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Real Ghost Stories

The Graveyard Building


I'm Meghna, so called Maggi. This story is about 7 years back when I was in 3rd STD, we lived in Borivali in Mumbai. This flat came to our hand through my mom. Because where she was working that time the boss of that company gave us this flat so that my mom doesn't get any problem in traveling from home to office, because this flat was near to the office where my mom worked. This was 7 floors building which has only one flat each floor. It was 2bhk flat which has a long corridor. So long that we can practice cycling there because I myself have learned to cycle there.

I loved that flat very much because I love big or long houses but one day it was about 11:15pm at night and my dad was late from office and I had my school next day. I went for sleep and I have a habit of facing the wall and sleep. I just closed my eyes and suddenly I felt like someone is breathing in front of me very fast because I can feel the hot breath in my face. I opened my eyes and to my surprise no one was there in that room. I called my mom and I said what happened but she ignored it and said "don't worry you had a bad dream". I was like "what? Can in dreams we can feel hot breath?" I said this in my mind, and went to sleep again.

The next day when I came back my mom's face was in horror just like she has saw something scary. I asked "mom? Is everything ok?" She was so scared. She didn't tell me anything, she only said, "nothing you go, study what has taught you today." But that night when dad came from office late night it was about 10:40pm and I went for sleep but I was not feeling sleepy so I decided to go to mom and dad. When I was going I heard mom saying something to dad about what happened this afternoon to her so I kept quiet and I heard her saying. She said, "I was sleeping in afternoon and I felt like someone is walking in our bed, and I really felt that someone stamped in my pillow". I was freaked out by listening this. But dad didn't believe it he said, "darling! You always work and doesn't rest at all I think you have seen a bad dream dear." mom didn't say a word after this. She was upset to hear this from my dad.

Days went but one day my dad came from office very earlier because he had a headache and wanted to rest so he came had a bath and went to sleep. I was watching TV and mom was cooking. Suddenly dad came out of his room screaming "anu,anu there is something in that room!" My mom and I went inside but nothing was there. He said, "I was sleeping and I felt like someone is sleeping in front of me and breathing very fast, I felt very hot breath in my face"... My mom looked at me and I looked at her... Because it is same as I said to my mom about my incident. And mom didn't say anything about this to my dad. Then how could he says the same words as I did to my mom. Then my mom said "I think you have seen a bad dream". I was like what to say this people now so I said in frustration "what is going on yaar! This is not a bad dream. How everyone can sees a bad dream? This is not a dream. It's reality. Why don't you understand Mom?" They both looked at me like I have said French language in front of them. They said "what are you saying sonai (it's my nick name)?. How can you say it's not a bad dream?" "Explain me" dad said. I said "first of all we three had a same experience, and we ignore it saying as a bad dream. Why can't we find out what is going on?" I was 8 years old and my saying shocked my parents very much. Because I love watching English horror movies, I have learned everything from this.

My mom didn't bother me at all. I stayed with my grandpa when my mom goes for her job. We also had a dog. One day I and grandpa was at home and my dog LUCY was sleeping. I heard something from inside that room like someone is fighting and this was true. My dog also woke up and started shouting (animal always know everything about ghost and spirits. They can feel them always whenever they are near to them) I didn't notice the first time when we entered this house, LUCY was not liking this house. She always tries to run out from this house but this time I knew what is the reason of her not liking this house.

The next day I went down to the shops below to buy something. I said, "uncle! Give me 1 dozen of eggs and 2 kg potatoes." he gave and asked me, "do you live in this building?" I said "yes uncle! Why is anything wrong?" he said "beta I'm warning you leave this place and go. This place is haunted. This building is made in grave yard. I think you have seen things from now. Have you?" I said, "oh shiat! Is it really made by putting off the grave yard and made a building over here? And how you know about this experience?" He said "beta! I myself always fell warm breath behind me, or someone is walking inside my shop. I know you have also felt this, so take my advice and leave this place. If Anybody comes always goes away from this place. Beta go warn your parents." I went in hurry and there was no lift in the building and we were in second floor. When I reached 1st floor I heard like someone is following me. I looked behind, no one was there. It really scared me a lot so I went running and reached my house. I said this to my grandpa, and he said this to mom and dad. They said, "sonai? Why you listen to an unknown person? Its just a false story don't believe in anyone now ok." I was very angry.

Next day dad went to Jodhpur for his job transfer and we were alone in that house. I, mom and grandpa. Grandpa was sleeping in one room and I and mom was sleeping together in other room. But I was not feeling sleepy because I can't sleep without dad. Suddenly I felt a cold air inside the room. We don't have A.C so from where did the cold air came? I fell asleep later and suddenly I put my hand to my right and I felt someone sleeping beside me. I thought it was dad and I asked my mom, "mom? When did dad come from JHODPUR?" She said, "he is still there in JHODPUR beta. Why would he come here? Why what happened?" I said in afraid voice, "maa...mmaa then who is sleeping beside me?" then I screamed and I saw a totally black shadow sleeping beside me. In lamp light, it was very clear view.

The next day we went to find another flat. We shifted soon. From that day we always take our dog with us to see any flat.

Thank you for reading my story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, maggirockz13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TRKDH (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-18)
Can you please tell me where exactly was it in IC colony? I seriously need to know about this cause I live in IC colony too
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-09)
Hi prashantkumar,
Thanks for reading my story.
That place was I.C colony
Hope everything is fine

prashantkumar (17 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-03)
Wonderful place,

I live near Borivali, which place was it exactly?
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
Hi PureIndian,

Thanks for reading my story.

Pureindian (14 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-24)
I totaly agree with you becouse once I also feel same things when I was sleeping in other room alone it was totaly dark I feel that some one is sitting next to I start feeling cold that thing was trying to put hand on me I was not able to shot also but I start takeing name of hanuman g as I start taking name everything became normal I got strangth to shout & open lights everyone got scared they run from there rooms to see what happen. When I ask everyone that did anyone come near they all said no no one come all were sleeping I was so scared that I decied not to sleep in that place again but we are still in that home but I never feel that again.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
Hi PriyankaMenon,

Thank you for reading my story,
Yes, it was a worse experience,
Sad that my lucy is not with me anymore.
She warned us, but we were blind that time maybe,

Hope everything is fine.

PriyankaMenon (2 stories) (41 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-17)
Hi Meghna read your story I can understand how you felt that time. I really felt bad, building on a graveyard, what can be more worse, it's good that you have a pet. They are more sensitive hence they easily understand what is going.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-11)
Hi saviorockz,

Thanks for reading my story.
Yes dogs have a power to smell spirits.
Hope everything is fine.

Thanks and regards
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-11)
Hi zander,
Thank you so much for reading my story.
I really loved my dog lucy. But she is not with me anymore.
I miss her.

Hope everything is fine.

Thanks and regards
saviorocks (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)
oh freak... Good story maggi... Yes dogs are good to know if a spirit haunts any house. They will let you know asap
Zander (7 stories) (146 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
Wow~ amazing, amazing. Such a courageous and smart youngster you were! I too love English horror films. You're right~ all we need to know is in them! I just bought a photo of Christopher Lee as Lord Summerisle which hangs in my entry way. Your dog Lucy knew all along... Bless her heart. ❤
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-15)
hi sheetal,
Thank you for reading my story!.
And sorry for your confussion with your friend name and me!...

maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-15)
hello dip1904,
Thank you for reading my story!...
And ofcause I would read that!...

maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-15)
hello jeunabella.
Thank you for reading my story!.
And sorry if you didn't understand a little...

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-16)
Hi, Meghna... Very nice and interesting story... Put it in my favourites. There is a friend of mine whose name is meghna and her nick name is maggi... When I read first line I thought is it maggi's story? But it's not.

Thanks for sharing...
Dip1904 (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-16)
Dear Meghna, (shonai)

It was an effective piece of experience from which we get good deal of healthy warning not to tread in danger / troubled waters. Tumi besh smart acho as far as 8 years old go...

I find a lot of bengali in this website - probably because of our epicness in witnessing and describing the paranormal (believe or not - wikipedia has described ghosts in bengali literature as 13 different kinds of ghosts - its actually funny - do give it a read - you'll enjoy it i'm sure.
JeunaBella (3 stories) (58 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-07)
Dear Meghna,

I trully understand how you felt back then as I have been through that 'scary-house' stuff too. And even after you moved out, it still lingering in your head sometimes. I am glad it was over for you.

My mother tongue isn't English so I do understand your difficulties in finding the right words to compile your narration. Thank you for the efforts.
Take care and hope to hear from you again soon.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-07)
hey shady4u! Thanks for reading my story... Sorry for my narations... And yes i'm bengali... And many of them are aware of I.C colony... And my family is too much far from this...
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-13)
Hey there! I read your story and despite of all the grammatical errors, you made it look interesting. There were times when I read certain statements and smiled a little;) The way you narrated it, I loved it. I live in Mumbai too and I'm very well aware of the I.C colony. Probably you're a Bengali? Well thank you for the story. Hope you and your family is away from such spooky situations.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
hello stalker_wizard...
Thankz for reading my story and for your question I didn't had any more paranormal experience... But my mother did... But she didn't share with me all this...


maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
i m very sorry allesgute154... Plaese don't mind not giving the address to you... And you are right about I.C colony... Its really a large area and full of christans... Thankz for your comment.
stalker_wizard (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
hi what a nice narration. The story you told was scary. So did you had more experineces like this afterwards. As I know these things happens to some specific peoples only not everyone experince it if the entity is very strong?

Hats off to the narration.
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
Thanks for the reply Meghna. I understand why you don't want to reveal the exact location. I'm aware of IC Colony, it comprises a large population of the Christian community. So it's pretty natural that there would have been a graveyard in the vicinity. Have a great day!
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-15)
hello allesgute514... Nic to hear from you... Actually I m scared to say you the address because in that building people are still staying and I don't want to scare them... But I can give you the location... Its I.C colony... Sorry I can't give you more information... And thanks for reading my story...


allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-14)
Hi Meghna, first of all, very good narration, despite the bad grammar;) I was very happy to hear a story from Mumbai, which is where I was born and brought up. My parents still stay in Dahisar, the next station after Borivali. Could you please share the exact location of this building in Borivali? I'm very curious to know. Thanks.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-09)
thankz ari... Thankz you so much for supporting me in my problem
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-08)
Oh Meghna!
Its not about being sorry child!
We just want you to be careful and sensible,that's all.

Don't worry. Be happy.

maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-08)
i'm sorry ari... Very much sorry to say ita again and again please forgive me for saying this...
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-08)
[at] val yep agree there its the calling a stranger by it. Different cultures though 😊

[at] maggie I was tired last night when reading your story so not that I didn't understand it, just that not all of it sank into my tired mind 😊
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-08)
Dear Meghna,

Every culture has different ways of addressing & respecting their elder members. So if you keep on saying the same thing again and again that since you are an Indian girl you respect your elders, it might depict a disdain that you might not have intentionally put forth.

On a lighter note, I might have to translate this comment of mine for this little sister of mine.


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