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Real Ghost Stories

Strange Guest


I have had some experiences with the paranormal and know that at least two of the houses I lived in growing up were haunted. But for some years now I have been trying to ignore it every time I sense a ghost or a spirit since they seriously scare me sometimes.

I do, however, have a question that I hope some of you might help answer for me. Can ghosts or spirits just pass through a place? Starting a couple of weeks ago I've been feeling a presence in my apartment. I've seen flitting shadows and a tall dark figure in my peripheral vision who, of course, disappears whenever I turn around.

I live with my boyfriend in an apartment in the basement of a two-story house. The layout is such that the living-room and the hallway make a T with the living-room as horizontal top line, the entrance door at the end of the vertical line and no doors dividing it. With an office on the left when you enter and a door leading to the stairs up to the ground-floor on the right. The toilet and the bathroom are through a couple of doors on the right end of the horizontal line.

I saw the figure standing at the opening between the living-room and the hallway. It was fairly tall and completely black. It reminded me a little of faceless from Spirited Away, but without the mask. It wasn't looking at me, I was sitting in the sofa on the left side of the living-room, but down the hallway.

I thought it might just have been my imagination since I've been reading a lot of stories on this site (I still like ghost stories, real and not, as well as horror movies), which has reminded me of some of my own experiences, but then things started to move around in the apartment. I live with my boyfriend, but the times when things have been moving around has generally been when he's working the night shift and I'm home alone.

So, can ghosts or spirits just pass through a place? We've lived here for a bit more than nine months and nothing else has happened until now and I don't think it's tried to make contact or anything.

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brukernavn (2 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-05)
CuriousGuy: I only saw it a couple more times after I wrote this, so I guess it really was just passing through:)
CuriousGuy (2 stories) (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-05)
Another quick question to the author of the story.

Have you felt or seen this spirit since you posted this story or have any updates on anything going on?

brukernavn (2 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-04)
Thank you all for the answers.
It's nice to know that I (maybe) wasn't just going crazy 😉
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-04)
Hey there! If a ghost happens to be seen or felt normally at the same place, the place is said to be haunted. Like places, humans can be haunted too. In such case, the ghosts seem to have tied themselves with the human and can follow the human wherever he/she goes. There's one more type which only passes by. It randomly shows up and can surely pass through places. I guess its the third type in your situation. Hope that answered well. Keep posting. (:
brukernavn (2 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-04)
Thank you both for your answers:)

BadJuuJuu: I don't think that we had gotten anything used or antique for the appartment at that time, but there might have been some negative feelings. This was in a time when my boyfriend worked evenings and I worked days, so we only got to see eachother if I stayed upway too late. The lack of sleep made me overly emotional and it didn't help much that whenever he had a night off he would usually be with his friends "since he rarely got to see them, because he worked so late." We never really argued about it, but I was feeling very resentfull.

The shadow never made me feel imediately threatened, but it did not feel "good". Whenever I saw it I feelt a kind of frustration or annoyance coming from it, and would look away so that it wouldn't notice me staring and aim those feelings at me.
CuriousGuy (2 stories) (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-04)
[at] BadJuuJuu - Its goin pretty well. Have a story that was submitted that happened. Just waiting for it to get posted.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-02-03)
brukernavn, as has been said, some spirits do travel around. Some are just passing by, some stay. There are others that seemed anchored in place. Sometimes for reasons like Curious mentioned, sometimes because they were happy there. As BJJ mentioned some become attached to objects and 'ride' them about.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-02-03)
Hello JustCurious 😁. Its good to see you again, welcome back! ❤
CuriousGuy (2 stories) (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-03)
Hey BadJuuJuu,

Its been a while 😕 Its me. JustCurious lol.

But yeah, Those are some good questions you posted, I'm interested in hearing the response to those to.


BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-02-03)
Some entities do move from location to location. Sometimes they stick around for a bit before leaving for their next destination. If they decide a place is comfortable they might choose to stay.
A couple of questions. Around the time this entity appeared, had you brought any second hand items into the home? A family heirloom for example, an antique, something from a garage sale? Entities can attach to objects as well as places, so if any second hand item was brought into the home the entity could have followed it.
Was there any sort of negativity, arguing, any kind of stress, before it appeared? Certain types of entities are drawn to chaotic emotions, but its pretty obvious when you're dealing with something that thrives on negativity.
What do you feel about it? Did it frighten you or make you feel threatened? You don't mention feeling fear, so I'm hoping it didn't frighten you. Your first instinct is almost always right, so if you didn't feel threatened or frightened, its probably nothing to worry about.
Some people feel that an entity's color indicates its character, but I think that's bs. Sometimes an entity will appear as a dark shadow just because it can't manifest very well and a shadow is easier than a more detailed form.
Sorry bout the dozen questions. 😆
CuriousGuy (2 stories) (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-03)
To answer your question there is a few different types of spirits.

Under the classification some are not tied to a location and there for can move from location to location without being tied down.

Others however have a tie or connection to a certain location (for example if a guy hangs himself in his house he may feel a tie to it and not want to leave) and they will stick around that location.

Hope that answers your question and if you want any more clarification just give the heads up!


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