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Ghost stories from United States: Page 80

The Name Whispering Ghost by jreed5909

My story takes place in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee, about 60 or 70 miles from Chattanooga. The summer of 2008 was a really hard one for me, my boyfriend was in jail and I hated being home alone so I went to stay with my aunt, who has grandchildren close to my age. I figured it would be go...

Experiences That Have Happened To Me by 666numbers777

My experiences started in 2001 when I was 11, I would lay awake at night on my side and I would feel numb uncomfortable lines going across my back. It also included cold breath on my neck and face, the kind where you put a comforter over your face and you'd still feel it. This went on for about 2 mo...

My Grandma Is Still With Me by steveheydaljay

I'll never forget the evening of December 28, 2006 because it was the day that my grandma died. She had been living with my family in the upstairs apartment of our house for about twelve years after my grandpa had died and we'd grown considerably close. That evening, my parents went out and left me ...

My Scratching Door by lexz

One night when I was 10 years of age I was sleeping in my own room. Now this house was huge, but only one story even in certain spots it would echo. It is located in Medesto, California I can't remember exactly were. Even after living there for a couple months it never felt like I was completely alo...

The Dandelion by Zhen83

It all started with a precious story out of one of the "Weird NJ" books. My mom was into all the ghost stories and happenings around New Jersey, and she found one that was very neat, and right down the road from my family. It was about the "Changewater Murders," that occurred in 1843. It involved th...

Black Figure And Being Shook In Bed by scaredandconfused

My husband and I purchased our home in February of this year. We live here with our two young children. It is a fixer-upper so for the first two months it was kind of hectic around the house. About a few weeks after moving in my oldest daughter told me that she woke up one night and saw a man in our...

The Intro To Living In My House by Death12312

I'm a 15 year old girl that I suppose is pretty odd. My sister was the one who introduced me to the paranormal. At first I was frightened of the things that could be lurking in my home. But then I was fascinated with the unknown. When ever a show that has to do with the dead was on I usually watched...

Can A Homemade Ouija Board Haunt You? by Ibelieve83

I am not sure where to begin. I guess I will start from the beginning of it all. When I was in the 5th grade my cousin had a sleep over at her house. It was the usual thing of a bunch of little girls screaming and having a good time. However, when my cousin's step sister made the comment about makin...

The Figure In Black by LaceyWacey

It was in the summer of 2006, I was 11 then. I stayed with my grandma most of that summer. This all takes place in Oklahoma. The first odd experience I had happened was when I was cleaning up the living room. I don't know why but I happened to look up. I saw a black cloaked figure walk past the ...

My Demon's Origin by Ghost6R

So for those of you that have read my story PROTECTED BY A DEMON, I think I might know where she came from. Spring and Summer of 06 Las Vegas, NV A couple of years ago before I joined the army when I first graduated from high school I moved in with a friend. This house was his parent's but th...

New Apartment And Disturbed Sleep by pie1025

I moved to a new apartment in the first week of June and since moving am having trouble getting a good sleep. I don't have insomnia or any kind of sleep disorders and have had the ability to sleep anywhere peacefully given a pillow and a blanket. I did not have any trouble sleeping in the initial fe...

Baby Crying by princess2

This just happened to my daughter yesterday evening. She and her husband were sitting in the living room, when they heard a baby crying. Knowing of course there wasn't a baby in the house, she went to the back bedroom to check it out. Naturally there wasn't any more noise to be heard. When she go...

House Of Death by Kali

As long as I can remember most of my family is able to see, hear, feel, and speak to sprits that were left behind in this world. Well years and years of moving when my dad was a child with his parents and six siblings they finally moved into their dream home, on the Milwaukee south side in the 1...

Is My Son Seeing Something I Cannot? by emb1983

This all started about 3 days ago. My 2 year old son awoke from his nap shaking and terrified. (He is very advanced for his age and speaks in full sentences already) Anyway, he told me there were monsters in his room and they were trying to get him. I know, children have overactive imaginations and ...

I Saw A Ghost That Looked Like My Mom, She's Still Alive? by AlexZeee

I was 12 when this occurred. I came home from school, walked through the doorway and started to take off my shoes. My mom then walked up to me, not saying a word but it looked as if she had just woken up, very tired looking. She stared at me for awhile, I looked up and say "hi mom!" She then tur...

Weird Monsters And Childhood Spirits by Cortes

This is my first experience submitted to this site. As a child growing up in suburban PA in the early 90s, I was allowed to be creative, happy and active and had a pretty great childhood. This was around 1992 or so in an area in Eastern PA with a lot less development than there is now. I remem...

Demon Or Angel? by Thomas_J

My name is Thomas Johnson, I'm 15 now but this happened about 10 years ago, I also want to add I have been talking to a friend about all this. My story is when I was 5 years old I was sleeping in my room and I woke up, well I felt tugging on my left arm and when I looked I saw demons pulling at...

The Pianist 2 by DementedSpork

Before reading this story, I would recommend reading my other story first. It will give some information on the entity in this story and also how I first 'met' him. It was exactly 2.46a.m in the morning. I was sitting on the left side of my bed, surfing the web on my laptop. I was in the middle o...

Unexplainable House Events by Kiawah7870

Yesterday while sitting at the dining room table, the door to the deck opened softly all by itself and then closed softly all by itself. It was done so precisely and softly that it almost appeared like it had been done by a person. It was not windy and there is no back swing to the door if it is man...

Was That You, Hannah? by MediumColette

On my sister's 16th birthday we threw her a big surprise birthday that lasted the weekend. The last night of the party, me, my friend Hannah, my sister who is also called Hannah, and my sister's friend Ryan went up to a park down the street from my house. Me and my friend Hannah were sitting at the ...

Living Room Moments 2 by 4d

My wife and I moved into a new home a few years ago. We were happy that we had our own place to rest with out having our family interrupting us every five seconds to do something. It wasn't our family that we had to worry about bothering us any longer. For the first few months everything was grea...

A Dark Angel Watching Me by minx69

This happened to me not long ago. My friend and I always have deep conversations about if God or Satan is real and so on. Well one night I was talking to her about Guardian Angels and how we both don't believe in them because of what we've done in life. I believe I don't deserve to be watched over b...

Ghost In The Piano by DissonantApathy

This is the story of the only paranormal experience that I've ever encountered first-hand. It took place when I was a teenager, and sparked my interest in the paranormal. I lived in a house with my mother, 2 younger sisters, and my mother's boyfriend. We moved the house when I was ~8, and my sister...

Protected By A Demon by Ghost6R

July 2009 Fort Irwin, California Okay... Usually I'm a skeptic about these sort of things and even now I try and find the most logical explanation for this. However, that being said, after doing a little curious research, I can't help but feel like I may have been visited by a succubus. I'm not ...

The First Sighting by Ps1983

Every experience I have had I can remember very clearly. I had my first when I was 7 years old. My parents went out for the night, and instead of getting a babysitter I went to one neighbors house and my brother went to another. While I was at the neighbors we played in the front yard until all the ...

The Family Remembered by Stacier90

I'll start off by giving the background of the story. My step-father, Benji, lived in an old 1940's house he had bought about 20 years earlier. Me and my mother moved in and he later told me how a man had died in their bedroom before he lived there. He was a well known judge in the city. He had t...

Figures Around Bed by MercuryMax

This experience occurred when I was between the age of 5 and 7 years old. I am now 25. I am a logical minded person and don't know what to think about what happened. However I am completely certain that I was not dreaming. When I was a kid, I grew up in a house in the town of Minden, Louisiana. T...

To Grandmothers House We Go by Ghostluver

As long as I can remember, I have always had a strange feeling at my Grandmothers house in Houston, TX. My dad and me go there about 5 months a year. (My mom doesn't go there because she and my dad's mother don't get along.) When I was about 4 years old, I wouldn't step foot in her side door clo...

My Sister's Ghost by Marirosa

I had recently moved into an apartment with my sister and her best friend. The first couple of weeks seemed normal, however I did sense that something was here. Doors would open and close by themselves, my sister would blame it on the wind. I told her that I thought the apartment had a ghost but she...

The Haunted Clock Tower by steveheydaljay

I am a textbook clerk in a large school on Long Island, it is a summer job. This job requires me to count, distribute, collect, and fix textbooks which were handed out to the kids during the school year, district wide and both public school and private school. One school in the district, Sewanhaka H...

Childhood Hauntings In Wisconsin by mvclb3

I remember things happening when I was about three years old... That's about as far back as I can remember. I had three nicknames already, Monkey-Boy, Spooky, and Baby-Bones. I was called, "Monkey-Boy," because no crib could hold me. I'd somehow find a way to climb out, no matter how high the bars w...

The Little Boy At My Moms House by BadxGood24

I have been reading different stories for the longest and decided that maybe I should share my experiences. For starters I want to tell about the little boy that would show up at my mother's house. This is more of my mom's story as well as mine. I didn't start seeing him until later but my mother wo...

The Haunting In New York by NanaBanana

I was five years old when my family moved into an apartment in one of the outer boroughs of New York City. Growing up in Queens was neither very exciting nor very boring but our new home terrified me completely. For almost nine years, we lived in that small apartment on the first floor of a four-...

An Evil Voice Mimicking My Daughter by mom2004

I am used to seeing ghosts, (at night and during the day) and I am used to dreaming lucid dreams that come true. But I have never experienced an evil being until a few years ago. I have a vacation home in Florida. Two years ago my 3 year old was on a hot chocolate kick. Every night before bed she w...

Is My Apartment Haunted? by sher2164

My boyfriend and I moved back to MN after my boyfriend's father sold the funeral home. We've been living in our apartment for almost a year now. A couple of months ago it was late at night and I was sleeping. My boyfriend works 2nd shift, so when he gets home it's like 2 am or so. He gets into bed...

They Don't Want Us To Meet The Same Fate by wolfpaw999

Practically everyone that loves paranormal and ghost stories has heard of the haunted railroad tracks near San Antonio, Texas. My family and I went to go visit our grandparents. We figured we would try to fit as much exciting things into our visit there. We thought we should go to the haunted railro...

Black Figure In The House by LouandBoog

This one is not really mine to tell, it happened to my oldest brother Jussy. But seeing as he has to work and is barely ever home I will relay the story here. It was very late at night when this occurred, everyone else was in bed. Jussy though was still awake; he didn't have a job when this occu...

Sizzling Chicken & Ghosts From The Late 1800's by jadeflower999

I grew up in rural southern Minnesota in the 1980's. My family was working class and we lived in a house built in the 1850's. I had many unusual experiences in that house growing up and this is one of those. When I was about 10 on at least two occasions, I was woken up in the middle of the night...

Boyfriends Doppleganger Or What? by seekintruth

My name is Debbie, and I live with my boyfriend Bill. We have been together for a little over a year now. Since April this year I started doing EVP Recordings which my boyfriend supports, and finds interesting plus we take photos with many orbs. Here is my story. We were fishing after 12 midnigh...

602 by Mandz23

I'm twenty three years old I have never really been scared in my life until recently... I moved into an old apartment building that was built around 1920 until last year I didn't live alone and hadn't really seen anything. I would say that it started out just odd things happening here and there... I...

Living Room Moments by 4d

My family is very close. When I was young we would spend much time together talking, eating, playing games, singing and dancing, and planning in our living room. I have several stories to share that have occurred right there in my old living room. When my family first moved into this house it was...

A Late Night Visitor? by darsuki89

I am a newcomer to this site, but I have been reading here for quite awhile. I finally was able to get enough courage to share my experiences. Before I begin my first experience, here's some background of me. I have lived in California practically all my life. Never left the U.S., and even more amaz...

Slammed Door by jackeline

Here in Houston my aunt used to work in some apartments where a guy had committed suicide. The workers at the office had gone to check on him after they got a call from a relative, worried that they hadn't heard from him for days. Sadly, when they got to his apartment they found him dead in his bedr...

The Hat Man by twilightzone94

So my name is Morgan and I'm 14 years old and have had a lot of stuff happen in the last year. It started when I was just about to start 8th grade. I started seeing a lot of weird shadows like bounce around my kitchen along with hearing my name being whispered a lot. It would be either in a teasing ...

The Boy In My Closet by KitKatKittyKat

My story is in a way strange, for I do not fear anything that has happened. I believe that there is a ghost of a twelve or ten year old boy in my room or technically in my closet and basement. What was weird was that I began to notice this 11 years since I've moved into this house with my Mom. M...

Ghosts At My Aunt's House by princess2

My friend and I went to visit my aunt. She lives alone in and old 1800's house. As we sat in the sitting room visiting with her, she started talking about strange noises. She said there had been some apparitions also. We really didn't know what to think of this conversation we were having with her...

Unsure, Room Shakes by Anna_K

Until about 4 years after my family and I had moved into our current house, it had always been pretty much normal and peaceful. One day out of the blue, I was in the living room watching TV and the whole room started to shake, it was a light shaking, but enough to make pictures on top of tables and ...

Haunted Funeral Home by sher2164

It started when my boyfriend's father bought the funeral home and wanted my boyfriend and me to move out of state to take care of it, because his parents didn't want to move out of state. So, I quit my job and moved out of state with my boyfriend to help his parents take care of the funeral home. W...

Is It Real Or Just My Imagination? by iKaaren

Alright, so I'm not sure if whatever has been happening to me is real or not. I've been trying to debunk it all, but couldn't. Oh, and just to let you all know, this all happens in my room. So, before I begin, let me explain what my room's looks like. When entering my room, there is a closet that...

The True Unborn by samialyssa14

I was only a little kid, so I don't remember. In fact, I think I was around 2 and my sister was maybe 8 or 9. My parents and sister have told me that on Christmas a while back my parents took a picture of my sister, and I playing but when they had the pictures developed there was another little ...

Pressure by MalfoyMC

This happened a few nights ago. I was getting ready for bed. I walked in my room and switched off my light. I had my television on, but no movie playing. I was lying on my stomach just trying to go to sleep. I had my arms and legs open to were I was sprawled out on the bed. I was just drifting off w...

Apparitions In The Hospital Hallway by princess2

I work for a company that has employees who sits with certain patients. My patient for that week was a 90 year old woman. She was right in her mind, especially for that age. Well that particular morning, I walked into her room. She was staring at something in the corner. At first she didn't even...

Growling And Moving Clothes by MalfoyMC

I want to thank everyone for previous comments, I appreciate them all. Now, let's get down to business. Like my other story, A Growl in the Darkness, it is known that I have heard growling before. However, that was at my Grandmother's house, and I'd like to share an experience that happened at my ho...

Why Do They Try To Connect With Me? by amanda8876

So I have experienced a lot of weird things in my life. But none of those really scared me, until recently. I have been hearing voices when I'm lying down in my bed at night. Sometimes, they sound so angry that my blood pressure itself starts pumping, I feel outraged for no reason. These voices aren...

Creepy Houses Are Creepy For A Reason by evolet

At the time this occurred, the three of us were 10 and living in Western North Carolina. My friends Alyssa, Sarah and I were in the woods around Alyssa's house looking for an old dilapidated house. Alyssa and Sarah showed me pictures they'd taken of the inside and there were people in them. They wer...

A Monotone Reflection by Bloodless

I'm not sure this necessarily counts as a 'ghost story', but I truly feel that it was a supernatural event and I would really like feedback on the matter. When I was in middle school, sixth or seventh grade I think, I was excused from class to use the restroom. Because I found the bathrooms on the l...

Possession? by IDrawOnMyself

I'm not really sure if what happened to me was possession, but I think it was. Almost positive. It was earlier this year during school. It was really late and I woke up from a deep sleep, but I didn't open my eyes, because I was still incredibly tired. Then it was brought to my attention that my fee...

George - Our New Roommate by bluemoon1385

My husband and I moved into an apartment complex located in Newton, Kansas just a few short years ago. Upon moving in things seemed to be going okay, nothing out of the ordinary-which was strange for me. We had been living in our apartment for almost a year when I had my first encounter with George ...

Lacy Doesn't Suffer Anymore by WinkycatOfGhosts

My Grandmother had two cats, Lacy and Cagney. (Yes she named them after the cops in the show 'Cagney and Lacy') Lacy recently died and her ashes stand in our cabinet. I have started to feel a tail being brushed along my leg. I thought it was Cagney at first, but Cagney is on the other chair. I h...

Figures In The Night by normal1

When I was around the age of seven and eight I started feeling things behind me but I didn't pay much attention to it. I lived with both my parents and my siblings in a pink house on Gaviota Street. I thought that I had everything and never really cared for believing in ghosts or whatever until I wa...

Ghostly Girl? by AnniExecution

In 2006 we moved into my new house in Airville, PA, United States. My neighbor's mother said she used to live here as a child. Around a year after we moved into the house, my three sisters decided to do an EVP session (strictly for fun) and got what they thought were results. On the tape recorder, y...

More Creepy Things. Is My Mom Attracting The Paranormal? by BabyK

I think my first story is better but I feel like I should share everything that has been going on. I wrote my other story, 'We think there's a ghost in our basement' But since then more has been happening in our house. When we first suspected something was truly in our house, my mom had told us abo...

Creepy Experience At TNT Area by TheresaHPIR

The former West Virginia Ordnance Works (WVOW) was an explosives manufacturing facility constructed for the sole purpose of producing 720, 000 tons of TNT per day. It was constructed on 8,323 acres along the east bank of the Ohio River, along State Route 62, 6 miles north of Point Pleasant, West Vir...

A Few Strange Noises by LouandBoog

Whenever we moved into our new house, we were all very excited. It was seven years ago when we moved here, and finally I would have a door to my bedroom (my old room was missing it's door due to us children's rough housing) But my brothers say that if they had a list of the creepiest room in the hou...

Man In The Rain by Jennifer40

Recently I read a story on this site that brought back a memory of events that took place over one summer. I'm still quite perplexed and am hoping that maybe someone else here may be able to shed some light on this. These events took place over the summer of 1998 while I lived in Boston. This par...

The Gettysburg Experience by ItchyStephenEF5

The Gettysburg Experience Last year on July 4th, my family and I took our annual visit to the historic battlefield of Gettysburg. Every year we visit different areas of the battlefield hoping to capture any pictures of orbs or ghosts, but sometimes we get more than we bargained for. During past vi...

Minor Revelation Male Apt Ghost by lazria

Anyone who has read my other stories about the place I currently live at will understand where this chapter comes from. It's an interesting revelation about one of the ghosts that inhabits my current apartment building. For those who have no clue, I'm talking about a male entity, young (20-25 yrs) ...

What In The Spirit World Is Going Here? by pandora0791

We have some continuing occurrences in our home somewhat related to my first story ("That wasn't daddy on the couch"). I received great feedback last time and some specific advice regarding shape shifters and doppelgangers and we think this is what we are experiencing, but of course we really don...

Figures On The Plantation by Beejette

Until about three years ago, my family and I lived on an old plantation in Virginia. It was huge, 250 acres, and there were still buildings standing from 100 years previous, when the plantation had been active. Our landlord lived in the old 'Big house' that was huge. My family and I lived in a house...

Behind The Door by katiebates143

It was really in the morning when this happened (7or8). I had just got back from going to the bathroom across the hall. When I got back into the room I closed the door behind me, lay down and started to watch Twilight. During the movie it came to my attention that the window shade was swaying back i...

Spirits Of Today And The Past by sandee568

My Mother and Father passed away in 1989 and 1988. My nephew (Joey) committed suicide in 1990. The reason I mention them, is due to some things that have happened since. My Parents raised six of my cousins. The youngest married two years after my Mother's death. When my cousin received some pict...

Still Whispering My Name by Sora

My name is Sora and this is another one of my stories although I haven't had many, and I also apologize for the promise I made about the video because it never happened but now I have a different story. Although it's not my experience to tell but part of it really is my concern. The other day my mo...

The Blue Orb Experience by cbeth

First let me say I am 40 years old and my twin daughters are 18. My mom had become very sick and was hospitalized. I packed up my girls and we went to Oklahoma. My mom's house sits next to a grave yard. My grandmother lord help her had came also. We would take turns staying at the hospital with mom....

From There To Here by LouandBoog

I'm not that good of a story teller, and tend to make mistakes when writing so bare with me on this. I'm just a teenager, but what I write is all true and such, I'm not here to look for any help or attention, but just to tell of things that have happened and hopefully gain some knowledge on what all...

Terror In The Breezeway by CJ

While trying to locate the site of an old township in the area that was founded back in the 1800s, we came upon this road called Sycamore Church Rd which really takes you out in the middle of nowhere it seems. There's even an old tiny one room church located on the road that has a total of ten pews ...

We Both Saw It by jackeline

When I lived in Los Angeles I worked the graveyard at a hospital. I had begun a friendship with a security lady who I called C and who always stayed in the lobby. That was her post so every night I worked I would go see my buddy C. I used to love going over on my break because we would talk the ...

The Ankle Grabber by FallenAngel218

This happened to me when I was in high school, between 1999-2001. My family and I rented a home that was converted into two apartments. My brother and I shared the one-bedroom upper, and I took the back bedroom. I had just gotten into bed one night, and was settling in, when all of a sudden, it...

The Farm House by rd2246hmm

I guess I'll tell you about the farm house. First I'll tell you a little bit of history about it. It was built in 1839. It is at the highest point in Butler Co. It is built over an Indian burial mound. It was leveled down and the house built on top. There is still a signal mound just about 1500 ...

My Family's Story And The Bird-thing by AuroraRosa

I have two stories to share, so I might as well lump them together. The first one has been in my family for several generations now and has probably been embellished quite a bit over the years, but I'll put it in anyway. My mother's father's father (my great-grandpa) was walking home from school...

My Girlfriend Is Freaking Out by arrik2001

I have read all the guidelines and stuff. I'm not sure if the answers I'm trying to get are going to happen, cause I'm new to this and I've searched and searched for sum kind of help or answer. So if anyone can give me any advise it would be great. It all started like a month ago. I walk my fianc...

Ominous Dark Hooded Figure by kumquatweesh

My family and I were all on vacation and my grandma had invited some friends of hers to stay at tour vacation house, so I had to share a room with my Mother and her 5-year boyfriend. I can't recall my dream very well, but I remember waking from it, and looking to the right of my bed and seeing a hoo...

What Addicts You To The Pendulums? by Jasmin314

This isn't exactly a spooky story. I have some questions and I believe that some of you may be able to answer me. A few years ago, maybe 2005, I was bored. It was summer, no job, no school, and I had to find something to do. I was driving down the street with my friend when we noticed this small sho...

Could It Really Be Possible? by ahhitscaty

I suppose this story started the night me and my best friend since the forth grade decided it would be a great idea to watch as many ghost stories as we could in one night. Since a long time ago when we had been only 10 we decided my house had to be haunted. There was no wind in the house how co...

Dark Hooded Figure? Help? by 2274

I was wondering if anyone has any information that may help explain... About a week ago, I was coming home from work at around 3am, and saw a scary figure... Made me think of a grim reaper, except more like a person I guess... Just all black looking/hood with no face, I did see a bag/pile...somet...

Shadow Cat Takes Form by mgd601

On Easter morning 2007, I found my cat Tigger dead in the street in front of our house. I did not know what happened to her. Was she hit by a car or what? Heartbroken I paid a visit to a psychic. She told me that my poor Tigger was hit in the head with a rock by an evil teenager, and died in three s...

The Board by evilclosetvortex

Thank you for all who have responded to my last post. To let everyone know, never have I used the board again after that. I have it hidden under stacks of papers in my basement so it cannot be seen since I heard if it is left out more spirits will travel out of it. Lately the lights in my home h...

Disturbances Since Childhood 2 by Rhiannon

There have been several experiences in my life, I could probably write a whole 400 paged book upon it had I been given the chance. Not wanting to bore you with unnecessary details I think I shall try to finish up these experiences for you. If you want the back-up story please read my first one. A...

Evil Intruder by BellaMorte

I have had encounters with the spirit realm since I was a child, and as a result I have developed some degree of ability for sensing their presence, their mood or intention, and occasionally more distinguishing personal characteristics. I am pretty certain that there are at least two spirits tha...

The Man In The White Suit by girlie

This story is my brother's godmother's L. Before my parents lived in the house we're living in now they lived in a house in the next town. So this was before me or my brother was born. But this story I have heard loads of times. They rented an old house for some time. But one time their frien...

A Spirit With A Good Sense Of Humor by KSangel180

Throughout my life I've had odd things happen to me. Not so much as say some of my family. We never doubted the existence of ghosts, but my mother never encouraged us to think of it much. She believed that dwelling on it could make it worse. I agree, but my sis and I loved discussing it even to this...

Is It A Succubus? 2 by Starseeker

A few months back I had what I would call a unique experience; none like I ever had before (See Is It A Succubus?) For the longest time I couldn't figure out how and why all this got started. A few weeks back before this started my family had a yard sale and the items I had that didn't sell were in ...

I Think My Son Is Seeing A Spirit by adriather

I live in the house I grew up in as a child in Corpus Christi, TX. I am 28 and we moved there when I was 2. I remember having an experience in my bedroom as I was going to sleep; I was probably between 4 or five years old. I had a children's movie viewer and I saw something jump out of it. First ...

Heels On The Floor by IDrawOnMyself

This happened not too long ago, I was probably 13 and I'm 15 now. My friend and I were sleeping in my bed and so was the rest of my family. I have an older sister that likes to party, but she was sick at the time. Anyway, I woke up to LOUD stomping in the hallway and was going to chew out my sis...

My Father's Ghost 2 by princess2

My dad has been seen on numerous occasions since he died. Especially around the old home place, where he spent the majority of his live. Matter of fact he died in one of the bedrooms in this old house. This place is located on a lonely old country road, with neighbors about four miles away. My si...

The Ghostly O.R. Floor by jackeline

When I lived in Los Angeles I got a housekeeping job at a hospital. The hospital was home to many spirits or as we call them ghosts. As luck would have it I ended up getting the graveyard shift. That first night at the job my supervisor Maria took me on rounds to get familiar with the hospital a...

Ugly Woman With Black Hair by awesomerific

My mom and dad were going on a much needed vacation, and dropped my siblings Alec-10 and Madelynn-3 and me off at our grandparent's house around 8 o'clock. I was really looking forward to talking with my cousin Vanessa who was also staying there. We made ourselves at home, and around 12 o'clock we a...

Ghost Crossing by NewsBys

I have a sort of creepy residual haunting story I would like to share. The incident takes place near my old neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia. This is an easily verifiable location and I encourage others to check it out to see if they see the same thing I have seen. The first time I saw the "thi...

We Think There's A Ghost In Our Basement by BabyK

My mom, step dad, and sister recently went on a trip to Dayton. My younger brother and I stayed at my dad's house and my older brother (20yrs.) stayed home alone. When we came home, my older brother told us he had heard a woman speaking in the basement (his room is in the basement). He said she was ...

Cemetery Scare by katiebates143

It all started when my boyfriend and my best friend and I were looking for a scare one night. So I decided that we go to the cemetery to look for ghosts/spirits etc, anything creepy. Upon our arrival we drove around for 20 to 30 minutes and were not seeing anything. It was my boyfriend's idea to par...

Okay, Rupert by libertybelle

I'm forever having things disappear--my car keys, my cell phone, books--you name it. Of course, they eventually show up again, usually in some place I've already looked. Is this annoying? Yes, extremely so. Anyway, one day after this had happened for the nth time (it was my watch and rings that h...

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