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The Godzilla Monster-thing Night


The Godzilla Monster-thing

I was between 6 or 7 years old. At one season my older brother went to the United States and I never imagined such a surprise. I only remember that I was a Godzilla fan so one day that my brother returned from United States he brought me a Godzilla doll and it was big as 2 feet tall and heavy, it had a large tail and was black in color with a bright orange patch on its back so I just fell in love with it and I was filled in such a happiness (but my mother wasn't in the same emotional state).

A always watched with my nanny those classic Godzilla black and white films at the TV each night before going to bed and I always kept Godzilla with me to each place I was going. If I was going to the living room I took him with me, if I was going to the bathroom Godzilla was there with me too, if I was taking a nap then Godzilla was there again with my face on its chest and my finger in its hand (because I imagined that he was my friend and was being kind with me) thinking as child I was and I still remember its smell very well.

My mom and nanny were very worried about my behavior towards the doll and disliked it and to worsen things they are religious, so they thought that Godzilla was evil satanic and they were annoyed about my behavior too.

One day they took Godzilla from me maybe while I was at school. Godzilla wasn't in any place and I was desperately looking for it and I was begging to them to give it back to me but they didn't so I got in a depression and I cried for Godzilla each night because I couldn't sleep alone without him UNTIL ONE OF THOSE NIGHTS OF SORROW, I remember that I was laying down on my bed and the room was full in darkness.

I was only AWAKE looking at the wall when then I had a sensation as there was something strange with the wall and suddenly a white colored light began to appear in it going bigger each time as stronger in bright until it was wide big enough as a halo or hole then I could note a black-huge mass emerging from it in a little fast motion.

As it had almost emerged from the light hole I could see that it was all covered in scales of a polygonal shape as Godzilla's and the scales were smaller in the chest and in the belly but to my surprise it didn't had arms nor legs and was headless without neck too, only the trunk floating in the air and he was huge, powerful and muscular with pectorals and a prominent belly but firm instead. I was shocked and stiff unable to move.

That thing in a fast motion fled over me and was squeezing me literally that I could clearly remember its scaly chest almost on my face but all off him weighing on me and then I could feel nasty horrible tickles in my ribs as if someone were sticking its fingers between my ribs that I couldn't get rid off. It were impossible to get him away from over me. It lasted only a while but I felt as if it was and eternity.

Suddenly it got away from me flying in a retreat motion going back to the light hole were it emerged making an exhaling air sound in a prologated motion until it disappeared in the light and the light got smaller each time until completely disappeared.

I remember it as if it happened about a month ago and nowadays I'm 27.

Thanks for your time to reading this and this was real and I swear.

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Saphira (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Yea, indeed... She was only protecting me from some evil karma...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
I believe you and redphx have gotten it correct in this case. However, the beliefs your mother was working from were what she was raised to believe. She came from a different way of thinking, and was doing what she honestly felt to be the best for her child. She had to have been very afraid of your seeming obsession with that toy. Perhaps she even watched a Godzilla movie before making up her mind to take the action that she had. To her, your tears for the doll were better than the alternative. She could easily have given in to your broken hearted pleas, but she stood her ground as a mother and protector. I would not think harshly of her now, and I'm sure you've come to an age that you can somehow understand how difficult that decision was for her. No one wants to break their child's heart needlessly.
I do feel sorry for the tears you shed as the doll was such a treasured friend for you.
Thank you for sharing.

Jav ❤
Saphira (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
But I learned that one day when I become a mother... I should NEVER remove a toy from a kid EVER... It could get a trauma that can last for life... It can be some type of aggression or cruelty towards the poor fellah to do that... And they continued removing from me more things later on... But that incident... I have NEVER left from sleeping with garments to nowadays... I have some garments that I never use, only for covering my head at nights so that gives me security and so it induces me to get asleep much more easy...
Saphira (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
As Redphx says in resume, my mom and nanny atracted that "mounster-demon or was it was" to me... So that were because of their faults... I was crying my tears out so bad those nights and at the same time the song from caifanes " La Negra Tomasa" were coming to my head while crying and in the dreams too... And I dreamed that I was at a strange house of some women and there I was looking for my beloved doll that even in the dream I never found it...: (... So horrible desperating... I was going mad I think...
Luna0794 (3 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
I think that what redphx said makes good sense. It explains it perfectly. People do will things into existence all of the time.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
I think what happened was this. Your mother and nanny thought that your fascination with your doll was evil and satanic. I believe there thoughts manifested and basically made what they were afraid of come true. The basis of magic is all about thoughts and will. Essentially, through no fault of their own they willed what they were afraid of. I see a lot of Catholics do this. They are so afraid of certain things that instead of not thinking about them they actually will the evil to come to their house because that is the thoughts they are putting out.

I do think something came to you but I think that it was because of your mother's and nanny's will that brought it. And yours a little bit too because you wanted your doll back so bad. So after you had this experience neither you nor your mother and nanny thought about it anymore so it didn't come back.

I think it was mean for them to take that away from you. I used be like this with all my animals. I had obsessions with them and they wen't everywhere with me. They looked like hell by the time I grew out of it onto a new one.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
It would scare the crapola out of me. It is tempting to think scary equals bad but we have to keep in mind that an entity surely can't control our reaction to it any more than a human could. And just like people can mean well but end up frightening us, it seems the otherworld inhabitants could have the same problem.
Saphira (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Sorry, I meant at the beginning of the last comment " I felt that it was an evil entity" (is a lil difficult to write in a keyword).
Saphira (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
And I'm questioning until this days about why this happened to me and how could it be but I feld that I was an evil entity... In my mom's opinion it were a demon or some sort of evil spirit... But I was just a little girl who didn't understand why did they do that to me because it was hard for me to sleep without my Godzilla (despite is wasn't any hugable soft plush... It was made from pure solid plastic and I could get hurt...)
Saphira (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Well, It were very creepy... A hug from the King of the Monsters indeed... But in my opinion, if something is good it shouldn't scare you... But maybe is what you say but I cannot understand why it didn't had extremities and was headless...
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Well you can't rule out that it was a dream, sometimes we do nod off without realizing it, but maybe "someone" watching over you knew you were upset without your Godzilla & wanted to comfort you with a hug from it. They just got a bit boisterous about it. I would think if something wanted to scare you it would not use an image of something you held dear.

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