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Ghost stories from United States: Page 95

Ghost Hunting Gone Scary by ghostlover13

My profile tells of the history of my house. My cousin, Mary, and I love seeing ghost so every time she spends the night at my house, we go ghost hunting at about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. Most of the time, we see our Granny walking around, we hear someone say "Boo!" or we hear a loud bang. W...

What's Lurking in the Dark? by Katona1700s

Like my other story this incident happened up in Pentwater Michigan. This also happened last year (2007). One night my G-mama (grandma) and my mom felt like a drink. So, they left me home with 3 little annoying but cute kids. Nash who is 5 (Nash can see ghosts), Nate who is 4 (he is thought to se...

The Glass Table by bigpatti87

Well I will start this story with another story that led to the experience that I had. It all began when I was staying at a friend's house after the time of my first post. My friend lives not to far from my house of the time and his father is one of the town's policemen. So this night we were ta...

Black Dog 2 by cricket

I wanted to answer a few questions that were submitted to my story. I really am grateful that some of you have given me some ideas on what I might have witnessed because it has bothered me. To explain a little bit about our bedroom; our room is very lit up due to the neighbors house right outside...

Nayo by Jasmin314

First of all I just want to say that this is a very touchy subject. This story is about my cousin and best friend Nayo, and his visits after his death. Nayo was murdered on June 25th 2006. He was beat on the head with a hammer until he died. What was really screwed up is that his friend, who was ...

The Ghost In My New Haunted House by rubyrose_99

My name is Mandy and I'm thirteen years old. About a month ago, in the beginning of June my mom and my stepdad bought a mansion in upstate New York. No, not the kind with the towers that you see in movies. This was just a plain old huge house. It was actually in a whole neighborhood of mansions ...

Swimming Experience And The Old New Hope Church Graveyard by Mr_Burnz

It was late one evening in the middle of the summer of 2006. My boy Joey, his younger brother Jeremy, my (now ex) girlfriend, Rosanna who we called Roxy, and myself were all swimming in my neighborhood pool. Joey and Jeremy ,the little brother, were sitting on each end of the pool throwing a footba...

Black Dog by cricket

I've been able to see spirits and see the future since I was a child. It has not been easy and it has only been the last few years that I've been able to understand why I see or hear what I do. With my visits, I've become very hooked on learning all I can about other people and their shared experien...

Orb Seen in Hospital Hallway by Jmak

Hi I'm new to publishing stories so please forgive me for any mistakes. My most recent paranormal experience happened last Saturday 7/5/08 at a little after midnight. I work at a rather large hospital and the parking area for employees is a pretty far walk especially in the dead (no pun intended...

A Friend for A by motherofsix

I have a niece J that was pregnant with her second child L and his heart just stopped beating. She went through labor and delivered him. She got to hold him even though he was not full term you could still see he was a baby. Her first child A has an imaginary friend she has had even before J bec...

Strange Things Go Bump in the Night 2 by Rebelboy1987

This is an extension of my story Strange Things Go Bump in the Night Last night I was lying in bed and I started seeing blurred images in my mind. Three different "spirits" came forth. First it was just a close up of a face. Then I started seeing full images. It was a light-skinned black woman in...

Ghosts in my Closet by motherofsix

I am writing this today to tell you of the ghost and things I saw as a young child. I think I must have been around 4 years old. I'm not sure, when I had my 1st sighting. It took place in the house my mother still lives in today. If I was to sleep with my bedroom door or closet door open, I w...

Attempt At Posession? by crazed

Like many other encounters, mine happened during the time in which I am awaking from sleep, or when I am wide awake. I live in an apartment in Houston, Texas, with a couple of family members. I am not the only one within the house that weird things have happened to. I would like to start with my dad...

HPI Chronicles: Tree Ghosts of Vietnam by PaulDaleRoberts

I have been to Thailand and Burma. I have never been to Vietnam, even though I flew over Vietnam and Laos to get to Thailand. I hope to one day visit Vietnam. Vietnam has become a friend to America and tourists are treated graciously. My half brother Andrew Somprise Soyo remembers a different Vietna...

Everyday Life With a Ghostly Apparition by princess23

I am not sure how to explain it but, I know I am not crazy. In my room, I see a dark figure of a man. He stays in my room, mostly in the doorway of my closet. There are five people in my house and, I am the only one who has noticed it. The only time I notice it is when I am alone. I have asked ...

My New Haunted House by RavensCry

I have a couple of experiences to tell. I would like to let you in on eerie events that have happened in my house and would appreciate your suggestions and feedbacks. I live in the Tampa Bay area for almost 5 years now and up until 2 years ago I bought a huge 5-bedroom house for me and 4 roommat...

The Man in the Cowboy Hat by tink301

When my cousin was 1-1/2 he was at his house in Traver California and was at home with my aunt. Pointing to the corner and said "boots". She didn't see anything so she looked for his toy boots. When she tried to give it to him he refused, and kept saying "boots". After that they moved to Fresno...

A White Phantom Dog by Phyreblade

This tale isn't so much about me but my children, actually. At the time this occurred, they were 7, 5, and 4 respectively, all girls, and utterly determined to share the same bedroom, no matter how much space we actually enjoyed. The girls are close, love each other a lot, and are never far apart fr...

The Roaming Condo Imp 2 by alex323

Several people asked for an update on the 'Roaming Condo Imp'. Well, here you go. As I said last time my other neighbors are hardly ever home, well I think the imp got bored playing pranks there. So I guess it decided that it liked my condo, because it came back. When things started happening aga...

Promise Me by libertybelle

Growing up, I had a stepfather with whom I had a very warm and affectionate relationship. I'm not sure to this day what exactly made us click the way we did, but it happened. Unfortunately, he died when I was twenty-three. I had a new baby (in fact, my older son was only two months old--to the da...

The Davee Farm by Halp0rt1

It is difficult to articulate a lifetime of scattered experiences in one narrative but I will do my best. I have spent my entire life in my home. It is an old farmhouse built around 1824. It was a single family home from 1824 until 1966 when my grandfather bought it from the Davee estate. As a...

First Paranormal Experience by dreamer72

he first paranormal experience I had was when I was in the 4th grade. My Mom and Dad split up and we moved to a new house. Up to this point my older sister and I shared a bedroom. Needless to say it took me a little while to get used to having my own room. When I would go to bed at night I could ...

Michael: Not Just Imaginary by haley9045

When I was younger, I had an Imaginary friend, his name was Michael. I knew he wasn't just imaginary, but I couldn't prove it until, one day when I was reading psychic stories on psychic It was the story "bird boy spirit" A Girl named Beth, a psychic, told some about her spirit ...

Evp - Clarification Using A Computer by EVPResearcher

Hi everyone. Sorry that my last post was hard to hear. I hope this one is better. Again, I am not putting in what it says. Just leave me a comment about what you think it says and we can compare notes later. This EVP was captured at a local small cemetery. I actually have received quite a few of ...

The Uptown Rose by faerielike

I don't know why on the last story submission I made I was thinking I had no more tales to share. Lack of sleep and new motherhood I suppose. I was rummaging through my desk drawers and found a picture that reminded me of all the things that happened when I worked at "The Uptown Rose..." It was by f...

The Ghost... My Ghost by gary11872

A little background information before I discuss my story, this is my first one. I enjoy ghost hunting, here in Montana there are plenty of places to do that (old hospitals, a cemetery or two, old buildings). I'm somewhat sensitive to the "other side". I see and hear things, that I keep to myself. A...

Night Guard 2 by Sapper

The continuation of the first that got a much better response then I ever thought it would. Needless to say after the man had vanished, I was beginning to see why so many Officers would not stay on this post very long. I was standing in the middle of the field where the man had turned and faced m...

Experiencing Paranormal Activity by candace

When I was about six years old, I was playing with my barbie dolls in my room of our new house. It's a big beautiful new house. Yes, the house was new. I looked up, and I saw a ball of light. I didn't feel threatened at all. As a matter of fact, I believed it to be my dead grandmother whom I've neve...

3:00 AM Ghost by ScottD

I moved into my townhouse in November 2002. I bought this house because of the location; it's in my hometown and near where I grew up. It was built in 1981. As a child I rode the dirt bike trails on the land where my house is. Before that, in the 1960's, the land was a sand pit owned by a large comp...

Good Demonic Spirit Guide Romance Bond by zodiac666

My name is Ashley and I am a 13 year old girl living in a city in Massachusetts. All of my life have I encountered paranormal activity. You could say that I am a rather nocturnal person, and I am greatly interested spirits. I know quite a bit on spirit guides, spirits, ghost and demons. I know when ...

Red Dotted Figure Haunting And Nightmares by Dustin937

Hello all. My name is Dustin and I am new to this, and I just wanted to see what everyone thinks about my story. I do not claim I am psychic at all nor have any special abilities in that sense but I do have my own paranormal experience or so I believe. When I was 8 years old, I lived in a blue tr...

Old-time Nurse by girlie

This story is about my friend E and my story. A while back when we were 8 my mom would take us places. I don't remember where we went that day, but we had to meet at my mom's childhood house. When we were all there, mom was doing something downstairs, and I asked E if she would like to see the a...

Haunted Home In Walkertown, Nc by stephaniek

When I was about 14 years old I was staying with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin for a week during the summer. They live in a rural area outside of Winston Salem, NC. My cousin and aunt had been asked by their neighbor across the street to tend to her flowers while she was out of town. Now, my cousin l...

Grandpa Is Watching by DaveH300

So it all happened one day (not exactly so sure of the exact date) but we just picked up some new furniture that a friend of our families was giving away. Later that day we put all of our old furniture down stairs, this furniture consisting of a couch and chair belonged to my grandmother and gran...

Little Man by Jasmin314

If you have read my other stories, then you should know a little bit more about me. This should be a pretty short story, since I don't remember much about what I did that day. I only remember a few things and what I was doing within the 20 minutes of my encounter. I remember I was 11 years old a...

Evp - Question To Me by EVPResearcher

Hello everyone. I have yet another EVP for you to review and let me know what you hear. This particular one was recorded in a small country cemetery on 12/07/2007 at approximately 9:00 PM. It was myself and my 14 year old son. We were the only two that wanted to brave the Cold Ohio Winter in Dec...

The Mysterious Black Figure 2 by Adventure_Ms_Aqua

In my last story, I explained where I saw this figure, and how it looked like. This story is just a continuation of the last one. Curious about the black figure, I tried to research some information about it. I didn't find anything useful, however. All I know that 'IT' is related to my sleep para...

My Haunted Rental House by dreamer72

I have had many experiences with ghosts over the years. This story is about a house I rented with a childhood friend. (I'll call him Fred). The house was an older home styled like a ship builder's house. The kitchen was like a ship's galley. The first week we lived there we set up our mattresses ...

The Elevator by ElectricTNT

In the year 2000, my son who is an adult, had back surgery at Lockport Memorial Hospital, Lockport, NY. I was a smoker at the time, so at the time of his surgery I waited in the main lobby so that I could step outside for a smoke when needed. After having been in the lobby for about an hour, I had m...

Fields Of Green by JonnieAngel

October 4, 2007 my family and I received a phone call saying that my grandmother wasn't expected to make it through the night. We gathered around her bed in the nursing home and prepared to wait out the rest of the night. As it got closer to midnight, family members started leaving. Pretty soon, ...

A Man Possessed by thatoneguy

One day at school a couple of years ago, my friend and I decided that we wanted to stay after school and play a game of basketball in the gymnasium. We knew it would become boring very quickly with only two people, so we invited several other guys to join us. They were all going out to eat after sch...

The Stow-Away Ghost by Ocsana

When I was ten years old, my family moved back to the house on the cattle ranch near Bushnell, Florida. A lot had happened to my family in the '60's. My Daddy was diagnosed with a spinal cord disease that took his ability to provide for his family, we lost a house we were buying after we'd lived at ...

Laying in Bed: Conclusion by NickT

If anyone was interested I'm doing a lot better now. I haven't had any terrifying occurrences at all and actually moved my room downstairs which was great advice that I received from someone. I would like to move but I am stuck here until something affordable pops up. The only weird thing that ...

The Slamming Door by ghosthunter123

About two weeks before the end of the school year, my class went on a spiritual retreat. It was one of the last things that we would do as a whole class. The retreat took place in an old house, built in the 1930s. The place had belonged to a wealthy family, but after about thirty years they sold it ...

Unexplainable Things by shelbister

At just the age of 14 I've seen so many unexplainable things I will be writing down all of my experiences. My first that I can remember was when I was about five I was sleeping with my parents in their bed when I woke. I looked to see a man in this black hooded cape who had red eyes he looked at...

Was it Clara Barton? by girlie

A long time ago when I was 7 I went to Clara Barton's house near D.C. I was with my mom, my brother, my godmother, and her boyfriend. When we got to the house we knocked on the door and a lady came and opened the door. Of course since I was only 7 I could see under the lady's elbow, and while th...

Spooky Neighborhood: The Bad Luck Token by libertybelle

As I said in my previous story (Spooky Neighborhood), for a number of years I lived in an area that was once part of the grounds attached to the old Fayetteville Arsenal. The very first place I lived in that neighborhood was in a house dating back to the 1920's, which my first husband and I purch...

Shape Shifting Ghost by jscrazygrl

For a while now I have felt a male presence at night usually when I'm by myself. I have only physically seen him a few times. He's pretty much been in my life since I was about 7 or 8 years old. When I was 7 I moved in a nice neighborhood and about 2 years later I moved into the house 2 doors down f...

Crayons by Jasmin314

This story takes place in St. Louis, Missouri, my hometown. I still reside in St. Louis, but I no longer live in the house where I grew up. My parents still live there and claim that the house is no longer haunted ever since it was blessed. From what I remember, it was definitely haunted. There had ...

Sloss Furnace Visit by 2grown4games

Hi, my name is Ashley, and I currently live in Birmingham, Al. There is an old Steel Mill located down the called Sloss Furnace. It's haunted. I visited Sloss twice with 2 of my friends. The first time we went, it was very interesting to see how things worked in the 1800's. The factory was built...

A Night at Abuela's House by Jasmin314

This story takes place in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. The year was 1996. I don't remember what time of the year it was, but I was eight years old. I don't even remember what I did that day or why my mother and I stayed the night at my grandmother's house. My grandmother's house was a shot-g...

People Hanging in Lemay by Jasmin314

I have had an interest in paranormal activity since my early teens when I began researching it. As a child, I saw ghosts. This is what led me to read dozens of books on paranormal activity, entities, ghosts, apparitions, etc. It has been a few years since the last time I saw anything out of the ordi...

A Kind Ghost by rjblaze215

I told you in my last story that I would write the next experience that happened to me. When I turned 12 years old we packed up and moved. I was sad that time because I had a lot of good friends there. The last day at my (used to be) house and I am packing the rest of my things. The last thing I hea...

Life of Terror: Journal of the Haunted 3 by bigmen9909

CHAPTER 8 4/5/08 8pm I clean my room and put my nephew to bed then I went to eat dinner with my girlfriend. When we heard my bedroom door slam then we heard my nephew scream. We ran to get him but the door wouldn't open. Together we broke the door down and what we saw was horrifying. The whole room...

Scratches of an Angry Spirit by themexican

Most of you readers were shocked with the cuts in my first story so I'm going to tell you some new things and more. First let's talk about the new stuff that's happened. One day I was wide awake staring at my wall all alone because my mom was out but all the sudden I hear lots of snapping so I...

Stomping Feet by LordRhodium

I posted here about the interaction between my son Cameron and the ghost of a little girl that I saw in the hallway of our house. There is one other aspect to the situation in my house that I want to address, I don't think that it is the same spirit simply because there is sort of brutish feeling he...

The Whispering Ghost by StellaMaris

My encounter with something unexplainable felt rather non-dramatic at the time. It wasn't exactly frightening or shocking. When we tried to make sense of the experience later on, it mainly just felt weird and creepy... Enough to give me the chills, and make it quite memorable! My boyfriend Ed and...

My Haunted Life Continues by Maliceb

Well ever since my dad's old house in Missouri I have had experiences. I'm now 20 years old living in Iowa with my mom, my step dad and little sister. I still have experiences. I can name a few. For instance while reading a prayer I found out loud in my room (The Lord's Prayer) I heard a loud k...

The Minute Man by Jennifer40

The encounter I am about to relay happened when I was 5 years old. At the time I did not think much about it as I was so young, but as I have gotten older I have realized that I have no real explanation for what I saw as a child. My mother, grandmother, my sisters and I all drove up to Arcadia Na...

Demon? by Lloyd

Hello there! I'm new to this website and want your opinion on this. My name is Lloyd and I live in Houston, Texas. I'm currently 19 years old. Well anyway to what happened to me. I was 14 at the time. It was a Saturday. My mother and I were painting my room at around 1pm. Hours later we finished...

Orange Eyes by Ocsana

My first experience with the paranormal happened when I was five or six years old and living in Florida with my family. I am forty-eight years old now and this one experience is so etched in my memory that when I recall it today, it is still as clear as if it had happened to me a few moments ago. ...

A Ghostly Bond by DemonologistAprentice

Firstly, I would like to say that this story is not from my own experience, for I have never witnessed the paranormal. This story is of one of my old friend's cousins. I am simply a story teller spreading the loving message of this tale. For privacy and respect for the dead, I have changed the names...

An Angry Scream by rjblaze215

It was last year in September. My brother and I were watching TV. It was hot that night and I was going to sleep in the back room because it had an air conditioner. My brother didn't mind so he slept in the middle room watching TV. That night sleeping in the backroom was the only time I felt so unco...

The Ghost Boy in my House by GhostStoriesRule1

In the last couple of weeks, I have experienced some clues to a ghost boy in my house. Over the days of June 20- 25 some weird things have happened. At first, I was here in the computer and then my mom started telling me "hey, have you heard what your brother told me?" "No mom". "He told m...

My Experiences With Sleep Paralysis by Adventure_Ms_Aqua

I've had three experiences with sleep paralysis so far in my lifetime, and they all have occurred this year. My first encounter was in a dream. It was the middle of the night, and I dreamt that I just went to bed. I woke up in my dream seeing some text floating on the ceiling. It was a prophesy. ...

Possessed Friend? by Nightgoddess

Thursday, a friend of mine, we'll call him Ryan, flew into town for a visit. I stayed with him at his hotel because I haven't seen the kid in ages and my dad was gone on another business trip and I wasn't gonna be home alone. Anyway, we where laying there talking and watching TV when he said he ...

Pencil Game Demon by twilightfan

First of all, this didn't happen to me, it happened to my friends, and it was really stupid of them to do this, I know. It all started when my friends started playing a game where you take three pencils and make them into a square with a missing side and your parter makes the same thing and you p...

My Sister Is The Cause For Our Hauntings by DarknessEmbraced

As long as I can remember, the supernatural has always been attracted to my family. Demons, ghosts, spirits... I've come to realize that they always seem to be causing mischief around the houses we live in, following us, and being the reason for many of our own places having been blessed by priests....

Sight of Spirits at Young Age by rjblaze215

Ever since I was a child I have seen spirits. I never met a spirit that meant harm. Most of those I met were peaceful spirits. I used to tell my mom that I would see these spirits but she never believed me. The only person who believes me is my oldest sister, Patrisha. When she was about 11 or 1...

Attacked In The Night Asleep by hydrodrunk

I have read some of the story about people getting attacked at night and they sound a lot like mine. So I was 16 years old leaving in New Philadelphia Ohio in a one room apartment with my father. He had the living room and I slept in the bedroom. So I had my bed placed against the wall no bed f...

Evp - Permission by EVPResearcher

Hi everyone. I have another EVP that I would like for you guys to listen to. I know what it says but I would like to get other opinions. Feel free to comment and I will post what I think a few days after it is published on this site. This recording I did last year (2007). If you have read my othe...

Ouija Boards by MOTHERPANN

I have been reading comments of Ouija board usage and I though I would post my experiences when I was younger. As a teen I was given one for a present and used it and had fun, don't remember that we contacted spirits but I was amazed on how it moved on the board when we barely touched it. Years l...

Who's In There? by LordRhodium

Like I say in my profile I am in my early 30's and I am a single dad trying to raise my son Cameron. We used to live in an apartment in a sleazy section of town, until we found a great deal on a rental property in an old residential neighborhood. It was actually less expensive for this 3 bedroom ...

The Girl In Our New House by Shemar

My family had just moved from an apartment into a house. I remember playing with one of my toy cars on the stairs when out of the blue a young girl appeared to me. The young girl said, "Why are you in my house?" I looked up at her and told her that this was my mother's house. The young girl smiled b...

Shadow Girl by mimroro

I was 10 years old when this story took place. One day I was walking home from school. So far it was a great day. I was walking when I looked back at the bus. It has just left, when I saw this weird girl she had a long sleeve sweatshirt and an old fashioned long skirt with shoes and the hood was ...

My Very 1st Ouija Experience by Mr_Burnz

Hi, my name is Chris, as you may know from reading my last story, I'm from a small town in the deep southern parts of Georgia. I moved to Florida back in 1998 and had resided there up until 2007 when I joined the USMC, and now I am stationed overseas here in Okinawa, Japan. This story takes place at...

Hobo Ghost by boogoosttella124

A year ago I was with my sister and her friends walking down our dirt road when I saw this hobo sitting on the ground with his back against a tree. It's not unusual to see a hobo in our county, but not down our road. So I whispered to my sister,"There's is a hobo over there." She responded, "What ...

Cemetary Bubbles by seabird

This story doesn't have the concrete research and prolonged experiences that my last story, "An Illinois Haunting" had, but it's something I still think about and question. For Memorial Day every year, my mother and I like to buy a bunch of flowers to plant in front of our deceased relatives' hea...

Paulding Light by shada

This story was a wonderful and comical experience. A few years back I went to visit some friends in Houghton MI for a weekend. On Saturday night we went out to see the local haunting, a popular spot. If I remember correctly we went to what might have been a national park, there was a large path t...

Spooky Neighborhood by libertybelle

When my children were growing up, we lived in an old neighborhood of Fayetteville, North Carolina.Within walking distance of where we lived are the ruins of the Fayetteville Arsenal, which was burned by William Sherman's forces in March of 1865. The actual arsenal grounds were much more extensiv...

My Supposedly Haunted Life by Maliceb

Ever since I could remember I have had experiences. They started when I was six years old, maybe a little older. My parents were divorced. So on the weekends I was at my dad's house in a small town. This was an old farm house. It had five other buildings on the property. I don't even know were to...

The Yellow House On The Street by themexican

Hello I live in a yellow house, that I believe is haunted and hear me out I'm not sure what kind of ghosts are doing this to me but any way... I live across from a cemetery, and I think this is why I'm a ghost magnet. I have all ways been thinking of ghosts even since I was about 3yrs. old. Now I...

Funny EVP by EVPResearcher

Hello. I have another EVP that I would like to post, from my archives. This one was recorded in late fall of 2007. I would like to thank everyone for their comments. Most are greatly appreciated. I know there are skeptics out there. I guess I am the only one that knows the truth. However, I am submi...

Night Guard by Sapper

In late 2002 I was on stand down orders from the Army, so I went back to work. I was a Major with a security company and had to go to a post that people kept either calling in sick or would just simply refuse to go to. I meet the Officer on duty and was informed of the post orders and given a tour o...

First Encounter With A Demon? by Sapper

The year was 1999 it was late in July, my best friend invited me to go jet skiing in the Atlantic with his family. As always I accepted his invitation and drove over to his house to stay the night. I arrived after they had eaten dinner and everyone was just sitting around the table planning for the ...

She's Come Home by juno

This sighting happened in Charlotte, NC on Ellington St. in an old duplex that my some friends rented. It wasn't on the best side of the town, but it was safe and everyone within range knew each other and took care of one another. The place wasn't much to look at. At the last minute, my ex and I ...

Sally Mae Hatfield by Ambi

I got a phone call this morning from Stan (the security guard in my last post). He told me that after the incident with our nurse-ghost that he was too freaked out to stay on nights, and that he had switched to a first shift position. I was wondering why I'd not seen him over the past few months. He...

Three Strange Ghost Dreams by gsi0leader

One night when I went to sleep, I had a dream that I was in a house with my friend. It was her house only slightly different. When we were in the basement, we saw a white figure that looked like a figure some of my friends and I saw before in real life. She said "follow me" 5 times, then took off at...

Numerous Things by tayy16

Well I live in this house that is over 110 years old. Numerous things have happened in this house that we can't explain. For my birthday I had a couple of my friends stay the night and in the middle of the night we kept hearing the radio turn on and off in the basement, but when we went upstairs ear...

My Ghostly Family by Noflunk

I have never extensively shared my encounter stories outside my family and close circle of friends. Mostly because I find either people don't believe or think I am just making up a great story. After reading people's experiences on this site I think most people are open to the idea that these events...

What Came Out of my Son's Bedroom by LaLaRaBram

First of all, I don't know how I got in here, I'm glad I join this group and read most of ya'll stories. I knew I fit in here. No one would believe me, not even my husband! Last week, one morning around 6 am, I got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and I went back to bed, thi...

The Mysterious Black Figure by Adventure_Ms_Aqua

It was a hot, ninety-four degree day and I had to water the plants in the backyard. I dragged the hose over to the patch next to our neighbors' fence, and started spraying the plants. I adjusted the hose and accidentally, some water sprayed onto the fence. Just then, I saw a black figure move toward...

Phantom Footsteps by melvin

On June 23, 2008 I was working at the entrance to the Nevada City Open Air Museum in Nevada City, Montana. I am a tour guide with the Montana Heritage Commission and was taking tickets and giving information that day for the museum. It was around 5:30 in the afternoon and I was sitting in the boo...

The Abandoned School by Warblaze

Hello again! Well I kind of feel guilty or weird or something because I have encountered so many strange things growing up. This story takes place in Dale Texas; it's about a 10 minute drive from Lytton Springs (where my last story took place). Dale is an extremely small town. It consists of a l...

Weird Senses by SonGokuu

Five years ago my family moved into the house where we currently live. Less than a month later moods changed. My brother and I began to rebel towards my parents. I will admit that our relationship wasn't the best but it's gotten ridiculous. I began feeling depressed and screaming for no reason. T...

Angel Watching Over Us by Becky

About 5 years ago I was in a very difficult marriage. My ex husband was mentally and physically abusive, mostly to me, but on occasion to our young daughter. He was an alcoholic and would often go into these fits of rage and throw things and display very scary behavior. I was raised in a solid Ch...

Strange Things Go Bump in the Night by Rebelboy1987

As I told Rhodes68, I was having a bad feeling before going to sleep last night after reading one of her stories. I made sure I calmed myself down before trying to go to sleep. I knew my mind would play tricks on me, thinking I might have seen something go by my bed or something like that. But what ...

Ghost Girl by boogoosttella124

I have a house that was built about five years ago. In the woods there are these mounds. I did some research and found out they are Native American burial grounds. I had a feeling though that one really stood out, one of a Native American princess. I told my sister about it and she didn't believ...

The Lovely Piano by GhostGal

When I was around 11, I started to really like old-time classic music. So I really wanted to go to a friend's house, Joel's house, because he played classic music on his piano. I was really happy to hear my Mom say I could. So I got on my bike and started to go over there. When I finally got the...

Drip Drop Drip Drop by Mickey

The month was May and we had May showers. So it was pouring rain and our whole city got up to 6 inches of rain. It was getting late and I was putting on my pajamas and about to go up and brush my teeth when I heard something. Since it was raining I guess that it was perfectly normal to have some...

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