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Incubus Got Me Pregnant?


I'm a shy person and not forcing my point on view on the reader. But I have to tell anyone I can this because I'm really really scared and overwhelmed.

From the beginning:

I have heavily practiced occult teachings and I was a self taught witch. I have done many things as a witch which I won't glamourise. But in short, I was powerful in my craft, before I gave it up to try and become Christian (which by the way wasn't successful because I still think God's glory seeking is disgusting, no offence, just my opinion).

Anyway, while being a witch I conjured and vanquished many incubuses. Except one time, this incubus wouldn't leave me. In the dreams we would have amazing sex but when woke up, I would feel shame and guilt. After a while he left me alone. Until last year August. He has been in my dreams almost every night until now.

I noticed deep scratches on my body when I woke up and also bite marks. At first I thought it was me but after an instinctive search for how it would be possible, I realised that it wasn't me doing it. Anyway, on the 7th January 2012, I had a vivid dream, some call it the astral realm, where the incubus asked me for some clothes before we had sex. I was confused when I woke up about what he meant by clothes and confused as to why I said yes. You will soon find out what I think this meant.

On the 17th January 2012, still horny from the sex session I had with the incubus, I called a friend and we had unprotected sex. Now after the sex with him, I stood up and don't remember anything after that, I missed about 5 minutes when I was aware again my friend asked me why I just did that. And I said did what? And he said you stood up and stared at the wall blinking only a few times and it was creepy. I didn't want to believe him because I don't want to be thought of as weird but I lost time which is unusual so I had to believe him.

I then did a pregnancy test two weeks later as I didn't feel right within myself and I was having constant nightmares about babies. The test was positive. Now this is where it gets strange. I went to the hospital for a scan at 4 weeks after I had sex with my friend. The nurse said that the equipment is state of the art and is very accurate. She then told me that I was 6 weeks pregnant. I told her that's not possible because I had sex on the 17th January 2012 which was 4 weeks ago. She said no, I'm definately 6 weeks pregnant. I was shocked, I asked her is there some type of special method that you do that may affect the result of scan, because there is no way I can be 6 weeks pregnant and as soon as I said that I remembered the vivid dream 2 weeks before I had sex with my friend. I quickly brushed it off because you know, it was a dream right? But what about the scratches? I know its a demon or ghost scratching me so why is it not possible for them to impregnate me with someone else's sperm? I asked the nurse if the baby is big for its age and she said no, its in proportion for its age.

So, I contacted a paranormal expert here in London and asked him and his team to explain what is happening. He said its very common for women to get pregnant from an incubus it's just unreported (for obvious reasons such as being perceived as crazy). He then offered to do an exorcism on my house to which I declined.

Side note: I have a child and I've been through all this before. So I know the processes and how the scans go and I'm telling you this is not normal at all. I wouldn't waste my time typing such a long account if I wasn't serious. When the incubus said he wanted clothes, I think he meant a human body to possess. The baby.

Comments welcome, even ones that say I'm crazy because I would rather believe I'm crazy than to think an incubus got me pregnant for real.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, InsertBlank, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

SilverEyedHuntress (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-04)
I am not meaning this in a bad way at all, and I know it would be depressing but I would give the child away! Not abortion because even though it's a demonic child it still deserves to live but I would seriously consider putting it up for adoption (No Hate Please) !

Friendly Hug
~ Silver 😊
PastorBlair (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-03)
Dear friend, you've opened a spiritual door that will get very bad soon, unless you repent, and close this as well as others. If you need help, my email is lowryblair at yahoo dot com. I have experience in this area & I'm a licensed Ordained Deliverance minister. ❤ ❤
havocgrl528 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-30)
Did your doctor not advise you that you are considered pregnant for two weeks as of the date of conception? So yes you would be 6 weeks pregnant if you had sex 4 weeks prior to the sonogram. It's from the start of your previous cycle, NOT the date of conception.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Aah Samion,

And so we meet again. Once more I will quote you,

"[at] InsertBlank I have read and am largely choosing to ignore the comments."

Now, the solution yo all of this would have been obvious had you taken the time to read through the comments. This situation, as misunderstood as it started out to be, was fully resolved to the posters satisfaction.
Please, just because you feel you must stir up the old crap, doesn't make it the emergency situation you are wanting it to be.

Samion (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
[at] InsertBlank I have read and am largely choosing to ignore the comments. Please please please get help. Get someone who know's their stuff, both medically and spiritually, to talk to. A friend if not a professional. The single most dangerous thing in this world or any potential other is denial - there is nothing it cannot lead to the destruction of. If you would like to speak to me then by all means get in touch, I am local to your area if speaking online does not help and you wish for more help/people to go to. You are harboring a belief that what will be your child is the incarnation of a particularly dangerous form of demon and I hope you can see how that particular psychology will never lead to good things. Please, please, please find help from someone who knows how people work. Please. My email is sammaayan at hot mail dot co dot uk if you feel you have no-one, I'm more than happy to talk to you and/or direct you to people with a great deal of well rounded training. Please talk to someone
thenpea5 (20 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
you taught yourself how to do witch craft well I taught myself to make plants grow without water or anything else 😜 😆 😆
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-23)
A paternity test, later, will most likely show this anxiety to be all for nothing, and perfectly natural.
Though I don't think you'd even get on here and open up to us if you weren't sure.
Afterall, four weeks is still four weeks, and six week is six weeks, regardless of when your cycle is.
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-23)
Where are the babies? If this is possible, and indeed "common", I would have so many questions for this doctor. Even if I had not been paying attention to my cycle or the timing, and got mixed up somehow.
Like, for example, Are they born healthy? Abnormally large? Special in some not so noticeable way, I've also heard accounts of women being used as breeders for aliens. What is all this about? Are they preparing some kind of hybrid army? Or just playing with our blood lines, like RLA15 suggested. Do they believe, for example this John from Phoenix, should have a child with Betty from Meridian and arrange that?
Its hard enough facing pregnancy under normal conditions. Please, keep in touch. And take care. And try to not to worry sweetie.
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-23)
Oh and by the way I believe you can become pregnant by a demon... But it sounds like you brought it on yourself... 😐
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-23)
Wow not believing in God, conjuring stuff up and having sex with demons... Well nothing can go wrong there... I will admit I have dabbled in which craft so has my mom and cousin... But we decided it was not the most smart thing to do... Burning in hell just sounded too painful... So we took that u-turn someone mentioned in an earlier post... We turned back the right way toward God... Good luck with what ever the hell you got going on there and you know anything you do can come back on you 3 fold... 😕
cecil04 (6 stories) (62 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-02)
[at] RLA15: hehe nevermind, no need to apologize!:)

The incubus/succubus theory you posted sounds interesting.
This tells me that they are mainly interested in interbreeding humans with each other - hmm but why would they want to do that?
I guess i'll read some more about that topic!
RLA15 (3 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-28)
I read somewhere, that incubus/succubus is heterosexual. Meaning the demon takes the form of a woman (succubus) have sex with men to collect sperm. Then it will take form in a male form (incubus) to impregnate woman. I know this is from a christian perspective but I felt like I need to share this to you. [at] cecil04 first of all I have to apologize for calling you ma'am. And yes all doctor ask that staff s. They even teach that at the first year in nursing.
cecil04 (6 stories) (62 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-25)
hmmm I can only say one thing about the 4-weeks/6-weeks thing;

When my wife and me had our latest baby last year we wanted to know the exact date of impregnation.
So we went to 2 or 3 checkups while she was in the 1st and 2nd month after realizing that her period was missing out.
At the first and second checkup the doctor told us that it was still to early to determine an exact age.

After the third checkup the doctor told us a date but he stated that this date was still around 10-12 days (!) vague due to the fact that my wife didn't know the exact dates of her menstrual cycle.

In addition, he gave us the following information about finding out the exact day of impregnation:

"Mark the first day of your last menstrual cycle on your calendar. Count fourteen days from that date and mark it on your calendar. Your most fertile days for conception are the next three days forward in front of the mark. Circle those three days. Most likely you became pregnant on those three days.
Even if you do know the exact dates of your last menstrual cycle or period, you will still never know the exact date that you conceived your baby."

(I copied this from his email which I just searched in my outlook history)

Having this said, I would like to know more about the "processes" you've gone through - did you tell the doctor your exact dates of your last period, and so on?
This is a very important fact!

In my opinion, 10-15 days off in estimation seems like no big deal if you get pregnant.
I remember the doctor saying back then: "of course I can estimate the age by the size of the fetus, but this estimation allows me to be only roughly exact, hence because we don't know the exact date of impregnation we cannot say if the fetus is developing right or not!"

I just wanted to add that in a medical point of view.
Maybe it might help you!

About all the discussions in the comments before me;
Have you all forgotten to help/advice the WRITER of the story insted of amusing us with your this-and-that religious opinions if a succubus might exist or not or even talking about (god beware how off-topic) the story of mother mary?!

In my opinion we should only post if it might be helpful for the writer - especially if he/she posted the story choosing the following expectation from the menu:

"I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced."

Hope you all got me and I hope I could help InsertBlank a little.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-04-04)
casiwhatever: If you've ever been violated sexually, you'd understand how dumb that statement was... You don't think someone, even an extremely heavy sleeper, would wake up if they were being raped?...The only exception would be if they were heavily drugged...
casijuzaku (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-04)
LOL funny I never was met by a demon but this is just silly I dontt believe in a incubus its paralyes or some guy goes into your house unnoticed and rapes you while your in a deep sleep
Sumeettmokadam_1990 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
Hey insertblank,
I believe you though most of the people are not getting understand what you gone through. I want to say only if you got pregnent from that devil, please abort that child because I heard that most of the incubus wanted to increase their power through any source, and this time the source he choosen is you... I am sorry if my words hurts you, but it's a fact... Please do something else you'l be in danger soon...
epic_fail (5 stories) (51 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
This may seem flippant, and don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be, but... You could always abort the baby, if you seriously think its an incubus baby...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
Can we please drop all the talk of how a 'Virgin Birth' is either impossible or 'only happened once' as a Miracle. I remember a show from either PBS or possibly the History Channel that spoke of the possibility that Mary could have been a Virgin from a Medical point of view but could have still conceived a Child by her Husband Joesph. If he was the Father is it any less of a Miracle that she became Pregnant? No... To many things had to happen 'just so' in order for her to conceive.

The O/P has already stated she had unprotected sex... We have beat the 'How far along' and 'Why' that is topic into the ground so can we please just walk away.

Also can we please stop bashing this 'story' we've covered the ground and let's leave the Story of Christ's Conception for a Religious Site and not debate it further here.



PS: For the record I believe in Heavenly Father, His Son and all that goes with it... So There... 😜
BlueBakemono (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
And if you're telling the truth and the incubus DID get you pregnant, I would be concerned about how they say you're 6 weeks pregnant and you're not. You'll probably give birth to Satan's child. -_-
Even if it is a demon your screwing, use protection...!
BlueBakemono (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
I don't believe this story. And even if it is true, I can assure you that the incubus didn't get your pregnant. That's as likely as a gorilla getting you pregnant.
xshainax (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-04)
Um...I have had wet dreams all the time and some with me getting pregnant... But alas I am a virgin still so I think its the product of you being irresponsible and having unprotected sex
Shell1982 (70 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-03)
The scan was inaccurate. I know plenty of people anecdotally who have said that the hospital were adamant they were X weeks pregnant, when they knew they couldn't be. It's not exactly unusual.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-03)
Hun, you did great here! Don't you worry about a thing. Heck, I'm the screw up! You did a good thing with the way you handled this. You got her on the right track and she's happy with the results. You should be very proud of what you accomplished in this tangled up mess. I know I'm proud of you. ❤
You're an asset to this site and don't you forget it!

Jav 😊

~I'm just having a little fun with the new "playground police" that have cropped up. They seem to forget we already have Mods here. And they do a hell of a job too! (major suck up moment) 😆
ghostfacep (1 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-03)
Angels and Demons as explained in the Bible are/were once Angels themselves. This is how she could be affected. God is a jealous God! He gave his only son for us. 😊
hiya_hayz (5 stories) (66 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-03)
An incubus can't get you pregnant. Though it would be awful convienient if they could.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-02)
MiisyM: I'm sure the O/P isn't thinking we're comparing her to the Virgin Mary 😆...All I was trying to do is keep the comparison between the Holy Ghost and an incubus in perspective... Jave had made a comment that intregued me and I thought I would research it for my own, and others' benefit...

My apologies to InsertBlank if I have in any way offended you by being drawn into a conversation that I was interested in continuing for my own benefit 😊
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-02)
I'm just curious to what company you work for? What is the name of the company?
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-02)
Jav thank you for clearing things up. I myself always read comments before posting but was unaware that it was actually recommended in the comment guidelines. (Good to know)
I was just bothered by some of the comments that may have been confusing and taking away from the reasonable. I didn't want the poster thinking that perhaps she was some sort of Virgin Mary or actually having an incubus child when it was just a miss understanding on how the whole pregnancy time line works. By all means I can be open-minded (if I wasn't I wouldn't frequent this but to me if the logical explanation is so obvious then why take it to the next level to confuse.
Jav in your first comment you wrote "The "factual" information you have been receiving here, could just as easily have been accessed through your physician or one of hundreds of websites on the Internet. Coming here, of all places, to learn about pregnancy, fetal gestation and the like, is not the pathway to knowledge when it comes to these matters. And though all seems cute and cuddly now, I still say there is something odd about it all. None of this makes sense. You say you came here for factual information? About pregnancy? A website for ghost and other paranormal experiences?"
I actually agreed with the above. It's odd the poster could just Google the information. I know for my first child Google was my best friend. So why YGS instead of Google?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-02)
[at] herohead,
The reason I did not respond to your question was to avoid yet another theological debate on someone else's thread. So to keep this conversation intact, I am requesting that we move it to another thread that we on this site have been using for these conversations. Please follow the link below, and I will respond there.

Thank you,

snowhite (203 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-02)
Hey, everybody! Let's stop arguing and have a DNA test first and see what the demon's DNA is like. 😜

I personally think you messed up the date when you actually had sex with a man and when you had sex with a incubus.

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