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Ghost stories from United States: Page 98

Ghostly Bedroom in Mayfair by SigTauGrr

This one happened while we were living in Philadelphia. At that point, I was about 2 and my parents and I were living in a townhouse on Bleigh St. In the Mayfair section of Philadelphia. Although I was too young to remember living there, my mom swears that the house was haunted and she is a pretty l...

I Think a Ghost Was in my Room by promghost07

I was asleep in my room at about 2:00 AM. I had my T.V. on so that it would shine brightly on my wall, because sometimes I can get scared when I have just watched ghost mysteries or Horror Movies. I opened my eyes to the wall that the T.V. was shining on, and I saw a figure go across the wall, as if...

Angry Grandmother? by Harperllen82

Hi. This is my first story and I'm going to try and be as detailed as possible so forgive me if I go overboard. My family is from a small mill town just outside Charlotte NC. Both my parents were born and raised there, but when I was five my dad got transferred and we moved to SC. The house that thi...

The Eye and Other Unwordly Beings by t3h_h0bbitz

My first demonic experience happened when I was only five-years-old. The year was 1995 in Sykesville, Md. I was sleeping in our guest room because my little bed had broken recently. Because I was little, I think the demonic beings I saw were presented to me in a way I could understand. Still, at the...

We Feel a Presence in our Apartment by vickifigueroa

I have always loved anything that involves the paranormal. I always thought it was cool to have a haunted house, until now that I actually live in one. I moved to Redlands, CA to be closer to work. Many people know that the city itself is very old and spooky. Lots of ghost activity and many cults. ...

Ghost of Eastern State Penitentary by ghostcaller1

Hi, my name is Ana and I went on March 21 to philly with my fiance and his aunt, I had seen the penitentiary first mentioned on America's Creepiest destinations, so I thought "oh cool my fiance is into mobsters and all and I like a good scare". We took the 12:00 pm day tour and proceeded to see all ...

A Sudden Appearance in the Road by Laxe

This episode occurred in South Carolina in a very rural (wooded) area called Poston, which is where I grew up. There are a lot of dirt roads in this area and a few sets of railroad tracks running through it, and we would get the occasional freight train rolling by. One evening when I was about 11...

I Asked Him What Heaven Was Like by whitehorse

I was in the USAF stationed at Grand Forks N.D. in the early 80's. I had a friend who worked with my husband. His name was Scott, but we called him "Lurch". He worked on the airplanes. That morning, him and four others were working on a plane that had just come back in. It was business as usual. The...

Making His Presence Known by Laxe

This "haunting" took place in an apartment that my Mom and Dad were sharing in Hampton, VA. My dad had died back in October 1994 after developing complications after heart bypass surgery. I arrived from Colorado the next day to attend his upcoming funeral. That night, I stayed in a small bedroom in ...

Weird Voice by HauteCouture

I was a senior in high school when I experienced something I can't explain and have only told one person (my mom) about. I was getting ready for my prom and I had a great time doing so, I had an even greater time once I was there. After the prom, me and my friends went to a party. There wasn't anyo...

The Haunted Catfish Plantation by tellingstories_xo

Last year, during the summer in July to be exact, I visited the Catfish Plantation restaurant in Waxahatchie. It was known for notable hauntings, and paranormal phenomenon. Basically, its an old haunted house turned into a theme restaurant. Me, being very interesting in paranormal incidents, I had t...

We Saw our Friend as a Spirit by SnowClaw

At the time I was about 9 years old and my best friend Celia had just had her birthday the day before and turned 9. Me and my other friend Greta stayed the night at her house. We had a normal fun night like any kid that would stay at their friends house. The next morning we got up and we played o...

I Broke the First Rule of Ouija Boards by Kahla

I'm beginning to believe that my house has a demon. I was stupid, and broke the first rule of ouija boards, and played alone. Nothing responded, but something was there. The air thickened, and my room became colder. Later on that night, my dad asked if I had heard something, and I had, but I wasn't ...

An Old Lady's Voice by SnowClaw

I live in a nice sized town that is very historic, but not very often do you hear of a place being haunted. I never thought my new house was haunted, maybe the one we used to live in because it was old but the current house we live in is only about 20 years old. Not old at all! I think we're only th...

The Cross and the Car by GhostBreakers

During my younger days in NY during the 60's. My friends and I used to take turns borrowing our fathers cars on a rotating basis (without their knowledge) but, not unlike many other guys. We would all get together and one guy would sneak his dads keys. Then the guys would push it out of the driveway...

Lady in Blue at the Train Station by GhostBreakers

The photos were taken close to the time of the incident but not by me. It's weird but TRUE! Here is the story of The Lady in Blue. I was born and raised in Pleasant Plains on Staten Island, NYC. In the mid 1960's when I was around 15, I like all the other kids in NY neighborhood, hung out downtown i...

Dark Shadows and Light Shadows by Krysteen

For the past couple of weeks, I've noticed an increase of shadows around me. I've been seeing those fleeting black shadows out of the corner of my eye, and on occasion, the ones that linger to let you get a better grasp on their shape. These have been ranging from tall, human shapes to small cat-siz...

Unseen Danger? by bigred101

You might have read my other story about using a ouija board and nothing really big happened except my basketball goal disappearing. Well ever since I've stopped using the ouija board, every time I get out of the shower I feel dizzy like my eyes black out and I see darkness for a couple of seconds, ...

Creepy Green House that Made Me a Bad Girl by Renny97

This story takes place in little Ozona, Texas. We lived in this house in Aug. 2004 for only two weeks. The first time I set foot in that house, I got that strange feeling but just didn't think anything about it. Finally, we moved in. We set up everything in the house, and had our first supper of Fri...

Creepy Closet by coco31

When I was 13, I lived in my grandmother's house with my mom and my sister. The house was old (I'm not sure how old), and there was a furnace door across from my room. I came home from school one day and no one was there. I did my homework and laid on my bed to watch t.v. It was around 7 or 7:30, be...

Skeleton Apparition by coco31

My first ghostly encounter I can remember was when I was about 6 or 7 years old. My mom, her boyfriend, my sister, and me had just moved into a house in Pleasantville, NJ. In the room me and my sister slept, there was an attic door. I felt very uneasy living in the house and especially uneasy sleepi...

Trailer #350 by Flutterofwings

This took place in the 1980's in the run down trailer court my sons and I lived in. Cheryl my friend from the park, her and I would often walk around the trailer court at night time. Usually it was in the summer time and was too hot in our trailers and cooler outside. We walked pass trailer 350 many...

Soda Can Whacked Off the Cabinet by aimstah

I live in my grandmother's old house. It's an older house, though not terribly old. My grandfather bought it unfinished, and finished it on his own. My uncle swears up and down the house is haunted. He's spoken of kitchen cabinets opening and closing, and things of that nature. I am a skeptic, so I ...

Memories of Brian by Jennifer40

Brian was the son of my Godmother. Although we weren't related by blood, we considered each other cousins. He was three years younger than myself and was one of the most wonderful people I have met in this lifetime. I was 21 years old in the late 1980s and I was visiting my younger sister who was at...

Are You Ready? by Vannarra

I was laying in bed one night when I was 7 (which seemed to be the peek of when I experienced paranormal phenomena) tossing and turning, completely unable to sleep. I rolled onto my stomach, covers half off my little body. Just as I was beginning to doze off, I felt someone sitting on the end of...

Uncle Roy's House by Jennifer40

In the mid-1970s my Uncle and his family purchased an old house located outside of Boston in a town called Newtonville. Although I don't remember the exact date the house was built, I know it was around the late 1700s. The date had been painted in black on the chimney as most of the houses in this h...

Forsyth in Shadows by Vannarra

When I was 7 I lived in Forsyth Ga with my older sister Sarah and my Mother Jan. Being the youngest of four (and now youngest of 5) no one much listened to me much or believed any of my strange stories. Ever since I was young, strange things would happen to me, no matter where I was. My mother saw t...

A Feeling of Sadness by mrsfrawin

First let me give some history. My family has always had what you would call psychic abilities, we feel others emotions or know things that most people would never pick up on. I guess it has something to do with our heritage, my Grandmother on my dad's side is Cherokee with some Scottish thrown in, ...

The Black Shape in the Dark by marine556

I would like to start this story off by explaining a little bit about myself and my background. I was born and raised in Tucson, AZ and spent my entire childhood in one house until middle school when my family moved into an older but nicer house. My parents are very religious and I was raised to be ...

Heavy Angry Breathing by blackettle

I was fairly young at the time, but it was frightening enough that I did not forget. My mother was in the kitchen, perhaps doing dishes or cleaning something, and my brother and I were in the living room. I was playing in the living room with some toys, and decided I wanted to get something from my ...

Sleep Possession, Demons, Ouija Board by erigais

I understand as you read this you will be skeptical, but keep in mind, I am writing this to help anyone suffering from night possession, bad dreams or spiritual harassment. First I would like to start my story by saying for many years I have been a very bad sleep walker. I sleep walk a lot, and I...

The Joey Doll by mrmr

I was 11 years old living in Santa Rosa, CA. We rented a small duplex in an old neighborhood. It was always cold and damp, and smelled like mold. My room was in the back of the duplex, it had large sliding glass doors that would go out into the weed infested back yard. One night in the wintertime...

Sister Turned Mean Because of a Ghost by bigred101

I heard this story from my mother how she encountered a ghost. A long time ago my mom who was my age (16) and her two older siblings just moved into this really small house. My mom made new friends quickly at school and one of them was named Ashley. She told my mom how everyone thought that the hous...

Encounters in my House by SapphireWings

Hello everyone, this is my first ghost story so please go easy on me. The encounters I'm about to tell you is totally true, but it's possible that I might of imagined some of them. Anyway, it's up to you to decide! I was in my room one time, and I was getting ready for bed when all of a sudden I ...

Presence in EMU Dorms Dislikes Unmade Beds? by owlsong

I have an hour gap between my two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and usually I go back to my dorm during that hour and take a nap, since I rarely get to bed at a decent hour. I could use the whole 'college kid, gotta study into the wee hours of the morning' excuse, but usually I'm just farting a...

Out of Body Experience by HauteCouture

I was 16 years old when I experienced what I think was an out of body experience. I was sleeping on the floor of my bedroom and all of a sudden I felt like I needed to wake up. The thing was, I was already "awake" but I was watching myself from above my body. I don't know how to put what it was like...

The Old Lady by Astral184

This story takes place many years ago, where I was born and raised in Spanish Harlem, in New York City. I was a child of about 4-5 when before me, I saw an old lady or hag, she never said say anything to me, she stared at me in a creepy kind of way. According to an older sister who is now deceased, ...

Go to Sleep by Nightgoddess

This happened just this morning. I woke up early this morning and felt like something was watching me. I knew it was him (him being my beastly friend). I ignored the feeling and closed my eyes again hoping that it would just leave. I was wrong. I like to sleep against the wall so I was on that si...

The Gray Woman Is Still Here! by KimSouthO

My mother and I returned home on New Years night. My sister arrived just as we did, being dropped off by her friends parents. When we entered the apartment, the Christmas tree once again laid on its side with the lights on. I had turned them off the day before when my mom and sister had left the apa...

Daring Spirits with a Ouija Board by bigred101

My experience happened about six months ago and after it happened, I stopped using a Ouija board immediately and this story is true. I'm sixteen just so you know and my friend Britney is seventeen. We were at her house one night, she lives about two minutes away, I could walk if I wanted too. It was...

Glowing Nurse Apparition by chelleck

I was in the hospital after the birth of my first child. In the wee hours, just before sunrise, I opened my eyes just a little and saw about five inches of an almost glowing white dress. Assuming it was a nurse's uniform, I laid there waiting on her to attend to me with either taking my temperature,...

Angel of Death by chelleck

Living in the ever present sense of being watched from afar by unseen forces, I was at my parents' home on a cold winter day, when the doorbell rang. Mom came in with a few packages from shopping, took them in her room as usual and closed the door behind her. This house was arranged with a long corr...

Harmless Haunting Just Got Scary by taffi74

My family consists of myself (I am 34), my husband, and our 3 sons. We have lived in our house for 12 years now. We knew almost right after we moved in that there were "other people" here. My husband sees things all the time and my 11 year old son has seen ghosts since he was very small. Sometime...

Day Spa Spirit by Jennifer40

In the earlier part of this decade I worked as a Licensed Massage Therapist at a Day Spa in N. Phoenix. The Day Spa offered tanning, nail and skin care, and other run of the mill Spa amenities. It was housed in a very nondescript stucco strip mall that was probably fewer than 15 years old. One of th...

What my Roommate Brought In by Jennifer40

In 2003 I moved into a brand new house southwest of Phoenix in a small farming community that stands in the shadows of the Estrella Mountains. It is a beautiful area and many times I am still overwhelmed by it's beauty. It was a tough adjust for this city slicker at first, where the only noises I wo...

Shadows and TV Changing Channels by bluefox3

Every time I come downstairs to get on the the computer I feel like I am being watched. Sometimes when someone's staring at you, you can feel it, well that's how that felt like. One morning I woke up and I saw a face, I got scared, so I closed my eyes again and I saw nothing. When I was brushing ...

I Helped Him Pass Over by cupcake10132

Hey guys! I am back! Last night was like the biggest and happiest moment ever! Remember Rubert? Well if you don't here's his info. Rubert is 6 years old, a shadow child, and before he crossed over he wanted to see his mother. Also he is a poltergeist. I was in the chat room when someone came int...

Mama's Helper by essiej

My Mama is a strong woman. She has gone through so much in her life that she has examples and warnings for just about every situation that anyone goes through. She just doesn't like to share all of her experiences. She says that some people just have to learn through the experience, and not from som...

I Saw my Grandpa by darbydarbella

When I was about 3 or 4, I can't remember, but my grandpa had passed. I can't really remember him, except for pictures I saw. Well at his funeral, I was standing and waving over into the corner, probably behind where the casket was, in the front row maybe. My mom asked me, why are you waving? And I ...

Corner Shadow by LPeezey

Try to bear with me, this is the first time I've really talked about this. The sequencing might be a little messy. Lets see, I've had experiences all through my life. Nothing really that stood out, or terrified me though until within the last few years. The experience that I'm about to describe is b...

Another Holiday Experience by KimSouthO

It was early New Years Eve, evening with the twilight shining on the snow. I sat at the window of the apartment staring out at the cold and snow. It was freezing and the roads were very icy. I heard the television drone on in the back ground imploring all the celebrating and partying to be careful a...

The Ghost of my Great Grandfather? by killingkilgore

My great grandfather was a great man. He was the happiest person I ever met, he loved his family more than anything, valued the worth of $1, was a wonderful artist, and he always put his whole heart into everything he took on. Which I guess is why he felt the need to build his home from the ground u...

Life of Terror: Journal of the Haunted by bigmen9909

This story is base on true events that happen to me my sister Casey and my friend Sam. It all started in preschool, my family just move into an apartment in Alameda. The first night when we move in, me and my sister Casey starting to hear music coming from the closet at the same time we hear roller-...

Possible Incubus Encounter at Home by BelieverOfTruth

This isn't a ghost story, more of a demonic encounter. I swear it is true. It was the night before I started ninth grade and I was asleep, no it wasn't a dream. I got really cold, I woke up and my fan was on, I didn't turn it on. As I started to roll over, my t.v. came on, then shut off. I couldn't ...

Haunted or Paranoid? by Ambi

I'm new to this so I will try to explain my story from the beginning as best as I can. I'm 27, I have had some very terrifying things happen during my short time here (being alive) and I think I may be haunted or maybe I'm just paranoid. For as long as I can remember, I have seen things, images, ...

My Wedding Day by LouBaby

I would like to begin by giving you all a little background on my Mother. My Mother was a wonderful person. She was in every sense of the word a lady. Mom loved butterflies, she pasted stickers with butterflies and flowers on the walls of her house. She also loved hummingbirds, any birds really but ...

The Curve in the Road by Flutterofwings

This took place in Michigan in the late 1980's. There was this nice newly paved road, near the country. However it had a really sharp curve in the road. One couldn't go to fast or you might end up in farming land some place. My friend Cheryl and I would take this road, to go to the fruit stand at...

Clara and the Nursing Home by Flutterofwings

All names in this story, are not the person's real names. I had been taking care of an elderly lady in her home. Once she passed on I was looking for another job. I seen in the paper this nursing home not far from me, was hiring people to work there. I applied and got the job. I had four people t...

Wanita's Trailer by Flutterofwings

This took place in the late 1980's in Michigan. I was living in a run down, crime filled trailer court. With my two sons at the time. I should have known the first night we were at the trailer court, when this man shot his ex-wives boyfriend and killed him. That it was not a place to live with small...

My Son Sees by Suzy

From the time my son was just a few months old until the time he started kindergarten, he frequently saw things that no one else saw. One evening, I was sitting in our bedroom floor, playing with him when he started looking at the rocking chair behind me - like someone was sitting in it. When I look...

Oaklawn Cemetary 2 by mustang

This is my second photo that I wanted to submit and share with everyone to see what you think about this one. Okay, so as you already know I went to the Oaklawn cemetery and we are walking around snapping photos in places that we are drawn to snap the pictures. This picture was also shot on the same...

Oaklawn Cemetary by mustang

I went on my VERY first 'GHOST HUNT' to a cemetery called "Oaklawn Cemetery" in downtown Tampa. My fifteen year old daughter, almost five year old son and three year old daughter arrived at this cemetery at around 4-4:30PM. Just to let everyone know, my children are not frightened by any of this. Th...

The Spirits of Goodale Cemetery by Jennifer40

In 1997 I moved back into the house I had lived in as a teenager on the Hudson-Marlboro border. My parents were going through a divorce at the time and the house was for sale. For insurance purposes I was asked to live there until it sold. The plot of land the house was on once belonged to the Gooda...

Granny Came Back by bat

My mother told me about this when I was a teenager over 20 years ago. This took place way back in the 30's. I don't know what was wrong, but my mother had been very sick and was in bed. One night everyone was in bed and asleep except her. She was just lying in bed and she heard the dogs outside star...

My Mom's Ghost by RESCUE243

In the month of April, 2007 my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mom and I were as close as a son and mother could be. She was my world. My wife and I stood through it all with her. She seemed to do fine with the cancer until one day she seemed to get more...

Hauntings in my Life by Brookie17

Hi everyone! I've had a few scary experiences in the past. I kind of hate talking and remembering them because then it gets my imagination working on overdrive. But I love scaring myself so anyways, here it goes. I live on Long Island and know of many scary "haunted" places. When I was younger I was...

Michael Likes the Rain Too by Nightgoddess

I'm taking you back to the first time I have ever seen a spirit or ghost. When I was about five I began to feel like there was something else around me that I couldn't explain. Years pasted on and when I was twelve I saw him for the first time. (Keep in mind that this is a different spirit then the ...

Harley the Ghost Cat by Crystal

I'm 16 years old and I live in VA. I had the same cat since I was a baby, his name was Harley. We were really really close and always together when I was home. Harley got really sick about 7 months ago and we put him on a couple medications but his illnesses were not curable. He slept in the my bath...

The Girl by ozone_baby

First I would like to apologize to all who read my first submission, and have been waiting for the rest of the story. (And to those who have not you may want to go back and read Lizzy's Friend, to completely understand this one) Unfortunately, my husband was deployed to Iraq in November, so between ...

A Message To Her Family by Jennifer40

My maternal Grandmother was a wonderful woman full of fire and quick wit. She emigrated to the US by herself in the 1920s to attend nursing school in Boston, and never left. She moved in with my family when I was 19 and just leaving for college. In 1994 she was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed ...

Cursed Family by hurley21

First of all my girlfriend and I moved into this house about 4 months ago. It is a old house built in about 1915! When we first got here everything seemed nice and pleasant. But there is a bedroom which is connected to the master bedroom. That gives me a strange feeling! I have 3 cats and always kee...

Holiday Season Experience by KimSouthO

It was freezing outside, Christmas just around the corner. We had just celebrated Thanksgiving; I can not say I was happy about the holidays. My parents had recently separated, my mom, sister and I moved into one of the many apartments we would inhabit for the next few years, and life felt to be at ...

All of the Lights Were Off by brittany

One day I was getting up for school. I had to wake my sister up. So she got up. Me and she sat down to talk. She ate breakfast then she told me that she had to leave so I said ok. When she left nobody was home except for me. My mom was at work so was my dad. My brother has been gone the whole week a...

The Henderson House and Kitty Phantoms by faerielike

After events in my previous story, "Strange Things Happened in That House" things were pretty quiet for a while, having moved to a few different locations in Pennsylvania. There was one instance of being at my parents' friends' house and chasing the smell of perfume around the room, but nothing else...

Did I Really See Something? by JerseyGirl

For years this experience has puzzled me. Either it was real, or it was the most realistic dream I have ever had. I was in my early 20s, still living at home with my parents. The room in which this experience took place had been my bedroom for most of my life. Nothing unusual had ever happened in th...

Haunted Ranch House in Shreveport by Donna

I lived briefly in a ranch house on a 2 acre lot in Shreveport in the 1980s. The house was in a disputed estate of a man who'd shot his wife and then himself a few years before. I didn't know that at the time I moved in. From the minute I moved in, I had a bad feeling. The very first week I was t...

My First Paranormal Encounter by Joie

I am sure I will post more stories as time goes on, but let me start with my very first paranormal encounter. Or what I believe was my very first paranormal encounter... I can't exactly tell you the age I was. I was young. I had to still be in elementary - MAYBE early middle school because I still h...

Two Different Spirits in my Room by niktaya06

My husband, my two kids and I moved into this house in July of 2007. The house was built one year prior so it is pretty new. Well two weeks after living here I did my normal routine before bed. I get into bed, my husband is already asleep and about a minute after laying there I hear footsteps run pa...

Lady in White at the Hotel Bar by Kecoughtan

I was 27 in 1997 when I joined three friends -- Steve, David, and Stephanie -- on a long-weekend road trip to escape the July heat of Washington, DC. We drove west through Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio to visit prehistoric burial mounds and sites associated with the French and Indi...

Spirit World Makes Contact by ljsco

When I was sixteen my parents were friends with a married couple about their own age, late forties. They were childless, so when the husband passed away suddenly from a heart attack, my mom invited the wife to stay at our house. Her name was Elaine. I grew up the youngest in a large dysfunctional fa...

Creepy Stuff by pinkpantherclue

This isn't my story, it's my sister's. Half sister. I apologize that I don't have any creepy ones like this of my own, but I can't help that. I think you'll find this entertaining anyways... My half sister lives in Gainsville. She has lived in both South Florida and North Florida throughout her life...

Haunted Clewiston Inn by pinkpantherclue

I live near Clewiston, a small town near Lake Okeechobee. There is an Inn there, and it's old. Supposedly, somebody died there and it's been haunted ever since. I'll try to re-tell what the lady at the front counter said to the best as I remember, because its been awhile. There was a lady who had...

Basement of Hell by Denise

I don't want to sound crazy but here we go. I am a normal kid. Nothing odd has happened to me until 3 summers ago. My house is newly built, no one died in it, nothing odd has happened in it until one night when me and my friends were having a party. My one friend said she saw something in our baseme...

A Large Glowing Orb by atouchofdeath

This is a photo I took, using a disposable camera. I was visiting the "Old Waverly" cemetery, here in Texas; photographing graves for a cemetery photo book, that I was working on. As you can see, where the picture was aimed, it's not really focusing on any particular grave. When I had finished takin...

Supernatural Activities at the Old Apartment by Jennifer40

Almost 10 years ago I rented an apartment in an area of Worcester, MA called Quinsigamond Village. It was in a three decker house that once was home to many generations of Swedish immigrants that worked in the mills nearby. Thinking I had a really sweet deal on rent for such a huge place with so muc...

Old KKK Church by Haden

My experiences started back when I was thirteen years old. Though they do not haunt me anymore my experiences have left an impression that has kept me with an open-mind where ever I go. My aunt Mable lived in an old house way out in the country, and I used to go and spend the weeks and weekends ever...

St. Augustine Ghost by Jennifer40

About 7 years ago a girlfriend and I went to stay at my Aunt's condo for a vacation in St. Augustine, FL (a.k.a. The Country's Oldest City). We had decided to do the Walking Ghost Tour one evening through the Old City. The tour guide brought us through different areas and explained the different sig...

The Denbigh by belendajones

First of all I've had several experiences with talking boards as well. I've had two UFO encounters in my life. I can communicate with the spirit world - that's a gift I have. I've had at least two homes that had ghosts. But this story is different. This is the first time I have physically seen ghost...

Hauntings in Jacksonville by itzamia

My name is Clay. I am originally from Jacksonville, FL. I moved into a condo in Jacksonville with my family when I was eight. The house was empty except for one of the bedrooms. My bedroom closet had a Ouija board left in it. The previous owners wife liked to play with the Ouija board but for some r...

Feeling of Sadness at Uncle Bill & Aunt Vera's House by haleybug

This story come from Cheifland, Fl where my family visited often. When I was younger we would have family gatherings at my Uncle Bills yearly so we could all play catch up with the rest of the family. It all started in about christmas time when Mema and Aunt Mildred came down from Massachusetts to s...

Ghost Girl - Mixed Feelings by bloodxofxaxrose

Now I have only lived at my current residence for about three years now and before this I have had previous encounters with paranormal activities and such, but never one quite like this. I know only a few basics about my current house, that a girl late teens to early twenties (17-25) died here. I ha...

Rock House Haunting by Domboshi

This is my first story on the site. It happened (I believe) when I was three years old. My mother told me this one, so I am not very exact about the details of the experience. Back when I was three, (1996) we lived in a two-story house. My brother and I slept downstairs, and I don't know where my mo...

Broken Glass and a Laugh by Nightgoddess

It was early morning when I suddenly got a chill that woke me up. I'm one of those persons who hates the cold so I sleep with three blankets and the heater on but I was still cold. I pulled the blankets tightly against me to stay warm. I fell back asleep again but this time I was woken up my the sou...

Teenage Ouija Board Use by Nebmom

I have been wanting to write my experiences for a long time, it is just one of those things that are hard to talk about. But as of lately I have been thinking about it more and more and have even had a few nightmares. I think another reason I haven't shared was because now that I am older and have c...

An Oppressive Encounter by EricaAshley

It was the middle of the day on a saturday last summer, and for some odd reason I started feeling very tired, like I should take a nap. Odd, since I don't usually ever take naps, being that I'm a energetic teenager. So, anyway I lay down on the couch, and before I know it I'm drifting off, then all ...

Shadows of the Elderly by JadedDragon

Well I've always had strange things happen, come to think of it, a lot of time in my life. I do not consider myself a ghost hunter and am under experience of seeking the paranormal, it seeks me. One of the more interesting periods is when I lived in a seniors/disabled community with my mother. A...

Old House Haunting by zack1392

Back again, but this story is different from my auditorium story. When I was around 4 years old I was living in a house which isn't that far from where I live now and isn't far from my high school. It all started by me seeing shadow figures or people in reflections and of course me being 4, it scare...

The Hands by denalix3

This story is taking place in the apartment, in my room in which I still live in today. This was the second house I moved in since I was four. I was sitting on my queen sized bed that me and my mom sleep in. I just finished drawing a broken heart and I was about to put it away... When I suddenly fel...

A Ouija a Day Doesn't Keep the Demons Away by nimrod

This story happened to my grandmother. Picture it, mid 1960s. Every novelty store had a strange game called Ouija Board. It was considered good fun to use one. In fact, it became the party tradition for a group of friends. Almost everyday, a party would be held at one person's house to play ouija bo...

The Lady Upstairs by shyjoni

When I was younger every weekend I would sleep over my grandmothers house. I would sleep in the living room on the floor across from the wall where the stairs were. Now you couldn't see the stairs they were blocked by the wall. I'm not the only one to have experienced what I'm about to write. My cou...

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