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Growling... Belial?


I've been reading the stories on this site for quite some time and I finally decided to submit one of mine. I've always been interested in the paranormal, but started to truly believe after my mom's death, seven years ago but that's a different story. The particular occurrence that happened this year in my apartment in May confused me/frightened me quite a bit. I must say that lately I've been quite interested in demonology/exorcisms and I read some books by Malachi Martin, Matt Baglio and others (scary stuff!).

Anyway, to get to the point, one night (it was about 11pm) I was in one of the two bathrooms we have, searching for a shampoo. I wasn't thinking of absolutely anything when I heard this growling sound coming from the left bottom corner of the bathroom (the bathroom is adjacent to the kitchen). It sounded like a dog's growling and didn't really scare me but I felt more confused than anything (we have no animals in our apartment). I discarded it as an auditive hallucination. The next morning around 9am I was drinking coffee in the kitchen when I heard the SAME growling, this time the right bottom corner (the same spot of the night before, just from another angulation). Now I got kind of scared!

Three weeks after I stopped thinking about it and was absorbed by my daily routine when one night I had the following nightmare (it scared the wits out of me!):

I was at an oracle's house and I wanted to ask him something. All of a sudden he transforms in a white-haired huge monster and is coming toward me (very cheap horror movie-like). I got so scared and started to say the Lord's Prayer over and over again, desperately looking for God's help. The oracle restores his previous appearance, taps me on the shoulder saying "Bravo! Way to go! You did good. And you know that dog you heard? It was Belial!" At this point I woke up, my heart racing.

In the morning I googled Belial and learned that he is one of the crown princes in Hell. Now, it is possible that having read the books on exorcisms I have come across (I don't remember) this name and it has somehow remained in my sub consciousness. But what about the growling? I heard it twice and I was wide awake! What could they want!? I pray a lot (I'm an orthodox), read the Holy Bible and I'm not into occult stuff. Yeah I've done stupid things when I was little, but could it be that after many years they are trying to vex me?

I read that there is a demonologist among you so I would be very happy if he could comment too.

I have many other experiences that I will post soon.

Thank you!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, orthofro, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

Sarah (1 stories) (53 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-20)
I too have had a similar experience with growling. It absolutely terrified me (check out my story). I also consider myself to be religious (Roman Catholic), so like you I believe that that is why you were targeted.

princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-02)
Rainbows are circles & there are always two at one time 😁 there we all learned something today. DON'T talk SH*T! 😁
I am a Reverend & it takes quite a bit for me sometime to know it's demonic, other time I know right away. But I do understand what, Red is saying. &, Red to you I say. You better start being a considerate adult if you desire to continue with our story sharing & guidance time. I think someone may get angry & cut you off. Just saying. Bless you & yours. Much Clown Love 😆

BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-01)
This site is not ridiculous. Some of the people on this site, however, are ridiculous. Especially the ones who think they aren't. 😉
JarMan (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-01)
I hate how people just say it's demons right away. This site is ridiculous.
JarMan (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-01)
Reading books on demonology and exorcism is already a good way to rile yourself up. It's really easy to mentally scare yourself.

You said you live in an apartment, does ANYONE in the building have any pets? It could be a really simple answer. Don't say "...they aren't supposed to...", because that doesn't stop ANYONE.

Dreams can be a lot of things, including dreams. Dreams can and will be largely effected by what you are doing while you are awake, even by... You guessed it, reading! It is my opinion that trying to interpret dreams is about as helpful and accurate as trying to find the end of the rainbow.

I think you are simply physicing yourself out.
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-01)
orthofro hit me up?


I've been gone a while but haven't forgotten your story. I believe, & no one start sh*t with me please I mean no harm. It's just that over my life time there has been such truth & not only that PROOF. I believe that the things that are truly evil minions of the dark prince have already been defeated in this spiritual war, Satan knows it & so do his idiot followers. So they try to scare us & torture us to ultimately take our own lives, so we have to chance of being in the Kingdom with the Lord. Throwing a very dangerous fit, if you will in trying to drive us in this manner. I'm not preach'n don't hate on me. Just take it into consideration all of you.

Yeah hit me up or if there's some one here (which tons are awesome folks & deal with the same crap) if one of us can help you or if it may take many, please don't hesitate.

And NO I don't go on about the bible like I'm foaming at the mouth rabid with the Holy Spirit, that's a WHOLE other level of being demonized. Bless you & yours MCL!

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
please don't anger the demon if you have one. Demons do like to use your fears against you. For example if you are afraid of this Belial he will tell you that is his name. If you were afraid of the devil he would tell you he is the devil. The list goes on. They are telepathic and will use your mind against you. Like I've said before I do not know any Catholic demons. How can you throw holy water on an energetic being that can move without your notice? And what would make the water holy anyway? It is not in the demons beleif system. I respect people's beleifs but there are certain situations in which you shouldn't piss off a demon. If that is what you have. You, yourself as a person need to be stronger. If you hire someone to cleanse your house it may work for a short time. But if you remain afraid it will come back. Technically you invited it into your home you have to get rid of it. Some demons are stronger than others. You have been given the opportunity to fight it in the astral (your nightmares) learn to control it.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
darkstar: Please feel free to shoot me an e-mail...It's on my profile, just click on my user name... If I can't help you, I'll refer you to someone who can...

Sorry for the hi-jack orthofro! 😊
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
I'm sorry for taking up space on your comment section here but I've noticed, for the second time, someone reaching out for assistance and I'm not so sure anyone has paid attention or reached back at all. So far 'Darkstar' has left two posts, one here and one in the comment section of another story. I'm not as versed as the rest of you with the problems Darkstar has written about here so I would most likely do more harm than good. Could someone please take a moment and check please? I'm worried that with all the argueing going on at the time that this person may have been overlooked. Sorry guys but nobody answered. 😐 😢
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
Hi Orthofro, Granny et all;

That poster is simply an ignorant bigot; therefore, I won't attempt a reply or rebuttal - no point. But never any hatred. We pray for him and wish him well in life's challenges.

To the poster: my counsel remains unaltered. Email me, if you need more. God bless you.

PS Re. Those other two case: one is solved. The other - we're still working on it. It's tough, but we'll stay on it. Thanks to the referers, who remain anonimous.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
orthofro: I'm happy to see that you've followed JimD's advice, and it has for the most part, worked for you 😊...Though I agree that not every paranormal event is linked to the "demonic", JimD has assisted many, many posters from this site...

As with any submission here and request for help, there will be several different methods suggested by our diverse community of friends here...It's up to the poster to take what ever advice is best suited to THEM, and to their belief system...

For those who have questions for JimD, I would suggest an e-mail dialogue... He welcomes the chance to explain his methods and the reasons behind them...Let's not clog ANOTHER poster's page with discussion not pertaining to this story 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
AND: (in addition to BJJ's post) You are absolutely right, it ALL comes from inner strength. We ALL gain that from different things.
I am not even going to address the pedophile comment as for my own personal reasons, but adverse human actions are not solely based on religions. The Catholic church is no different, they just do not hide from the thing they are asking society for assistance WITH.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
Swordsman, there is a right and a wrong way to make your point. You are making yours in the way wrong way. You may not agree with the Catholic way of doing things, but to throw the word "pedophile" in the mix is unnecessary, and frankly, disgusting.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
Biblefreeme and swordsman, I agree with you guys. Not everything can be demonic, or even paranormal for that matter. But I must also admit my lack of experience and knowledge in the study and practice of demonology puts me at a disadvantage. Plus, I have a feeling that some of these folks are speaking from personal experience and I would never presume to put what I don't know up against what they do. Besides, I'm a firm believer in the old adage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". I love this website for the dialogue and free flow of ideas. The opportunity to come up with alternative ideas and solutions is what puts it head and shoulders above the rest. I wouldn't change a thing. 😊
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
well said swordsman, I personaly think there's far to much talk of demons as far as I'm concerned its a cristian thing and as for incubus and sucubus that seems to be popular with hormonal teenage girls well that's just acording to my impresion of what I have read here. And they are more an american thing than an english one oops there go my karma points
darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
Not too be rude for asking this but this has happened to me over the years and I was wondering if any of you could help me out

I have noticed shadows from about 7-8 feet tall around me just watching (they seem to have armor on).
Also I have seen orbs one was three smaller orbits in a triangle shape.

The other one was red and the size of a football/basketball.

In addition over the years I have noticed that anyone who makes fun of me or insults me has something bad happen to them.

Me and my brothers also have seen what's best described as a UFO, which was orange red and about a bus and a half in length. Since the first time seeing it I have seen it 3 more times.

I have also had dreams where I voice that is not my own tells me what to read such as books and websites (I have googled the books and some exist or are being writing as of now), as well as stop playing around and do what I was suppose to do.

Thus over the years I have ask many psychics what I am and I also get told the same answer. Next, just to make sure I checked with that bible code thing and my real name appeared in it 34 times with what the psychics called me.

Its really starting to wierd me out and I have been noticing the shadows more almost like there is more of them gathering around me.
swordsman (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
I hate to be rude, but perhaps if you weren't such a sissy the demon wouldn't have bothered you in the first place. Once you realise that the fear of death is utterly ridiculous a demon has no power over you.
And as for "Jim", I somehow doubt that yelling "Jesus! Mary!" at a demon is going to do anything, and all this nonsense about infestations will only increase the fear factor thus making the problem you worse! You idiot!
Don't rely on throwing paedophile / catholic water at demons, or yelling silly phrases at them, instead have heart and courage, have the attitude of "I welcome death, and if I die I'm taking you with me".
It is inner strength that matters here.
orthofro (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
Hi Jim!
I was afraid you would say so (beginning of an infestation) 😕 Every night before I go to sleep I say the Lord's Prayer, and I ask Jesus, Mary and Michael the Archangel to protect me. Hope it works!
I forgot to mention this very important fact: after that nightmare I sprinkled some holy water all around the apartment. I never heard growlings again but I did have another nightmare involving demons 😭 I'm terrorized of them.
I've had some close encounters with what I believe to be a demonic entity/ies in my house in my home country (I'm not italian, but I live in Italy). I will write my next story on this. Thanks a lot for your comment.
God bless you all guys! ❤
DeathsPinsParanormal (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
You should not rely on information from the internet. We recommend you buy a book on Belial written by a Demonologist.

~ S.C.A.R.
TygerDall (2 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
Belial, now that is a name I haven't heard in a long, long time. Its true he doesn't like anything light, only dark. Keep envokeing the spirits of light to protect you!
swordsman (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
whatever it is it's trying to appear bigger than it actually is, both with the growling and the mention of Belial. It shouldn't be too difficult to get rid of.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)

I'm the demonologist. The growling is demonic, as are the vivid, scary nightmares. Normally, these things indicate the beginning of the infestation stage. I get real busy prior to Halloween, Christmas, and Easter.

I'm on another case, invoilving that very name in New York, USA. We're close to victory, but it has been spiritually and physically exhausting. It is very potent and threatened me by name, but not so potent as is God. The name that causes it the most fear is that of Mary.

My typical recommendations are Catholic Holy water, especially on the beds and at night, frequent receipt, if Catholic, of the sacraments, the Holy Rosary (it hates this so very much!), and the use of the names of both Jesus and Mary.

Demons are experts at psychological warfare, and often attempt to cause you to doubt your sanity, by terrifying phenonimum taylored to your fears in particular.

Try the Holy water and the use of those names; it may be enough. If not, email me at

THERE IS NO TIME IN THE spirit world. THEREFORE, plyng with that board occurred yesterday. Satan is a legalist, and will assert its right to remain, due to the initial, even unknowing by you, invitation via the Ouija board. I just read that you did this. Same counsel.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Actually, what I was trying to explain about a dogs growl in my first post had more to do with the accoustic properties of it. It's not the amplication alone that distinguishes the sound it's also another distinguishing trait that you might want to consider; sound is produced in waves and under certain conditions those waves can be carried over long distances. For instance, sound travels further over water than land. This principal is not limited to water alone, that's why I mentioned the tiles, smooth surfaces are less restrictive thereby lengthening the distance sound waves can travel with only a fractional loss of volume. I'm in no way trying to push this as an explanation to what you've experienced, I wasn't there to hear it. (I just love a good puzzle) Sorry for rambling on and thanks for letting me. 😊
GhostBeliever40 (27 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Very interesting story I didn't know what a Belial was, thank you for sharing your story with us I appreciate it.

swordsman (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I have heard my lovely little beasty directly infront of me and I've looked about and not seen anything except empty space, so I look under the house and sure enough there's nothing there. I am quite good at seeing fairies and 'ghosts' etc but I simply cannot tell where the thing is! If it were an animal I'd have seen it. Maybe it's a kind of natural defence these things have, they're difficult to find... Who knows
orthofro (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
thanks swordman and superHBK (I can't wait to read your story)! I never even considered these things.
It never happened again after those two times. And, yes swordsman, the growling was veeery long but not "unearthly" and then stopped abruptly.However, it was so clear that there is no way it could have come out of the plumbings or such. It was as if there was a dog present in the room (bathroom,kitchen).

swordsman (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I have a growling creature under my house. Whether it's some kind of a big lizard or it's an imp or whatever doesn't make much of a difference to me.
Probably just some small, etheric creature playing about with you. I haven't bothered to get rid of mine, I think it's kind of funny the way it growls and grumbles under the house. Does yours make a very long, deep sound?
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Orthofro... Hi how are you? Just to give you my point of view... I totally believe you. The reason is that in South Africa we have various creatures, animals, for example the thokolosh... (its a short half man half goat kind of being, some people don't believe in it but it does exist.) then we have the ripper... (ripper is a dog who appears to someone who has practiced demonic things and then he can control the dog. So yes there is dog or animals that can return. Look out for my next story about the thokolosh...
orthofro (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Hi again!
PrincessLotus I absolutely agree with you. I have "played" with home made ouija when I was very young (WROOONG!), but years later I got baptized and became a fervent believer in God.
Can someone enlighten me about ghost dogs?I've never come across this kind of information, so I would like to know something more about them.
And I do agree with the people who said that my dream was about my mind telling me "how to handle evil situations".
I'm just trying to figure things out here and I'm really grateful for all the different points of view I'm receiving.
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
I'm sorry but I have to say that I agree with KimSouth. And if you're dabbling in Demonology demons will know & put you to the test. Warm you up to say. Don't be deceived. You read the Holy Bible you said. Well that's the truth & the life so take into heart & action of everything you read in The Word. I'm being serious & I don't want to offend anyone but... This is what I believe in my heart of hearts. If you don't like it, excuse me. ❤

~Lotus S. Dust~

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