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The Playful Ghost


I think I've lived in my house for about 6 or 7 years now. I was around 9 years old when we first moved in and am turning 16 on January 1st.

When I was little, things would go bump in the night. But I would brush it off as one of our two cats. (We have four now.) Lately, weird things have been happening and it's starting to scare me.

I first started gaining suspicion when I found a decorative AIW bottle on my bedroom floor one day, the food dye that filled it completely gone. It was on a shelf high above my dresser, where my perfumes and nail polishes sit. It could not have been a cat, as the shelf is too high up and things would have been knocked over. Things settled down after that.

A few months later (presently) things started picking up. The bathroom faucet turned on when my back was turned. My cat looks around my bedroom with wide eyes when no shadows of bugs are around. Loud crash from bathroom. (Could have been a cat.) I don't know what to do. It seems a lot of the stuff going on is directed at me, and I don't know why.

My brother recently got back from British Columbia visiting his girlfriend, and her house was seriously haunted. He came back with videos of hats flying off dressers, knifes being thrown... The works. We've also had renovations done to our bathroom.

My grandpa passed away on my birthday in 2008. Could any of this be relevant? I don't necessarily think the ghost in my home is trying to harm me, though maybe it just wants to stir up some fun for itself?

Any feedback would be deeply appreciated.

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rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-13)

Thanks for the update... The question I have for you is simple... What mood were you in when this cart opened and rolled? What had been happening to you two days prior to this experience? The day before? Your state of mind may have a great deal to do with these experiences.

Please let us know... The more details the better the advice.


Trout130 (3 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-13)
[at] rookdgin, hello! It's been a few months since all these odd occurrences, and other than what I'm about to explain, things have been normal. We had a cart in our living room. (One that you use to bring grocerys in from your car, not a full on shopping cart.) that was folded and tucked in the corner. I was home alone one night, and the thing suddenly unfolded and rolled out. It had been sitting there for about a week untouched. No cats ran by to unsettle it, so that's been ruled out. I find it very odd.
Trout130 (3 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-07)
Hey everyone! The bottle was an Alice in Wonderland Drink me bottle. Also, it's been a few days and haven't been noticing anything else around my home.:)
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Thank you more expirienced members for answering my question of the bottle! Lol I didn't want to focus on it but couldn't help but wonder.

Razor 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Manafon - thanks for your research 😊 Like Tweed, I saw it and thought the same thing LOL Assumptions and all that 😉
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Typo on my last email, I meant AIW and not AIG! I had something of a momentary brain cloud 😁
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Thanks Manafon! I saw that on a web search but I assumed it was a water company or something, so dismissed it. Well this actually does put an odd slant on proceedings!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Word to that Miracles! I always run searches for things I don't get in a story, but nothing definitive came up for this. Very confusing! 😆
I asked because I thought it might just explain something about what's going on. You may be right Alice In Wonderland, as she said it's a decorative bottle.
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Tweed and Miracles--Apparently AIG stands for "Association of International Women" and this group markets water bottles with their emblem on it. AIW according to their webpage, "Is a social, recreational and educational group of 250 women who come from all over the world to reside in Indianapolis, Indiana". I know I just learned something new!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Tweed - I wondered the same thing so I Googled and the only thing that made sense to me was "Alice in Wonderland". Could be completely wrong though 😆
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Hi Trout,

Gosh, I'm so sorry your Grandfather passed on your birthday. 😢 That's a lot to handle.
I'm with Rook about the odd happenings around you, teen years, poltergeist. It's very likely.

I have a Q, what is an AIW bottle?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
I vote Poltergiest... Your 16 and things seem centered around you. It also sounds as if these are 'less of a spirit' and more likely 'telekenetic' outbursts from you as your body and mind develop. Puberty, its not just for pre-or early teens... 😉

If it was a 'spirit' that followed your brother home chances are it would be 'bothering' him more... Or at least manifesting near something he brought into the home.

Please ask any questions you may have.


razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
Xakie raised a great point. Your brother may have very well brought one home. If so see how it acts more. If it gets violent or threatening clense your house. If its just goofing around and just trying to be acknowledged then its up to you if you don't mind it then live with it in harmony if you do mind then seek out ways to address and rid your house of it. I'm not a real expert in that category but a user named tweed is! Also there are others on this site who will be more than happy to help any way they can.
Also keep us updated please!
Razor 😁
Xakie (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
...Your house is being haunted by what I believe to be a ghost which followed your brother home it might just be a playful one judging by its activity but if it gets worse you might have a poltergeist...

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