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Dead Grandmother Returned To Meet The New Family Member?


This account happened to my mother almost right after I was born. This story takes place in a small town a bit south of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

I had just been born a few hours before and my mother was finally getting some sleep, myself in the little cart they normally put newborns in beside her. As my mother tells me, she woke up hearing a voice. She claims it was clear as day, saying "You'll be with us soon enough." As she turned to check on me, being worried someone had gotten into the room (I'm her first born and she was young when she gave birth to me), she saw a woman, plump, round, with beautiful reddish hair sitting on the opposite side of where I should have been and she was holding me in her arms. My mother claims she sat there, smiling down upon me and repeating the same line, "You'll be with us soon enough."

Naturally, her newfound motherly instincts kicked in and she yelled at the woman to get out and to leave me alone. This is where it gets strange. As my mother tells me, the woman looked up at her and smiled after being yelled at by my mother (who can be very intimidating). The she stood up, carried me to my little incubator/crib and walked out of the room.

The next day, my mother asked the nurses who had been allowed into the room and why. The woman who was working the desk said that no one had come in nor had anyone gone out that night, which worried her a bit. Although she says that she didn't get a negative vibe from whoever it was in the room that night.

A while later, while my mother and father were at a family get-together of my father's, the whole family was sitting around watching old family movies, when all of a sudden my mother spotted the same woman from the hospital there in the video. She asked my father to rewind it and pointed her out to him.

"Who is that?" She asked my father. He went on to explain that that was my great-grandma and that she had passed years before my birth. My mother told him what she experienced that night when I was born and then realized what it all meant.

I personally believe I have a guardian angel looking after me, and I believe that she and my great-grandfather are looking forward to when I get to meet them in the afterlife. What do you all think?

I hope you guys enjoyed my first post. There will be more to come.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, True_gep, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

True_gep (1 stories) (4 posts)
2 years ago (2022-07-21)
Logged into here after remembering my love and fondness for this site as a teen, and remembered how I had meant to post more but never got the time to. But, after finding this post I figured I'd comment and update the void on the fact that I am now 24 and still, in fact, not with them yet lol.
Bejek (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-02)
The only thing I felt like commenting on was the comments. For the person talking about people not being angels, well, the afterlife and world of the paranormal are still entirely unknown to people and anyone claiming to have any definate answer or knowledge of such I label as frauds.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-03-02)
Hi True_gep! Great account. A thought popped into my head, perhaps when your great-grandma said, "you'll be with us soon enough," she meant in the family home, and thinking about what a lot of work new babies are.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-01)
Sweet story. Although it would concern me if some stranger was holding my infant daughter. I would not be afraid of her repeating you'll be with us soon enough. I don't think you need to worry about it. Soon enough can mean a long healthy life time. Or it can mean a life cut short by illness or accident. There is a saying when it's your time it's your time, and I believe that is true. So don't worry about how much time you have just enjoy the time you have.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-01)
vulcan10,"humans do not become angels. Period. But nice story. I don't know how people came to the idea. But incorrect!"
Do you have proof of this or is this just your opinion? I think it's insulting to just buzz in here and say that. It's like saying once you're dead you're dead and nothing happens to your soul after that. There is no heaven or hell, no angels or demons nor good or malevolent spirits. The name of this site is Your Ghost Stories not It Happened One Day stories about peoples' day to day ordinary experiences.
It is in the rules that you can't post anything about your religious opinions or beliefs.
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-26)
Humans do not become angels. Period. But nice story. I don't know how people came to the idea. But incorrect!
Eminem443 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-26)
I would be happy to have such a caring grandam:) not all of them are like that
Tanner02 (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-26)
thank you so much for the best b-day ever thank you so much YGS
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-26)
True_gep, Yes it does sound as though you have very loving great grandparents. For her to visit, and to have held you is special in its own way. She may be a guide for you watching over you as go along your journey in life. I enjoyed this story, thanks for sharing and welcome to YGS.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-26)
True_gep, that does make sense. I read it like it was an imminent thing, but thinking about it you have grown up so couldn't have been that. Its nice to know your loved ones are still around you and looking out for you.

Other than the jump your mother must have had at suddenly seeing a stranger holding you, it is a nice, positive, feel good story, thanks 😁
True_gep (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
Hi Tanner02- Happy birthday! Hope it' was a good one! And hopefully many more to come. 😊
True_gep (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
Hi, Griff84! No, we have not seen her since. Not that I can recall. My mother thinks that the phrase may mean that she just is willing to wait for me to finally join her and the rest of my departed family. And that it might not be very soon, but it will be soon enough. If that makes sense. 😕 I don't quite know how to better explain it
mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
Sorry I put two yous in my last comment at the beginnings instead of one.
To Mr tanner02 a little late but happy birthday mate, try not to be too negative with yourself and come feel the love from the 7 billion people on this planet, hope you have had a goodin and best wishes
mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
Wow what a fantastic experience. I truly believe that family mean everything in this world and you you have to know where your coming from before you can create a future. A new baby in the family is always a life changing and beautiful experience
Maybe the older generation came to see the new generation as a symbol of everlasting family love
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
Before you even revealed it in your story, the very first thing that popped into my mind that it must've been a proud family member from beyond who was smiling and saying you'd be with them soon enough.

So I agree with your mother's conclusion. I also like HappySpirit's explanation. That's kind of cute. 😊 Maybe your great-grandma was consoling you and trying to keep you hushed so your exhausted mama could sleep!
HappySpirit (187 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
Hi Tanner02 - Happy Birthday! ❤ ❤ It's good to ask for what you want. Hope your day has turned out well and that you found someone to celebrate with.

True gep - thanks for the story - Your great grandma might have been consoling you. I've heard that coming into physical form can feel initially quite jarring for the little ones. You were coming from the angelic realms (according to my beliefs); earthly life probably felt like quite the shock. Great grandma was reminding you that it would only be for a little while. Hopefully, you will be here a good long and happy time, but it does sound as if you have some wonderful guardian angels.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
Happy Birthday Tanner02, may you have many more happier ones than today. 😊

Sorry for the interruption True. They say we all have guardian angels, but yours seems very special.
Thank you for sharing your sweet account.
Tanner02 (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
i know its selfish but I'm fell sad a down I don't have a dad I'm not trying to make you guys fell bad just try to get so frends sorry
Tanner02 (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-25)
hi YGS today is by b-day and I don't have many frends so I don't get to be wish happy bday a lot so it someone can be nice a wish me happy bday that will make my day thanks 😢
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-24)
Hi True_gep, welcome to YGS.

It is nice to know your great grandparents are there looking out for you. The only think I find odd is the phrase "You'll be with us soon enough." To me this sounds negative, almost like a warning. I could be wrong however. Have you or your mother every seen her again?

Thanks for your post 😊

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