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A Dark Visitor With A Warning


I have experienced many things throughout my life, though the main experience that has stuck with me occurred when I was twelve. I was laying in my room staring out my window like most nights that I couldn't sleep when I felt the energy of something I wasn't familiar with. I turned and looked behind me to find a man with a pale face, black shoulder length hair and what appeared as coal with a flicker of embers for eyes. Dressed in a black button down shirt and black pants.

Startled I asked him what he wanted of me. No spirit ever came to me unless they wanted something or to try and scare me. He began giving me the numbers 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 26 and 28 followed by "watch and see" then left. I wrote the numbers down and studied them trying to make a connection, with no results, putting my notebook on my night stand in case he came back and tried to go to sleep.

Two nights later I awoke to the feeling of someone stroking my hair. I opened my eyes to see him knelt beside my bed. He whispered the date 3/17/02, told me to be prepared and strong. On that date my mother was in a car accident. Thankfully she was barely injured but from that night on I decided to start writing down what happened on the dates that he gave me.

One night I went to a friend's house and when I came home my brother gave me the exact description of the man who had been coming to warn me. My brother said he was propped against my doorframe staring into my room as if he were looking for me, glanced at my brother, nodded and walked into my room and through my wall.

Mind you I had never told any of my family about him because they are highly religious (other than my brother and I) and I really didn't feel like dealing with their religious rituals of anointing my room and another lecture on not opening myself up to the works of Satan. So I knew my brother was telling the truth, even though I wondered why he didn't just come to where I was staying but didn't think on it too much.

A few nights later I had a dream that I was standing in a circle with what appeared to be me when I was about six or seven, the man and what I'm guessing was possibly him as a young boy because it resembled him so much except the skin tone and eyes were normal. In the dream we all took hands and a red candle appeared in the middle of the circle. He then told me to guard my soul and my gifts, for they were unique and desired by many and then I woke up.

I sat straight up afraid because it all seemed so real, to the point that I could feel the cold of his hand in mine and smell the musty scent of earth in the room we were in during the dream. I didn't recognize the room and there was nothing in it but us four and a candle. I felt his presence almost instantly and saw him standing in the corner of my room just smiling at me. Confused and frustrated because I didn't understand the dream, I demanded to know his name and what the dream meant, most importantly if he was trying to show me something. To which he laughed and whispered all in due time.

To this day I still don't know his name or what he is though I have asked multiple times nor do I fully understand the dream even though it's reoccurring. I will forever be perplexed by the man with no name.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Silentwings, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Peace887 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-09)
I know this story is older but it got to me so wanted to comment. I was slightly concerned that your visitor would not give their name. If you read this in the future, could I suggest that if he keeps refusing that information but continues visiting that you maybe back away from everything he is encouraging you into. Just a thought, very interesting account.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-25)
Aww Silentwings, just logged on and noticed you're now a 'guest'. I hope you come back. 😳
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Hello Valk:D -hugs back;
Erm, I decided to take a break from the site for a bit but hello:] nice to 'see' you too!
I'm going to try to get on more often.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Pardon me - but -IFI! Hugs, girl. Where the heck have you been!?!? Naw... You ain't been missed much 😉. Glad to 'see' you!
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
lol I come check up and the first thing I see is Rook yelling about zozo, oh my goodness 😁
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-08)
Smakdn01, Thank you for your comment and its definitely an interesting turn of events that have occurred in your life as well. Though I do agree with Rook, ZoZo is just an Internet story and I don't know if you have used a Ouija board or not but if you do use it with EXTREME caution. I personally refuse to touch one myself but that's my personal thought on it. As for having a feeling about something before it happens that could just be intuition, or possible foresight. As for the spirit that seems to come around only when your sad, I would have to know more about it before I could really say much on it. Definitely consider posting your story to the site if you haven't already. There are a lot of people who are willing to help you as I am but definitely need a bit more information.

Rook, May I just say I like how you clarify things with a bit of humor followed by the truth, you made me chuckle at least.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-08)
Pardon the interuption...


I am going to say this once...


Now that point is clear, please, please submit your 'story' following the guidlines of YGS becasue I would LOVE to comment about it.

We now return you to our regularly Scheduled YGS comments.


smakdn01 (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-08)
Wow that's a good story thanks for sharing!
I had some feelings at certain ages. For example, when I was 9 I felt like I was going to die or someone around me was going to die. Then I found out my cousin committed suicide. The after 9 years when I was 18 the same day of my birthday I almost got hit by my school bus, I fell down the stairs at work, and I got robbed the same day. I don't know but this feeling has been accurate with negative feelings... I wonder what's going to happen on my 27th birthday... I am currently 21. I also have the gift to sense spirits and kind of predicting events... I told my professor that I had a feeling a comedian is going to commit suicide... Later I heard news about Robbin Williams found dead... I was literally in my class after 2 weeks of saying that. I have no idea why... I have also learned... And experienced the presence of what I call him/her "Zozo". I don't know why but I have a feeling that it only shows up when I am sad. I did some research and kind of scared me to find out that it's a Ouija board demon... I had no knowledge of that name... I just had a feeling of its name running through my mind... Yeah just wanted to ask you what you think.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-07)
Valkricry, I've wondered the same thing sometimes I think maybe he is someone I knew from a past life who found me again. There are just so many possibilities.

Rook, Thank you very much once I figure this out or get more information on this I will be sure to let you guys know.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-07)
Basic numerology books can provide the general 'rules' and base 'number meanings' and how to ' break the numbers down' or which ones do not.

Go to a Barnes and Noble or similar store and look through them... Find one that's right for you.

Enjoy your research and please keep us posted. 😉


valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-07)
Silentwings, a thought occurred to me, perhaps seeing you both as small children, standing with your 12 year old self and the man. Perhaps this was his way of letting you know he's always been with you and always will be?
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-07)
Tweed, thank you so much for your comment it actually makes a lot of sense actually. It's a far cry from nonsense, I have never actually looked at it from that perspective to "watch and see" meaning through a different eye it being either my spiritual eye, or my abilities which there are a few that could apply here. It is also a high possibility that was an astrial experience rather than just a dream. Unfortunately yes, through out this life a lot of people do seem to flock to me asking advice or help being it for every day help or spiritual help, Me being the nurturer and protector among other things that I am sometimes it's very difficult to say no... Or it has been in the past but I have learned in time a bit more of a balance with that though I still have room for improvement. Another reason as to why I don't share all of my abilities with people anymore, that and I feel a lot would be misunderstood or people not even beleving that such gifts exsist, and unfortunatley that has been stated before.Ok, back to the above topics. I like you find myself interested in astrology as well and completely understand why you tend to shy from the modern day sense of it. Unfortunately people have turned it more into a fad or fansy so to speak making the results faulty and unreliabe. Especially considering that there are actually more than 12 signs well if you go wayyy back to where astrology began it really just depends on what time, date, planet, location and phase of the moon you were born under. Though that's a lengthy conversation in its self. I'm glad that my story could peek your interest enough to want to come back to it and I am thankful that you took time to really think about it and make the points you did, they were very insightful and helpful. I hope that you get to feeling better soon.

May healing and rest find you in your time of illness.

Sincerely, Silentwings
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-07)
Hi Silentwings,

You didn't come across like someone looking for a quick answer in a math class, so don't worry about that.
Over the weekend I've been looking forward to coming back and reading the comments in your story and am so glad that Rook posted what he did!
The numbers, I believe, will become clear in their own time. I was just like you trying to figure out everything about my cryptic guardian, all the while getting close to nowhere. Plus yes, a goofy name would not have worked on him either haha. I wanted to throw the possibility out there about the statement following the numbers "watch and see". To me, this sounds more valid, or just as valid, as the numbers themselves. It also sounds very self assured and composed. It could be linked in to your abilities "watch and see". Or "look with the right eyes", your own 'sensitive to otherness eyes'. I *think* you will get close to nowhere trying to seek answers to the numbers, but that you *will* eventually figure it out by looking with the right eyes, "watch and see". My guardian did something/still does something equally cryptic (though not with numbers) it took me over 10 years to figure out what the hell he meant. I really believe in the process of working out strange details. Which is why they (weirdo guardians) don't give too much away. It's not the point. In your case it seems like "watch and see" is at the core of this. It's a teaching method, as Biblio points out.
It's likely numerology will play a part in this regardless. Though it might not be what this figure is getting at. But that numerology merely connects because, well, it's numerology! Astrology is something I'm interested in, however I shy away from more modern ideals of it. Unless this figure was giving you astrological clues (which I can't see that he is), I'd say this isn't what he's referring to with the numbers. Remember he also gave you the smell in the dream, or you picked up the smell. Whichever the case, I'd say this is extremely worth highlighting.

Ok, I just read your story again and have the overwhelming urge to ask you if you're the sort of person who gets taken advantage of?
I ask this because your darkly pal warned you your abilities were highly sought after by many and to guard them. I'm thinking this was more of an astral realm moment than an average every day dream. Hence he was there when you woke up. I've had this happen a few times it's freaking weird. It feels like he's keeping you on the straight and narrow with your abilities. Warning you to use them for yourself, for your own benefit, and not just to help others. Maintaining a balance. If you're the sort of person people flock to for advice or support, too much of this can wear you out.

Urgh I just stood up and the room spun because I have a fever, I didn't realise how crap it was until now, I hope this comment isn't nonsense and made a bit of sense.
Well, needless to say I find your experience with this individual very interesting indeed and spent the weekend having flashes of 'oh yeah, that lady with the cryptic guardian figure, wonder what's going on in that thread'
By the way I'm happy your brother got to see him, what an experience!
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Biblio, Thank you for your comment and I completely agree. Things are best learned by the individual, this has been an on going puzzle so to speak since a very young age and now that I have relocated my journal with the dates and events I'm attempting to make sense of anything that could be useful within it. It's like being in math class all over again. Lol I could never ask someone to try and desifer it all for me. That was not my intentions at all. I apologize if it came off that way.

With all sincerities,

Silent wings
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Greetings, Silentwings:

The always-informative Rook has taken care of all of the difficult work, here, and Shelby's interesting insights (dubious though I tend to be of astrology-based patterns) were also helpful to you.

Take another look at Shelby's comment, "the guides, whoever they are, enjoy puzzles or something," and Rook's point, "he realizes you are not ready for MORE UNDERSTANDING and yet he expects you to get to that point on your own. Guides and Teachers from the Spirit Realm are NOT always direct... They wish their teachings to be remembered... Which makes it harder for us to understand." Rook's right on the money (were this a lottery, he'd have an awkwardly-embarrassed expression as a State Official handed over an oversized check at a press conference)! The Guides and Teachers dispense knowledge from their perspective, but they are teachers first and foremost. Which teachers did you have who made you feel excited for class: those who gave you the answers and explanations before showing you the subject matter, or those who let you wrestle with the subject matter first, to see what you came up with on your own? The first type of person is a lecturer just telling you what you need to know because he or she already knows it. The second type of person is a teacher because the student will remember what he or she got right, and what needed to be corrected. They'll never give you all of the answers you seek, because part of their responsibility is to make you seek them for yourself. They may hate puzzles, hate watching you in pain or misery, but they need you to grow up independently as a person because the Growth Process is what gives you strength.

Just an English teacher's perspective.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Rook, also please don't take my last statement the wrong way. It's simply I have this journal with all the dates and numbers he gave me through that time space and now I have a lot of research to do.

Best of intent,

Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Rook, with grannies statement added to the equation how would that change things? When it comes to true understanding of something every aspect should be taken into accord. Is there a site or a book that I could look up the number sequence myself?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)

You are of course correct. However I was trying to keep it extremely basic. All of the given numbers needed to be 'broken down' so I simply explained what I did... I could have been more clear... But me thinks I got the point across. 😉

Thanks for backing me up.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Rook: Actually, with double numbers like 11, 22, 33, the numbers aren't broken down. They're called "master numbers". They are the only ones that stand alone. So if you had a set of numbers that equals any double number, the meaning and character of the single digit is doubled as well as having their own meanings and characters.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Rook, lol thank-you I will remember that. Especially seeing that you contain a lot of knowledge based on the paranormal and things of that nature.

May your path be full of joy and light.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Rook strikes again. Dunn, Dunnn, DAH!

Just here to help. Please ask any questions you May have... Please keep it paranormal of course... 😉

My e-mail is posted on my profile as well.


Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Rook, wow! That is amazing, and not only does it make sense for that point in time but concerning a current situation as well. I am not sure if it would be a discussion appropriate or well taken here but I can say that it is extremely accurate to a point that its almost eerie. Thank you very much for doing the research on that for me. It is extremely helpful in more than way.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
I 'opened' myself and wrote down the meanings of the numbers that felt 'right'. I then re-read what occured on the date you were given... It seems to fit... So here's how it works out...

Numerology breaks down any number greater than 9 into a single digit number (11=1+1=2). So as I broke down the numbers this is what I got...

They seemed to describe Two individuals:

The 3, 8 and 28: (a male)

3: Impatience and hypocrisy, extravagent, complaining. This is reenforced the number 12 (1+2=3)

8: cruel, insensitive, violent and greedy.

28: (2+8=10=1+0=1) So 1: masculine, vain, strong willed.

The 6, 18, and 24:

6: Maternal figure, fair, healer or teacher, protective.

18 (1+8=9) 9: compassinate, sophisticated, generous, romantic, cooperative, self sufficient.

24 (2+4=6) 6: (see above).


My 'insight' suggests that it had something to do with the accident. I also feel that this spirit thought numbers would be the way to get messages across but learned that you 'understand' images better. What's more he realizes you are not ready for MORE UNDERSTANDING and yet he expects you to get to that point on your own. Guides and Teachers from the Spirit Realm are NOT always direct... They wish their teachings to be remembered... Which makes it harder for us to understand.

I hope that makes sense.


Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
I am the same way, obviously so it took 12 years for me to get any form of clarification on this dream. Yet someone else can usually tell me their dream and the longest it has ever taken was two weeks. I think you are right guides and the fae are two of the most tricky beings I know of. I probably will never know his name unless he comes back one day. And as curious of a person that I am it will probably always be in the corner of my mind somewhere.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Good! The root chakra would explain the earthy smell too I suppose. I hate when I try to interpret something like this in my own life, I always think I've got a handle on it and say hey, yeah I know what this is, and nope. I get blindsided every time, or only get it half right. I guess sometimes even when I know the reality of something, like the doomed relationship, it's hard for me to admit or face. Hindsight it was over year 2. Waste of time, grr!

I do have a sneaking suspicion the guides, whoever they are, enjoy puzzles or something. Like you couldn't just tell me? Come on! The longest it took me to figure out something like this was 26 years, drive me nuts! But it finally came to the surface, and there we go. All in good time I suppose.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Shelbyloree, That actually makes a lot of sense and the root charka has always been my strongest. So thank you tooons! -hug for you- I've been doing a bit of research on the numbers and they too along with my journal with the events are starting to make a lot more sense. I just found it around a month ago and after posting my story on here I am getting a lot more clarity on the matter which is amazing considering its weighed heavy on my mind for so many years. I'm so glad that I found this site and there are such kind people on it.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
I got my copy for under $5 at, I need a new one since I scribbled all over mine, ha!

Your dream interpretation seems pretty straightforward. The root chakra is red, represented as a circle with a square in it (just google root chakra to see the picture) - the dream of you standing in a circle with a square (people holding hands) and a red candle. This chakra keeps one grounded and alive.

I think he was just giving you a heads up to probably remember to keep your chakras aligned and to avoid any "contaminated" people, ie people with murky auras or you know, energy vampire types who drain you and screw up your rainbow. There are specific smells, colors, exercises, etc that "open" this chakra, might do some research on that too maybe. Or he was telling you the root chakra could be your strongest one, your aura that overwhelms the others and dominates.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Shelbyloree, I will check that out, it may help make sense of a lot of things. I have heard of things like that before but never looked into it much, though it's worth a shot. 😊
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Yes, the planets shake up our lives when they swing back around to whatever zodiac house they were in when we were born. Check out Ruling Planets by C. Renstrom and go through each planet, it's really cool and everything starts to make sense. It isn't numerology, more astrology-esque but not really.

I'm a Child of Venus in Taurus, for example, so the 6 year mark hits me constantly. I was in a 6 year romantic relationship and thought ok, year 7 we're going to bump it up a notch and get married, etc. Well nope. It was colored by Pluto I think so my whole world fell apart and what followed was 6 years of living like a monk, LoL!

Your Saturn Return is going to hit in a few years though (28-30), if you are not where you need to be (according to Saturn) it will realign you accordingly. May want to brush up your knowledge on that. I apparently was a bit out of touch with the physical, and a bit TOO in touch with the spiritual, so boom, that's been gone and I've been submerged in the physical big time.

I mean I wouldn't live my life by it, but I would keep it in mind when things get confusing. I pointed out to mom that dad is a Child of Uranus. Lo and behold, it never fails that every 7 years everything changes for him. It confused mom for years because she knew there was a pattern, but it wasn't until the planet thing came up she could track it and come to terms with it.

Your guide may go away after 28-30 mark, which may be why he gave you no more numbers.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Redwolf, to this day I am still very perplexed by the dream. I know what my gifts are, and some of them are very easy to describe such as healing, empath abilities, foresight, astrial projection among other things that I prefer not to mention on the site because to a lot it would seem unrealistic and possibly mistaken as something dark when in all reality it isn't. To clarify, yes it was 16 when he stopped coming around as to why, he never stated. Since posting this story, I have went back and looked at the journal that contains the dates, events and a lot of my thoughts on what he shared with me. Along with events that occurred on the dates he had given me and went back memory wise to to the younger ages and the dream makes a bit more sense but not by much. I believe that I saw myself at a younger age in the dream because it was between the ages of five and six that I began to see into the spirit world and some of my gifts began to develop more or if better stated I allowed myself to see them and began to embrace them. Thats the only sense I can make of the younger me, as for the younger version of himself I am still unsure of along with why the room was made of the earth. I'm almost certain that represents something. Thankyou for the clarification on the numbers 26 and 28. Currently I am with someone and it is going very well, though it is extremly to soon for engagment its a nice thought. Once the publishing stories option is back up and running I plan to share my first experience and some other things that have taken place through out my life. I hope that I cleared things up a bit more. 😊 Also with the idea of making a goofy name for him and hoping he comes back and tells me his actual name, I am almost afraid to do so because he is one that can be quick to anger at times so I don't think that would be a good idea, but its a humorous idea.

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