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Hauntings At Work


I started a new job about a month ago. It was okay at first, being kept fairly busy with customers in the restaurant and guests at weddings. There were a few times that I felt as though I wasn't alone in the room or I was being watched. A few times I saw shadows from the corner of my eyes, but I generally just passed it off as the light.

One day, I was doing a continental breakfast, and I was alone, just me, the staff at the front desk, and one of the managers wandering around. I was sitting at the hostess stand, because there was nobody there and I didn't really have anything to do. I was looking down at the floor, and I saw someone walking towards me. It was clearly black pants, and black shoes, what waitresses typically wore at that point in time for our uniform. I looked up, thinking it was one of the other girls in to help or something, but there was nobody there, and I was the only one wearing that uniform at the time.

Later on in the other room I heard a crash, went to check it out, and there was nothing that could have made that noise. Once or twice I thought I heard someone calling out, but that may have just been the music.

Then tonight, June of 2012, we were dead. We have all of five people come to the restaurant, but they all went to the bar for drinks, so the bartender was helping them. At one point there was nobody there, so me, the bartender and the cook were chilling at one of the tables, talking and folding linens. All the sudden, a guest came to the door, and the bartender and I started walking towards her because we didn't hear what she was saying. Then she asked where the front desk was. We told her, and then she asked if the place was haunted. We replied that we didn't know, and I piped in that I felt something sometimes. Well, she looked a little freaked because the bartender said the same thing. She then walked to the front desk.

After a few minutes she came walking back, and looking even more freaked out, informed us that there had been a paranormal investigating group that came to check it out. She walked back to her room. I felt a little freaked out after that. We ended up closing early since we had really no customers. I drove the cook home, since he usually rides his bike, and didn't particularly want to tonight. On the way to his house, I listened to a different radio station, since the one I usually listen to was breaking up. I figured it was just where I was. However, on the way to my house, I switched it back to my normal station. It was still breaking in and out, but not as bad. Suddenly, it switched to the station I had been listening to earlier. It just broke in, steady, no crackling or anything. In a spot where when I drive I usually have no problems. It kept doing that for the few minutes I had left.

I don't know if that was paranormal, if something followed me from work, or if it was just a solar flare or something. I just hope it was a solar flare.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nikky597, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Nikky597 (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-29)
I don't really know why she asked if it was haunted. It was pretty random. She walked off in a hurry before we could ask her why she was asking.
Nikky597 (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-16)
Sorry, I made an error. It's a guest room that faces a court yard. The court yard is usually used for weddings and receptions, and generally a bride will get ready in that room.
Nikky597 (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-16)
The hotel came way after the little girl disappeared. I'm wondering if they used that room during the filming of the movie they made. Anyways, I discovered that there is a hallway that I absolutely cannot be in alone. The feeling of being watched/stalked is pretty intense. There is also a guest room that faces a guest room that I get the feeling a lady is watching me.
Nikky597 (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
Thank you for the comment. I know that around that area there is a legend of a little girl who vanished. There's even supposedly a room in the hotel that belonged to her but I'm pretty sure it hasn't been around that long. I'll definitely look into it.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
Hi Nikky597,

This place sounds very interesting. You could look into the history and find out if anything did happen that would generate paranormal activity. That way at least you will have some idea of what might be there. I know you said you haven't been there that long, but from what you mentioned it doesn't sound like anything that could be hurtful towards anyone. They are probably just trying to get attention or let you know they are there. If anything else happens, please let us know. Thank you for sharing your story. 😊
Nikky597 (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
Yeah, it's a hotel with a resturant attatched. And I think she found out when she went to the front desk
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
I'd also like to know why the woman appeared freaked out and how she knew about an investigation when you didn't, and you work there. Just some random woman came into the restaurant looking like that? I'm assuming the place is under a hotel or something, that's why you said she went back to her room? Strange...
Nikky597 (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
I actually did look into it later on. The group that came in is called "Silent Voices" and on their website had posted what they found there. They caught an evp, and had plenty of personal experience, and also k2 spikes as answers, and we're also able to follow one of the spirits around with an emf reader. The concluded that there possibly were two female spirits and a male spirit. The male was quiet and reserved, one of the females seemed intimidated, but they felt she was in her twenties. The other female they believe may have been murdered on the property, and her remains are still there.
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
Maybe you should contact the group that investigated? Maybe they can give you some info on what (if anything) they found when they were there?

Keep us updated:)

Nikky597 (2 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
It was very random. She had looked a little freaked so I'm wondering if something was happening in her room. We didn't really ask her, she kind of just walked away afterwards. I didn't really think anything of it.
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-14)
The lady asking about the front desk confused me a bit, could you elaborate as to why she asked if it was haunted? I mean personally I would find that very random and ask her why she wanted to know...


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