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So hi, my name is Luke and I'm 13 (a little young). I suppose you have seen the title of my story.

It all started in school in the bathrooms. I was taking a wee when in the distance behind me in the cubicle I heard my name like a faint "Luke...Luke!" I turned my head swiftly to see a strange hooded figure walking out of the cubicle. It was a druid from what I saw. It was dressed in all black, its face was completely black no facial features. It had its sleeves tucked in each other. (By the way nobody else was here at the time). I ran. As I did I heard it say something which I thought was some ancient language so I continued running and as I turned, the door slammed. But that's not the end...

My friend (not my friend no longer) had an interesting experience too.

He was in the cubicle when he heard footsteps and the door was shaking and a voice shouted, "I'm Going to Get you!" He was frightened to the bone, and then it left.

Next is one of my own again. I was sitting in class when I look at the door (which has a mini-window on it). I saw the face of an old looking woman who just knocked and looked at me and smiled. I nudged the person beside me and asked him did he see that and he said "no".

Then again wherever I went after that I would never feel alone even when I was. Footsteps followed me when I was alone.

Then I was in the bathrooms once again when I was on my way out when I heard a cackling laugh and out of nowhere I feel light-headed and collapsed when a voice in my head says, "You don't understand this" and I get back up.

Later that night in my sleep I remember the face of the woman and the druid. The woman was standing in front of me and around me were Druids beating drums chanting the words I had heard the druid earlier that week say. I haven't heard any thing since.

Can any one help me and also thanks for reading (and I don't think this is me being crazy).


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GhostsCallMe, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-05-06)
Lol! Seems plausible to me, more so than the other definitions offered for sure. Thanks HC! 😆
HoppingCorpse (2 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-06)

"Durak" means "fool" in Russian. Perhaps they were durak (s).
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-23)
I hope it's because posters either do not know their story has been posted or too busy to check. 😜
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
I'll ask this question... A Druid in a BLACK HOODED ROBE?

And I'll leave it at that for now.


BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
I can only find darach as a name. Names of people, names of fictional characters, nothing related to druids. A link to a baby name website defining the word as "dark oak" isn't proof it relates to druids. Have a nice day.
Mejiko (20 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
Also, I failed to mention that Druid can also mean "Wise Oak" and it has actually many other wordings change with different langagues.
Mejiko (20 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
Obviously I'm not the best speller in the world nor am I a grammer Nazi... As long as all parties understand what is being said I don't usually care about grammer or spelling. But I came across the word in a book... Many moons ago at edge of the circle book store in seattle...F*** if I remember what the book was called... For I skimmed many while there...XD

But it means dark oak as Druid means Oak-knower etc... Because of all the games and stuff it's hard to find any actual reading of Darach in any text that is primerly about Druids... I would assume there weren't enough recorded in history to document in tangent with druids. Also, in some readings I've come across druids considered evil anyway so I can only ASSUME that there was no need for the authors of said things I've read either online or in the edge of the circle store to notate at Darach and a Druid are different sometimes saying just dark Druid instead... Only assume. The truth is on in the mind of the writier.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
"Durak" appears to be a game rather than a type of druid. Mejiko, do you have any references to Durak that don't involve gaming?
Ghostscallme, notjustme has asked some darn good questions. Any answers you could provide would be appreciated.
Mejiko (20 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
Notjustme. You asked most the same questions I was going to. ^-^ Most excellent. I'm at work and often free time is unpredictable to know when I can elabarate like I can today. But have you tried speaking to the beings? Asking them what they want? Firstly, it's obvious they they know you can help them if help is what they are seeking. Druids can't be unpredicable. As they existed in abundance at an earlier time so the druid could go both ways. It could be either a Druid which are usually earthy and want to protect all that is natural may or may not be Pagan and a Durak is an evil druid that may be looking to stir things up.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-09)
ghostscallme- You must be quite confused after some of the comments left here for you. You are a teenager, and that's when you are most vulnerable to the paranormal due to your emotions. Your energy can attract things to you, in good and bad ways. Sorry if this gets a little personal, but how are things at home? Do you lead a content life? Do you often feel angry? Have you alone or with your friends ever did anything that could attract this to you? Such as ouija board, go to cemeteries to explore, etc...?
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
With respect now, because it might be all of that. But I'm getting a vibe this is a prank for the Americans. "Taking the piss", right? "Luke, Luke" from a hooded guy using the force. You heard him use something like an ancient language- which in Ireland would be the one you presently speak- so I'm thinking prank. But it's a good one, can't argue with that. Thankyou. 😊
Mejiko (20 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
GhostsCallMe: I believe you. Believe your spiritual body is waking up. And if you anything like myself you'll one day learn that not all demons come out at night. Night all beings of light play in Sun. Sometimes what looks demonic isn't. And things that look like a being of light aren't of the light. Some of use can see layers of reality that others cannot. I feel like are much older then 13 like you've been around for a loooong time... Your much older then you think.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-07)
Interesting story here, GhostsCallMe. I've been reading this story in an Irish accent, 😜. You should research the history of the building/school.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
Naughtyb0i (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-07)
ha Ha just your brain on overdrive, I am guessing you might have been pranked by some older kids from school & the old lady well she might be somebody's grandma or a member of staff. "These are not the druids you are looking for". 😁 😁.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-07)
I'm sorry, I don't usually say anything if I find a post a little 'far fetched', but I would have to request I borrow the blanket for this one.😐
HoppingCorpse (2 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-07)
Ok, "Luke" and hooded dark figures, am I the only one who is getting the Star Wars vibe? Perhaps they were cosplaying fans?
MitoTakatori (49 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-06)
I agree with lady-glow. It might have been someone playing a prank.

And about the dream, well when I think of things too much, I dream about them.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-05)
GhostsCallMe: that's an interesting story, though I'm not sure if it is paranormal or just some kids playing a prank on you and your friend.
The old woman looking trough the window could had been one of your classmate's grandmother looking for him.
Do you know the history of the school and the land where it's built? Is there a reason for it to be haunted?
Perhaps your dream was the result of you thinking to much about this events that, though scary, could have a natural explanation.

Thanks for sharing.

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