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Perfume In The Air For Two


I'll try and make this brief. Last night I was texting with my significant other, maybe around 3:AM or so I start smelling a strong odor of perfume, a sweet smelling perfume. We were texting to each other, now I'm in Massachusetts and she's in Rhode Island. I say babe what kind of perfume are you wearing? She asks why, I say Hun I'm getting the strongest scent of perfume and I have goosebumps all over my body and I keep getting the chills, the chills were overwhelming. She says are you kidding me, I say no I'm serious sweetheart why? She says when I was outside earlier while we were talking on the phone I kept getting a strong odor of perfume and kept looking around me to figure out where it was coming from.

She freaked out when I told her what was happening to me, she was afraid to even talk to me anymore. I would love to give more detail, is there any meaning behind this.

WHY DID THIS HAPPEN? I'm getting the chills just talking about it. Please I NEED FEEDBACK TY. Why did we experience the same thing on the same night, is this an angel or a ghost? Her and I, mostly her, have experienced a lot of trauma lately. Is someone or something trying to tell us something.

Her and I are like soul mates we have so many coincidences in our relationship, the stories I could share would blow your mind! Please take this story seriously. I need some answers. Thank you for your time! Her and I are really looking for some answers, this really did put some scare into us. I did read somewhere that this could be a guardian angel...

You and me babe xxxxxalwaysxxxxx

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, KINGSKILL, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Paratea23 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-20)
Ok so from what I read you pretty much debunked the smell. The being Numb thing is new to me, I think that part is important and I'm glad you told us.

It sounds like a female ghost from the perfume. But now I'm curious about whether or not your girlfriend also felt the Numbness. And I still would like to know if the perfume you smelled was the same fragrance as the one your Girlfriend smelled when she experienced this. In other words, you smelled Flowery perfume, did she smell that same Flowery perfume?

I'm glad your in love, I wasn't knocking that in my first post, I'm just saying the pet names where unnecessary at points and deterred from the story.

With the Numbness as a new detail you left out, I'm thinking this really spooked you. And I'm sorry no one is paying attention to the facts.

Please let me know more I'm interesting in helping.

emociara (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-15)
are you sure this said perfume wasn't from like a guest you had over that day or someone could of walked passed your house an smelled like that perfume? 😆
PandaBear (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-06)
Seeing that you didn't exactly give me much to work with, I can't give you an answer, sorry 😕 😕 😕 xxx ooo xxx ooo
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-06)
Ive got to agree with everyone on both sides of the fence here!

I know myself I have smelt scent (aftershave), food cooking (eg toast, etc) and there was no way it could be anything but paranormal due to the circumstances involved.

But then again its always good to make sure there's nothing else that could explain it. Thinking back on what occourred logically is always a good way to do it.

Kingskill and on that note I have to say I can relate to your and your girlfriends story. But do please try to cut back on the babes and hun as it makes reading a little easier 😊
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
I honestly don't know what to think about this story. Good for you, that you're in love... But do you have to express it so much in this story? Sorry, but it kind of made me sick. I do believe that spirits can use smell to grab somebody's attention... But I don't think you had an experience here. Bacchaegrl and LumenFilia really said it all...

AF1 ❤
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
Well, I see it like this. It's his story and he can tell it any way he wants. However, if he wants serious feedback, he would have better luck getting it by telling the story seriously. Was it paranormal? Who knows. He says it would be nearly impossible to smell those fragrances where they were. Nearly impossible, not impossible.
So, Kingskill, did you rule out any natural causes? Nearly impossible and impossible are two different things. If you didn't make a serious attempt to rule out a natural cause, then that's still a very valid possibility. With the information we have, all we can say is maybe it was paranormal, maybe it wasn't.
I ask this about a lot of stories on here, but why was it scary? What specific thing about the fragrance of perfume scared two thirty-somethings the way you describe? Was it in some way threatening? Did it remind either of you of someone you have a bad history with? What made this event so terrifying?
These are serious questions, from a serious person, trying hard to take this seriously.
HappySpirit (187 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
Sorry guys, I have to weigh in with otteer. Too much criticism of writing style here. So what if the guy is head over heels in love and is over the top in expressing it? Good for him - and his sweetie. I wish 'em well. As far as content - my jury is out. Could be the two of them mutually mentally projecting, could be phantosmia (thanks for the new word, Moongrim!) or could be a genuine spirit or angel. Whatever the cause, the underlying meaning I get is simply an expression of their feelings for each other - positive and loving.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
Hi KINGSKILL, I liked your story! I agree with zzsgranny on this one though. Everything is not always paranormal. I have a flat build next to my house on a separate space, and sometimes I can smell their perfumes and toilet spray in my kitchen at the back door.

I must say I also experienced smells in times that there was no explanation from where it came from. I think if you experienced a smell like that with no explanation then it must be positive.

It's great to be like you and your girlfriend. I take of my hat for you. It's nice to be young although you're not so young anymore. Life is to be fun. My husband and I are just like you and your girlfriend-much in love and forever young and full of sports, and we are much older than you! Enjoy your life. We only have one chance to live life to the fullest. Thanks for sharing. Trix.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
KINGSKILL: I can relate to smelling things that aren't "there"...But as was mentioned, when that happens I always look for the possible source before heading for the paranormal conclusion... No one here can say whether what you experienced was paranormal or not, since we weren't there... If these scents happen again for you or your girlfriend, definately document the experience and what you did to try to debunk it...

Most of us feel, including Moongrim 😆, that "smelling" a ghost can happen, and many of us have experienced it...So, it's really not that far of a reach, but, it's more likely if it isn't a one time thing, or if it's a scent that is linked to a certain person who has passed on... 😊
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
geez, again the comments on the writing style, this is not a writing contest and I think some you were extremely rude.
If you can't take the writer seriously because of their style, then don't. I just look for content.
The op stated there were amazing coinsedences between them in their relationship. I agree with Lynrinth, they could be sharing a link, or... Maybe they do have a loved one looking after them, possibly a mother, grandmother or aunt, letting them know they are loved. The fact that the op added that he was getting chills was a signal to me he was experiencing something out of the norm.

I wouldn't be frightened, floral scents are known to be a sign of love. I smelled it in the car on the way to my fathers funeral. No one was wearing scent because we were to be in close quarters for the service. I was the only one who smelled it.

Xxxoo ❤ ❤ ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
Hahaha Miracles you make me laugh 😆, I hope Buzz lightyear will be fine I have a feeling he will though! And Dalton won't know any better! 😁

Good to hear from you Miracles, I will be hounding you on your Tarot Progress very soon so I hope you are prepared lol.

Wish you a good nights sleep and will speak to you soon Marjie! ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
Darkness - LMAO I am so glad I stayed up long enough to see this 😆. I didn't realize I was old enough to be your... OMG MOM! Yeah, I kind of did 😉

Anyway, I was operating on Buzz, tragic accident, had to get him in recovery before Dalton gets home tomorrow night, and thought I'd pop in over here and see if I missed anything. Low and behold, here you were. At least I get to wish you a good day!

Have a good one, mate ❤ Way past my bedtime. Talk to you soon.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
I am 26 single, have been in love, and am loving life at the moment the world is my oyster, each to there own I say! Thats what I got. 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
I'll tell you what most people here have got. Nothing to prove to strangers on the internet.
Happy hauntings.
KINGSKILL (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
And yes she does have that effect on me that makes me feel like a kid again...:p If you can find what we have, don't ever let it go. Her and I both are in are thirties, well to do, good looking and madly in love! What do you got?:)
KINGSKILL (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
Wow, I wasn't expecting that sort of feedback. Pet names can become cliche, but if your feeling it then your feeling it. Apparently a few of you haven't felt it. I would love to tare into a couple of you, let's just stick to the story!

It's 100% fact what we experienced that evening, no she was not wearing perfume. We were both located in areas where it would be nearly impossible to receive the scents we were smelling. While her and I were texting was when I had my experience, earlier while we were talking she was having her's but never mentioned it to me because it wasn't relevant at the time. While texting was when I mentioned it to her and it scared her and while I was receiving this strong odor of flowers or perfume my body went numb and I was literally covered in goosebumps, for at least 5min...

I'm all set w/any negative comments! Just want some answers!
moonlit5472 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
I believe you. We lived in River Village in Fort Belvoir while my father was stationed there in the 1960s. A recurring experience we had was what I can only describe as a spontaneous, very thick, very sweet, smell of perfume or flowers "rolling" down the stairs, permeating our livingroom with strong floral scent. My father would look at me and ask, "do you smell that?". My answer would be yes.
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
Was your girlfriend even wearing perfume when all this happen? When I was seeing someone, and I wasn't around them, I would intensely think of them, and I would sometimes smell their cologne! And I could always tell when they were thinking of me. I could be going whatever I was doing at that time, and out of the blue, I would smell their scent. I knew they were thinking of me. I think that's how strong your connection might be with her. Everyone's experiences are usually different. It sounds like to me, you were having a moment of strong psychic connection, and... You smelled her. A possibility.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
I think I am more terrified by the pet names than I am at the prospect that this was paranormal... Which I do not think it was. A one-time occurance of a strange scent is not enough to convince me this was paranormal. The power of suggestion is amazing, by the way. If someone was to start talking about a food I like, my senses might want it so bad that I can actually smell it.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
One can get hallucinations with your eyes, you can get auditory hallucinations, you can also get olfactory hallucinations.

They may be called phantosmia, but phantoms have nothing to do with them.

Paratea23 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
I agree with the past few comments, too many huns and babies to make me want to take you seriously, but I'll try anyway.

As far as you experience goes I can't help wonder if you recognized the sent of the perfume or if she might have? If so maybe there's more to it then just phantom smell. It sounds like she was more freaked out by it then you, also. So maybe she knows something?

Does the perfume you and her smelled smell the same or where they different? Sometimes carpets and curtains can hold sent and play with your Olfactory seances (your brains way of processing smell)

If it happens again post again with more detail... And less huns and babies, it will help the rest of us help you.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
Bacchaegrl and LumenFilia have said it all, I don't have anything to add.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
Kingskill - your girlfriend was outside and smelled a strong odor of perfume. There could be many "non-paranormal" reasons for this. One could be there was a woman wearing way too much perfume and the wind was carrying her scent to your girlfriend. Two, there are many flowers that smell like perfumes. Three, there are also trees that blossom and emit a flowery "perfume" scent.

I would not immediately jump to the conclusion that she experienced something paranormal. There are way too many other conditions that would need to be debunked first.

As for what you smelled, were you inside or outside? There are also things that could be normal here. Try to find out if there is a logical explanation first, okay? Air fresheners sometimes smell perfumey. Are there females in your home that wear body sprays? Sometimes that smell lingers. My daughter's spray stays forever in her room sometimes and the opening and shutting of her door will "fan" it to where it seems as if she has just sprayed it again. Just some "normal" ideas to think about.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
Wow, I'm so happy you two are totally, like, soulmates and junk. I don't care if I get flak for this one, but this story was hard to read with all the "babes" and "huns" and what not. I had to reread it a couple of times to get some sort of idea what was going on. So you smelled perfume? Both of you? Like totally, what a strong connection you guys have. I really wouldn't worry about it. You don't seem to be in any danger. I don't know why you are so, like, totally freaked out. It's just a phantom smell. I think you'll be okay.
LumenFilia (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
Number one: Please never end your stories with "You and me babe xxxxxalwaysxxxxx". It's ridiculous and you come over as a 14 year old boy.
Number two: Ask your girlfriend if she has anything odd in the family. Maybe she is projecting scent psychically. Is she a sensitive? Have things happened to her before that she could not explain? Perhaps her recent trauma activated something.

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