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Ghost stories from United States: Page 7

Shook From My Bed by Rhino06

Let me start with some back story, so you can understand my full meaning. I have been in law enforcement for nearly 28 years. For the past 13 I have been a Special Agent... I've been on SWAT, for several years and served my county overseas in the US Army. I am a type "A" personality. I have worked h...

My Mother's Doppelganger by luisporras

This story takes place around 10 p.m. When I was a teenager, around 2001. There isn't much to the story, it's not fantastical, but it freaked me out and left me wondering what the heck just happened. The rooms that are important to this story are the kitchen, my mom's room, and the family living ...

My Father's Story by Katiebug

Maybe it's just that my family's memories are like elephants, but at this year's family Christmas party, the talk ultimately turned to ghosts that the family has experienced. My Aunt Linda chuckled over her ghost being on 'the web' and my mother acted a little proud and embarrassed to acknowledg...

Aunt Linda's House by Katiebug

Knowing my family's love of ghost stories and the ghosts they've encountered in different places they've lived, it was no wonder my family would start sharing some stories. I found one that really intrigued me, for the simple fact that it was my favorite place to stay during the summer, my Aunt ...

Elizabeth by Katiebug

While none of my experiences were all that intense, there are several things that I have seen and heard that are more than real. I was born in a tiny town not far outside of the New York border. The town grew up as a railroad/mining town. Our house was built at the edge of town, the owner liking his...

Army Man In The Office? by sherm784

As I've mentioned in previous stories I work in the garment district of New York City, and have had experiences where I've seen something out the corner of my eye or in one of the neighboring office windows that shouldn't be there. A very jarring one of those occurences happened recently. We'd been ...

Jealous Ghost by Rozita000

This is about my brother, he is 34, good looking, athletic and very kind but he has been having a ghost problem for the past 4 years. We are not sure how it started or why! There are things that get misplaced and he was grabbed by his feet and shaken at midnight, one night. It shook him so hard tha...

There Is A Canadian Man In My Closet by msforgetmenott

I will explain beforehand, when I could remember, I wrote the details of this event over 58 years. Eventually before conclusion, I had scribbled (filled) three black and white composition booklets. This will be a long read. Please note there have been name changes and some incomplete info for privac...

The Beginning Of My Paranormal Experiences, Age 3 by MusingsGrace

As this is my first story shared on this site, I felt it makes the most sense to begin at a beginning. I'm a rare individual who has always known ghosts, and therefore has never doubted them. I'm also a lucid dreamer; this is also a part of me that is hard wired. Unfortunately, when one is under 4, ...

Hug From A Spirit by ANGIELJ09041968

I live in Savannah, Ga. I'm a single mom of five. I often give my bed up to avoid the fights between my boys. This particular night I was sleeping on the couch, I encountered what appeared to be a male whatever it was behind me on the couch. He wrapped both of his arms around me as if he was huggi...

Mini-tornado by LightMight

This experience took place in the late 1980's, while I was working as a secretary at a business firm in Los Angeles, California. I had been working at that location for awhile, and was rather comfortable with my daily work routine, albeit somewhat dull and tedious. The office environment was very pr...

Generational Paranormal? by LightMight

I'm new to this site, and would like to share some of my recent experiences about my new home. Last May, my husband and I decided to purchase a home in the historical downtown area of the city we live in. Our home is a charming, 3 story (6 bedroom/3 bathroom) house, that is due to turn 100 years ...

Roseman Bridge by Iowahaunting

On June 1, 2019, at approximately 7:00 PM, I was returning to Indiana from a vacation that I had taken to Wyoming and South Dakota. My all time favorite movie is the Bridges of Madison County. For years I had said that I was going to visit the house and the bridge that were the focal points in the...

My Holocaust Museum Experience In Washington Dc by Glaziola-Nacht

April 20th 2016 (My 9th Grade Year): I had taken the train from Frederick, Maryland with my entire German 1 Class to Union Station in Washington DC. My German teacher had this tradition where every other year in April she'd take her German classes to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, I just ...

My Neighbor's House by Shizuka_Hio

May 30, 2019 I was at Mrs.Linda's house today, because she called me to help her with things she need to do. So I walked to her house which is right across the street and I knock on her door and I let myself in announcing that it was me, so she wouldn't feel threatened. I went to her bedroom ...

The Church Cemetery by 8-bitDemigod

For the longest time whenever I and my best friend John would go out anywhere for extended periods of time we would have some kind of odd random occurrence. Two examples of this would be 1. While we were out for a walk a pickup truck went flying past us doing about 45 mph missing it's left front whe...

Bruises After Dream by Vixenne

The night before last, I had a dream a guy was forcibly holding me down by my arms and I kept struggling to no avail. The next morning, of course I didn't suspect it to of been anything other than a dream, but when I looked at my arm below my wrist I noticed a bruise and when I pressed it just barel...

I Don't Believe, He Does by nightbreed

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year, and we decided to move in together back in March. Things were fine at first, we get along well and have a good relationship. It was around mid April, maybe the 13th would be my best estimation, that my boyfriend (I'll call him H from no...

A Vist By Three by adove

This happened when I was 12 years old in Saint Petersburg Florida. My Father was over seas at the time so my Mother decided that we would all stay with her mother for a while. So she packed up us five kids and we went to live our Grandmother. The time with our Grandmother was not always an easy one....

Shape-shifter by ero94

I'm not too sure what to name this experience, so I went ahead and chose shape shifter and you will see why as I continue my story. I was riding my bike really late at night, on my way to my girlfriend's house for some late night fun. I had just left my house and was about 1 minute away from it wh...

Goodbye Through Free Falling by brierose444

A day before my birthday, my ex boyfriend from middle school/high school passed away suddenly. He was murdered for reasons we still don't know, or at least the media doesn't. (The murderer has been arrested). When I found out, I was shaken but not completely surprised as I heard he had gotten into d...

My Grandmother's Ghosts by TheFaeFolk

My grandmother's house had quite a few spirits that hung around, most of which were benevolent. I was a very sensitive and easily frightened child and so my mother had built a psychic wall for my mind against spiritual manifestations. I don't remember any of the direct encounters I've had with gho...

I Was Young And Dumb And Casted A Spell by loneybone

I was a teenager deeply "in love" and I had a boyfriend at the time who was long distance and promised me many things. He was not very communicative and always held a lot of what he felt or had to say inside. We spoke often and we talked about a future together and it was looking good so far. We...

The Shadow And The Closet by IntuitiveStarfish

Greetings again, you wonderful believers and skeptics. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read my first entry. This is one is more recent. This week actually. I am rather intuitive and a complete believer that there are spirits and things out there in the world that can not be explained. M...

I Bought A Haunted House by trentinray

We just bought a house at the end of March and we have been having some odd things happening. A couple days after we moved in my kids windows were open the next morning after we know we shut them before bed. The screens were still in place and the back gate leading to their windows was still latched...

Bite Marks On My Daughter's Arm by Butterfly babe

I am a mother of a 13 year old daughter. Every night for about 8 days now she wakes up at 5:18 am crying. Last night she woke up shaking and crying. She said her arm hurt, she was nauseous and dizzy. Upon inspection of her arm there were 3 clearly defined bite marks. The teeth marks were on her ...

What Does She Want With Me? by ELINOEL96

My name is Elijah. I live in a house with two other roommates whom I consider to be like family. Ever since I could remember, I've been able to feel shadows. The figures that follow you, whether good or evil, I could sense them so intensely that I could describe how they look, without actually...

Sleeping Terror by Tori-Frost

This took place when I was a child, living with my grandparents home was also with my mother and uncle all under one roof. Now mind you, when I was a kid I was used to the feelings and seeing of entities as long as they were nice. Most where thankfully kind and understanding. When I was young I...

Three Generations Of A Haunting by Aikia_Gruesome

I'm not sure where to even start, really. My story is really my family's story, starting with my great-grandparents and ending when my mother, stepfather, and I moved out of the house where everything happened. I suppose the best place to start, is with the beginning, some time in the 40's. My g...

Tore Us Apart by Haven

A few years ago, my oldest daughter was preparing to take her First Communion. The church required that parents and godparents attend a two day retreat. It was during this retreat that my children's father reconnected with God. He was touched by everything he lived that day. I remember seeing him l...

My Ongoing Story by tlogan122812

It started when I was little. I can remember 6-7 year old. I use to chew gum and right before bedtime I'd chew my gum and watch whatever cartoon was on TV in my bedroom. My mom would tell me to throw my gum away and brush my teeth. I wouldn't throw it away (mind you I'm like 6 or 7) I'd put it at th...

The Rabbit In The Back Seat by oraclemache

Someone had shared an Easter bunny experience on this sight, an it reminded me of an experience my son had. He's not the only one. My son was in his teens. He was very troubled as he had just lost a brother to suicide and mom,me, lost her mind. He had left home and I spent a great deal of time i...

Shadow Person Looked Like Girlfriend by Peregrine879

I was preparing dinner tonight, before my girlfriend came to my place. In the corner of my eyes I saw her walk from my dining room down to my bathroom. As this figure who I thought was my girlfriend pass me I said hello. She turned or it did and looked at me and walked by. After a minute I went back...

My Room With The Woman by ClutchCain

As a kid in I grew up in two houses. One was with my mom and the other was with my dad. I always felt more at home with my dad because my mom's house had a bad energy. But while at my dads we had a spirit in our house and we called him The Little Guy. TLG was harmless but he would always catch someo...

Unexplained Phenomenons by reneemarie29

My husband and I moved into the apartment we currently reside in a little over two years ago. It's quite spacious and has updated amenities. There is a master bedroom with a full bath attached and a guest bedroom with a restroom just outside of it. We live on the top floor of a 3-story apartment bui...

It All Started With A Possessed Table by Starr347

When I was in 6th grade (so like 12 years old), I was invited by one of the popular girls to her slumber party for her birthday, and I was very excited to go because it was my first year at a private Catholic school and I was still trying to make friends. Everyone was looking forward to one girl com...

Mystery Water Puddles And 1 Flying Object by Floorguy12687

Every so often my girlfriend and I will find 2 or more water puddles. We live in the basement, basically a mother in law apartment. It was concrete and back in the 70s they laid sheet vinyl down. A few months after moving in I woke up one morning walked towards the kitchen and stepped in water! I ...

Fort Benning/harmony Church by AT1984

Previous to this incident, I had never experienced seeing any "ghosts" or apparitions. I attended Infantry Basic Training/Advanced Individual Training at Fort Benning, GA in the Harmony Church area, from January through March of 1981. The barracks were two-story WWII-era buildings. Anyone who has...

Dream About Death Attracted A Spirit? by MNgirl97

This experience happened to me last night (4/26/2019) at around 3 a.m., and is the most frightening experience I've had by far. It started as a seemingly normal dream. In the dream it was a dark and rainy afternoon and I was wondering around a very small city exploring the buildings. Eventually, ...

Attending His Own Funeral? by JRGurganus1998

It's been about 3 years since I've posted up here, but I rarely have any paranormal experiences. This is the first one I've had in a long time. To start, I'll introduce myself. My name's John Gurganus and I'm 20 years old. I'm from North Carolina. This took place at my local church, Memorial Baptist...

A Spirit Led Me To New York, To His Old Apartment by Nylaca

I visited New York for the first time in January, while on tour (I'm a musician). On the third night I had a dream about someone who was well known in entertainment, who had long been crossed over... (no they weren't a musician) The dream: I was standing in Times Square by myself, in the snow ...

The Ghost Who Came To Rehearsal by IntuitiveStarfish

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my story. It is my first time posting here. I've experienced many unexplainable things but this is one that has stayed with me. In a scenic Minnesota city, near where I went to college, there is a theatre that is storied to be haunted by a mischie...

Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit by JamesF

I was born in Michigan and recall back in November, 1975, when the ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank during a violent storm in Lake Superior. All hands were lost during the sinking and no bodies were ever recovered because the ship sank so suddenly. The sinking was about 15 miles from Whitefish Poi...

Visit From Grandad/dreams? Part 2 by MNgirl97

This is part 2 of a story I submitted called "Visit from Grandad/dreams?" It is important to read that story first and then return to this one! I posted the story "Visit from Grandad/dreams?" sometime spring of 2018, without having told my grandma of this experience (who had been widowed of cours...

Haunted Townhouses At Lacey by Don-H

When I left the Army, I tried to make a go of it in the state I got out in (Washington) but I soon realized that this was a mistake. This was a very expensive place to live in and the only property I could afford to rent that would allow me to keep my dog was in the town of Lacey (effectively a sub...

Dream Home Nightmare by oraclemache

A few years ago my ex husband and I moved our new little family into a cute 3 bedroom little house. It was painted blue, and therefore has since been called the blue house. The 1st week there we were in our living room watching television, when a massive shadow went up the wall behind us, onto the c...

Fairy Lights by valkricry

As most of you who have read my submissions know, I've had a lot of experiences with the paranormal. I'm not saying that as a form of bragging or to impress, it's just a statement of fact. However, until recently, I thought I had not encountered the most commonly claimed; that of seeing orbs. Not in...

Kid In The Hall by sherm784

As I always like to do when I'm stuck in a boring meeting at work, I looked across the courtyard windows to watch what the people in other offices are doing for work and what their setups look like compared to ours. It's a little bit voyeuristic, but passes the time. The other day I noticed one ...

My Creepy Final Visit To Our Haunted Family Home by virulentpeach

My great-aunt, who has lived for years in an 1890s Victorian home, which has been in our family for generations, recently was moved to assisted living. The home, which was featured in my first story posted to this site and is where I was choked by an unforeseen force by an old necklace, is falling a...

Cloaked Figures Yelling At Me by Kaysxxs

I have just moved into Logansport,Indiana. This is the place where my mother and grandfather both grew up. We also moved into the house that they both grew up in, which it has, of course, been fixed up. I have had many other sightings but this is the most recent one and the most terrifying. I am ...

The Loud Growl by adove

It was 1980, and I was sixteen years old. I lived in North Carolina on the army base Fort Bragg with my family. I was getting ready to babysit for the White's, a couple that lived about a half a block from me. I arrived just before dinner and played with Adam, who was eighteen months and Lacy, wh...

Something At The Nursing Home by 8-bitDemigod

I used to work 3rd shift at a small 44 bed nursing home. We were supposed to be an assisted living facility for people who were cognizant yet unable to live on their own and a rehabilitation center for those recovering from surgery or stroke. In reality we were mainly taking care of elderly resident...

Spirit Guardian To Teen by chey558

I grew up in Coushatta. I was around 12 or 13 when I first sensed the presence of a small girl. I told my brother about her and he told me that he had seen an apparition that looked like what I described. I never saw her but she stayed with me the entire time I lived in this house. I do not believe ...

My Friend's Message? by Mel-D72

This just happened to me last night. (3/25/19) I thought it strange and wanted to share to get your impressions. (I'll explain my thinking at the end.) A little over 40 years ago, I met a little girl on the playground at school. We were both 8 years old. She was new to the school and I was one of ...

Strange Things Are Happening In My Boarding School by oohfreaky

I usually talk about my experiences in my old boarding school in Indonesia, but this time I will be talking about my experience in my new boarding school in PA. I started attending an Islamic boarding school in PA in August. Of course, for privacy reasons I will not be telling the name of the sch...

Creature In My Hotel Room by Junglecat

This story happens exactly one week after my first story which I posted this morning. It may be connected because it contains a similar creature as the second creature that I encountered in Dad's house on the day that I left. But as I reported in the previous story, it was difficult to identify more...

Christmas At Dad's by Junglecat

My dad is 80 years old. He doesn't live in his house, but instead lives with his girlfriend in a one story house approximately 3 miles from his. When I visit at Christmas, I normally stay at his house because his girlfriend's dog is unnecessarily fearful of my big shepherd. This story takes place be...

The Ghost Principal by Vicisspookedout

In 2013 I was in 7th grade, I was in the band for Ware Shoals Junior High. We had a winter concert coming up and one day in early December, my band director sent me and my friend Lee to a small room above the auditorium to grab a few extra stands and music books. The idea of doing that terrified me ...

The Easter Bunny by elaina_maria__

Before I get started this happened a long time ago. I'm almost 20 and this happened when I was 5 or 6. At that age I didn't know anything about ghosts, and I don't know if this was a ghost, but I can tell you I wasn't hallucinating. I'll give you a basic description of my house, my bedroom is the ...

Pizza Hut Ghost by Jerms

I mentioned in one of my previous stories that I am a delivery driver for a Pizza Hut in NY. Today I am going to tell you of the experiences I have had while working in the restaurant. These are short, quick encounters with sentence long stories. Lights throughout the store will flicker at rando...

The World Paused by kixrox

This is my 2nd story of 4 weird events that have happened to me in 51 years of life so far. After posting my last story, many readers wondered why I don't want to respond to comments or questions. Answer is I have talked about my strange events with others so many times over the years and I am a ver...

He Doesn't Like Me by Bradsmom31

I am a cable installer and I work in all sorts of buildings old and new alike. I am also a medium. I have recently been working a building that was built in the 1920's, the foundation was laid in 1918 by a freemason. Anyway, I was in the basement of the building and there are three walking space...

Many Many Deer, Why? by msforgetmenott

My husband and I have always enjoyed nature. We feed the birds in our yard, and yes the black bear came, likes sneaks in the night. We didn't care, only upset that we didn't see them. Then came the evening a she bear came just when I had put out the kitchen light. "Bob! Bear! Bear!" He runs for his ...

Getting My Faith Back by moondog

I have gone through 40 years of my life without having a paranormal incident. This includes camping, staying in old houses, staying in supposed haunted houses and all the things a person does either knowingly or not while growing up. But having several, 2 of which I posted here, over the course of a...

Ghosts In The G.i. Lab by 8-bitDemigod

Since this is my first story on here I want to give a little info about myself for better understanding of my state of mind during any events I describe: I've always been interested in the supernatural/paranormal for as long as I can remember. It's always been a fascinating subject for me and I cons...

The Lady In The Glass Case by dlsaullo

"The myths about the Galloway "Lady in the Glass Case" memorial in Lake View Cemetery in Jamestown grow bigger with each passing generation. Speculation ranges from the untimely death of a young bride, to the '50s version of the untimely death on a prom date, to a forbidden love between a rich heire...

Spirits Follow Me by Haileyh252

My entire life has been filled with paranormal experiences. The first sign that something was wrong is when I was very young I kept asking my parents if we had ghosts. They would always answer with," we bought the house brand new", so no one had died there. I would try to believe them, but I always ...

Watchers "fallen Angel's" by James_sightings

One night about 2012 in the middle of summer, which was different than any other in my life. I was living alone in a camper on my parents homesite in the western Florida panhandle, an acre surrounded by woods with no neighboring lights visible, total darkness!. I woke around 2am, tea candle long bur...

Trolled By A Ghost? by sherm784

I saw the Rock Isn't dead story and I wanted to share a kind of cool one I had along those lines. I had gone out with a girl the night before and had a fairly unmemorable date other than talking about an upcoming wedding I was planning to attend. I drank possibly one too many beers after the...

Who/what Slammed The Door? by Isee1111

This story isn't full of any "wow" factor but it really happened. My parents told me this and they don't make up stories. It was July 1963 and they had just moved into a brand new house. New construction and they were the first owners. It was a 2-story house with the bedrooms upstairs. It was th...

I Think I Saw Myself Hovering Over Next To Me? by salsapicante

This is a little scary, I'm still a little shocked. This just happened about 30 minutes ago. 5:30am. I kept waking up throughout the night because my pillow kept falling over. I kept pushing it off the side of the bed with my head, and I could feel its absence every now and then and wake up. I don't...

What Was Making That Noise? by chuckz_21

I lived with my mom at her house for 20 years and I have had quite experiences there and so have others. I do not live there anymore but I still remember everything I experienced while living there. This one in particular I thought was the scariest. I had my girlfriend living with me, who is now my...

Delightful Experience by chuckz_21

This happened to me about 6 years ago, me and few friends were hanging out and decided to go to a ditch (just plain land that had a few tracks). To get there we had to go under the street through I guess a tunnel or so (I don't know what they are actually called). There is a ramp you have to go up t...

Am I Haunting My Own House? by ShellRey

My youngest brother came into my room one morning and asked if I had gone into his room the night before. I was still sleeping and got annoyed and told him of course I hadn't. I didn't get home from my bar tending shift until about 4 in the morning and went right to bed. It was obvious he didn't bel...

Mom's Disembodied Sobs by Quantumgirl

My experience happened in 2015. I had just moved backed to New Orleans from Florida and gotten an apartment. Then came hurricane Katrina. My parents and I evacuated to my sister's house in P.a. We were very stressed, especially my Mom. My sister had a large old house, and Mom and Dad and I were slee...

Devil's Den In Gettysburg by E6bee

This event took place in July of 2013: I am a member of the Boy Scouts of America, a Star Scout at the time (for those interested, I have since gotten my Eagle Scout). At the time, I was 15 years old and did good in school. Due to my grades, my parents allowed me to go on our units upcoming scout...

Blues Brother by unquiet

My brother died in a tragic accident several years ago. A few months after he died, my mother and I were sitting in her living room reminiscing about him when she suddenly asked me if my son (who was 10 years old at the time) would like to have my brother's black fedora hat. My brother liked...

Ignis Fatuus (ghost Lights) by James_sightings

Ghost lights (Ignis Fatuus) We always loved taking the kids camping. One summer night under a warm, muggy clear night sky in 2011, the time was only an hour or two into sunset. We were walking across the campground to the lake, which has a pier across it that's four feet wide. I was gazing i...

The One Who Was Spying On Us by chuckz_21

I use to work inside a warehouse and I had three incidents when I saw someone who actually wasn't there. The first time I saw someone I thought it was our boss who was real pain in the butt. The managers inside the warehouse would wear a red vest, he is Caucasian, with blonde hair and blue eyes. I...

Have You Seen Her? by ErinMichelle02

3:30. The time I've been so anxiously waiting for all day. So mentally exhausted from a long day of pointless algorithms and discussions about why we should buckle down on learning the theme of the book we'd been assigned that week. I had been so eager to burst out of the school building and smell t...

Grandmother Mary by Alphagirl7199

I was a young girl, maybe 9- 10 years old. I had been going to this elementary school in Las Vegas where we had a small fundraising carnival going on. My father had taken us to make up for not seeing us for almost a month. My little sister and I were all over the place having fun and playing the g...

The Play Room At Gramma's House by Mel-D72

I have been debating for quite some time about posting this. But in reading other similar stories, I thought I would go ahead. This happened not only to me, but also my older sister at the same time. Way too freaky to be coincidence or childhood imagination. My sister and I spent the night at ou...

Winking Twinkling Charlie by msforgetmenott

I recently read a story on YGS about an experience while very young. In my opinion, many if not all speak and baby talk about seeing someone or something. Unfortunately the young children are easily dismissed as their words are hard to understand or the adults are too busy to listen. Then for most c...

The Man Is Back by E6bee

So to clear things up right off the bat, this story is being submitted on my girlfriends behalf, but I have some experience with it too. As for some context: She has a very dark history. When she was a baby, her mother had multiple affairs on her father. At some point, she wanted the guys she ...

Grim Reaper Or Shadow Person? by Em1234

When I was little, about seven years old, I would always see this sort of figure. It was almost like a shadow but it was pitch black. It had a pointed hood, just like the grim reaper. Now I know that some people say that the grim reaper is supposed to stand for death, but I didn't feel that way. Whe...

Rock Isn't Dead by unquiet

On March 9th, 2018 I was awoken suddenly at 1:14 am by the sound of a few notes played on my 12-year-old son's electronic keyboard in his room. I waited a moment before getting up to investigate, just in case I was dreaming. Then I heard a note played a second time. I thought that maybe my son m...

Invisible Stalker? by giannaoco

This is my first year up in Marquette and I always like to know if the town I'm living in is haunted or has haunted places to visit. I did my research and found a couple places that are haunted. One of those places is the NMU college that I'm currently attending. I read about the stories and got a l...

I'm Being Followed By A Dark, Cloaked/hooded Entity by Chaos92

The first time I recall seeing him was when I was around 8 years old. My bed had recently been moved to face the window in my room. It was nighttime but quite well lit outside and I saw this cloaked, black figure with a hood covering most of his face. What I could see of his face was white and maybe...

Watching? by muzikman

My wife and I like to explore old abandon properties as a sort of hobby on the weekends. One weekend we drove by an old house that looked abandoned and it wasn't posted to keep out and nothing was locked up like the gate or barn that was adjacent of this old house. There were old farm implements a...

Footsteps On My Bed by Rosebuds907

I remember one specific night when people tell me about their paranormal experiences and I can remember it so clearly. When I was much younger, maybe 5 or 6, I used to sleep with my mother on a king sized bed. We lived in a small trailer court in Alaska at the time and we lived a typical life, mun...

She Needed Help by unquiet

A few years ago my family and I traveled to a small beach town on the east coast of Florida for a quick overnight stay. My 14 year old daughter was volunteering to help with an event, so my husband, myself, and son went along. While searching the internet for a hotel close to the venue, I was in...

A Man I Can Not Explain by Cuddlebear

This may appear a tad unusual - the post has been written in three sessions over twelve days. I wanted to record my initial impressions to share with you if I could not satisfy myself as to what I saw. I thank you for your indulgence... I had an unusual sighting this morning- January 7th, 2019. ...

Down A Dark Hall by Jenn63

I already despise the story that I am about to share because it has no ending. Twenty-one years have past since the activity started, and, at first, it seemed quite harmless, almost funny...ALMOST. But lately, there seems to be a new presence with more influence, and it has become quite frightening....

Memory Lane by Twilight1011

The year was coming to an end, with it being late October, 2009. This was when I was still in my first marriage, and had just moved out from our apartment. At this time, I recently had found out that I was now pregnant, with my second son. With us having to quickly find a new place to rent, due t...

Confirmation From Our Dog by Britral

My three children and I rented a house for a few years in Mobile County, Alabama, starting in 2015. Shortly after our first year there in the house, I began to notice small instances that alerted me that we may not be alone. Tapping on windows, misplaced items, nothing traumatic. It did, however, ...

The Back Room by Fairyhead

When I was a preschooler, we moved to a shadowy house surrounded by a creek. Bay trees grew close, hugging the house and making the rooms darker. The front of the house contained a main living room with a wood stove and two bedrooms that were very small. Down a small step was the kitchen. Off of tha...

A Stalking White Spirit, What Is It? by Necromaniac

Recently, there's been some strange phenomenon happening after I moved with my father to a different state. All the time in many homes I've been in, there's always something happening, but I didn't expect it to follow me from state to state. I have enough on my plate as is, and I feel that this enti...

It Follows...always by humz101

I don't have anyone to turn to. Everyone who experienced the following events with me, laugh it off as nothing, or disregard the events as a whole. It started off when my grandparents first purchased their house, the year I was born, well, a few months before to be exact. Due to my parents not be...

Ghostly Revenge by Poobah

This house was located in Ontario California. We bought it a few months before my first son was born. I worked in an electronic assembly company. My co workers and I would tease a lady named Pearl who also worked there about her chain smoking. I quit work when my son was born in July. One of my ...

Toy That Turns To Stare At You by Ashirani

When I was in fifth grade me and my friends Sadie and Abby really liked the show My Little Pony. At the time our school was having a book fair and one of the books came with a little pony figurine. Abby ended up buying it. Sadie and I would always beg her for it because we collected those pony toys,...

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