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Creepy Old Haunted House


I had once lived in a very old house which needed a lot of work. Before I bought the house I met the owner who sat quietly in the living room.

After purchasing the house, I had the whole house repainted to give it a fresh look. The first week that I moved in and I opened the basement door, there was a big black cloud of ball spinning and I thought it was probably built up dust from the basement which was not logical but offered a good explanation.

About two months after living in the house, I heard footsteps coming from the basement to the first floor kitchen and when I looked around no one was there. So who can be making those footsteps I thought. I started cleaning the basement with all that I have because I wanted the house to look radiant. Under the basement steps, I saw a crufix attached to a bottle and I threw that out as well because I did not want so called rubbish under the stairs.

The second floor tenant complained that a boy who was about 15, the same age as her son was, watching her son on the computer while he was in the living room. The boy saw the young ghost for a few minutes he said.

The footsteps continued from the basement into my first floor apartment around midnight every night until I got tired of it. I finally said to it, "Stop walking in the kitchen so loudly every night. You are making a lot of noise and you are disturbing me from waking up to go to work." To my amazement, the walking in the kitchen stopped at midnight but I still heard the footsteps coming from the basement.

Eventually, the house was on fire and I sold it.

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Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-05)
As someone who's worked in genealogy, process serving, private investigation, etc. I'm not very surprised that people at a post office may just tell a person to dispose of ancient mail which had never been delivered.

We do have federal laws regarding delivery, transference, opening, and tampering of mail, but that doesn't mean that every city and/or state enforce the laws just so. Further, each post office will have its own protocol, and I'm guessing that there's some sort of window on how many years the PO has jurisdiction over mail. (I'd google it but I'm lazy right now. It just makes sense.)

As a PI, I've had to deal with police dept's which insist they have no power over and/or funding for particular situations, so because of this, I have little doubt certain PO's, especially in small towns, are in a similar state.

It's really sad. I hate to see such wonderful history lost. But it happens. More often than people even realize, I'm sure.
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-12)
I agree. So much history just thrown away without a single thought is upsetting, to say the very least.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-12)
I think what really saddens me is in the 60's many of our boys were engaged in a 'military action', now known as the Vietnam War. How many of those letters were possibly 'last letters home'? *sigh* Even decades later, what parent, loved one wouldn't treasure it? IF the mailbag was a real event, somebody deserves a horse-whipping.
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-12)
That story is amazing! 15 years... How that letter must have felt to her. I cannot even imagine. It's like a time capsule.

Also, I found this: According to 18 USC 1702 "Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post office or any authorized depository for mail matter, or from any letter or mail carrier, or which has been in any post office or authorized depository, or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier, before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was directed, with design to obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."

And this case from New York:

Since she was only 20 at the time and the post office still delivered that 15 year old piece of mail, that makes so little sense that it hurts a bit.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-12)
elnora, I'll share a tiny little side story with you: back in the early 80's, I lived kitty-corner from an elderly widow. She and her husband had worked in the same office for a great number of years. We were very amiable with each other. One day, she says to me, "You'll never believe what I got in the mail," it was a Christmas card signed by quite a few of the office people and her deceased husband - mailed some 15 years ago! It seems it was found behind a filing cabinet at the post office, when it was moved to replace the flooring! This was even written up in our local paper. She really treasured that card, especially (she said) since most of the folks who had signed it had long since passed. This is one reason I find the just chuck it, without even looking to see what it contained hard to believe.
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-12)
Val, I was under the impression that destruction of mail that was not yours was a federal offense.

I really cannot see the post office just being okay with someone tossing out personal information of dozens of other people.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-11)
Well, the whole mail bag comment got to me. I'm not saying it could not have happened, but extremely unlikely the the post office would not even look at it but tell her to toss it.
There's a recent article about such an incident of found undelivered mail. Http://
Of particular interest is the final line, where it says,"... Even the delay or destruction of mail can bring a possible prison term."
Supposedly it was found when she was cleaning out the basement, but then in comments she says, the previous owner "...moved in the basement with his ex-wife for about a month until he could find an apartment..." Wouldn't they have cleared the 'rubbish' out from under the stairs if living down there?
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-11)
Ladyhawk's hypothesis here has me really freaked out and intrigued.
I wish we could find out. 😢
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-11)
elnora - I know you're not looking for a serious answer here 😉, and I'm certainly not taking up for Angel because I don't know whether or not she had a legitimate ounce of mediumship/psychic ability but I do know this. Sometimes we are only shown/given a smidgen of information, which always frustrates me 😆
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-10)
If angel was a medium who could solve all the hauntings on the site, wouldn't she know what happened to the mailman?
Angel9090 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-09)
An inspection was done and it went well so I was was surprise about that incident. The mail situation got me also and I was not sure why the post office did not take it. I hope nothing happened to the mailman.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-09)
I'm sorry, but having YOU toss that mail, instead of handling it themselves really sits wrong with me. It just feels like that NY post office is falling way short of its job. Like its almost promoting tampering with the US mail. *sigh* Sorry, almost gave into a tirade there. It's just out here, a bag of undelivered mail (even 20-21 years old) would have been dealt with differently and have prompted an investigation into WHY it hadn't been delivered. After all, its a government facility.
Anyway, that's really weird about the fire. Especially if it was caused by bad wiring in the basement. Was there not an inspection carried out before you bought it?
Ladyhawk84 (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-09)
I don"t have ideea what could be in that basement, but I think, and its just and only my opinion, think a little:and if there in the basement was killed a mail man? And the mail bag belongs to him? Could be a really old crime, if the mail was from 62, pitty because if you throw it away the mail bag, do you think you have the possibility to find who was the mail man who had that bag? If he is missing or so... And if he is missing maybe was murdered and there in the basement was his ghost? Just saying because I have not a clue, anyway all the best, I like your story.
Angel9090 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-09)
This happened a very very long time ago when I have had a few brushes with ghosts but not like when I moved in the old house. I first saw the Ouiji Board when I went to see the house and the owner told me not to touch it and it was called a Ouija Board. When I moved in the house, I did not see the Ouija Board so I think he took it with him. He moved in the basement with his ex-wife for about a month until he could find an apartment to rent and he wanted to pick his vegetables from the front yard not sure why he planted a whole bunch of corn in the front yard... While he was living in the basement, I did not hear the footsteps. When I spoke to the woman on the phone I only told her that I had just purchased the house and I found a big old mailbag in the storage and it was heavy and when I peered into it, I saw a whole bunch of sealed mail and she was in shock. She told me to take it to the post office. The mailbag was so dusty and filled with cobweb that I put the whole thing in a fresh garbage bag, put it in a shopping cart then took it to the nearby post office and the post office people did not want to touch the mail because they were so aged and they were terrified of the old mail bag I guess. They turned up their noses because dust was everywhere in the post office by now.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-09)
Hi Angel9090, when did this happen? Also, what I wanted to ask Mircales did query you already. You did throw the Ouija Board away too that you found in the kitchen right or did you try to "play" with it? And did you happen to ask the person, who answered you over telephone, if they had any paranormal experiences while they were living in that house? I meant, did you make any investigation about your experiences or did you discuss with any one? If so, did you find out anything?

Regards and respects to you.

Khizie (4 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
This one is a good story as I was tempted to leave a comment while still at work. Hehe. A house like that must have a lot of good ol' history though... If it has a Ouija board, maybe the previous owner wants to contact a spirit that lives there. And all the weird stuff you got down your stairs are a little weird.
Angel9090 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
One of them had a social security check in it and fate tempted me to open that one and contact the owner to get the check. The post office was not helping. I dialed directory for the person's last name and I called and a lady picked up. She told me that the check belongs to her grandmother and that her grandma was still alive. She asked me the year of the check and I said 1962 and she told me to rip the check up and throw it away because her grandma got a replacement check already. It just seemed that the basement has so much stuff and I wanted to make the place clean and pleasing to me.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
that's on a whole other level of creepy and weird. You did the right thing by returning it. I don't think you should have thrown it away, especially if they were letters. Bills of course do so, and shred them. But wow
Angel9090 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
It sold for a decent amount. The basement was basically gone due to electrical while I was at work. The other floors were ok with just the smell of smoke. The hallway to the first floor was gone. There was so much stuff under the stairs, I had to get a big shovel to dig them all out like gallons of paint, old dusty rugs, broomsticks and in the big storage were a lot of old light fixtures. I also found sealed mail in a large US Mailbag from since I was born. Someone was not delivering the mail. I took the bag of mail to the post office and they told me to just throw it away. I told the post office that I found them in my basement storage.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
WOOOW bad grammar ifihadyoux, were there** -shots self in the face; 😢 😢 😢
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
Were their other items in the house from the previous owner? Ouija board would have been something I would have liked to have known. Anyway, that junk could have been worth a lot of money too, just so you know. At least double check then decide.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
How much does a burning house sell for in New York? Sorry, it just read that way.

Sometimes just a simple request is all it takes to have a spirit to alter is routine.
Angel9090 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
I was only 20 at the time and I looked like there was a lot of junk under the stairs plus the owner had a Quiji Board in the kitchen so he was probably having the same problems as I did not sure if the crucifix helped him but it does not seem that way.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
Angel9090 - why would you refer to the crucifix/bottle as "so called rubbish"?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
woah woah that escalated quickly! I agree with elnora that the bottle probably was holy water of some sort but you threw that away? And then after that the house was on fire?!? Coincidence?!
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-08)
The crucifix bottle makes me think of a bottle spell- it is a protection spell.

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