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I have heard for goblins to be more commonly found in the Philippines, but I think I may have these creatures in my house.

The first incident happened just a few days ago. My sister was carrying around a pair of winged, plastic horses. She was playing with them all day long, while I was on the computer. My sister called me out, saying she had lost the horses; that she left them on the couch's arm and turned her back and then they were just...gone. I told her that they must have fallen over, and she refused to look for them, so I ended up poking my hands under the couch, scanning the floor. I even moved furniture around, and ended up looking over the whole house. I searched on both of our beds, then went back to the living room to tell my sister that her horses where nowhere to be found. I came back to my room, shutting the door as my sister cried her guts out. I layed on my bed, and felt something. I threw over the covers to find the pair of horses that were missing!

Could it be a goblin? I also find many other things missing and then I would find them randomly on places where I was sure I had previously searched, or instead, they will be in the places I least thought of. Other times, I never find the item again.

At nights, I hear a deep sort of growling voice from behind the wall. I've tried a knocking session, but instead I hear a deep, laughing voice. Are there goblins in my house? Is there any way to get rid of them? I'd like to see if you all know anything about them that might help me with them.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Roxanne090, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Blackmoonmage20 (1 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-31)
It is possible for Roxanne to think it 'was' a goblin 'cause goblins usually play with humans. They tend to hide things and put them somewhere else-- whether you can find it or not.:3
Although, I think it does not explain the laughter you heard... 😕 Goblins are small and -- I mean, they couldn't have been it, could it?
P.S From Philippines! 😁 And yes, it's true that goblins or what we call 'nuno sa punso' is common here.;)
GreyFeather (44 posts)
11 years ago (2013-01-07)
Well if you think it may be a goblin, then get a grown cat or dog. If it is a goblin, the animal will take care of it. I think you should always trust your instinct. If your inner spirit said goblin and not ghost, then goblin it must be. Children are excellent paranormal detectors, and you have all the love and light of the universe to help you.
Roxanne090 (10 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-04)
Thank you for the comments. I am not very sure what made me think that goblins would be the cause of this, maybe it was because of the laughing and sounds behind the wall, also because I have previously heard about them missplacing things. This also made me think of my other story, Ghost Girl in Grandma's House, where there seems to be a mischevious ghost who has also been misplacing objects.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-31)
The "wording" does matter though, for several reasons.
1. Roxanne asks explicitly "do you think it was a goblin?"
2. What people believe it is will likely influence their advice on what to do about it.
3. This is a forum for discussing the paranormal not just a DIY ghostbusting site. Discussing our varied opinions is what the comment section is for.

I do agree that people in general, I haven't been here long enough to know about users on this site, are more likely to blow off the accounts of younger people while accepting very similar accounts from adults. Perhaps because we believe adults are more likely to have developed a discerning eye, but that does not make it entirely fair.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Who cares about the wording? It's the problem that she needs help with. Too often, when it's got to do with children, the comments will focus on anything but the problem. And far too often the children are assumed to have been either imagining it or lying.
Then you go on to another page and it will be an older child, or teenager relating what has occurred, and the comments will then ask them why, or if, they don't talk to their parents or another adult about what is happening.
Now, go to another page and it will be a grown up explaining a problem they have been having all their lives and it is now escalating to into a situation that has them fearing for their sanity.
Do you see where I'm going with this? And don't come back at me with the old tired crap about how you can't believe everything you read. I think you know me better than that by now. And if you don't, well just stick around a little bit longer and you will.
I've got to point out here that many of the self-proclaimed sceptics in our midst have had some pretty intense experiences themselves. And they get their panties in a wad when someone questions their account of what happened to them.
That's all I have to say about it. If you can't read between the lines then you aren't paying attention.

Jav 😐
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Underpants! 😆 hahaha. Thanks Jav!
I didn't know goblins growled. Then again, I didn't think anyone really gave goblins much thought. I think there is a much more rational explanation for a child's toy disappearing than goblins.
I tend to lose stuff too, go on a rant yelling at [anyone in the vicinity] about why my stuff isn't where it belongs. Then I find it later, only then remembering that I absent-mindedly put it there. 😜 Open mouth - insert foot.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
I know, I think everyone has been quite respectful about not dismissing the poster's theory outright. And I too have been anxious to hear what made her think of goblins first. The many answers suggesting a poltergeist or something else just got me curious about why commenters seem to be leaning in those directions more than the goblin explanation. Someone even supported the goblin idea with further goblin info. I don't want to suggest that "nobody believed her" or anything.
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)

I never said I do or do not believe in goblins. I just asked why the O/P thought this to be goblin-related. 😊
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
It strikes me as a little odd that there seems to be an underlying theme to the comments that suggests the commenters find the idea of a goblin far-fetched. Perhaps I am misinterpreting, but in most I hear something that sounds like "goblins? Well that doesn't sound reasonable, it must have been a ghost / poltergeist." Would most of you say you don't believe in things like goblins? That you find "mythical beings" to be less likely to exist than ghosts? Do you feel confident that ghosts & poltergeists (if you consider them different than ghosts) are not in essence the same as the beings found in folklore? I am genuinely curious about the beliefs of all the commenters, I know these things can be asked sarcastically but that is not where I am coming from. I am fascinated by the comments left for these authors. I can't stop checking them everytime I get a few free minutes.
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
I don't know much about goblins, but if there is authenticity to your story, it sounds more like a poltergeist. They often like to move things around and I just got finished reading another story where someone described missing objects; even going so far as to mention that they had a bracelet that they were wearing suddenly appear at the top of a stairway they hadn't climbed yet.
The misplacement of items seems harmless and playful, but I'm not sure about the laughter. I'd consider getting help if this worsens. Otherwise, good luck!
hiya_hayz (5 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
I can't help but ask what nearly every person who has commented on this is asking, what makes you believe this is they work of goblins? Ghosts are know to move things around. Is there anything specific that makes you so sure this is goblins? Can you tell us/find something, that you are basing your suspicions off of, such as an article you read online, or a paragraph from a book?
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Jav, underpants knomes? Oh man. Isn't that from South Park? Either way, thanks for making me smile. 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
I wonder if those little guys are related to the Underpants Gnomes? Second cousins twice removed perhaps?

Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
Like many other tribes across the country, Catawbas talk about the Little People, also known to them as "wild Indians." According to tribal lore, the Little People are spirits living in the forest on the reservation, especially along the hiking trail and around the cultural center.

They are about two-feet tall and live in holes beneath the trees and stumps. They eat acorns, fungi, stink turtles and tadpoles. They stay off to the side of the trail and they look at hikers going by.

They are pranksters who like to pick on children. Parents were once admonished to not leave their children's clothes hanging on the line at night.

sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
I wouldn't go straight to thinking it was a goblin... But could it be? Maybe. Could it be a poltergeist? Possibly. Is it most likely just a child leaving their playthings places and not remembering where? I'd guess so.
As for the deep growling, I'm guessing it could be the pipes in your home. I know in mine it sounds as if someone is knocking about 6 times and it used to scare me and I thought it could be something paranormal... Until my landlord told me he had been having difficulties with the piping in the apartment building. I hope you can find some answers soon 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
[at] Nysa,
I agree with you about the differences. Also, I would like to say that we all know that even though the wording of this author may not be what we're used to, her obvious anxiety over the situation is. Perhaps we could worry about the small details later? Just sayin'.

It sounds as if you may have a prankster ghost at your house, the type that just likes messing with you. They hide things, make odd noises, laugh because they think they are clever, etc.
One thing you should keep in mind is that it's your house, not theirs. You make the rules, they abide by them. Anytime you deal with these little brats you must make it clear that fun is fun, but making someone cry is not allowed! Also, there are some things they should know they are absolutely forbidden to touch. You can just tell it how it's going to be from here on in and be firm in the telling. You are dealing with a jokester, that's all. No big deal. Once you settle on some ground rules and make it known you'll have it no other way, things should settle down a bit. Just remember, that's their nature and you'll not be able to stop the silliness altogether. But you should be able to get it to stop being so wild.

Now, this is just my opinion, and others may have better ones. But the best advice I can give you is don't fear this thing at all, there is no reason to. You are the boss, don't forget that!

Jav 😊
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
I think something it is important to keep in mind is that different regions use terms like goblin differently. The Wiki article & most English language sites are giving the Northern European explanation. That is why I thought that it might help if Roxanne shared the lore she is using to base her theory on. The suggestion that lil sis was playing around makes sense except that Roxanne says that her search had included the bed. Since they were under the covers she might have missed them, but it makes that explanation somewhat less likely. And it does not explain the growls & laughing she hears. I will be anxious to hear more from Roxanne.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Astral_Master's comment is an injection of cold, hard logic. It's a pretty good explanation, but why did she cry when they weren't found if she knew where they were? I of course don't know much about how the minds of small children work, being a teenager myself, but the way I see it her crying just doesn't fit with your explanation Astral.
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
zzsgranny- Thanks for the link. I looked up that article too before I commented on this story. I think you made some good points. 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Roxanne: Found a link to wiki:

Goblins are in the same classification as fairies, brownies, leprechauns etc...

I think you're account is too vague for anyone to really give a good answer whether what you're experiencing is the product of mythical creatures... Not saying goblins/fairies/leprechauns don't exist, but the small amount of information you've supplied could lead to the conclusion of a possible plain old ghost...

I don't know, I would think the thought of "just a ghost" would be plenty to strike fear in most hearts, so why try to go bigger and better?...Do some homework on your suspicions... The internet is an amazing resource... Use it 😊 ❤
Astral_Master (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Kids loose thing, it happens. To assume something paranormal moved them is jumping to conclusions. The fact that she refused to look for them might suggest she hid them and was playing a game with you.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
I think it might help if you share a little of the local goblin lore. That will help put your story in context.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Roxanne - I'm with PrettyInPain. What made you think this might the work of goblins? Ghosts are well-known for moving things, voices and laughter, as I'm sure you know.

Just wondering what made you think there might be goblins about 🤔.
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Hi there!

Thanks for adding your story. I do have a question if you don't mind. I was just wondering if there was a reason you think this is goblin-related? I'm not a goblin "guru" or anything, but I know there could be other reasons for this. Other entities are miscevious too. Sometimes.

That's pretty weird, though.


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