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A Figure Watching Us


I could go on all day about all the stories I have heard from my girlfriend's old house, but for now I'm just going to tell my experience. I will also have a picture up that I took that makes my eyes water every time I look at it. It is probably the best paranormal picture I've ever taken. Anyways, my girlfriend used to live in very bad territory, (bad as in bad spirits) the house she lived at was very isolated from anyone else. You would take an old beat up road to get to another old beat up road then travel about 3 miles going 5 mph (on a loose gravel road) to get to the house, As I said, it is very isolated.

Now for the story, my girlfriend and I, her mom, and her mom's boyfriend decided to go back there for a visit hoping to catch a thrill. Now I knew some stories they told me about the place at the time but was just mostly excited to actually go there at night and experience something. All I brought with me was a flashlight, video camera, and digital camera.

When we got there, as soon as I stepped out of the car I instantly just felt terrible, like I really didn't want to be there, obviously that place has very bad aura around it. As we started walking down the driveway to the house, we got an idea to go back far behind the house about two hundred feet to the deer blind. Supposedly there was a work camp back there with an old foundation up. What went on there I will never know. So we headed that way for some time and stopped.

A Figure Watching Us

My girlfriends mom said just through these trees is the foundation, but I didn't want to get closer. I had my camcorder rolling and when I looked at the screen I noticed that there was an outline of something standing in front of me, when I looked up with my eyes I didn't see nothing but trees, There can be so many ways to debunk this so I'm not going to go into detail with it, so I decided to turn around, and my group followed.

When we got to the house we stopped at the side of it to think of another idea. My girlfriends mom's boyfriend started giving out ideas as the rest of us were completely silent, He was standing to the left of me, and my girlfriend and her mom were directly in front of me. As he was talking, her mom and I heard a distinct grunt to my right. I heard it but didn't think too much on it until her mom said, "Did you hear that?" I told her I heard it to, it sounded like a plain "Ugh" I wish I would of caught that on tape but my camcorder wasn't recording at the time (lesson learned, never stop recording) her mom started to panic and just said let's get out of here.

A Figure Watching Us 2

A Figure Watching Us 3

(Now for the good part) as we walked past the house to leave I said, "wait let's get a few snapshots." so I quickly took about five pictures and we headed out. When we got into the car everyone was talking about the grunt as I was going through the pictures. I finally came across one with a faded giant orb, and I started studying it for a minute. Then I noticed someone standing almost directly under the orb, a small figure standing on the porch ramp looking at us. I started freaking out, and showed everyone, and they all agree that it was a figure, a small shadow figure standing there watching us.

The picture says it all. This was my first story so let me know what you think, I know it's not that scary but to me it's all about the picture. Like I said earlier, I do have scary stories about that place, much scarier than this, I was just giving my experience, Let me know if you want to hear more stories (better ones).

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, TheJosh57, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Hizumi (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
After reading this (though it has been quite sometime it seems) I believe that by the pictures, the thing was looking at you. In paticularly you. It seems to look towards the camera. Though in all honesty, no one can tell you how you felt or even imagined to feel.

Though, in my own point of view you should probably see what you can fully dig up on the entire area. There is many different types of souls, and other things out there. Your lucky to say the least, that it didn't follow you home.

Past that, I also think it was lifting it's "arm" at a point in the picture. Though I could be wrong. This is all under the "if" aspect, merely because you were told before all this that there was stuff there. Though as you explained the location, it tosses aside many statments about the road using a distant light to make the orb. Unless it's not a dense forest? Well regardless.

Fear is usually (through my experience with many different people, new and experienced) something we all feel in the presence of most types of spirits with ill intent, I believe it is a natural response to something we can't truly defend against to a 100% form. Though, premade fear is also a problem when it comes to looking.

Anyways, this in no way, was meant to be a saying it's not real. In fact, though it may be confusing, I believe that this is indeed a good picture. For this said event. =) Good job not being followed =D

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
Yeah, zzgranny explained it to us. Sorry, some days I wake up in the Twilight Zone and the only way out is to scream for help... 😨
Martin (602 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
I know it's an older story but I added a photo so sometimes I refresh the date for people to see.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
Scary doesn't matter if you are telling the truth. Crazy picture! It's really interesting. Everyone has said all of this before. It's good that the story wasn't that scary. Though I would be scared if someone ghostly appeared in my picture. I try not to be scared of the other side, so when I do finally see something. I can look at it with an open mind, and without fear.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
This is an old story. Somebody screwed up here.
Thanks anyway!
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
yeah guys, sorry I have been busy, I guess I will put it on youtube, I had it there before but all people did was spam it with negative comments and saying its fake. Ill let yall know when its up, I'm going to edit it a little (not making it fake)
zaphiod (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-18)
I'd love to see it too, any chace you could fire it onto youtube or something?
Keiraa (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-18)
Oh wow Josh. I would really like to see the video too. This stuff just fasinates me, and it makes me feel a bit better knowing others are experiencing similar things.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-17)
You bet! My email is on my profile page. Let me know if you have any problems accessing it.
Your two stories are just fascinating. I love a mystery and so many of the stories that involve the paranormal really can keep a person busy. But anytime you can find the source of the haunting is another step forward in this field. Can't wait to hear what you'll bring to us next time.
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-16)
[at] javelina, I'm going to have to dig in my video files for that, its been two years but I should find it, when I do is it alright if I email it to you?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-14)
Yes, I would like to see that video, if possible. This story just fascinates me, what can I say? A mystery that's as open ended as yours is always fun to speculate about.
Like I said, it's those bones that have piqued my curiosity. Because that's a big deal, if they were human remains and then were disturbed once they discovered them, that right there could be the source of the haunting. Plus, if there were two people buried in tne same grave, which wouldn't be uncommon, you would have an answer fo the two faces seen in the tree.
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-14)
[at] javelina that is a very good observation, I'm pretty sure they just threw the bones somewhere or left them in the ground. And I also have the video from what I was talking about in case you are wanting to see it, but like I said in the story, there are many ways to debunk it, I just wasn't interested in something I couldn't see attacking me. But there was definitly something there. Thanks for the post 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-14)
Your account of that night is very interesting, and it does sound like there was something up there.
The bones they found while putting in the porch are very curious. What did they do with the bones?
I feel the answer to this question could be very important. Of course it does depend on the bones being human in origin. Large bones could also signify a larger animal, one not necesarily indigenous to the area, but perhaps a beast of burden. Cattle, mule, horse or even buffalo could leave large bones (albeit larger than a human) too. Because there was a work camp right there, it would make sense that they would have kept animals too. I feel the haunting may have more to do with the activity from the work camp. Back when the west was being settled they had ranches out in the middle of no where because they just happened to be the first to settle there, besides native Americans of course. But the white man's settlements were more permanent dwellings compared to the Indians, who in many cases would move their camps depending on the season.
Now when I think of western justice what comes to mind are hangings. And what is the most obvious thing you'd hang someone from, besides the gallows of course? That's right, a tree. After it's over you have to bury them, right? I'm sure you can see where I'm going with my theory here but let me tell you what first made me think of it. When you said this;
"but I didn't want to get closer. I had my camcorder rolling and when I looked at the screen I noticed that there was an outline of something standing in front of me, when I looked up with my eyes I didn't see nothing but trees", I was immediately intrigued about what could have gone on there in the past to make the area so active. None of you actually took those extra steps to get closer to the area where the foudation was, so I assume it was an unspoken fear that may have taken you back to where their old house sat. And although they had previous experiences at the house, it didn't seem to be as bad a choice as the work camp location.
Of course all of this is just speculation on my part. Sometimes I just get on a roll I guess.
Thanks for sharing this experience with us, and don't worry about the story being a scary one, as long as it's a true experience it will always be welcome here.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-14)
[at] TheJosh57 - I did see the pics and they were really interesting. Now in regards to your question about if spirits can become attached to someone, though I have not experienced it or know anyone that has, I have heard before of spirits becoming attached to someone and following them around.

And its not only to the person. Spirits can become attached to some item in the house to and follow it around. So to answer your question, yes they can become attached to someone and follow them. Even if they leave and move somewhere else.

TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-14)
[at] darkness wow, thanks for the info, its true they are evil spirits becasue everytime they would fight at the house or argue, activity would happen. But could you answer this? Is it possible for those spirits to be so attracted to someone they could follow them anywhere? Thanks for the help 😊
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
TheJosh57: Something mimicing her mother's voice! Yes this is a very common occurence regarding hauntings, you see spirits will do this to get the attention of that person, some believe that these are normally more darker, negative spirits these are the type of spirits that can appear and speak to you in a form that you recognise and find friendly in order to deceive you or just plain scare you because there is nothing they love more then to feed of your fear.

There is also another way at looking at it it could be just a normal resltess spirit that is after some attention and will do anything it can to be recognised, heard, seen ie: use a voice you find familiar! These spirits I find are ones that may possibly have a story to tell or need help crossing over! I would prefer a haunting by this type of spirit lol.

Hope this helps a little, these are only my thoughts but there are always many differant theories.

Cheers! 😁
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
[at] darkness not a problem, there was another thing I wanted to mention, everytime she was alone at the house she would hear her mom call her name, but there was absoulutly nobody there, she would hear her moms exact voice call out her name but shes the only one there, really really creepy, lemme know if you know anything about that, thanks 😉
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
TheJosh57: Thank you for your reply when you mentioned things crawling the wall it rang a bell for me because I know I have definitely read and heard of something very similar on this website but trying to remember what story it was is like the old needle in the hay stack sorry! 😢 If I do get hold of it I will let you know. Keep them coming. 😊
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
[at] justcurios, did you see my picture link? I put it up, and the link is on the comment board, check it out
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
[at] darkness yea I really wish I could give more detail but that's about it, And that's where my guess is, indian burial ground, My girlfriend said that the first night she moved in and stayed there, she saw "things" crawling on the wall, multiple ones, and they looked like humans but on all four limbs. I didn't believe it at first but she said her mom also saw those things without even telling each other. I have know idea waht kind of spirits those are, and if they ARE indian, if you got any idea please feel free to share, thanks 😊
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
[at] Thejosh57 - ah alright. Well that is really interesting to know that that kind of history is linked with the land.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
TheJosh57: Its funny you mentioned that your girlfriends mum said she had witnessed 2 faces looking at her from that tree, because that is exactly what I saw and thought from looking at the photos before even reading the rest of your comments. It definitely sounds as though this place has some negative history, I am curious to know what the work camp was for, do you know anything about this? Hmm indian burial ground this called explain some of the occurences witnessed. I am looking forward to hearing more from you.

Thanks for sharing.

TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
[at] justcurious from what I have heard, the foundation that stood there was actually a place where the workers would sleep, I'm guessing they worked around the area, but there is nothing out there, maybe that was just there camp and they had to walk/hike to work. All I know is a lot of bad things happened around that land
KristianaxErik (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
That's just freaky. It looks like the person might be hanging but maybe that's just me.
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
P.S. Please don't copy and spam it all over the internet, I'd appreciate if you all just looked, thanks
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-13)
great news guys! I put the pictures up, there's three of them, I promise yall there 100% real and the only editing I did was increase brightness, have a look and hope yall enjoy 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-12)
great first post thanks for sharing.
Posts on here don't have to be scary at all but looking forward to your scary ones all the same I like the detail you have added helps to get the feel for the story.
Look forward to the photo (or link) and you will always find the people on here asking for more storys if you got them so keep posting 😊
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-12)
[at] Thejosh57 - I was just wondering. You said they had records of a work camp in that area. Would you happen to know what the work camp was there for? I know you said you attempted to see the records, and was just curious as to if you learned anything more about the work camp.

TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-12)
[at] lonely2 looking back and remebering the noise relly gives me the chills, I didn't give it much thought when we were there because the feeling there is bad enough, we were also standing by the tree that my girlfriends mom says she has seen two faces there staring at her one night when she walked outside, so without doubt, we were disturbing them 😕
TheJosh57 (2 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-12)
sorry guys, I have tried twice emailing the site about putting the pictures up but nothing, if I get nothing tommorow, I'll give yall a link to see it, thanks for the support 😁

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