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Ghost stories from United States: Page 8

My Home Of Paranormal Activity by tmill64

Shortly after turning in for the night, dog sleeping by the nightstand, I go through my email and check my online buying and selling sales. While doing so, the increased depth and volume of breathing from the dog got my attention. It was unusual. But I continued my business. A few minutes later,...

Paranormal Experiences At My Grandma's House by kittenglasses

When I was born, I lived with my dad, mom and grandma in my grandma's house in Chowchilla, CA. This town is notorious for gangs, shootings, and plenty of "crazies" as the locals called them. This story is not about them, but I figured I should establish that first. I will be writing in this account ...

Doctor Office Ghosts by funnybee450

I work in a pediatric doctor office and we have several paintings on our walls from sick kids from the children's hospital we are associated with. Quite a few of us here have had several experiences. Some of my coworkers have had little cards go flying off of the counters with no wind around or AC t...

Ghost Of El Tropicano by funnybee450

This past summer, my family and I (husband and 2 kids 8 year old at the time and a 6 month old) traveled to San Antonio for a weekend little vacation. I picked the el Tropicano on the Riverwalk because it looked nice online, and I got a really good deal booking at one of those online sites. When I b...

New House With A Visitor by Hauntingmylife

We recently bought a house in a small town in Florida. It's a retirement lake community that most folks have bought into as Winter getaway homes. Others live here all year round and everyone is like one big family. We were aware that someone had died in our home but that hadn't bothered us. The hou...

6611 by angry_blonde2k19

I've lived in a small town all my life. It was always quiet, never any commotion. Cops rarely ever visited it. There was a decent sized house on the corner of our turn to our house. It was a medium sized red house, it had a back indoor porch, 4-5 bedrooms, one kitchen, 2 living rooms and one bathroo...

Highlands Haunting by RunningToMeetTheMoon

When I was 20 I moved into my first apartment, which was in an older home in the Highlands area of Louisville. It was a beautiful home, and the rent was super affordable for the area. Despite sensing a feeling of a presence during the walk through I was still excited to move in. It didn't take long ...

Peek-a-boo by ceciline

I lived with my parents at the time that this happened. We had a nice home, I loved the kitchen. We had a bar separating the kitchen from the living room, and I would sit there everyday and do my homework there. I'm also a total night owl. So I went into the kitchen one night, really late. I was ma...

Who Was In The Car? by Dede77

This happened to me about 5 years ago, in 2013, and I still am baffled by it. I was on my way to work early in the morning, around 6:30, so it was still dark. As I rounded a corner on my road, I came upon a car stopped in the middle of the road. I halted behind it for a moment, before realizing th...

Money Mysteriously Disappears by SweetEmma

For the last 2 years something has been happening to me that I can not seem to quite understand. I get scared every time it happens because I do not know why it has continuously happen to me. Lately my money has been disappearing so mysteriously and it is not someone taking it it's more of a somethi...

The Shadowman From Hell by paranormalnut

In the old days, we spent our evenings as a family parked in front of our old black and white TV set. There were only four channels back then: 3, 13, 8, and PBS. Being down in the hills, we could only pick up two: 3 and 13. If atmospheric conditions were just right, and they seldom were, we could pu...

A Voice? by ilikecocacola

This story took place on October 31, 2017. This night was one of the most creepiest nights in my life, it was about almost 2 years ago. Before I get into the story I'll give you some history on my house. Before my grandmother got the place an old man lived here, I don't remember his name but the sto...

Where Does It Go? by Twilight1011

This is somewhat of a new experience that has now happened twice to me, well that I know of. I've shared under someone's submission on here in the past, about my first incident with this prankster I seem to have. So for the people that hasn't read that comment of mine, from about a year ago I beli...

Red Apparition And Other Odd Stories by LuciaJacinta

These stories all occurred in my childhood home so I will group them together here. One of my earliest paranormal memories was of me saying, "Mom, there is a man in the corner." Just an average looking everyday man. Nothing too distinguishing. He was dark haired. Around 30 years old with a c...

The Disembodied Whistle by CrypticSerpent

This is a story that happened about 7 months ago. I had recently moved out of my old home to move into my own home. It is the first time I've lived on my own, besides my significant other. Well we had been moving in and out of this house, (my mother was moving too) and I had decided I still needed s...

Something's Getting Closer To Me - Evil Feeling by Astaria

I think I need help, but I'm not sure. I'm really not sure where else to turn to. I don't know much about spirits, but I do believe in them. No one else can help me. None of my friends have any real suggestions or answers for me either. I just need advice... Clarification maybe? I was honestly f...

A Very Frightening Encounter With The Grim Reaper! by ShadowFire

Enchanted Rock State Natural Area spiritual Encounters With The Grim Reaper! I guess I should start my story by giving you a short background of my information before I continue. You see all my life I been a witch but suppressed my gifts until the magical year of 2006 when I finally embraced all...

The Bathroom & The Yellow Girl by MissyMissy101

I was about 7 or 8 years old. I was in the girl's bathroom in my elementary school. It was as big as a normal size living room. It had two bathroom stalls, two sinks, and one paper towel dispenser. I was in the smaller bathroom stall, while my friend, let's call her Micky, was in the bigger stall. W...

Confirmation I See Dead People by ericam

First off, I'm so happy I found this site! This happened over 5 years ago when I worked at a Headshop in Tacoma. I worked there for several years and our regulars we became really close to. Tyler (fake name) used to come in once or twice a week. I noticed for the last two weeks he hasn't been in...

A Strange Encounter by ShadowFire

Day 47 Of 366 "A Strange Encounter" Thursday Jan 10 2008 A very strange thing happened to me one night near the witching hour over 20 years ago when I was living at an old house by myself. I wanted to share this strange supernatural story with you to get you ready for the 3 intense encounters I...

My Mamaws Goodbye by Twilight1011

This is not an experience that I personally witnessed, but one that my husband had, and shared with me. On June 24th 2017, I received one of the worst knocks at my door, that I'll never be able to forget. It was one of my uncles coming over to inform us that my Mamaw had just passed away that lat...

Friendly Nudge During Late Night Feeding by thething45

This is one of the more helpful experiences I've had with our friends on the other side. My son was born in September of 2011. At the time we were living on the 2nd floor of a two family home in an industrial area of Hillside, NJ. I never for a second expected to leave all of the childcare r...

Random Happenings by Haven

I have a few experiences that happened to me that I would like to share here and see what you guys think. I lived in Seattle for a few years when I was a teenager, my dad moved us to Seattle after his brother died in a car accident. My uncle left behind his widow, 6 kids and his business that co...

Interesting Visiting Nurse by msforgetmenott

While in the Hospital, after a serious surgery, I had some strange encounters. What I am writing about today, had an impact on me. I was given a private room at my request. I have had other events in the past, and you do not want to disturb the other person right next to you, when you see something...

Unnatural Cat Cries by ScaryMary2018

In Midvale UT., I rented a small, isolated old house. What was my garage is now a small apartment. I've heard noises so, I started doing some research on the property. It seems an elderly lady and her son lived here. The son would carry his bedridden mother to the garage while he worked on cars. If ...

Paranormal Entity? Mulitiverse? Or Both? by Ominousone

I purchased a house over a year ago which was in a dilapidated state when purchased. As such, I spent the first year or so only doing landscaping and general cleaning. Needing to commit more time to the project, the wife and I decided to stay there, it was livable, just not the most luxurious. (The ...

Concerning Hallucinations And Otherwordly Matters by DirtCreature

As a skeptical agnostic, I often question my experiences or outright dismiss them assuming I am overreacting to stimuli. However, some minor experiences and memories have led me to some questions concerning some feedback by the YGS community. After my last dismissal of strange events, some members n...

Patio Door Face And The Shadow Figure by KankokuMochi

I remember when I was a senior in high school, I was preparing for college. When I wasn't doing that, I would be spending time with my family. We were just playing the Wii and chatting about life when my mom sent me to get her purse and when I asked her where was it, she told me it was in the Di...

The Voices That I Thought Was Thiers by KankokuMochi

I remember when I was in my first year of college, I woke up around 3 AM in the morning. Let me give you an idea of the placement of the master bedroom to my room. My room was just perpendicular to the Master bedroom and parallel to the bathroom. But the main focus was the master bedroom and my ...

Black Hooded Figure With Expressionless White Face by Saintsfan21

I have a few experiences with the being I mentioned in the title starting in 2012. I have pretty much kept this on the down low except for telling my wife and pastor. It started as what I thought was night terrors. I'm laying in my bed watching tv and as I turn my head to get my remote I saw a f...

Angel Of The Dark by Kirbyp

I live on the outskirts of the small historic town of Vine Grove. It's a residential area well off the beaten path surrounded by forest and close to Otter Creek. I've lived here for 9 years with my chocolate Lab/Bullmastiff mix named Harley. He had to be put down last year because he was deaf, al...

Goodbye And Proof From Dad by Berggraf38

My dad passed away suddenly and unexpectedly about a year and a half ago. I've hesitated to post the series of experiences that I had afterward but after reading many inspiring personal experiences on this site, I've decided to go ahead. Maybe someone will be inspired by them, I certainly was. The f...

Mr. Riggs Walks 2 by MrRiggs

In November of 2017 I submitted a story to YGS regarding my departed Schnauzer, Mr. Riggs. He had returned from death to visit his home and family. Last heard from Halloween night of 2017, I thought him gone for good. Apparently I was wrong. There are indications that he has returned. This story ...

The Famous Cat Named Spaulding by Cuddlebear

If the title puzzles you it is a Groucho Marx reference, if that doesn't help catch the movie Animal Crackers (1930). In our soon to be 28 years of marriage we have shared our lives with a dozen furry roommates. Only two of them were "only children" and for both of them it only lasted a very shor...

A Few Happenings by EmberSparrow

Each story of mine is only a brief explanation long so I'm putting them together; I'm wishing for more frequent and longer experiences, though! The first happened a few years back. My younger sister and I were sitting on our back patio listening to music and relaxing while my parents were at the ...

Ghost Girl Caught On Camera? by Zidagar

I was visiting my girlfriend in PA one time, and she tells me of this haunted church about a half hour's drive from her house in the town of Burlington. Being interested in the paranormal, I am excited to go. The church is surrounded by a cemetery and has two floors and was decommissioned 30 years a...

Evidence Gathered On A Research Project In Marietta, Ga by ManinBlackAtlGa

I have been asked over the last 39 years of Research if "Ghosts" are Real. Well...they say a picture is worth a Thousand Words. I was asked to look into Reports of Strange activity at the Old Marietta Cemetary in Marietta GA some years back. I assembled a Team of Volunteers who were Interes...

Odell Ghost by supermcdevitt

As a long time employee at a resort in Oregon that was established in 1903 this the first experience for me with the paranormal. This resort has a very long history. I was sitting at my front desk late in the evening which I have done many times over the years. The time was a about 11pm pacific time...

Handprint Of A Ghost? by valkricry

This happened on September 23, 2018, around 10 A.M. Or so. It was a Sunday morning, and my roommate was at Service, so my cat and I were enjoying some uninterrupted TV time. I was enjoying a scary movie (my 'guilty' pleasure) with the drapes drawn and lights off for atmosphere. When out of nowhere...

Shadow People And A Little Girls Voice by MrsRizzo2429

Hey readers I am here to stop by because I wanted to give an update about somethings that have been going on. Things have been going missing lately around our house. One morning I am getting ready for the day with my husband and we are about to leave for the day and I can't find the car keys. In...

Big Black Dog by Haven

When I was around 15 or 16 years old, I was alone at home because my family had gone to a party. My mom was very hesitant to let me stay by myself because they were going to be out pretty late. I remember pleading with her and telling her I needed to get some homework done and I didn't feel well to ...

Something Cold by Haven

I have mentioned in other stories, or maybe in comments, that lately I've been feeling my bed move when I'm trying to fall asleep. I have even seen my sheets move when I am completely frozen still. I have done some research on the internet to see if this is probably some kind of medical condition. I...

Smelly Visitor by MarvinScott

It has been a while since I have posted to YGS but return at least weekly to read new postings, even though I stay rather busy at work, and taking grave photos for requests and etc. I have been a licensed funeral director and embalmer for the past 33 years and hold a National License ...

Black Hand by Jeani

Years ago, for Christmas, I had asked Santa Claus for a pair of "little girl" high heel shoes. It was all the rage! Lol I remember daydreaming about how wonderful it would be to have such shoes! I would look so great and it would be so much fun. I was so excited I couldn't wait for Christmas. Fina...

Grandpa's Camera by spiritwaiting

Hey Everyone! Lately some small odd things have been going on in my home. Little things that if I hadn't started paying attention, would go by unnoticed. As of late because of the cold, wet, weather I have been keeping our furry baby in the lounge room. It's his bedroom nowadays. On the v...

Grandma Marie by spiritwaiting

In August of 2018 Grandma Marie passed away. This of whom I'm speaking of in this, my Husband's paternal grandmother. Before she passed away, over the month before I had started thinking of her quite frequently. She would just pop up in my thoughts out of the blue. We had even talked about g...

Because I Talked To It, It Got Worse by AndrewSimpson

I've lived in the same house for many years. Each year something happens, sometimes scary sometimes annoying. In a full house of 9 people not everyone has had an experience. My two little brothers have never had an experience. One of little sisters told me she heard whispering once. My other two y...

Spirit On A Bed (?) by DeliverDawn

Witchcraft can be a truly wonderful and beautiful thing--a path to enlightenment, the same as many others. Not all witches practice so-called "black" or harmful magic, and I certainly never have and don't intend to. However, when one begins to learn magic, among the first things they are told to stu...

The Haunted Bonnet by MikeChandler001

As a paranormal investigator I travel the USA in search of Haunted Locations. One day I got a call about a house in Atlanta, Georgia (Georgia is one of the most haunted states in America). I was asked to come out and investigate a house belonging to the McHugh Family. I drove down to Georgia and f...

Interference On Camera by KankokuMochi

Note this will be very short. So this just happened recently and as I am typing this, I feel like something is outside my house. Not only that, the cameras in the house keep rebooting and the displays keep going to black. So a little backstory, I'm a 20 years old and while I may be a person w...

No Kids Allowed by Haven

A few years ago when my children were about 7, 5 -1/2 and 4 they were spending the night at their dad's sister's house. Auntie Monica was babysitting that day, my then husband and I were going to a party and were not going to be back until very late so it was decided that the kids might as well just...

Darker Than The Darkest! by msforgetmenott

Often times when writing, the words just flow as my mind recalls, but not this time. You have no idea how many times I have endeavored to put these words to print. Each time I would end up deleting the whole mess. Here I am again, still not willing to give up. I will skip over the earlier details...

Is It A Demon/ Witch Craft? by felidee623

So before you know what happened recently you'll need to know this: My grandfather was crazy into witchcraft voodoo. He used to draw pentagrams on the basement floor, put my aunt, uncle, and mom inside them, perform "spells" on them, and then throw them all in a closet. He used to call himself a "wi...

Spirits Are Around by pressen

They say things come in threes, and that held true for me when I experienced a trio of weird events while living on Florida's Gulf Coast back in 1989. A lot was going on then: my fiancé and I had both suffered broken marriages before marrying and moving into her old home. A difficult six-month l...

Garage Investigation by DeliverDawn

(To understand this story I'm going to tell you that, in addition to me, there were Jasper and AJ. Jasper was my best friend for several years, and I usually refer to him as my childhood best friend. We split because he was inviting a lot of negative energies into his life, and I felt like we were n...

Black Shadow With White Glowing Eyes by Emmee

On Wednesday 24, 2018, it was like any other night for me. I was on my laptop writing a heartbreak story and I was also on my phone texting some of my friends. My room had no lights on, so it was really dark. At six pm I looked up from my laptop for some odd reason, and saw a black shadow with white...

I Think My House Is Haunted, I Don't Know What To Do Anymore Update by KatieOuO

So to start off, thank you so much for everyone who replied to my last post. It honestly was extremely helpful. After I read all the comments I went to my father and asked him about everything you guys said. He helped me pray over my room -etc- For a while things started to calm down, I wasn't...

Great Aunts' House And Other Ghosts by joanne1002

I grew up visiting great aunts whose brother died in the house. His room would stay ice cold no matter how hot the rest of the house was, and they kept this house sweltering hot all year round! This is the house where cabinet doors that were stuck came swinging open at me. That was my 1st encounter ...

Battle At Greasy Grass Aka Little Big Horn by naturestacey

I was traveling to Billings, Montana from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, to catch a flight. I had been camping and hiking solo for 3 weeks at this point and didn't realize I was going to drive past the Battle of the Greasy Grass, otherwise known as the Battle of Little Big Horn. It wa...

His Face Was Stretched by thething45

This particular incident requires a little family back story, so please stay with me and my apologies for any missing details. My mother's family suffered a great loss during the civil war in El Salvador. Many have heard of the death squads that targeted civilians. My grandfather was a victim. I...

Grandma Visiting Me In My Dreams by pbandj

This is my first time publishing one of my stories on here although I've always been a fan of reading stories on this website for years. I'm going to try to explain everything as much as possible. So back in 2006 my family and I lost our grandma. It was extremely difficult for me because I had gro...

Being Harassed By Hyperdemensional Enitties/ Spirit Attach by Jonte35

My name is Jonte and I really need help with a situation I am dealing with. I have been getting harassed and interfered with by negative entities going on 8 years and no one can seem to help. It all started about 8 years ago in Washington State when I started to notice everything started going wro...

Evil In The Corner by DeliverDawn

My childhood best friend had a great deal of paranormal activity around him--and when I say that, he was (perhaps both unintentionally AND purposely, at times) inviting extremely dark, extremely negative energies into his personal space, and I've chosen to not relay the majority of the stories that ...

Grandma Visits While In A Coma 10 Miles Away by CuranderaMujer

I was 5 or 6 years old. I woke up one night hearing voices in the room and it woke me up. I looked over and it was my sister and grandma talking. I got up and asked what they were still doing awake. Grandma asked if mom had done laundry because she needed her shawl. Mom had brought it home to wash ...

An Unsettling Visit by unquiet

A few years ago I experienced an isolated strange occurrence in the middle of the night. I will preface the telling of this event by stating that I don't normally have nightmares, night terrors, or trouble sleeping. I have lived in my house for 19 years with nothing overtly scary or paranormal happe...

Ghost Playing A Trick On My Grandfather? by FoxFire12

So I didn't actually expieirence this haunting event, but my grandfather sure did! (I will try my best to describe what I heard from my grandfather.) It is around 30 or more years ago and a sweet old man dies of a heart attack at his home. (My uncle was actually the one to find his body and report...

Demon Spirit Possession. Advice Greatly Appreciated by Eyeswim

I do not know how to help my friend whom I now believe is possessed by an evil demon. She has symptoms that have led me to recognize this in her. She now exhibits violent, confrontational anger the drop of a hat, (all of what I describe is new behavior) she is constantly physically busy,working,doin...

Weird Summer by RedWolf

I couldn't think of a title so I used this one which does fit:D. On Friday July 13th I had major back surgery. My back had to be reconstructed. I am now fused from T-8 all the way down to my Sacral area. The surgery took about 9 hours with 2 surgeons. Problem was they couldn't wake me up in reco...

In My Bed by Ashharp1

I'm a female and the youngest out of me and my brother. I have lived in the same house for about 18 years now. I would like to say that I'm a pretty religious person, I go to church and even go to a Catholic school. But I'm not the kind to shove my religion or beliefs down your throat. So naturally ...

Disembodied Voices At Work by DeliverDawn

FULL DISCLAIMER: While all of the spirit encounters I've had have been almost certainly paranormal and cannot be explained away, this is the only one that MIGHT have been partially created from my imagination--but I don't really believe that's the case, for reasons of which I'm about to explain. ...

Can A Painting Be Haunted? This Is Serious by InTheTARDIS

Thankyou to everyone who read and liked my first story about my grandparents home. This story intails a painting that my mother brought home from a auction when I was about 8. As I have stated previously my parents imported and exported antiques and fine wines for many years. Now just antiques....

Anne's House Update by Aliviashae

It's been a long time since I've posted anything here. There are few stories I haven't shared. I thought maybe keeping experiences to myself and putting less energy towards it would keep activity in my life down. That's been the case for a while... But since it's close to Halloween my coworker was i...

Static Figure by wunderworx

To begin I would like to include for about a year or so of my childhood I had a "sleep walking" issue. I was maybe 6 or so years old and fairly often I would wake up in completely random spots of our home, kitchen, living room and even a couple times in the same spot of our back yard. I have nev...

An Uneasy Milk Request by bresys

So I know the title is really weird, but it was the best I could come up with. This... Super freakish thing happened to me the other day and I'm actually afraid of my sister's house now because of it. To preface, my sister had closed all the blinds and you couldn't see inside their living room. H...

Visits From A Shadow by Eve28

This took place in my parents home. But before I tell my story, I want you to know I never heard of a shadow person. I knew nothing about their existence, but that was about to change. In my childhood home we had a lot of unexplained things happen. Lights would cut on and off. The faucets would ...

Supernatural Entity In My Home As A Child by Chris1989

For privacy reasons I will not share the exact location this took place, but I will state it occurred in a newly built house in Southern California. I currently still live in this house. This event took place in the late 1990's. One night when I was about 8 years old, I was sleeping in my sister's...

Ghosts And Dungeons by echospeckp

I have had many ghost experiences in my life and have always considered myself to be a very spiritual person. With that being said, I have always been extremely cautious when it comes to the supernatural. I won't even let a ouija board or tarot cards near me. I just don't like to mess with things be...

Our Grandparents House Was So Strange by InTheTARDIS

While my parents, Allen and Natasha, were often away working with their Business (they ran an import company for various antiques and fine wines for many years). Because it was difficult to travel with three youngish children, my siblings and I were often left in the care of our Paternal Grandparent...

Unexplained Event In My Grandfather's House by kentucky_believer

One the day before my twenty-fifth birthday my Maternal Grandmother passed away. She had been incredibly sick for several years, and on December Twentieth of 2017, she finally lost her fight, leaving our whole family devastated. For several days after my Grandmother's death, I stayed with my Aunt ...

Old Hag Syndrome And A Cross Earring by ElizabethStafford

This morning I noticed in my right ear was a brass cross stud earring in the second hole of my earlobe that I didn't put in there. I wear the same silver stud earrings every day and change them out rarely. In the first holes on both sides I currently have sterling silver bees. In the second hole on ...

Phone Call From Deceased Brother's Number by MarinCCC

My brother, I'll call him M, took his own life in April, 2018. M had been terribly depressed and had not been well for a while, but despite all that my younger brother, J, his wife, S, and I did we could to help him. M had lived with J & S for 20 years on a ranch in Oklahoma and passed away there. ...

Something Spooky Happened - Shadow People by MrsRizzo2429

Hey readers! I want to stop by, tell you what happened to me and my husband. This was not long ago. This happened in the last few days. My children where with their grandparents. My husband and I were tired, so we decided to lay down for a little bit and then get up and watch a movie. This was ear...

A Hug From The Other Side by Smoki_Tabu

A few weeks ago my husband and I went camping. His mom and her husband own a beautiful patch of land that is nestled up against the eastern border of Zion National Park. Tall pines, grassy meadows. It's a little slice of heaven. Being a pagan, all nature is sacred to me, but there is something extra...

Kind Spirit In Our Mom's House by yonatsume

This story has about two sides to it. I would like to mention a kind of background on my twin sister, and then talk about paranormal activity going on in this house my mom has moved into about 9 years ago. Since the two of us were very young, for some reason, my sister has always had an interesti...

White Creature While On A Hike by yonatsume

I am not the kind of person that really believes in the type of thing where all beings that aren't of this world are evil. I feel like there is another side to things, where there are beings that live quietly and do not want anything to do with us. I like to think that not all of them are particular...

Is It Following? by Haven

This just happened to me last night: I was lying in bed with the lights off going through some emails on my phone when I hear a loud popping noise followed by something hard hitting the ceiling and then hitting me in the forehead. I sat up really fast and turned on the lamp, I sat there looking aro...

The Loft Of 303 by Shanie

My name is Shan Iwanicki and this is my true ghost story. I wanted to move from the city of Philadelphia to Downingtown, a suburb of Philadelphia, as it was an easier commute for me to my job. After careful hunting, I found the most beautiful loft apartment and for an amazing price. Prior to movi...

The Grim Reaper by AE89

I came across this site randomly a few days ago while searching for good ghost stories to read and I have been hooked ever since. I love ghost stories and things of that nature so I thought I'd share an experience I had with you. When I was around the age of 13 or 14, my family was renting a dup...

Encounter With A Poltergeist, Perhaps? by Smoki_Tabu

I was about 14. I had gotten permission from my parents to spend a weekend at a friend's (let's call her Cindy) house a few hours away in Escalante, UT. I remember being driven through town, face pressed against the window, gawking at the beautiful old adobe houses. I've always loved places with...

Repossessed Living Room Set Or Possessed? by CHRISTOPHERMOLTISANTI

My name is Christopher and my story takes place between the Virginia and North Carolina line, back in 2012. I worked for a furniture store delivering merchandise to our customers (living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, washers/dryers etc.) On this day at work, our morning load consisted of two de...

It Lurked In The Night by bkash

This will be my first post EVER, regarding my personal experiences with the spiritual world. Only few know of this and the other stories I will tell in the future. ** Please be advised that names will be changed in this story to protect the identities who wish not to be named ** Back in 2014...

Can Anyone Explain Any Of This? by MarinCCC

My father passed away in February, 2014. We had a memorial service in his home in Helotes, TX, in which I was living, in May of that year. Strange things started happening immediately after the memorial. This story will contain highlights. All of these are true and completely unexplained events. The...

White Demon by SoniaMary0023

I have put in a few stories regarding the paranormal experiences I have been having, all connected, might I include. I've been told that I've been haunted by a negative entity and for so long I believed it because that is what paranormal investigators told me. My gifted friend, who I trust with m...

Attacked By A Poltergeist by Aislin1541

It was March 18, 2016 2:15 a.m. I could not forget this date and time if I tried. It was a normal night until I attempted to read the tarot cards. As I centered myself and channeled energy from all around me I was suddenly filled with dread like I have never felt. It started in the base of my neck a...

I Think My House Is Haunted, I Don't Know What To Do Anymore by KatieOuO

I think that my house has spirits or demons, whatever you want to call them but, ever since I moved in I've seen things looking at me through my door way (when there was no possible way it could've been a shadow) they were pretty detailed. I'm always seeing dark figures walk towards and away from me...

The Little Blue Man? by Creepy-Crawler911

I recently started on a painting to hang over my bed not too long ago of a little blue fairy. My mother, when she saw what I was painting, asked me what I was working on. When I said that it was a fairy she told me it had reminded her of the tiny blue creature she had seen while she was pregnant wit...

This Story Is Currently Happening Right Now: Shadow Person? by Bathrick86

I moved into this house about a year ago. Two weeks after moving in I was in the basement doing laundry when I saw something in the corner on the other side of the room it kind of look like a face. I freaked out and called my boyfriend he told me it was all in my head. After about a week I starte...

A Few Weird Happenings by MrsRizzo2429

I am not sure what's going on but a few weird things have happened to me in the last few days and my husband was with me when all of this happened. My husband and I were in our bed room and it was night time, it was really really dark in our bed room and we both heard music play but only for a sec...

Apparition Watching Me? by MK1

One evening around 11pm in November of 2016, I was hard at work in my recording studio, located in the basement of my house in Huntsville, Alabama. I was working on a mix session of a recording I'd produced earlier in the month for a band from the area. I'd briefly gone upstairs to make myself a ...

Heaving Breathing Spirit? by kandm

Just some information about me for contextual purposes: I am a college student in Virginia and I regularly work odd locations during the summers to pay for tuition. Last summer, the summer of 2017, I was living in Danville, VA but working in Richmond, VA (about 3 hours driving distance between the t...

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