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Shared Ghost?


To start of my story I should mention that both I and my friend have been encountering problems though our whole lives, I'll start with my story first.

When I was seven years old I remember waking in the middle of the night and not being able to move, my body was frozen and out of the corner of eye I could see a black figure looming over my bed, the figure which was cloaked in black seem massive and even to this day - 12 years later - I still have the image that this figure was around 7 or 8 foot tall. Since that night I believe strange things have followed me such as seeing people standing outside my bedroom window - which was 4 stories of the ground - or hearing noises, people knocking on my bedroom window or talking to me, nothing I could understand, just jumbled words.

Seven years later I met my best friend Madeline, as I have always had an interest in the paranormal, Madeline and I discussed our experiences. She told me of seeing things in her house as a child, or hearing doors opening and slamming, and she mentioned how she felt like it seemed to follow her everywhere. By this time I had moved house and things where still happening. I was still waking and seeing people in my room - one terrifying experience included seeing what looked like the cloaked figure from when I was a child crawling out the corner of the ceiling - and even to this day I still hear footsteps going up and down my stairs or being awoken by the sound of someone banging pots and pans together in the kitchen.

For a while things calmed down, after I began to acknowledge that there was something there and even asking them to stop it seemed to work, but then It just started all over again and things where beginning to get increasingly worse for Madeline.

In August this year Madeline told me of waking and her body being completely frozen, unable to move her body, she told me that hovering above her face was this black mass, she screamed and thrashed around but no one woke, not even her boyfriend sleeping next to her. The figure then begun to float down her body to the bottom of the bed and just watched her, after that night she couldn't sleep for weeks out of fear. After that it continued to happen, Madeline woke hanging halfway out her bed with her covers in the hallway, as if she was dragged. We have also both witnessed things moving in both our houses - Items being moved along tables or things flying out of cabinets -

At one point we told her mother who didn't seem completely comfortable with the conversation, as if she was trying to avoid it, all she said to us was that Madeline's family has experience with this and such things as Madeline's father being the seventh son of a seventh son?

Our latest experience happened last night, whilst babysitting Madeline's niece she was in her crib sleeping and then the next minute she was screaming and trying to climb out her cot, both me and Madeline witnessed a black figure floating at the bottom of her nieces cot.

There has been many more experiences - far to many to list - and it seems strange that Madeline amd I seem to be having the same experiences. If anyone has and theories to what is going on I would greatly welcome them. Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Seermoon170, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
seermoon ~ I would try more of the recordings and videos just to see what comes up and ask questions and try talking to them out loud during these sessions, keep us posted 😊
Seermoon170 (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Hi everyone and that's for the feedback and info (DragonStorm80 for all the info, I'm sure Madeline will be interested in reading it). I was thinking that we where both experiencing sleep paralysis, but I just thought I was strange to both see the same thing that got me a little worried 😢 I guess it could be the fact that we had be fascinated about it and it began to kind of leak into the subconscious. We have also had experiences of waking up with unexplained bruises when staying at her house (Madeline currently has a large crescent shaped one on her thigh)
I have done a recording before when I stayed over at her house and there wasn't much movement although there where a few unexplained noises.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
That's right Darkness, I too do believe something else is going on... But often with the paranormal and the fear of the unknown, sleep paralysis goes with the's only when you see it for what it is, can you control the fear attached and put it to bed once and for all... You won't find many mediums who are frighten of the unknown and the paranormal and I suspect not many of them suffer from sleep paralysis either.

Cheers mate aussie
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
DARKNESS ~ yeah I see where you are coming from, Maybe they could try to do an EVP recording or set up a video camera and see if they can find out some answers that way you think?
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Hahaha okay well after reading it again I can see where the sleep paralysis can come into it and nice work Aussie always well explained mate, the only thing that got me with that is that Madelines covers were in the hallway. This is where I tend to think that something else could very well be happening here. In regards to wether or not they both have something attached to them Stace, I honestly think it was coincidence that they both have had stuff happening to them. And once they became friends they both have exchanged there experiences became fascinated with the subject and have now payed more attention to these spirits perhaps! 😕 😊
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
aussiedaz ~ the sleep paralysis crossed my mind too but you are way better at explaining that than I am so cheers on that! 😉 And 7 is a pretty cool number I prefer 9 myself 😊
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Excuses excuses Daniel 😜 he he he And you may be onto something with the attachment thing there, it would explain the happenings in both places for sure, but is there something attached to just one or one attached to each of the two humans? Get that around your melon 😆
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Seermoon, They may be mild hauntings according to my old mate Darkness and co, but for you and your friend there quite terrifying right? I believe there are a couple of things going on here and yes one of them is paranormal, the other and the one I feel you need to come to terms with is sleep paralysis and the fact that both of you have experienced the feeling of being unable to move is a classic symptom... Little is know about what causes S/P... Although I do believe when we are fearful, have negative thoughts or negative energy around us, frighten of the dark, feeling like we are being watched etc... Our sub conscious and it's amazing ability to converse with the spiritual realm project fantasy realms and hallucinations can create these attacks often bringing out the bogeyman with in us and around us during the experience... Some people also report seeing dark shadows and have that feeling of being held down and suppressed etc... Not nice at all is it and I do feel for what you have experienced... I believe this is a separate issue for you at the moment and I do believe you have had experiences with the paranormal as well... Of which also is contributing negatively to your experiences making them worse than they need to be... The good news with sleep paralysis is... You can over come the experience on most accounts but it will take the power of the mind and a positive attitude to get on top and take control of your fears... Easy said I know but I think a good starting point is accepting the condition.

[at] Storm, I wondered why my lucky number is 7...cheers for the info Daz.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Ahhh thanks for clearing that up Stacey makes a little more sense now and I don't really listen to heavy metal music so that's my excuse lol! 😁
I was also just thinking it may be possible that the OP or the friend may actually have something attached to them, this may explain why it happens in both homes. Anyways just a quick though of top of my melon! 😁

DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
I remember an Iron Maiden album called seventh son of a seventh son... This is what wikipedia says

The seventh son of a seventh son is a concept from folklore regarding special powers given to, or held by, such a son. The seventh son must come from an unbroken line with no female children born between, and be, in turn, born to such a seventh son.[1] The number seven has a long history of mystical and religious associations: seven deadly sins, seven sleepers, seven-league boots, seven ages of man, seven days of creation, seven hills of Rome, seven lucky gods of Japanese mythology, the Seven Sages, seven sisters, seven stars, seven wonders of the world, etc. In this case, it refers to a man who is the seventh son of a man who is himself a seventh son.

In some beliefs, the special powers are inborn, inherited simply by virtue of his birth order; in others the powers are granted to him by God or gods because of his birth order.

The seventh son of a seventh son is also widely believed to have a direct link to Satan in some areas, and is thus granted with other "special abilities."

I also think when you are younger all adult sized people look about 8 feet tall, and as DARKNESS says it all seems fairly "normal" for mild hauntings, giving them more recognition and trying to talk to them out loud may help ease things a little 😊
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Seermoon170: Firstly I seriously doubt that whatever is responsible for what your both experiencing is the the same enitity or spirit. What you have described is quite common in mild hauntings. Secondly is the seventh son of a seventh son significant for some reason? I have not heard of this before?

Thanks for sharing.


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