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My grandma is my biggest hero, not just the outlook she had with life but even with having over 20 grandkids, she still made time to go to games, birthday parties, house visits etc. She always taught us to work hard, trust in faith, and to always help others.

On 12-12-12 (dramatic right?) she had peacefully passed on to a greater place. During this dreadful time I was going through nursing school. Being she was one of my biggest supporters, not having her there to give me pep talks was really hard. That spring after she passed away was my graduation.

Certain nights I would get frustrated with school and I would wake up the next day remembering my dream, and it always had her voice encouraging me. Soon after, I started noticing little things happening around the house and even though our house is very active, I would get a welcoming thought of "oh, its just Grandma."

One particular night I had done the laundry and I had forgot a pair of earrings in my pants pocket, but these weren't just any earrings; my grandma gave me this pair. After realizing they went into the wash and knowing our wash likes to eat things, I started to become really upset. So upset, I started to cry. I went upstairs heartbroken and telling my mom what happened, then all of a sudden I had a voice in my head say go back downstairs and look. I did what it said; looked under the wash machine, looked inside, looked back into the pants pocket, and of course could not find them anywhere. I just sat there on my knees fighting back the tears. I had this overwhelming feeling, like someone was standing next to me. I looked up and there on top the wash machine were the earrings! I knew right then, grandma was with me. So I thanked her.

The night before graduation, my boyfriend decided to spend the night with me knowing how emotional I was. And with my parents not being able to attend, he knew it would make it even harder on me. We were laying in bed when I quietly said, "It would be amazing if something would happen, like a sign that she was there... Even if it was as simple as lights flickering." He reassured me saying she is always and we fell asleep...

It's the BIG day and we're all standing outside in the hallway getting pictures. I keep fighting back the thoughts of my family not being present and telling myself to stay positive. As we're sitting in our seats waiting for the ceremony to start, I get a welcoming feeling, like the ones before... Right about that time our Administrator walks to the podium to give her speech when all sudden the entire room turns black! Our administrator announces they're having technical difficulties and then the lights came back on before she could finish.:)

...I smiled real big, I got my sign.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ashlcoopa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rithika (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
I love this story so much. It's warm and beautiful. I hope her soul has found peace.
I wish you all the best for your life and your career. ❤ 😁
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
yes, it, s a lovely story.
Everyone out there with grandparents
You are so lucky. I was not fortunate enough
To meet any of mine so please treat them like
Living treasures. Apparently one of my grandfathers
Watches over me. A clairvoyant described him to a tee
, there is no way she could have faked it or guessed. 😊
bloodshoteyez (3 stories) (31 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)

Heartwarming story, thanks for sharing:) I bet until now your grandmother is watching over you.

ashlcoopa (7 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Thank you everyone for your posts! I did indeed wear the earrings to my graduation... I like seeing things like this too, gives us a friendly reminder that we're not alone and there are loved ones watching over us. ❤
Bonifaz (2 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Lovely story. You and your grandma must have had a really strong bond.

Pretty much like me and my grandpa, who was the most remarkable person I ever met. And I know that he is always around, protecting me.
Wardo (8 stories) (171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
I can't say any more than I really loved this story! I have had nice visits from loved ones too and I know the nice feeling it brings. This is going into my favorites. Thank you so much for sharing and God bless you and your grandma and your entire family!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)

These are the kinds of stories I love. This is so beautiful. I'm wondering, did you wear the same earrings to your graduation?😆

Thanks for sharing!
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
This is a beautiful story and I'm glad that she was there with you on such a special day. It's evident that she loves very much.
chapulin1234 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Hello Ashlcoopa,

Sounds like your grandma and you have a really strong connection and I'm glad to hear she gave you the sign you asked for, no doubt our love ones still with us, always. Keep being such a young brave lady 😁

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