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My Children Are In Danger


Please help us my son was taking a shower today, we were in the kitchen heard banging and screaming from the bathroom. My husband and I ran we tried to break the door down as our son was screaming like he was being murdered. We finally go in and my son collapsed in our arms still screaming scratches all over his chest, saying that this thing was throwing him against the door scratching him really fast and wouldn't stop, that its angry we wrapped his naked body in a blanket and hugged him, we calmed him enough to lay him down and examine him and yes scratches everywhere, we took photos then got him to get some clothes on, we were with him then we only got his jeans on no shirt and a message on his phone sent from no number, saying you will be mine soon you filthy thing was on his phone, we left the house its now 12am and we have been back for approximately 2hrs, and since it has shown its self at least 14 times.

As I say the lords prayer it gets angry, it laughs at my husband and other son, we are all crying without knowing all our eyes have water running down but we arent sobbing, I don't understand why my family, why my neighbourhood, why my sons, why won't it leave us alone, we can't sleep we can breath properly with fear it will attack again, my son won't leave our side I have never seen him or the rest of my family this terrified of anything, my son that keeps being attacked is weak, he is very sick he has type1 diabetes and has almost died a few times, he was never sick until we moved to this house, I don't know how much more of this he can take, its really taking it out of him.

Please if anyone can help please do its still here and as I type, its here it can see me typing, my son is beside me he can see it looking, I can feel it looking, it likes games, it laughs when we get angry at it, it gets angry when we say the lords prayer, its sarcastic at my husband, it clapped its hands when my husband yelled you will not win you will leave, this thing is dangerous and harmful.

My mother in law is trying to white light our house threw the phone, and its laughing at her, she is too far away to come and do it in person, but its laughing, its angry, and its sarcastic, and likes games. It does physical harm, this thing is smart and extremely strong, but it does move away it moves around me when I say the lords prayer, and its angry. As soon as daylight hits and a church is open, I intend to take my son and my family there and ask for help. My youngest son is at a neighbors house, he is too scared he is still awake over there too scared to sleep. A new detail of this thing it only has 3 fingers with really long nails.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, conceredparent, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Duality (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
Wow. That is my opinion of the comments I have seen! ConcernedParent\ mazza have actually succeeded in bringing as much attention to the story as is humanly possible! Never has so much debate gone into an incident - it's more like something in parliament than a comments thread. Concerned Parent, don't copy/paste off the internet, as it's obviously not yours and its not right, but thanks for the Xmas cheer! Everyone else (sceptics) try to lay back on the interrogation - it's an advice sheet for someone in need, NOT torture therapy to get a bomb site location out of a terrorist! But do carry on this wonderful debate, I might bring popcorn!

This comment from mazza is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-25)
Oh no, Zombie I more than noticed it! I commented on it, even made it into a little ditty. But alas, a couple of our best comments were deleted by the management due to the harrassing tone. Whuch I freely admit to, but it was just too easy. And funny! 😆 😆
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
ZombieMomma- Oh no, trust me. That's the tipping point where most of us were like, "lolwut?".

I looked into the comments, and a little ways into the comments made by the author and whatnot, it sounded too much like the plot for Supernatural's 5th season. WAY too many things matched up, you know?

But yeah, most of us agree with your statement. That's why new posters to this story should look at the comments, and I strongly urge it.

Your comment made me crack up laughing! 😆 😊 ❤
ZombieMomma (4 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
I am new to posting, but have lurked on this site for a while. I didn't want to make the 'noob' mistake of commenting without reading other posts, so I spent more time than I should have reading this dog and pony show.

I do agree that these three screen names could easily be the same person. But why does old Paul spell 'criticize' the 'American' way with a Z? Gah... Who knows.

Regardless, I am not sure how this was passed up by all of you keen readers:

"my son shared a mango with the angels and we had spaggetti bolonaise"

W.T.F. Bahahahahaha! Am I the only one who finds that completely ridiculous?!
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
Alright. Thanks. I have read some prior to commenting just haven't read every one. I'll go back and check.

Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
Just Curious- I urge you to go back and read all of the comments for this thread. I'm sure that will clear any confusion you may have. 😊 ❤
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
I haven't read the comments to many stories before, and I don't understand the reasoning behind why people get all caught up in arguing over something in the comments? Dont people realize that if others read these comments they might not want to type up their own stories?

Just sayin.

I am not completely sure what I can say to help as far as tips on how to deal with what ever was attacking your son. I don't have that much experience with violent ghosts/spirits/demons/etc.

Has he been attacked and held up against a wall again since the first attack?

Hope it works out for you in the end

Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
Interesting that Mazza chooses to post a comment now, of all times...

You know, DC? 😉 😆 ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
Hey Mazza! Waassup? How you doin? How's it hangin? Whatcha know? Whatcha don't know? How's tricks? What they been feedin' you? Why you don't come round no more? 😊
mazza (22 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-24)
Well thank you so much Pjod, I can not help the way I type as I was never very good at English/Litriture. I will hold my head up high, as I know the truth. I would also like to thank you for the compliment as my Step-son, daughter-in-law are in their 30's & I am nearing 60. I thought I would look in & see what had been written, anyway I hope all of you have a very merry Xmas & a safe & prosperious New Year. 😁 ❤
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-10)
It is more than just the spelling, maza... It is also the typing style that has raised flags, for me. I am just trying to say in the nicest way possible, that it appears to be one person typing away for all of these screennames. If it is truely 3 diff people of the same family... Well that is just eerie... To have such a similiar style to sentence structure, lack of punctuation, etc. No need to jump up and down, spit and cuss. You can hold your head up, continue to post on this site, knowing you have been up front with everyting typed in this thread... Leaving it at that.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-10)
Sorry I couldn't help myself, I just want to say well done Pjod for discovered this and opening our eyes, especially mine. Thanks man. I agree to disagree and yes enough is enough I know. Trix. 😉
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-10)
I got the last word na na na na na na 😁 People please do stop this now. Everyone please just agree to disagree
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-10)
Pjod, How much you want to bet I don't get the last word either? 😉 Just watch! 😊
mazza (22 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-10)
I agree it has gone too far! But I will make one thing clear Pjod I do not like being called a lier or a fake. I am sick to death of the people here that can't keep it as it should be & that is to help people not to pick to death spelling mistakes & the bloody way people type. I am the grandmother of this child & I come from Australia so we do not spell the same as Americans. Again thank you the people that has helped & to the others that have nit picked I hope you do not have an experiance that requires help & are treated the way my grand son & daughter-in-law have been treated on here. I am 59yrs old & have not seen before the way those people have taken things & put their own interpretation to it so it gets off the story. God bless Mazza
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-07)
Hey People,

Can we all agree to disagree on this and leave this thread here please.

Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-07)
I have never seen two people, even 3 (mazza) type with the same exact style... Such as the 3 of you have demonstrated thoughout these pages. I still have no doubt you are but one person... Maybe with split personalities? That is going a bit far, but I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt. The more screennames you invent, the more obvious it is but one person...
Zorforler (1 stories) (55 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-06)
I agree with the people who want to drop the bible subject, let it be/go, no need to go crazy about it. What is important is this woman needs help that's all.
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-06)
ok to clear up and confusion I did say I did some research and I never said I wrote any of that either I also told you we werent christians but now believe we have to learn from somewhere don't we and some of what my son said can be proven and that was exactly my whole purpose of looking it up to see if it was actually written in the bible we don't know how to read the bible we don't understand the chapters and stuff so I copied and pasted this so I can ask the church when we go there you know I no longer care if you believe me or not I know what's true as I keep telling you and as for the nasty comments that's still ok I still believe you are entitled to your own opinions as for a cult pfffffff where do you get off with acussing of terrible things like that and iim sorry this is true I don't care anymore we told you we didn't believe before and because I investigate the words my son told me to which I'm entitled to do and especialy that I didn't know the bible but the things came from the bible or should I say biblical times arnt I entitled to look it up I actually posted it here hoping for feedback on if it was true what I have read so far I have read a lot more but will not post it now for feed back after your comments why would i.slag me off as much as you like its not going to stop me beleiving its not going to stop me from learning its not going to stop me helping my son I did havve more to say more has happened but why should I tell you now I have decided not to come back here ever I'm sorry for all those who do believe me and the people helping I will stay in touch with you still via email and I thank you so much for helping me all your advise we are still doing it and its working thankyou
whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-06)
I must break in here and say it again: This has gone on long enough. Let it go, People.
Step off the page, and let this go. It has been said numerous times, this arguing does no one any good.
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-06)
PLEASE, I'm begging you to STOP ALREADY! You're constant blah,blah,blah, yackity, smackity would test the patience of a saint! If you like this websight so much you are more than welcome to participate just like the rest of us, heaven knows we sure could use some new blood (that's right) around here.
SmokeyEyes (10 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-06)
I'm sorry, but I actually laughed when I read CP's copy/paste effort. Theres no denying it really, on account of the fact the c/p essay has perfect English from what I saw when I browsed over it, and CP can't seem to spell the simplest of words - ie - CULT, and the obvious fact that CP clearly went from no religion to posting a biblical breakdown of Jesus' family tree near enough!

I'm actually saddened by 2 things here. 1, that a child being attacked was used to gain attention, and 2, that good people were trying to help only to find this seems to be nothing more than an innability on CP's part, to distinguish between a bad dream and reality.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-06)
Concerned parent, copying and pasting huge chunks of text from the internet doesn't help you prove a point, it just makes you look a fool. Seeing as you've used no punctuation, grammar or correct spelling up until that post, it's clear you didn't write any of that.

Just give it up, please! The phrase "flogging a dead horse" comes to mind here. You keep saying you don't care if people believe you or not, so why spend so much time trying to convince? Seriously, just forget about it and save all this energy you're wasting trying to force people on the internet to believe you, concentrate on being a great mum to your kids, and put this behind you for their sake. Your boys need you giving them your full attention, they don't need you getting in to pointless slanging matches on here. You, Mazza and concerned father should think carefully about how much time you've wasted on here.
ConcernedFather (2 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-06)
You people really don't give up do you its not our falt that you don't listen to help when it is needed and this is not a circus or a colt we are greatful for the help we got but there is no need to put her down like you are starting it is very true just sit back and think if it happened to you what would you say or do my friends well ill tell you, you don't know what to do as it hasnt happened to you she did the right thing and done the research and now all you want to do is criticize come on look at your selves what are you some big time expert at this type of thing I think not you are only saying what you read I have sat back but when you start making allegations against my wife which I remind you who is telling the truth is when I will get in on it too now I'm no expert on this but I have seen it happen now I don't understand why the rest of you are getting involved now when you had perfect time to do so when all this first happened but its ok for you to have your say but not ours hahahaha don't make me laugh don't you think the world has enough crap in it without listening to you ramble on about how you know it all ohhh and by the way no one said we were christians so don't put that on us its what your saying so stop making it sound worse than what it actually was she simply come here for help and got it so let it lye you should be thankful that we got the help we needed because we are now this is my last post in here and I never wanted to post in here to begin with but you are good at running some one into the ground how is that fare now I quote "I'm not going to fight over it. Trix
But all we seem to be getting is your way of fighting who are you anyway the one that runs the show I THINK NOT this is where people come for help not criticism I don't care if you believe us or not you have had your say over and over so leave it every one els has there's and that's it but you just won't let up not one bit you my friend are a nasty person and shouldnt be here to begin with
Now I'm not one for fighting but I will stick up for my family when they are being run down like this I am sory I said what I did but like you I needed to get it off my chest so please you have had your fun leave it be so say what you like I know you will
Many thanks Paul
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-05)
In the words of Bill Murray from the movie 'Ghostbusters' I'd have to agree. "We came, we saw, we kicked it's A**! THE END!
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-05)
this is the biggest load ofbleep bleep I have heard in a while it even beats the sucuwotsits romance story's and they do take some beating the good thing about these posts is it makes me feel so sane and grown up as I'm not part of it praise be to me
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-05)
Conceredparent, I've learned a big lesson here with your story, and I'm glad it happened. I saw my bud with you- without a mirror. I will never bother you again. I can kick myself for trying to give you info from the Bible because of your desperation for help and for God because you said you have seen the power of prayer now, but the true word of God is rejected by you about the first Son ext. Just a reminder you started this story, changed it into a religious battle and uses the word of God for your own benefit not to learn about it but to use it to mislead naive people that don't know of better. I see right through you now.
You abused very loving and kind peoples help on this site, and you wasted my time and sorry I wasted your time. All I can say on this is shame on you... I wanted to believe that you are true good people but I wanted to make sure for myself.
I don't know what the purpose of your whole story is. You want everybody to believe your son is the first born son of God, well go ahead then try and see how many will join your cult you try to start there from your home. But unfortunately I will not join your circus, because Romans 16: 17-18 warns me against people like you. And don't say that I can't judge you the word of God give me the right to judge over this lies and what you try to push into our heads, but ONLY God will judge over everybody, when we stand in front of Him in Heaven some day.
I'm signing of now as Paw-Paw here on this page for ever. I nearly forgot... Did you hide the keys of that gate your poor son has to guide?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2010-12-03)
CP: Great research!...Unfortunately, it may have been all for naught, as no one was disputing the claim the Jesus had no siblings... In your post, you say that your son is the reincarnation of his OLDER brother, bourne to Mary's sister... However she was a sinner... I interpreted this statement as Jesus' older brother was also THE son of God... In other words, Mary's sister was impregnated by the same host...

I'm sorry, but this hasn't done anything to help your cause.
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-03)
i have only posted this as I have been doing some investigating in to what's happened and this is what I have found

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