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Granny And Little Boy 2


This past weekend, 6 to 7 October 2012, my friend Elaine, her husband Tim and their kids visited with us. Tim has been able to see and communicate with spirits since he was a little boy. It drains him physically, causing headaches, and mentally, but he says he cannot fight if they need to communicate.

I asked him if he could really describe Granny to me. The first time he saw her, he said she posed a very daunting figure and he was actually a bit afraid of her, even though she did not give off any threatening "vibes". He said she just seemed bent on staring him down, her arms crossed over her chest. He described her as tall and slender, with brown hair, that she kept tied in a bun at the nape of her neck, and he said she was a mirror image of my mother. I never knew about the bun she usually wore, my mom's sister gave me that bit of information on Sunday when I told her about what had been discussed, but I will get to Sunday shortly.

I then asked him if he had seen or sensed the little boy and he said no, the little boy did not seem to be there.

On Sunday, my mom and her sister were home, so I asked Tim if he would be open to telling my mom about what he was experiencing. Good guy that he is, he said yes. He again recapped Granny's appearance and, between my mom and my aunt, I do not know which one's eyes went biggest. He told them that my gran was telling him that she was looking out for her daughters, and that she had been on this side so long, she actually doubts if she can cross back to the other side. It does not bother her though; she wants to be where her girls are. He caught something in Gran's appearance and asked my mom if gran had known how to work on cars. My aunt answered that she had. Apparently, she could overhaul an entire engine by herself. He said he understood now why she had a black smear on her right cheek. At this, my mom piped up and said it could be soot from the coal stove as well.

He then asked them if she had injured her left arm that they were aware of. They mentioned that she had been holding the rod they used to lift the stove plates and lightning had struck the rod, causing some damage to her arm. He then said he understood now why she kept her arms crossed over her chest and only used the right arm to gesture with. He also asked my mom if she and my dad had had to decide between three houses before buying the one we live in now. She was astonished and said yes. He told her that the house had been picked by my grandmother and not by them. She either places herself in the foyer, so she is there when someone enters the house, or she stands in the topmost corner of the passage, right between my mom's room and my boys' room. She gave Tim the impression that she chose this position so that she could get to us easily if we need her.

Since Sunday night, my mom has noticed that when she forgets the fan on in her room when she goes to bed, the next morning the fan will be off. Concerned mother looking out for her daughter with severe lung problems. Way to go Gran.

Between my mom and my aunt they started thinking about places they had stayed where strange things had happened, and he could give them incredible detail of every house. He could give them names of people involved or living in the houses, and could tell them how the people haunting the houses were killed and what the inflections were the spirits remaining had. Whether they were violent, angry, pushy, etc.

My dad then had to say goodbye to drive back to Mozambique (he had been with us for the weekend) and my mom, Elaine and I escorted him outside. As with every time we have to say goodbye, there were tears. Elaine hugged my mom and me when my dad was gone and we all went back into the house. When we got back to our guests, Tim told me that the little boy was back and that he was very sad. When I asked him if he knew why the little guy was sad, he said it was because I was sad. He identifies with me. Knowing that the little boy was there, I asked Tim if the little boy had thought that I was fighting with him the day that I made the comment about the swings (I mentioned in Granny and Little Boy), and Tim said yes, he had thought so. I have come to talking to the little guy when I'm near the room he mostly stays in, and Tim told me he likes that I talk to him. He said that his mommy never talked to him and his daddy was away so much he hardly ever saw him. So being acknowledged really comforts him.

At one point Tim said he smelled something burning and he went into the house, when he came back out he told me he now knew how the little boy had died. He had burned to death in the room he stays in. Tim said that, even though he died there, he still feels very safe in that room. So he seldom leaves it. He does not mind if the door is open or closed, as it's his safe space. I have boxes etc stored in the room and I asked him if the little guy is ok with the stuff in there. He said he does not mind the stuff; he plays around it. I now feel like I have three little boys and not two, as I now am really aware of the little boy. It may sound funny, but I say good morning and goodnight to him and I say goodbye when I leave for work and hallo when I come home. I told him I promise I will clean the clutter out of his room this weekend and Tim said that the little guy doesn't want everything removed. He said I have to be careful of cleaning too much. Therefore, I asked if I should leave some toys in the room for him, and Tim said no, he never had toys when he was alive, he does not play with them now. It is heartbreaking to think of the lonely life this little boy must have lived, and I at least hope that we brighten his days a little.

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triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Hi Dan
When I walked into Kiddo's (the little boy) room this morning, he had built himself a makeshift "fort" with a picnic basket and 2 small loose mattresses. It was so cute I couldn't help but giggle. Considering i'm the person who said night and closed his door, no one else was in that room, but this morning his "fort" blocked the door a little.

He also sent me a msg through Tim last night, thanking me for the toys I put in his room. It was so sweet.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Hi Dan
She is most certainly fiercely protective. I just feel, aknowledging them, letting them know I am aware of them, is important. Especially if you consider they all communicated through Tim that Sunday, so they know that we know they are there. I think they would find it rude if we ignored them.

I asked Tim how granny takes it that I chat to her when I run bathwater for the boys every night. And he asked if I don't feel all warm and fuzzy then. I most definitely do. He said she loves being included in the family. I think my son (the sick one) senses her. Last Tuesday night he must have had a nightmare of maybe just didn't like his room, he took his pillow and blanket and made himself comfy in the passage, right where granny stands. Maybe he knew she would protect him, even against bad dreams...
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Wow that is a protective Granny you have there, I do believe she has the choice to stay or move on but from what you have mentioned I think she is quite content with looking after the family and the little boy spirit aswell. Your friend's partner Tim has a great gift.

A very important part in your account is something I do aswell and that is when you are arriving or leaving saying hello, goodbye and talking in general to them will do wonders and I'm sure they appreciate this sincerely. Great account triden07, thanks for sharing.

triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Hi Geetha
As a mother, I have seen one of my babies end up in a coma for 32 days, they tried to cinvince us to switch the machines off 3 times. I'm so happy we never did. If I try and imagine what my life would have been like if I had lost my baby, it tears me apart inside. My bond with my boys is incredibly strong, it causes jealousy from their father's side (not that I can honestly say I don't love being the favorite parent) and then I think of this little boy and I can't help but feel my heart go out to him.

I think, the next time I have Tim and Elaine over, I'll ask him if we can speak to granny, about this little guy. I'd like to know what she thinks. Maybe its better to get an understanding from the spiritual side, rather than the physical?
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
As a mother, you know in your heart what needs to be done. If the little boy is content on being around for a little while then it would be okay to treat him like your little boys.

I agree with the point that your Grandmother and the little boy can help each other out. I guess only time will tell.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-29)
hi geetha50
I asked Tim about it, and he said that the little guy is content at the moment. He loves having my boys around to play with and I really do think he has accepted us as family. I tend to think that the suggestion that Gran may be there so that she and he can help each other in the end is a very valid one. She watches out for the little guy too. If she doesn't guard the bedrooms then she's in the lounge, and she hovers close to him.

In the end, I'm a little conflicted. I myself feel that being so alone is no way for this little boy to exist, but in the same breath I kind of feel like I'd be disappointing him if I try to send him away. From what I have learnt about him, he barely had a relationship with his own mother, and if I do something to hurt him, it might be adding insult to injury. I feel so strange, I think of him as an actual pre-schooler, like my boys.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-29)
This story is sad and comforting at the same time. It's comforting to know your grandmother has stuck by her children though out their lives even though she was there physically. I love my mother so much, I seriously would not know what I will do with her. 😢

I feel sad for the little boy. I hate it when someone has to die so young and in a horrible way and at the same time, not have a good life while he was alive. It's a good thing you are doing, treating him like one of your kids.

I think I made this suggestion in one of your other stories that mentions the little boy. Have you ever thought of helping the boy cross over so he can be happier. Personally, I think it's too sad to have a little one like linger in this world after his death.
beautifuleden (2 stories) (66 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-29)
Feel bad for the little boy, sad to know what a life he must have lived, and them died all alone a horrible death! 😭 xxx
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Hi Jav
Tim mentioned something similar to me on Sunday (I can't wait to get my next story sent in, though it was a frightening experience). He said that, because we, as people, don't know and understand the spiritual realm, your very first instinct is to go "Ghost, so be scared". People tend to think you have a screw loose if you tell them there are ghosts in your house and you are ok with it.

I think you make a valid observation. Maybe she chose the house because the little guy is there, and they can somehow aid each other.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
I love this account. It shows the side of spirits that are loving and playful. We don't have to have a scary experience to know they are around us.
I did want to mention something I read in the comments of the first story. I like Geetha's idea that perhaps she can help the little boy cross over. After reading this second part I think that is backwards. Perhaps he is there to help her cross when the time comes. She is unsure if she can go back on her own, so maybe...

Jav ❤
aQua05 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
triden07: aww ye, right. Spirits are strong. They tend to be weak (some) but they are actually strong plus the strong force given by them by you know...
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
hi aQua05:
Some days, it feels a little daunting. When my mom's chest acts up granny's presence becomes quite intense as she worries about my mom. I feel so funny calling her granny, she passed away when she was 32 years old, so technically mom looks more like a granny;) although, people broke into our house one night, and Tim says gran was the one who drove them off, so she can be strong and forceful if she wants to be.
aQua05 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Aww, sounds like the spirits lived with you guys are so kind.

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