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Real Ghost Stories

The Highway Experience


YSG readers! This is my first submission here and hope you enjoy it. The following incident was my first experience of the paranormal/unexplained.

At the time of this incident I was in my early teens, now I am originally from a district headquarters called Pudukottai in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Pudukkotai is approximately 90 kilometers from the city of Trichy/Thiruchirapalli. I am settled in Bangalore, state of Karnataka, and used to visit my native Pudukottai every summer and winter vacation for the purpose of spending time with my maternal grandparents.

Now a little information about me, I am 24 years of age at this moment, and am a medical student, never believed in the paranormal and superstitions as I am very sceptic by nature. I come from an orthodox Christian family and am a firm believer in my religion. One self thought concept that I have is that when there exists the power of good (God) there surely exists the power of evil!

Back to the incident, now in order to travel to my native place, we usually travelled by train from Bangalore to Trichy overnight journey and then left for Pudukottai by either bus or by hailing a taxi direct from the train station.

At the time of the incident, I had already reached my native and was expecting the arrival of my younger sister. So my grandparents and me hailed this taxi the driver of which is very well known to the family as he regularly drives for us. He is an elderly gentleman, maybe in his mid to late sixties. He is a calm and friendly man who has the experience of driving taxis for approximately 30-35 years. We left our home very early in the morning, I think around 2 AM not sure exactly, in order for us to receive my sister and bring her back.

A thing I have to mention here is that the Trichy-Pudukottai travel takes place via a national highway and midway there are a few small villages apart from which it is just barren wasteland covered by bushes and trees.

The onward journey to Trichy was uneventful and I even dozed off for a bit midway. We reached Trichy, picked up my sister and were on our way back home. My sister and the grandparents were sound asleep as they were all tired, and since I was accompanying the driver in the front and because of the refreshing nap earlier I was wide awake and enjoying the cool night air and making small talk with the driver. We were midway in our journey back and if you are familiar with these parts you will know that the highway is not especially well lit by street lamps or whatever, we just had moon light and the cars headlights that lit up the road in front of us and a little bit of the big trees on either side.

There is a certain stretch on this highway that always gives me the spooks because the trees almost completely envelope the highway from above and it is almost pitch dark as the moon light is obstructed by the foliage. We were travelling on our merry way at a speed of about 60 kilometers per hour, and it was about 4 AM at the time. So there were no people to be seen and only the occasional car or truck that either overtook us or passed by us from the opposite side. As I was chatting with the driver I didn't really notice the road ahead of us much and for a moment the driver had a curious look on his face, so I followed his gaze and found this faint outline of a person standing by the side of the road, maybe about a hundred feet away.

As we approached closer, I could make out that it was a woman dressed in a plain white sari (an Indian traditional attire). She had her back towards us, long flowing hair and her arm outstretched onto the road as if signaling for a hitchhike. I felt sad for this woman and suggested to the driver that maybe we could offer her a lift, and he was mumbling something about there is no space for her in the car and that we probably shouldn't. When we were maybe 20-30 feet away from her she calmly walked out onto the middle of the road and stood there as if to block our path and she still had her back facing us. At this point I panicked that we might hit her with the car at our current speed so I was repeatedly telling the driver to slow down and even started to pull on his sleeve.

By this time the drivers face was almost pale and he had a look of fear and was chanting something and started to really alarm me by accelerating hard! I was literally yelling at the driver to stop and trying to hold onto the dashboard to brace for the impact with the woman! And at the moment we were supposed make contact with the woman's body with our car, something I still find a bit hard to explain happened, it was as though we drove right through her! There was not even a slight bump felt by us in the car, I instinctively turned back to see what happened through the rear window as the driver continued to accelerate away, to my shock she still stood there! Bang in the middle of the road! Right at the spot where we just drove through! But her back was now facing us again! And she still had her arm outstretched. I was a bit speechless and and confused, and repeatedly yelled at him for not stopping the car and even though I knew in my mind that we drove right through her I told the driver we could have killed her.

All this while the driver continued to accelerate and had his complete focus on the road ahead! He never turned to look at me or even answer my repeated questioning of him. After a while I calmed down and just gave up trying to ask him anything and kept silent, about an hour later we were almost home and the sun just rising on the horizon and the driver pulled over at a small shop for some tea and a smoke, this was in one of the small villages I mentioned earlier. I got down to stretch my legs and for some well needed tea.

During this time the driver came over to me and put his arm on my shoulder and smiled, and then asked me to not tell anyone else about what happened. I agreed on the condition he explain himself. He said... "Son are you sure you want to hear this sort of thing? It is disturbing and better not spoken about". I said I could handle it and he started to explain. He said " never ever stop for ANYONE on a highway at such unearthly hours! What you saw back there was no human! It is an evil creature! No human jumps onto the road in front of a speeding car and you yourself saw how she passed through us! I have seen and heard of such evil for a long time in my various years of driving and many men especially truck drivers fall as bait to these evil things when they stop their vehicles for these women like figures only to be found dead after a few days far away. You are still an innocent boy and I am sorry for not listening to you at the time but this had to be done."

I silently nodded, we finished our cup of tea and continued our journey and within 20 minutes reached home. I was silent through out the rest of the journey partly because I was shaken up by that event and partly because it dawned on me that the driver was right and I had witnessed something of a horrible paranormal nature! The other three fellow travelers of mine finally woke up when we reached home! They knew nothing about what had happened and were happily talking to each other! I never told them the events that transpired that day, and only shared it with a few friends who thought it was a vain attempt to scare them. Only the driver and I know the truth...

In my later years I learned that the people of Tamil Nadu have a name for the entity I witnessed, they call it mohini pisaasu... Pissasu means devil. These entities are infamous for luring young men to their deaths.

Thank you for reading and I apologize for any grammatical errors if any, I will post another experience of mine when time permits.

God bless and take care.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Maniacmedic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sindhudurgaKokan (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-21)
We called this type of evil 'Awgat' and this entity tried to kill driver in night
sindhudurgaKokan (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-21)
Nice one man, scary too, in our district we had something like this but not much
TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
Well described and a nice story
Would like to read more from you
writoban (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-22)
60km/h=1km/minute=16.7metres/second=54.6 feet/second
At that speed it takes roughly 2 seconds to cross an object 100 meters away. You could go through and make up so many things in that short period of time... You are a genius. I wonder if you are one of them (I mean the holy ghosts!).
zombie_killer_of_india (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-16)
This is one of my favourites.
Yet the driver was very experienced. But 4a.m. Is little as at this in my state you can see few vechiles on the road.
Not sure if its a mohini or not as they mostly appear to humans when they are alone but you were four or five.
Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-31)
Hi friends,

I noticed some similarity ie tamil language we say payee which is ghost and pisasu which is devil. This is commonly used word but after reading bible I came to know the devil name is also pisazu (I mean its said in the same way) and another devil is lucifer which is not said in tamil but this pisasu or pisazu is said.

Very scary story Maniacmedic and I also travel through that road but never experienced anything abnormal.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-16)
To answer your question. I could think of only to things. First would be the speak of the other truck coming and hitting them. The other is the space underneath the truck. For the speed that some of these drivers drive, these innocent people could have got stuck underneath and get dragged for miles with the owner knowing that there was a body underneath.
Maniacmedic (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-11)
Worried_brit_chick: Thank you for the kind words and the comment.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-11)
a wonderfully written account, and I really had chills when reading this! The fact that the entity was facing away from you from every angle rings very loud alarm bells for me, I would definitely believe the taxi driver that this was something other-worldly and not at all friendly.
Maniacmedic (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-10)
Bizzjoe: I was just a teenager back then, and as I posted in comments before I think he asked me to not tell anyone so that I don't tell my grandparents who would have definitely admonished him for scaring me. Thank you for the comment.
bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-09)
i thought the taxi driver told you never to speak of this... Good story though...
Maniacmedic (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-08)
Thank you for the kind words geetha50
I too kind of agree with Aussie on this one but what kind of bothers me is the deaths of said truck drivers. If they died of accidental causes why would their bodies be found far off from the highway as the driver mentioned to me?
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-07)
I think everyone was in your shoes at one time or another. I tend to agree with Aussie about urban legends being created because of stranded people getting hit by cars and trucks while fixing their own cars and trucks. But that is not to say what you experienced is not true. What you experienced was a big eye opener for you and that was for you only.
guy123 (2 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-06)
Maniacmedic - I liked your true experience. I am experiencing paranormal events for 15 years (though I didn't share my stories) but not like what you have explained. Since I managed to come out of all my events, I am willing to experience more but I would never volunteer
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-06)
Aussie, agree with your rational on this one. This is absolutely how urban legends get around. And you are spot on I think about the truck drivers being run over on the roads, these things happen more than we know.
Maniacmedic (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-06)
Aussiedaz: I think in retrospect what the driver meant by don't tell anyone was don't tell your grandparents, maybe out of fear of being admonished by them for scaring me. And another thing I would like to mention is the paranormal is generally viewed in India as something evil, no one tends to attribute good characteristics to it.

Guy123: what do you mean unfortunately you were not able to experience the paranormal? I would consider myself fortunate if I were to not ever experience something like that lol
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-06)
Spirits can appear to us in blood and flesh at times which can for some people from different cultures and back grounds intensify the experience of it being something more evil than what a normal spiritual apparition would do to some ones normal coarse of responding... So I can understand how some attitudes would evolve to such sightings and their behavioural responses to them, however I'm not so sure this women was necessarily on the evil side? I wonder if some of those truck drivers, who have been found dead along side the road weren't mistakenly ran over by other drivers who thought they was wandering demons also? When most likely, the driver was just changing a tire on his truck when standing up for a moment to stretch his arms and back In the early hours of the morning? That's generally how these types of myths and urban legends grow legs and stereotype fears wider into the general community, as this driver said to you, don't tell no one and here you are telling the world right? And good on you BTW... I don't think driving straight through her was the right thing to do IMO... And I don't believe this women was going to turn into a demon and hurt all the folk in the car neither... But I do believe your account was paranormal and your drivers instincts on this account of it being something not normal, was correct but as I said, I would hate to get a flat tire in that stretch of the woods early hours into the morning... Thank you for sharing your account,

guy123 (2 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
Nice story... I too heared similar stories like this but unfortunately I didn't experience it personally
Maniacmedic (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
Nelli9x: Well this kind of entity is pretty infamous in southern India, I personally had heard a lot of stories regarding this but passed it off as a tale, never did I imagine I would be witness to one and I never ever want to be in that situation again! And regarding the prevalence of the female gender as vengeful spirits, I do have an opinion. In India I am sad and ashamed to admit, especially in the rural parts women are still oppressed, still taken advantage of and viewed as the weak gender! Not a month goes by without some article in the news of women being murdered by drunk husbands, women being raped, women being beaten, girls being raped, young girls being forced to marry in their childhood! The list is never ending! Women are so taken for granted! Maybe this has a contribution to the vengeful female spirits. I hope to god this situation changes. Just my opinions here.
Nelli9x (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
what is it with ghosts wanting to lure young men to their deaths? The japanese yuki-onna, various indian women, various native american women...etc?! Maybe women really are vengeful spirits. (just kidding, I am one.)

Interesting story. It seems you are from a place where this happens often? The taxi driver sure seemed to know a lot! I hope to see more stories!
Maniacmedic (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
Thx for the comments guys, I really appreciate it.
Sceptic-ari & night_day: I understand your scepticism completely, after all I am a big sceptic myself regarding most stories I have heard. The only explanation I can give is my grandparents and my sister must have been really tired or they never heard my repeated shouts at the driver due to the cars noise. I probably should have mentioned the make of the car, it was an old ambassador made by Hindustan motors and is a diesel, if you know anything about these cars, they do get really noisy on the inside. Plus it wasn't like I was shouting the whole way, it was just at that particular moment and for a little time after. And regarding your comment about it being the typical highway story, I am sorry to hear that but it's the only one I know of.

Michellerose1, aqua05, sds, unexplained: thank you for the kind words. As I posted a comment elsewhere I have only two more experiences with the paranormal but one is eerily almost similar to the experience related by Joshua keys here so I'm at a mental conflict whether to post it at all, other than that I have a few instances witnessed by a friend and an aunt, but I'm not sure if I can post such as I am not involved in both.
Unexplained (2 stories) (122 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
An excellent, well-written story. And I believe you! A work colleague of mine had a very similar experience in the UK, when he was a teenager and driving with his friends in the early hours of the morning. They didn't drive through this spirit, but swerved around to avoid her, but they didn't stop! They kept going! Perhaps I will post it on this site some time. Am eager to hear of any more real experiences you or people you know. Love those ghost stories from your part of the world! They are the best!
aQua05 (guest)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
whoa, I almost forgot what I am doing after reading reading this. 😁 I liked how you delivered your story. 😁 I loved it! Thank you for sharing. Post some more. 😁
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
Dear Maniacmedic,

You have rightly put it in the penultimate paragraph of your narrative, it is Mohini. Mohinis manifest themselves in many forms and have different kinds of luring ability for young men. It was really fortunate that your driver, who was experienced, never stopped the vehicle. Many things happened and one of my friends, about 4 months ago had an experience about Mohini in R.K.Puram Bridge in Delhi. He was a non-believer and this happened in the presence of his wife. I would narrate it in a separate story. But, it is a lesson.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Regards and respects to you.

michellerose1 (3 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-05)
Wow! I loved your story. I believe these things do exist... Our knowledge is so limited when it comes to this stuff so its natural to be skeptic. But I believe! Thanks for sharing!
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2012-12-04)
Dear Maniacmedic,
Although your story was very entertaining, I have to agree with night_day.
You should have been more careful!

night_day (guest)
11 years ago (2012-12-04)
This seems like a classic highway ghost story to me and i'm sceptic how could the other passengers be still asleep when you were 'literally yelling at the driver to stop', unless they were in a really deep sleep of course?

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