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Scared Out Of My Mind


My name is Sophie and this is my first try at telling my terrifying story.

It is the first time I have ever told anyone except my parents my story, as I have always been terrified that people won't believe me or the ghost I have been seeing will get revenge for me telling people what happened.

It started when I had gotten home from my night shift at my work. I had just had my dinner and I had gone to bed. I was about to go to sleep when I first saw and heard things. I heard a little girl crying softly and I could see something running across the upstairs hallway. I felt as though I couldn't move and I couldn't scream. Then I saw the little girl walk slowly towards my bedroom. The crying had stopped and a child's laughter had started. She reached out her arms towards my neck and I could feel the breath being pushed out of me. My lungs became tighter and tighter. I thought it was the end. I finally brought up the courage to try to struggle but I still couldn't move. I wanted to blink but I was scared that during the fraction of a second when my eyes were closed she would get me. Eventually I blinked and everything vanished.

The little girl had been coming into my room every night since then. Sometimes she would just stand there; others she would just walk around my house and leave me in my bed, paralyzed with fear.

I later moved in with my parents, as I kept encountering this girl. I wouldn't tell anybody; I have only just told my parents. Every time I hear crying or laughter, I freeze until I know I am safe.

If anybody has had similar situations, please let me know. It would put me at ease to know I'm not the only one.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, paranorma123, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

robertar (223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-21)
prayer is free: ask God nightly, forbid any unclean thing from entering/being in your home.
unknown1986 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Hi Sophie, I had similar situations while asleep where am frozen and I can't move a single muscle althought is not a little girl is a dark force over me. I believe you and I don't think you are crazy. I read about sleep paralysis online and is supposely something that happens to people who suffer from narcolepsy, a neurological condition in which the person has uncontrollable naps. However scientis are not religious they only look at this from scientific view. That little girl that you saw sounds to me personally like she is the devil herself. That's all I have.
lazria (9 stories) (82 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
MizMiMi02: Is this perhaps a Silent Hill reference?

OMG, I nearly fell out of my chair when you said this!

But sorry, I don't have any other helpful suggestions other than: perhaps you might need to see a doctor, make sure there isn't something medicially wrong with you that could be causing sleep parallis (sp) or ultra lucid dreaming. If everything checks out, then you know it's paranormal in nature and can go from there.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Miz M, Read Supernaturalservices comment nicely! You should get the clue to what transpired after that.
That it turned into a recipe swapping site...well?
You should know it goes sometimes...? 😉
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Is this perhaps a Silent Hill reference? If not, well then I am lost on the jerky comment and I got nothin. Lol
MADIISSON1998 (1 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
i have had this happen to me it was horrible let alone terrifing beyond belife but I di find on thin that worked get a small bell and ring it in the four corners of every room of your house and it should stop happening 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Yes, My work week has started. Be on later tonight. 😁


Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Rook, I guess your delicious recipes will have to wait until tomorrow! I see it is almost time for you to go home. See you tomorrow then? 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)

Jerky is one thing... Slow Smoked Beef Brisket... Well that's another another story altogether.


Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Ummm...Granny, really...bacon? Would that be Kosher? 😆 😆 Nah, but maybe the smell, after a few days, would keep everyone away, except the flies! 😉
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Gee thanks Rook... THIS is going to be a whole new experience! Wow, now I can't wait to try it! [Licking lips in anticipation] You guys seem to have taken jerky to a whole new level. 😲
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)

Is it OK I passed a food recipe? According to supernaturalsrvices it's supposed to keep 'ghosts' away... I already recommend one recipe... Is this one 'going to far?'


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Since I don't like jerkey, I'm wondering if bacon would have the same effect?...Other than clogging your arteries and sending you to your maker a bit sooner aside, I mean 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)

Teriyaki sauce is a salty soy sauce blend that comes from Japan and is used as a condiment or marinade.

Try this...

1/4 cup soy sauce
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
5 tablespoons packed brown sugar
1.5 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup cold water

Mix Corn Starch with the 1/4 cup cold water, stir until cornstarch is dissolved.

Combine remaining ingredients and heat over low to medium heat until well blended... Add the water and cornstarch mixture and stir until desired thickness.

Let cool, pour over thin cuts of beef/turkey/venison (meat of your choice) let marinade over night. Smoke / Hang in the sun until 'Jerky' is 'made'.

Hope that makes sense. Please pardon the interruption.



shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Ha Ha! Thanks guys, think I'm going to have come to the states now to try, sounds pretty darn lip smackin good! 😆 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Ok Rook, my turn to show my ignorance...Teriyaki? Obviously a type of spice, but not one that I am familiar with! Could you please explain?
The smoking part sounds really good!
Oh oh... Rook is goin' be smokin' this week-end! 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)

Turkey Jerky... Cause it's better for you...Lalalalalalala. 😲

Sounds about the way we do it here in Texas...cept'n I use my Smoker and a bit O' Teriyaki flavoring. I find that it helps keep the meat a bit more tender. (MMMMMM Smoked Teriyaki Beef Strips... I know what I'm doing this week-end.)


Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Shellzy/Rook...Oh gosh... You two had me in stitches here! I had such a good laugh... Thanks guys, I needed that!
Seriously, Rook, they make turkey jerky? Never heard that one before.
Here in S.A., we make biltong from beef; ostrich; kudu, springbok or many other types of venison. It is cut into slices, then salted & spiced (usually with corriander) other ingredients are also added, a little venegar also. It is then hung up on hooks to air dry.
This was a very handy way to preserve meat for the American settlers, or our Voortrekkers.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)

Jerky is a way to cure, preserve and season all kinds of meat... Usually it beef or turkey... Flat strips... Seasoned and dehydrated for 'preservation'.

Hope that helps...





shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Umm can I ask a really silly question here (and please excuse my backwards Aussie naivety lol) and ask what the heck beef jerky actually is? And am I in serious spritual trouble if I have never tried it before? 😆 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
Lol! Rook, supernaturalservices has just come up with a new 'weird' for me. As you questioned: BEEF JERKY?
If that was the case, there would be few 'ghosties' in S Africa. 'Biltong' as we call beef jerky, is eaten extensively here. We even have a "Biltong Den" & a "Biltong Ranch" here in my neck of the woods.
This really is a first for me, beef jerky= no more spirits? 🤔 😕
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
OK, OK I give... I understand salt can be cleansing and purifying...I'm fine with that advice... But beef jerky... BEEF JERKY?!?

Supernaturalservices...BEEF JERKY?!? Just what in the Sam Hill is that supposed to do?


watercross (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-07)
I'm sorry this happened to you. Is this still happening?
Can you set up a camera in your room?
tempestmoong (3 stories) (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-05)
I agree about fear. This thing is feeding on your fear of it as well as your fear that people will think badly of you about this.

Well that won't happen here the people I've come into contact with on here have dealt with similar things and truly want to help you. So as for what lovepower said go for it we'll all be sending our love your way.

I pray that all is well and going to get even better.
Lots of love. ❤ ❤ ❤
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-05)
To tell the least it is scary experience. But, we have to know and if possible, drive it out. Since when you have been experiencing this activity, a year, a month or more. What is the background history of your place. When did you move in? Have you enquired about the place to the neighbours or previous occupants. These would help a lot to analyse the situation. But it is better to consult an expert to drive the entity off for good. A good narration. Keep posting. If you want further suggestion, feel free to seek it from this site. People do help you to ward off evil spirits. But give them details. Pray God and that will always save you from bad experiences.
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-05-05)
The advice from lovepower is sound and makes good sense.

Try making notes to the following questions for yourself:
1. What kind of a job were you in when you first saw this girl?
2. What was your diet like?
3. How was the health? Did you go through drastic weight loss?
4. What fitness activities and sports do you involve yourself in?
5. What is the history of the place you lived in?
6. Try to write a description of the girl.
7. Research sleep paralysis, and compare your notes to the effects and symptoms of SP.

You might just manage to find your answers or some of them, and understand your experience better.
supernaturalservices (86 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-05)
I know what this is, it is called different things in different cultures. I agree with the post from love power. I would also recommend putting out a bowl of white vinegar mixed with sea salt to evaporate in your room. It should make it more difficult for the being to manifest. Also saying psalm 91 and 71 out loud from the king james bible helps. It invokes protective energies to shield you while you sleep. Also doing something grounding before bed helps. Things like taking salt water baths, and eating beef jerky. If you need extensive help in removing this thing, pm me.
LovePower (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-04)
This sounds like a typical shape sifting encounter. These entities create a physical appearance based off the perspective of the mind of the person looking. They are real and are responsible for such ledgens as Vampires, Demons, Fairies, and some ETs. They do have material bodies at times, and have capabilities in matters of time, space, and technology that I won't get in to.
Just know that they are bad. They want to ruin lives and secure souls for themselves. Yes they have the power to do that. Their complete agenda is not meant to be clear, but in the Hindu religion, they are the mechanism responsible for creating conflict in the cosmos, and allowing people to learn truth, attain love over evil, and gain spiritual enlightenment. Usually they want to torture and torment people in a way that makes them look crazy. They are really good at that. They like to destroy relationships, and trick people into following fruitless paths. They sometimes work in large groups for some larger agenda (social or political).
The Celts use to hide from such dark storms to escape the hunt of the gods. So, believe it or not your encounter is typical.
I have to say the only thing that works against an evil entity is the power of love. They can't stand it! Not self-love though, they'll use that stuff against you. It has to be universal (Agape love), like Christ and Buddha. You should commune with the Great Spirit and ask for divine love and protection. Meditate on this often if you can. Try channeling a loving energy, and use it on everyone and everything around you. You must picture it in your mind and practice it often.
If you start creating a loving environment, chances are they'll get sick of it and leave you alone. There would be no one they can make miserable so they'll find an easier target. If you react to them or anyone with anger or fear it will only make it worse. In fact, you may attract more of it!
So when anything comes around, hit it with a wave of love. Tell it you are a loving being and respect the space of all of God's creatures. Tell it you forgive it. Tell it you will pray for their soul, and ask them to find God's love. That should do it.
Never back down and keep pushing the love on all people, animals, and spirits... ❤

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