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The Ghost Named Mary Who Opened The Door For My Son 2


Before I began with my story, I need to give you a little bit of background. My son, Dalton, whom some of you know a lot about, has a toy Buzz Lightyear that he has had ever since he was 2 years old. (At the time this took place, Dalton was almost 7.) Buzz is approximately 6" tall and has a soft body. He is also Dalton's best pal and goes everywhere with Dalton. When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. Buzz is to Dalton the way Woody is to Andy in Toy Story. So on with my story.

On October 18, 2008, two of my grandsons spent the night with me and my kids. Before leaving the next day, Blake (7-year-old grandson) asked if he could clean Dalton's room by himself. The boys, all three of them, know my policy is Dalton's bedroom is always to be cleaned, by all three of them, before they leave. But Blake insisted he wanted to clean it by himself, so I let him. He really did do a great job and I bragged on him, of course!

At bedtime that night, Dalton couldn't find Buzz. He asked me if I knew where Buzz was, and I told him to look in his bedroom. Dalton said he did but he couldn't find Buzz. So I went to look for Buzz. I looked in all of Dalton's plastic baskets (tubs), dumped them out, but still couldn't find Buzz. Dalton has two baskets that he puts toys in. I am very obsessive-compulsive and these baskets have specific toys that go in specific baskets. One basket is about 8" deep and the "soft" toys go in it and the other basket is a little bit bigger and the hard plastic toys go in it. Both baskets have factory holes in them. But since Blake cleaned the room, it didn't necessarily mean the same toys got put in the same baskets.

I couldn't find Buzz anywhere in Dalton's bedroom. I even looked in Dalton's dresser drawers; under Dalton's bed; in the closet, just in case because you never can tell where things end up when kids clean up, you know?

I looked all over the Living Room, took cushions out of the furniture, tipped the furniture over, etc. Even looked in my bedroom, but I still couldn't find Buzz. Dalton cried that night because Buzz was lost. (I felt like we were living "Toy Story.") This is the "toy" Dalton sleeps with every night. I told Dalton we would look again the next day. I had even called and asked Blake if he remembered where he put Buzz when he cleaned Dalton's room, but Blake said he didn't even know what Buzz looked like!? I thought, "are you serious?!" I even went outside and looked in my truck, knowing Buzz wasn't out there because we hadn't left the house. But I had to look because Buzz was nowhere to be found inside the house.

Anyway, the next night I looked again: same places as before, even dumped out the baskets in Dalton's room again; dresser drawers; under Dalton's bed; tipped over the furniture again, my bedroom, same whole routine. Still no Buzz. Again, Dalton cried because Buzz was lost and lonely. Dalton asked me if I would buy him another Buzz, so I looked on eBay but couldn't find one who looked exactly like the one Dalton had. And I had explicit instructions that the new Buzz had to look just like the other Buzz.

Friday morning, 6 long days later, as we were getting ready for school and work, Dalton came out of his room with his hands behind his back and asked me to guess what he had. I took a couple of guesses because this is a regular game he and I play, "a kangaroo...nope, a truck...nope, an ostrich...nope", not only was I wrong but I was completely shocked when Dalton pulled Buzz out from behind his back. I couldn't believe it!

Dalton was so happy (so was I!) When I asked where he found Buzz, Dalton said "on top of my basket." I was really happy but also very confused. I knew I had looked in everything in Dalton's room, not just once but it ended up being three times between Sunday and Thursday night. Buzz WAS NOT in there. Anywhere.

I asked my daughter Jerrica if she had found Buzz and put him in there as a surprise, but she said Dalton just went into his room and then came right back out with Buzz in his hand. She said Dalton didn't have time to search for Buzz, which validates what Dalton said.

When we came home that evening, I asked Dalton to show me which basket Buzz was in. Even though I knew it was impossible, it still freaked me out when Dalton showed me which basket. This is the basket that the smaller soft toys get put in. This was also the first basket I looked in. The basket is small enough that there is no way Buzz wouldn't have been seen, even if he'd been on the bottom of the basket. Not only that, but I had dumped that basket out three different times. You know how you do it, just in case you somehow "overlook" something? I just thanked whoever found Buzz and put him there for Dalton to find.

At this time, I didn't realize it was Mary. This took place two months before she opened the door for Dalton. But there is not a doubt in my mind that Mary is the one who found Buzz for Dalton. After we found out about Mary, and began to have more interaction with her, I had Dalton thank her for finding Buzz for him. I felt it was only right.

In case you didn't read my first story about Mary, we learned while living in her home that she had died there. I was recently told by a friend that Mary loved her home and spent most of her time in the kitchen. Jerrica and I both had experiences in the kitchen. We were very lucky and very fortunate that Mary let us share her house with her.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
2 years ago (2022-08-19)
Jubeele - here's the story about Dalton and Buzz. I hope you enjoy it, if you haven't already read it. ❤ I wish I'd given it a better title, but...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-12)
Ell_Annabelle - the only thing I can positively say about Buzz's disappearance is no, Blake didn't take Buzz home with him. Other than that, I don't know where he was for those days he was missing. Occasionally we'll talk about it, but we've never come up with a solid conclusion, other than Mary must have had something to do with it.

That was the only time Blake ever volunteered to clean Dalton's room by himself 😆 Sometimes kids do things that are out of character, and this was one of those times. I did appreciate it though 😊

Thanks for reading my story and commenting.
Ell_Annabelle (2 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-12)
I want to know where buzz went in the first place? Did your grandson take it home? And Mary fetched it back? Or did Mary hide it? The returned it?

Why would your grandson want to tidy Daltons room by his self? That's odd
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-16) I'm ight join this one and share... Because they take all stories... Which is what I will take... Although some people post non-real stories not all of us do and its kind of good to be able to sumbit a stories without having to get it checked for every spelling error and every little detail... No offense to site... 😐 😐 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-15)
SpiritsWindsForever - As you have read stories on this site, you had to have noticed people have different "burdens" and different ways of dealing with them, but none of us are alone. That is what this site is for.

We may not all agree on every story and some of the stories may even get heated at times, but the vast majority of us agree to disagree. We may be different races, religions, cultures, etc. But we are not alone. You are not alone if you choose not to be.
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
just closure... I want to know that I'm not alone in the burdens...: (
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
SpiritsWindsForever - you've mentioned "children" experiences before. Do you want to share anything about those other experiences? Maybe they have something to do with this little girl. You've never said what you want to get out of this. Just wondering if you want me to quit asking questions and let you just tell your story. Believe me, it won't hurt my feelings. I just need to know what you want to do.
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
Badjuujuu sorry, can't don't remember them sorry...: (I haven't seen them in a long time. And as the books... I quit my paranormal study a few years back since the expieriences I had, sorry again.

Miracles- I dunno, I have heard that middle children were the most sensitive but I don't remember my sources after leaving my studies behindafter the children expiriences
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
SpiritsWindsForever - I have to admit, when you mentioned middle children most likely being closer to ghosts was the first time I'd ever heard of it. Doesn't mean it isn't true, just means I'd never heard it.

My daughter is the youngest of her sisters (she has two older by her dad's previous marriage), yet she is my oldest child. Her oldest sister can hear them, her other sister, being the middle child, does not see or hear them. My son is the youngest of both his dad's kids and mine. Both my kids see and hear. I'm the oldest of my siblings and obviously I can see and hear them. So maybe it just depends upon the individual and not birth order. In my family, I happen to think my kids share my gift. 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
Could you give us a few book titles? Or direct us to the stories/comments where this is mentioned? Like several others, I've never heard of this middle child phenomenon before.
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
hmm... I dunno, lots of books and even people on this site say that middle children are the most likely to be "closer to ghosts"
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-11)
SWF, nope my husband never had any psychic or supernatural experiences from childhood or now. In my family my mother is the youngest of 3 and she has some psychic ability her middle sister does not. I have a some empathic ability and am precognitive but I'm an only child. So it might just be a trait in your family that the middle child has abilities. 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
look forward to it miracles I'm hopeing to post a few more I got but as nothing new been added for a few days now will have to wait 😢
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
taz - thank you ❤. I have to admit that the majority of my experiences have been really good ones. I've had a couple that have scared me but they were early in my life. Well, early in my "ghost experiences" anyway 😆.

I've actually been looking in my Journal over the last couple of days, wondering if there's anything left in there that's worth submitting LOL. I'll let you know if I find anything 😉.

Again, thank you.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
hi again miracles just a quick note to say went through all your old posts again (getting annoyed nothing new yet!) and had to say I love your storys ❤
You have a real tallent for getting the reader hooked hope you have some nice experiances to share soon 😊

[at] swf you can always email your storys to others to read and comment on I am always willing to help where and when I can if you like (will say there is a _ between rotten and 890 just can't see it on my profile)
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
Usually occurs in childhood or its if your a pyschic family... But her must not have had pychic exp then? He's not a psychic... That or he had them happen when he was young
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
SWF, I just read your profile and you mentioned that a middle child is known to have the "calling" and have spirits come to them. Just curious is this common amongst all middle children or only in your family? My husband is a middle child and he doesn't have one lick of psychic or supernatural ability.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
SpiritsWindsForever - just so we're clear here, what exactly do you want out of this? Do you just want to tell your story or do you want help with something? If you just want to tell your story, I'm good with that. If you want help with something, I'm good with that too. We just need to know what it is you were hoping for when you tried submitting your stories.
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
Kept the journal since the 2nd time, it was so vivid I am still frozen with fear to speak of it
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
Oh and I forgot to say. Like taz mentioned before, it is very nice of you to let SWF post on your thread. 😉 ❤
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
Hi SWF, I just read your story and I agree with Miracles and the others who believe you have some empathic abilities. I think it's great that you keep a journal. I always say I'm going to start one, but never get around to it... (I know I know I'm sorry Miracles) 😢 LOL! I will start one soon... Promise 😊 So how long have you kept this journal SWF? This girl must really want your attention and help if you have seen her 22 places out of 34 places you have traveled to. I am with Javelina my interest is also peaked about the other experiences you had. I hope you will share them with us.
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
saw her when I was 16 about when I started going around town and apartments to get ready for my traveling life. She appeared at the 2nd. And my journal... I have so many bloodcurdling things in there I can't even start
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
SpiritsWindsForever - looks like Javelina got my line in for me! Thanks, Jav ❤. The journals are very important. If you've read my profile, which I'm just assuming you might have, you'll have read that I keep one too. Very, very important. Helps me keep my sanity. Well in regards to ghosts anyway 😆.

Okay, now we've got to get to some nitty gritty details here. You said you've seen her in 22 of your 34 travels, right? So, first. How old are you now and how old were you when you saw her the first time? All the details are important. Since this child is following you, she must be connected to you in some way. That is what we need to figure out. If, and I'm stressing the if, you don't already know who she is and why she's following you.

Like Javelina said (I'm paraphrasing here), what you aren't saying can very well be the key to this whole thing.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
Now you've got my curiosity up. So, what have you left out? 😲
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
SWF (SpiritsWindsForever),
Save your journal and continue keeping all your experiences in it. The importance of that is immeasurable.
I don't understand why your story wasn't published, not after reading it. 😕
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
I have private journals of all my expierences. And I have recorded those words. And whenever I see her. That notebook is always right next to her flipped to the page where she said " my mommy told me not to talk" And I will say this... I left a part out of the story, I bawled my eyes out afterwords
SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
She have I have seen her in 22 out of my 34 traveling destinations which is pretty creeepy. And I'm Male...:P
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
taz - thank you. You are too kind 😊. Seemed like the only way SpiritsWindsForever was going to get his story told. And seriously, I don't mind at all.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
hi there spiritswindsforever
Got to agree with miracles on this one sounds like an empathy thing going on here with the feeling like crying and the feeling tired could have been the spirit useing your energy to show her self and leaving you drained totaly believe you on this too no one would make that up to get a story posted, not surprised you left the appartment.

Miracles your so sweet to allow spiritswinds to borrow your post, bless your heart ❤ 😳
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
SpiritsWindsForever - okay, first I've got a question simply because I have a niece whose name is Logan. Are you male or female? It just makes it easier when I can put a "face" to someone when I'm talking to them LOL.

First thing that came to mind when I was reading this was you may have some empathic abilities. I'm not sure about this, to be quite honest. I'm an empath but so far I only feel emotions from the living. If I'm right, this could explain the feeling of wanting to cry and of being tired.

You mentioned seeing this little girl in other locations. Are these locations where you have lived? Do you still see her and has she ever said anything else to you?

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