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Being Watched By Grandfather?


Let me start with a little background information before I get to the meat and potatoes of my story: I was raised Catholic and my whole family is extremely Catholic, attending Church every other Sunday. Within the past year or so, I began having certain questions about my faith and have been gradually losing my spirituality.

My grandfather was very ill mentally so I never has a real conversation with him but every time I saw him at family gatherings, I always felt as though we had a special bond. I'm the only male on my dad's side of the family so I'm the only one that can pass down his/my family name. He passed away about 3 years ago and that's when my feelings of being watched at night increased.

I moved into my current house approximately 15 years ago. I've always been afraid of the dark but specifically, I have always been afraid of my room and basement the most. I vividly remember one instance where I had to get something from my room but I didn't want to go my room was dark and I thought there was something waiting/watching me. To this day, I feel as though something is watching me at night in my room and freak out when somebody closes the lights in my basement. I have read about electronic devices giving this feeling which would make sense since my room is the "computer room' of the house but this next part freaks me out.

Shortly after he passed away, I began to see flashes of light that would light up my whole room when I couldn't fall asleep. I would get so scared and thought this was my grandfather telling/forcing me to fall asleep and I would shut my eyes. After a few times of this happening, I decided to tell him "I love you Grandpa" every other night when I went to bed; I didn't have any experiences when I said this but when I stopped, the same thing would happen. I have had numerous dreams of seeing him at my grandparents' house, usually looking very happy to see me.

After about a year or so of this happening, I started watching more "ghost movies" and reading up on ghosts and my confidence in my situation only increased. Shortly after this, I heard my voice called from the basement one morning by a woman which sounded exactly like my mom but I realized it couldn't have been her because I heard her snoring and she doesn't like bothering me when I'm sleeping. When I first told my parents about my experiences they thought I was joking but when I insisted, they took me seriously and my mom had the idea of bringing a priest to my house in order to bless it. I refused this idea since I thought my grandfather was more of a benevolent spirit and holy water wouldn't effect his spirit. My mom also told me that my grandmother (my grandfather's wife) would sometimes see ghosts and my dad had a cousin who saw ghosts.

This week, my curiosity about my experiences rose again and I asked my dad if my grandmother did indeed see ghosts. At first he was hesitant and seemed confused, then he became serious and said no.

Your comments will be highly appreciated and replied to asap!



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MetalGuru666, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-18)
From this additional information, I'd say the negative outweighs the positive and you should get a cleansing/blessing done to help move it on. Even if it is your Grandpa,don't you think he deserves to be at rest? You feel 'terrified' therefore what-ever it is - its gotta go.
Your fear of the dark... Well here's a little tid-bit I used to get rid of my phobia of snakes (I still do not like them, but I don't panic like I use to). And I had it bad - even an unexpected picture of one would scare me! Try being in the dark for say 3 minutes at a time, you can be right next to a light source if you like. Once you can do the 3, increase it to 5. Slowly, very slowly work the time you spend in the dark up. This can take months, and depending on how deeply seated the fear, even longer. But you will be surprised at how empowering conquoring that fear will be.
MetalGuru666 (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-18)
I would like to add something else: my cat often randomly meows for no reason and runs as if something is chasing him/scaring him. In addition, I notice that he sometimes stares at a wall as if he's hypnotized.
MetalGuru666 (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-18)
Val - 1. Yes, I had feelings of being watched prior to his death.

2 - He had some type of accident at work which made him both physically and mentally unstable. He had various heart conditions, couldn't eat properly, his face drooped and my dad also said he was very sick with the mind and I believe he referred to it as schizophrenia.

3 - I just turned 20 years-old this month.

4 - As previously mentioned, I feel terrified when I see the lights and I'm unable to move.

5 - I didn't do any major changes to my room but my family painted it about 10 years ago or so, I don't know if that's of any importance. We did do major renovations in the basement about 3 years ago which I believe we started after my grandfather's death. No, there isn't any possibility that it could have been a car because the only window to my room has a view to my backyard with a laneway separating my lot from my neighbours.

Ari - I didn't seek any help (I'm still terrified of the dark to this day) but I'm slowly accepting my fear. When there's somebody else in the room with me, I don't feel as scared. Hope that answers your questions of my "phobia".
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Ok...let's back this up and break it down.
1.You said, "He passed away about 3 years ago and that's when my feelings of being watched at night increased." Which means you had feeling prior to your Grandfather's death of being watched?
2. "My grandfather was very ill mentally." If it is not too painful, can you describe his mental illness?
3. How old are you?
4. When you see these lights how are you feeling? Sad, tired, annoyed?
5. Did you change anything around in your room? Is there a window that maybe headlights from passing cars could be shining through?
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Yeah,still kind of hazy on what help you have sought for your achluophobia or nyctophobia!
Just as Val said, everybody has some kind of inherent fear that they need to tackle. Are you comfortable with your fear of the dark? That isn't possible! So what are you doing to throw it away from your life? From whom have you sought help?
MetalGuru666 (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
I'm trying to figure out if this is indeed my grandfather or some kind of demon or even a poltergeist making me think it is benevolent and playing with my mind. The objects disappearing and reappearing sounds like a poltergeist to me but I'm not 100% sure.

Also do you guys think those flashes of light were something angelic such as the Holy Spirit or something trying to trick me in thinking so?
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
MetalGuru666, everyone has a fear of something to some degree, and we don't always know the why. People are complex that way.
I guess the thing I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around is the type of help you are seeking?
MetalGuru666 (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Another little note that I would like to make, I would wake up in the middle of the night, unable to move and both my sister and I would sleepwalk. My mom asked me one morning if I remembered walking to her room in the middle of the night I had my eyes wide open and "scared her". Maybe she was being paranoid but she did say she didn't try to wake me up because you should never wake up somebody when they are sleepwalking... I don't know if this is always true. When I was younger, I had tormenting dreams of people always breaking into my house and evil things which I would later learn as being shapeshifters taking the bodies of my parents, my mom in particular.
MetalGuru666 (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
First off, thanks for the's really appreciated!

Val - Now that I think about it, there things that would disappear and just magically re-appear in the most obvious places like on the middle of my wardrobe. I did try telling him that he was making making me feel uncomfortable and it seemed to help for a while but the feeling of being watched just came back. I'm not sure about the flashes of light but I do think they were benevolent even though I felt extremely terrified (believing in the supernatural and all). I don't remember the reason for my fear of the dark but I remember being a afraid since I was a child and to this day I still freak out when I'm in a dark room - especially when somebody closes the lights in my basement.

Ari-I am the only one to feel the occurrences but my little sister has had fear of the bathroom when she was younger saying it felt as though somebody was watching her from the window in the upper corner of my bathroom. I would like to note that this was only after I told her about a similar dream of mine.

P.S. Sorry for the delay in comments...I've been really busy with school
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-15)
Good point, Ari.
MetalGuru, Why did you think those flashes of light were from your Grandfather? Is there a reason for your fear of the dark? (If that is too personal, I understand.)
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-15)
Dear MetalGuru666,
Welcome to YGS.
With due respect to valkricry's comment, I would like to ask you some questions:
According to your narration, from what I understand, you are the only one in your house to see and feel the occurrences?
You are so excessively scared of the dark. Have you ever sought help to allay your fears?

Do reply...

valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-15)
Let me ask you this, since you seem sure that this is your Grandfather's spirit and benevolent, do you want him gone? Is there anything else going on? Disruptive things beyond the feeling of being watched? Although holy water may not effect his spirit, you could just try telling him that he's making you uncomfortable. 'Nice' spirits really don't mean to intrude, and will generally back off. It could just be 'Grandpa' trying to communicate with you.
MetalGuru666 (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-15)
Please tell me what you guys think... Your input would be really appreciated!

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