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Real Ghost Stories

Three Cats


August 2003

Before I start my experience with the paranormal; my partner purchased a run down home which belonged to one family all of its life. The owners of this home both died of old age in their home. The man passed as recent as a few months of us purchasing it.

The home was not livable and we had to demolish it to built our dream home. The house is located across from a cemetery. It has fantastic views of the ocean. My partner and our 4yr old daughter decided to go skiing in the Victorian alps while I was in charge of moving our things into our newly built home in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.

Now my experience starts. While we still had builders completing our home downstairs, upstairs was livable, except the main bedroom. So I moved our things in and slept in the guest room.

I took Nurofen to ease my headache, watch some TV and fell asleep at about 10:30pm. It would have been passed midnight, I was in a deep sleep and just woken up by a loud hissing sound behind me (sounded just like an opossum makes but not natural). My back was towards the ensuite and the closed door leading to the bedroom I slept. So here I was completely terrified to moved toward the sound.

I thought I had dreamt it but realized the atmosphere was dry and still and my heart was pounding so fast. So I just lay there waiting for any sound or movement, but soon after it happened again, this time I felt the vibration on my back. I realized I had to do something. So I thought either I get attacked or I stand up for myself. So I turned around and shouted 'Get out of here, I'm not afraid'. There was nothing standing there. I checked the entire bedroom and bathroom. I was too afraid to check the entire house as it still was a building site!

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, so before I can go back to sleep I switched the ensuite lights on and opened the external shutters to let the moon light in. The bedroom had plenty of light enough to see everything.

So here I am laying on my back thinking what the hell was that. The atmosphere hasn't changed it still felt dead calm. Then the next minute I felt an object on the bed kneading on either side of my feet. (It felt like a cat does when they try to get comfortable before they lay down to sleep). I froze thinking this can't be happening. It crept closer but slowly towards me. I was afraid to look up as it felt so real. Now it's at my knees then at the same time I feel a furry object near my hand and another at my feet. The furry object moved along my torso towards to my face. I could not see a thing but the feeling was so real! At the same time the other object at my knees was coming closer to join its furry friend.

It was walking along my neck. Its fur was tickling my skin and I could feel its legs stretching to get over my neck and its soft paws touching my skin. I was paralyzed but a calmness came over me and I felt protected by these three cats.

I realised they were protecting me from what ever was in the room that made that unnatural noise. I felt safe and calm, so I said 'You can leave now I feel safe'. As soon as I finished saying those words the cats disappeared.

I thought about it a lot trying to figure maybe the previous owner was not happy with us demolishing his home or maybe an evil entity was trying to scare me who resides from the cemetery. I told my friends and family of my experience and they all agree that I have 3 cats who will protect me from the unnatural. I believe they are my childhood cats as I had plenty especially a white furry one who loved skin contact.

From that night on I have never experienced any activity in the house again.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jeni, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
Beautiful story. I know I wouldn't be without my cats although I do have a beautiful dog who also protects me.
aQua05 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Aww, that was soo cute 😆
I can imagine while reading your story. 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)

In that last comment... I think I meant...'makes a bit more sense'

Rather than

"...more a bit more sense..."

Sorry for any confusion.

Puff Bayram (LNTP and 'self' grammar police) 😲
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
That's so sweet, your deceased pets protecting you. And a good thing they can get along, by the way. If my deceased pets would show up together... Would be quite a row... 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)

Many thanks for answering my questions, the whole thing makes more a bit more sense.


Jeni (1 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Hi thanks for reading my experience. But yes my husband did buy the property opposite an old heritage cemetery. The land had ocean views on all levels and the suburb is one of the prestige suburbs in Sydney. So oceans views was hard to get no matter if it was opposite a cemetery. This cemetery is renowned for famous Australia people and its very pretty and keep well. There are tours and lots of people walking through it daily. It's not a haunted ugly cemetery but a peaceful one. So no we did not plan to build our dream home in front of a cemetery but the views and sea breezes was to die for!
Now I'm the packer and mover in this household - we do hired removalist to move our furniture and in the last moves we hire packers to pack for me as we have 4 kids. My husband loves to ski I'm not a skier so he goes every year with our kids and I stay home. My husband is not the type to
Move and rearrange furniture, that's my job and I love doing it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Ummm not to sound rude... I am 'on the fence' concerning this but I have to ask at least these questions...

Did you always want your 'dream home' built across the street from a cemetery?

Your partner and our 4yr old daughter decided to go skiing in the Victorian alps which left you alone to move into the 'new home'?

Things that make you go hummmm.



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