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Blank Tv Screen, Staring: Josh


My friend Marie dated this guy Josh when we were in eighth grade. At first she wanted to break it off, but she stuck it out anyway. After awhile, she started to fall for him.

One night, I was at her house staying the weekend. We went to bed after giggling and talking like most middle school girls do when having a sleepover. I woke up a few hours later, and I'm still not sure why I did because it was very sudden. Marie was still sleeping sound just like she always has.

I looked over at the TV and saw a figure standing behind the bed by the door. I looked behind me, thinking it was her dad checking on us (I'm not sure if he has ever checked on us, but it was logical to me). No one was behind me. I looked back and forth from the TV to the door, and each time no one was behind me, but the figure was still in the TV.

I went back to sleep because I really didn't feel threatened by it. Not long after I fell asleep, a motion sensitive stuffed monkey Marie had went off on its own. It was hung so that we wouldn't make it go off while turning in our sleep.

The next morning when we woke up, we laid in bed and talked like we always did before getting up. I told her about the strange image in the TV and how at first I thought it was her dad.

Then she got a phone call. Josh was skateboarding and got hit by a car and died. Marie was really upset by this. To this day, I believe Josh was the figure in the TV, and had stopped by to tell us he was ok and not to worry about him. We still wonder...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MillieGhost, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-11)
Sceptic-Ari: I believe she was talking about a reflection that appeared on the TV as if someone is there behind her bed (should be there logically to cause reflection,don't you think so?). That was the reason she looked behind to check whether actually anybody/or her friend's dad is standing behind her bed. But what she found out was that nobody was actually standing behind her bed, but still the reflection was there on the blank TV screen.
Hope it's clear now.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-10)
Dear MillieGhost,

I am really confused by this;
"I looked over at the TV and saw a figure standing behind the bed by the door. I looked behind me, thinking it was her dad checking on us (I'm not sure if he has ever checked on us, but it was logical to me). No one was behind me. I looked back and forth from the TV to the door, and each time no one was behind me, but the figure was still in the TV."

Where was the person? In the TV? Or did seem like a reflection in the TV? 😕


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