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Will It Ever Leave?


This is my first post ever. I have many experiences that I would like to share and would surely appreciate any response. I have always been a very skeptic person that never believed in anything until every possibility was checked closely. I never knew that my habit of getting to the bottom of every situation might lead me into something really serious and now I think something is always there around me, watching me constantly.

It all started 5-6 years back in winters. I used to live in a small town of Gujarat in India, a town named Anand which is also known as a milk city. I've always been a center of attention in my class and in my friends. I was a jolly person and loved to laugh. I was good at studies and used to take part in competitions like singing, drawing, sports etc. But all of a sudden things started to change after a night out. I couldn't feel the same positive energy in me anymore. A person who always loved to crack jokes and laugh suddenly started getting mad at mere a few funny comments. I started staying away from my friends and everyone that was closer to me once and spending time alone. I kept feeling frustrated for being watched all the time and negative & sad vibes around me.

That night, it was my friend's birthday and he decided to throw a big ball and invited all of the friends. We had a great time, after drinks, dinner and some fun games it was around 1.00 in night and we decided to head back home. While we were on the way back home, something sparked a discussion in us about paranormal activities and existence of ghosts and spirits. We were talking about it and arguing on some points and suddenly the car was stopped. We all stepped out of the car to see what was wrong with the vehicle but couldn't find a reason. My friend who was driving the car started to locate the problem while others continued arguing on the existence of spirits, they were sharing the experiences and I said, everything being said so far was fake and not possible and I would believe in this only if some ghost really turns up and prove to me that was already dead and I started laughing out loud! For a while that silent road was filled with the sound of me laughing...

But soon I realized that all of my other friends were staring at me like I had said something I should really have not even thought of saying and a silence again overcame the voice of my laughter. One of my friends yelled at me because what I had spoken and I asked him to calm down assuring him that nothing's going to happen, right at that moment all of us got little scared with a sudden noise. We turned to see what that noise was and we all smiled as it was the car. My friend managed to start a car, and everyone was ready to get in the car to go home.

I turned to the car and opened the door. While I was getting into the car I suddenly felt someone's hand on my shoulder and a whisper that read "You are not going back alone". I immediately turned around and looked back as it never sounded any of my friends and I saw no one. This freaked me out as that thing felt so real. For few seconds I stood there straight looking around if I could see something then got into the car. All the way I kept on thinking if what happened was real. We finally reached, my friends dropped me home said Good Night, and the car sped away and disappeared.

I walked to my house, searched for the house keys and pushed the key inside the lock and I started getting the same feeling I had while I was entering the car a half an hour back. I turned to see if someone was there but could see nothing. The clouds kind of obscured the moon and I felt everything around me was filled with a sense of anger and malice, again I heard the same voice that said "Not alone... Not alone...". I started having a mix feeling of confusion and fear. I didn't know what to do or what was happening. I was trying to understand if it was me just imagining the things or was it happening really. I quickly opened the door and rushed in hoping I would be safe in my house. And things started happening from that night. And the haunting begins and continued until today...

This is how it all started. I will share more of my experiences in my next posts.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, six6six, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vasvdutta (guest)
11 years ago (2013-05-22)
Dear Six6six,

Hi, I read your mail and also call the comments on it. But there has been no posts for 3 months I hope things are fine.
What seemed simple at first has taken a complex shape. At first you had annoyed a entity. It was not a ghost it was a entity. As we have human world there is world of entities the simplest example of that world is you have kept something in your cupboard and later you try as hard as possible you can't find it and later all of sudden you see it laying there. This the work of these entities. You challenged the ghost to come and show it self and this entity decided to have fun ride with you. No excorism or puja will help. You will have to cut the cord with this entity as it has attached itself to you. This is extremely painful process needing a lot persistence from you not to let the entity come back as he his enjoying on your misery. They are very clever and hide when they want and come back when they want. I had a friend who had this entity she was okay with and could create mischief and get her annoyed. Invariably when she came to office printer would stop working or net connection could go off etc and then she would yell at it "Gabs (her name for it) please stop it") Gabs was not dangerous this entity that you are facing is.
Now somewhere on the way you have also picked up this women. What you see as the dream of this woman is her last scene before going to other world. During past life regression session people are made to go through mind's garden and at end their is a door which they have to pass to get after life. She has not been able to cross this barrier and she seeks help as she is pain. She wants to be released and she is asking you for help.
Sir this is a lot more for skeptic. But you have to help her. What I would suggest to you is go past -life regression person (but a very qualified one) they have both solutions that will help or see a healer who has knowledge about these things.
Meantime be strong don't sway with moods and don't pay attention to this entity even when it tries to frighten. With lady be patient.
Remember fear and anger are the weapons that these guys have so stop them feeding that. We have inside us something far more powerful than this entities and it can help us.
I am still working on the shepherd and animal part not sure what it means. Thought I have a vague idea.
Take Care and Be strong
six6six (2 stories) (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-04)
Dear all,

I really appreciate your responses
First of all I really apologize for responding a little late since I was not in the town.

[at] Rook
I did everything you suggested me to do. I did things really carefully as you instructed. After doing it, things seem to be coming back to its normal however I still hear a cry or her voices as she is going through so much of pain. I thought to give it more time and waited to see if that stops but it didn't happen. I still hear some woman cry. After that night when I was coming back from my friend's party, this is for the first time I am hearing a cry... Or I have always heard either laughter or some voices in anger.

I came home back last Tuesday and now I have started getting this strange dreams... I don't remember everything about them... But I remember atleast something about every dream I had...

1) I will see myself standing at this place (I will see my back, like I am standing behind myself) The place where I am standing is really beautiful, bright sunny day, beautiful green grass and some flower plants with flowers on them... Some butterflies flying around... Voices of birds... A little stream passing by... I see the water streaming and beautiful fishes in them... That water runs to a place and will dry up there... So a stream that has water and fishes in runs to a certain place and drys up... I take a look to understand... And I find there's a limit to the beautiful world I am standing in... After that there a barren land... That has nothing... No flowers, no butterflies, no green grass, no beautiful sunlight... Nothing at all... But I see a woman standing there... I can't see her well, she's standing facing the other side and there's a lot of fog there... She walks a little and then stops and moves back... I can see a light at a distance... A light coming out of the door... She walks a little towards that door but after walking for a while she moves back... I am standing at a distance but I still could feel her pains, can hear her cry, can feel pain or a little weight inside my chest... Then suddenly I would see she is bleeding and she can't even stand... I want to go to her... I want to help her... I try to walk... But the line where that barren land starts from has something that won't let me enter... And a hand from my behind would pull me back...

2) I am here in the farm... Watching a man taking care of his cattle... He would drove those animals to a river bank so that they can drink the water... Every animals steps forward and satisfies, but the strange thing is after drinking water... The animals are jumping into river and drowning... Just one animal is standing a little far from that water and refuses to come closer... The shepherd is trying everything to bring that animal to come to the water... But it won't...

These are two dreams...won't leave my mind at all... And keeps on bothering me all the time...

What could be the reason for these weird dreams?
ragini (12 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-18)
creepy one... I'll also suggest to follow the method rook has told you. Also in addition, I told earlier in on of my comment that try to burn camphor every evening. Also every morning try to wipe the floor with salt mixed water. (it is said that camphor and salt remove negative energy) cleansing is very much important in every house.

Dontbeafraid (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-16)
i believe that whatever haunts us is not a human spirit or ghost. Because when a person dies their soul is taken and no one can bring it back, but what "plays" or tuants" us is demonds "Djin" that are in our lifes and are with us all the time. Hence they know The what other people don't know about us.
The reason they like to do such is to weaken our faith. To scare us into beiliving we are forsaken and Doomed to hell, one of the greatest ways to take our believe away. And the more you get close to God the more they try to hurt you more. But to be honest. If you don't fear them they can't hurt you. Doesn't mean you can go ahead and call them out. NO NEVER. Cause you don't want to mess with somnething humans don't know of properly each demon has its our personality... Thier unpredictable. And yes these creatues are attached to the person not an object, in the end every single one of us has one.
benhur (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-16)
I am not challenging anybody or asserting my views, but as from the facts known to me, normally a spiritual entity can't come to our world nor we can go to theirs. They live along with us in the very same world but we lack the ability of sense them. It should be the same for them as well. But things change when there is a reason. Any entity can cross the boundary when there is a reason and how far we will go depends upon how strong the reason is. And the reason would arise only from a basic emotion. It could be positive or negative. It could be Anger or Fear or Guilt or Pleasure or Empathy or Lust or Pride... You name it. Only you know it. Because you have called him to you. The reason was there with you before that night. Try to figure it out first.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-15)
You say you do not know how to talk to it, as you don't know how... You simply talk. Evidently, 'it' understood you, when you invited proof of existance, it will also understand when you say sorry, and mean it. You don't need any special words, just honest, heartfelt ones.
zombie_killer_of_india (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)
This method works. And another advice is having courage and full faith on GOD while doing this. You should not skeptic about GOD.
Else you can go to church authorities or any known highly religious man.
DON'T FORGET-take some steps to protect yourself too as the ghost may be before you not the house and can harm you later.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)
Dear Rook, you have always given me clarifications and advise and that too, quite instantly whenever I seek from you. Thank you very much. I got clarified.

Regards and respects to you.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)

What interesting questions you do ask. 😁

Its My, MY, MY, MY, Opinion that the Spirit World is not so different than the Physical World. Do not get me wrong, there are differences but the personality types do not really change... Let me explain.

Ghosts: The Spirits of Human Beings (Souls). They act as they did in Life... They have the same personality of the individual they were in Life.

So, keeping this in mind, Let's say I'm the spirit of a 17-20 somethingish male who died near that spot and was just 'hanging around doing my thing' near where I passed away, was killed, died (whatever happened to 'me' is not quite important, and this car breaks down, I come over to see what was going on because I'm curious and then I heard someone say something like... (I'll quote the O/P)

"...and I said, everything being said so far was fake and not possible and I would believe in this only if some ghost really turns up and prove to me that was already dead and I started laughing out loud! For a while that silent road was filled with the sound of me laughing..."

I'd Have to prove myself to this individual... Heck I've been challenged and I'm going to 'prove' myself to the person who has challenged me. How dare he think I'm not real, I'm right here...ect...Think stereotypical male teenager here.

So, Yes I do think it possible for a spirit to attach itself to someone who has 'challenged' them... Whether they meant to or not.

Again, its just My Opinion. Thanks for asking.


sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)
Hi six6six, I was going to suggest to you about Rook's cleansing method when I was reading your narrative. But Rook himself did it in his post. So, try it out and keep us posted of further developments. You said that prior this incident you had become somewhat morose or moody, which was not your attitude. At that time, did you have any feeling like anybody watching over you or any other thing that happened in your house or personally to you. Just make a thinking about it, probably you might come up with some clues that would lead you to solution.

Rook, is it possible that an entity would come up and show to a person or manifest itself to prove its existence because some one ridiculed the existence of paranormal or laugh at their existence. That part is nagging. Can you please clarify or advise me on this.

Regards and respects to you.

Jesus_soldier (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)
Yeah, I want to piggy back off Rook's comment. I really don't see this spirit as being evil. It sounds annoying with the, " not alone... Not alone not alone." thing, but I'm sure Rook's cleansing will get rid of the negative spirits around you.

JS aka Brandon
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)

Taking your experience at 'face value' I'll say this... It has come back each time because you still do not quite believe, or at least you have not admitted that you now believe in this spirit. Its not a 'evil' spirit... At least nothing you have shared with us make me 'feel' it is. This is why 'exorcism' has not worked.

A Cleansing/Shielding Method I use for my Home and Family has been mentioned and I am going to share it with you. I suggest, if you decide to us it, that you say out loud as you begin that this spirit has proven itself to you and that you now believe in it. By doing this I think you will find things come to an end in your home.

Thank you for sharing this with us and I hope this helps you. Please keep us updated.

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)


WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-15)

I have say that it seems that the spirit is attached to you and not your home.

I agree with JennZ, try apologizing to the spirit since you angered it by challenging it. Another way is to have yourself cleansed by a religious authority.

JennZ (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
Rookdygin is his name on here. Please at least check his page out...
Nelli9x (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
DO NOT USE A OUIJA BOARD. Bad idea in every way possible. Coming from a researcher, you can bet i've heard and seen way too many bad things happen. I would suggest merely reading psalms, even if you aren't christian (51, 71, 91, and lord's prayer are always good. Sometimes john 1:1) if not, contact a specialist. (any investigation team that looks like they know what they're doing should help.)
six6six (2 stories) (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
"Rooks cleansing" huh...! Not sure what that is...

But I would surely like to try anything that works... I am going to post my few more experiences in a while... I hope it would help you guys understand more...
JennZ (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
The best thing I can think of would be to try Rooks cleansing! From what I've read, it has worked for a lot of people. Or maybe email him. This spirit doesn't sound very nice...
six6six (2 stories) (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
[at] JennZ

May be you're right... But I don't know how to talk to that thing... It shows it's existence the way that I can't figure even a single thing... The voices I hear keep on changing... Sometimes I will hear a lady laughing... Sometimes some angry man's like playing with my mind... All the time...
JennZ (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
I'm not sure changing homes would be the best option... What if the spirit follows you... You know? I agree maybe talk to the spirit and say your sorry.
six6six (2 stories) (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
Yea...i have always been a skeptic person... Never believed in Ghosts, supernaturals or God... I believed in nothing...

And I have never tried to communicate as I don't know how to do it... Or what to do... Few of my friends asked me to change the house... But I don't know why I am not saying YES to that option...
Hades666 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
As you mentioned in your story you were a skeptic based on the whole supernatural world and such. And that on that night of the "incident", you were joking around that if there were any ghosts around then they should come and prove it to you. Not to sound crazy or anything but have you ever tried communicating to it and maybe even apologising, sounds to me like you have angered this spirit, who may have possibly had a grotesque end to its life.
six6six (2 stories) (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
[at] Hades666

I had spoken about it to my dad once... And he said I was crazy and didn't believe in anything what all I said... I asked him to stay with me for couple of days... And he agreed... But surprisingly nothing happened when my dad was there...!
Finally my elder cousin brother believed as once he stayed with me for two days and he experienced someone walking while he was sleeping... He was even pushed while he was sitting on a chair and watching TV... He asked me to contact some exorcist, priest etc... And I did it... Once the priest came... Did some prayers and all... And everything was back to normal... But damn... It returned right after a month or two...

Then again my brother called someone who knew about exorcism... He tried to talk to whatever is there in my house... He even claimed that there was a spirit who was doing all those things and he had sent him back to the right place... Things stopped again... But it again came back... But this time it seems like it is not going to leave easily... And has came back with much more power and anger...
Hades666 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
Have you spoken to anybody about this? Maybe a religious person or family even. I think telling someone will definitely get you help on how to get rid of this "thing". Keep us updated you sound like you need help.
six6six (2 stories) (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
[at] JennZ

I think I would need to give some more information here... We were coming back from a neighbor village... We took a way back home which is known as NH8... And our car was stopped right after we passed this turning near a village called "Bhumel"
.and Yea... There is something wrong in my home for sure... I have experienced many weird things after that... I am soon going to post my other experiences...
JennZ (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-14)
When you said those things, where we're you and your friends? Do you have any activity going on in your home?

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