whole life. My house isn't that old, and my bedroom and the living room are the newest additions to the house, added more than 20 years ago, before my parents bought it. I've always ha...

Helpful Ghosts In Our Home by Miracles51031

I guess I should start this off by simply saying in our home we have at least 2 known ghost children: 1 boy and 1 girl. For those of you who have read my story "They Want Me To Go With Them," I do not believe these are the same children. Now to my story. July 7th of this year, after coming home f...

The Dog Thing by The-Red-Daisy

Since about April of 2010, my family has been plagued by an entity that my brother and I call "the dog thing." We have no idea what it is or why it suddenly showed up. Only my brother and I (who are both clairvoyant mediums) have seen it. Our mom, who has some minor sensitive abilities, has "felt" i...

On The Way by themiss

About three months ago (mid-August) my mom and I were driving to California. I'm in the process of planning on moving to Los Angeles in July. I have been wanting to move there since I was young and have been spending the past two years saving up and getting ready for college. (I'm 19 but I took 2 ye...

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