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Am I Imagining Things Or Am I Being Haunted?


So where do I begin? I was watching TV and dozed off in my living room around 2 am and woke up at 3:06 am on the dot to see my gas stove burner on high. I do not think it was my boyfriend because he said he doesn't remember waking up, and there was no evidence he had smoked a cigarette.

The past two days the bedroom light, which is also a fan, I had to pull the string to turn on the actual light... Last night putting my son to sleep his light went on, then off, then on. Then it did that again.

Like two days ago I went into my purse on my kitchen table and then while I was sitting on my couch smoking a cigarette, it flipped onto the floor. I also have heard clicking noises and single tapping noises throughout my apt.

Tonight I heard a noise while watching television in the living room and went into my son's bedroom. (He sleeps in the living room unless one of us is in his with him. He will not tell us why he's so scared.) I stood in there for about a minute looking around and heard the floor creak by his bed. I walked to where I heard the noise, stood around and looked at the entire room. I heard a buzzing noise and the light started to dim. It did that twice and I said to leave us alone... It went bright and I tried to stay in there to stand my ground, but I am impatient and after about thirty seconds it didn't happen again so I walked out. I keep hearing the clicking and tap noises.

I do not know if it is me and I just watch too many shows of the paranormal or if I should find some help. ANY help will do. My son is everything to me and my boyfriend thinks I'm a whack job, so advice anyone?

I would also like to add that since as long as I can remember I have been held down by something unseen I believe since I was at least 10 where I can't move talk scream or anything. It didn't happen daily and I can't remember how often it has happened but its happened enough to where I can remember how terrifying it was. Once I started to sleep at my boyfriends it hasn't happened. We have been together since we were 16 and are 28. We moved here and it happened once. We have lived here 5 years and it didn't happen to me for like six years and one day it did (I know I'm rambling but that's what I do)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vlkarmel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-02-22)
Lol swims. I don't want you to have any sort of fits, you taught me something today and that makes me happy. 😁
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-22)
Ehr... Also neither narcolepsy nor catalepsy cause hallucinations. And neither of them happen at night. A narcoleptic fit can happen while the guy is standing up. And the poor folks with catalepsy are brutally aware of reality and can't deal with it or leave it. OK I'll quit now cause y'all are probably hoping I'd have a cataleptic fit.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-22)
I'm also agreeing with the electrical issues. If it was a ghost, he wouldn't waited five years. Only rest assured, you don't have narcolepsy. Only to clear this up since this is the second comment I've read about narcolepsy and catalepsy. You don't get to just make stuff up on this sight. There is no relationship between catalepsy (a state of emotional shock, where you are aware but unable to respond), and narcolepsy (which is related to epilepsy and the siesure is falling asleep. They are really asleep and do not sleep walk at all. But it can cause sleep paralisis.) My father had it, and we were all thouroughly schoold in how to handle it. It's good to fac check a bit.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-21)
I agree with having everything checked out, regarding the electricity and appliances. I highly doubt you have narcolepsy though, lol. No offense.
In the meantime I think it would be beneficial to do a cleansing as soon as you can. Even if there's not anything paranormal going on, at least you'd be cleaning out all old/negative energies and renewing your space. Good luck!
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-02-16)
I'm going to echo the others here. First, tell your landlord you suspect there is a problem with the electricity, and you want it looked at. Lights going on and off/flickering/or dimming/brightening, and the clicking sound can all be indicators of an electrical short or overload. Also, if you are hearing that clicking when the fan is on, you might be hearing bad bearings. Has the stove incident been repeated?
I'm going to suggest you start a journal of these incidents, if you haven't already done so. Mark time,weather, mood, anything you think might be pertinent and see if a pattern emerges.
Are there apartments on either side of you? Some of sounds can be coming from one of them.
On the upside, kids are generally pretty smart. Are you sure your son is afraid to sleep in his room, or is it a ploy just to be with you? (Being his mom you can probably tell if he is really scared, or just playing at it). Think about it, and try to determine when he started being afraid. You might find clues as to what is causing it there.
As for the being held down feeling, you might get a check up from a doctor on that. Tell him what you're experiencing. He should be able to help rule out any medical causes.
AliceRichmond (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-16)
Narcolepsy comes with cataplexy in 15% of the cases. But normally hallucinations on this disorder come at night when you go to sleep or mornings. Or just during the night. It's awful and it really looks like being possesed but its not like that at all. You should run some tests and read about symptoms and all that and see if it looks like narcolepsy.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-16)
I agree with BJJ and Nathaniel. My mother has narcolepsy and I have sleep-walked in my life. We've both experienced sleep paralysis. Sleep disorders tend to run a large part of an even larger spectrum, so you can suffer a variety of strange episodes that might otherwise seem unrelated if it weren't for the fact they all have to do with sleep.

It sounds very possible that either you or your boyfriend used that burner in your sleep to have a cigarette. Knowing this, I think it would be best for you to start smoking outside. My mother actually lost a narcoleptic friend to a house fire. Imagine if you lit a cigarette while sleepwalking, then while passing back into normal sleep allowed a cig to drop onto the couch!

We do in our sleep what we do in life. That's why I'd caution both of you to make it a habit to smoke outside.

I'm not sure about the clicking, however. Floors do creak due to building settling. What kind of residence do you have? Any neighbors upstairs or next door? Where's the water heater located? What kind of heaters do you have? I'm just trying to come up with ideas of things which cause clicking.
Nathaniel (37 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-14)
Do you have any cat's? The reason I ask this is because in my old apartment I had one of those countertop stoves, with the dials in front of the burners. One day I came home from work and saw that my cat's had somehow turned on the stove. Possibly by rubbing up against the dials. Surprisingly they didn't get hurt nor cause a fire. Since I rarely cooked anyways I just unplugged the stove so it wouldn't happen again. If you don't have cats it could be possible that your boyfriend lit a cigarette earlier in the evening and forgot to turn it off then.
AliceRichmond (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-14)
Could you be more detailed in what "held down" means? Do you experience this just while sleeping or waking up, or is it happening during daytime as well?
Just a little confused here.
Thank you in advance and hope all goes well.
josephgogi (2 stories) (34 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-14)
I agree with BadJuuJuu, some of the things you experienced could probably be explained, and some of them could be paranormal. As far as being 'held down' that does sound like sleep paralysis. I have experienced that so many times that when I find myself going throught it I tell myself 'here we go again." I wrote about some of my experiences about 'ghost' under the story titled "Lillie".
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-02-14)
Get in touch with your landlord and have him go over the electrical system, or call in an electrician. Get that stove looked at by an appliance repair service. Those things can start fires, and need to be looked into. Rule out the normal, always, before looking at the paranormal. Make absolutely sure no one could be sleepwalking and turning on the stove.
If no one is sleepwalking, and the electric systems and stove are in good working order, you could try a home cleansings, or just look for a new apartment if possible.
The last bit you mention, about being held down, could be sleep paralysis. Http://

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