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Gigi Is Back?


Just to share some memories and a great moment about our great canine friend.

Last week, my friend's greyhound, Gigi, had passed away. It was 19 years old and had come to Japan with my friend 10 years ago from UK.

My friend and Gigi had grown up together and they are very close to each other. Gigi was huge and was a great fan of tracking. We had a paintball team and our "practice field" was inside a forest. Gigi would be jumping around in the woods while we head to our field and it would wait for us in our tent until we finish our sports to play with it.

Moving to Japan, because we are getting too old to be equipped with all those heavy gears, we still practice our "shooting skills" though we changed our paint ball guns to Nerf guns. Gigi notice the changes and love chasing my friend during our game. My friend would tell it to stay in the dog shack every time it chases him.

Years past, Gigi started to wobble its huge body when it walks. My friend went out with us less since he would want to be with Gigi more often, as he noticed that the time is coming.

Gigi weakens but tried really hard to show that it was not in pain, it was fine and wanted to go out like they usually do. My friend had called me several times crying, saying that he did not know what to do. He visited the vet, but was told that Gigi was just too old and it is part of nature. I told my friend that Gigi was happy being with him, hoping that would cheer him up. Few days later, Gigi had passed away.

We did a funeral for Gigi. My friend was depressed since his best partner had gone away forever. That night, a few more friends and I stayed with the depressed man. We talked about happy moments with Gigi and some funny things happened during our "Paintball Time". We cheered up and drank a little, until suddenly we heard someone or something scratching the front door. Our depressed man now a little drunk went to up to the door and shouted "Gigi, stop scratching!" We all went quiet then we all heard a very faint "Heek...heek..." somewhat like a sound dogs will make.

My friend became conscious and told us that Gigi had come to say goodbye.

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Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-19)
Thank you for commenting!
Indeed! Gigi is always our good doggy 😊
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-17)

Nice story, I know it's very depressing to lose a pet cause I myself have lost 3 in an accident and another one whom I was thinking of adopting, (it was a street dog, but I've to leave it to move to another city 😭) but it feels good that Gigi came back as a spirit to meet your friend 😁, RIP Gigi

Keep sharing ❤

Best wishes and.
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-15)
Oh, now I realize that I realize that! 😆
You are always welcome! Please really have good time with your best partner! 😁
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-15)
It's just funny because I had the same typo error as exactly as yours! 😆
And yes thank you for the advice! 😳
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
Thank you for commenting!
And please don't worry about typo misses, I do it every time.
As part of nature, you can't avoide it... It is very sad, so please have more happy time with them 😊
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
Sorry about to typo error! I mean,
"All of our *DOORS have scratch marks" not dogs.
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
Hello, Zeromaru

This account is quite depressing. I'm sorry about your friend's loss. Stories like these always makes me realize that dogs are going to leave us one day 😭
But this is heartwarming as well. All of our dogs have scratch marks like your friend's especially my bedroom door, it has two holes in it because he always knock on my door! Lololol

I love pet stories and beautiful account. It only showed that we, humans are loved by our pets too. ❤

Take care,
Mhanne ❤
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-12)
Thanks for commenting!
I might have got it wrong, but my friend said it was a greyhound, it was skinny but yet have a huge body in my opinion. I am so sorry to heard about your great partners... It is very sad to lost one, worse when it comes to the second one... I did not have canines but I had a toy tiger, nothing to do with tigers, its a cat with wild blood, it was as precious and as hurting loosing one... 😭
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-12)
I read this through tears as I lost one of my dogs just last week. I lost another dog last July and I was a wreck afterwards because he had cancer and my husband would not let me put him out of his suffering for weeks after I was a wreck because he as only 6 1/2 years old. The one I lost last week was 13 1/2. He led a full and happy life. One day I will get a mate for the female I bought but not until my heart heals more.
So sorry about GiGi I know your pain 19 years is geriatric for a small dog, unheard of for a dog the size in a greyhound. God Bless Her.

Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
Thanks for commenting!
Well you have to let things go sometimes... It is hard, very hard, I know...
Please give her the best memories for now treat her good, keep warm, and the most important, please be with her.
ulvenNixie (13 stories) (39 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
Hey Zeromaru. I'm sorry about Gigi.

If I'm honest, I was really worried about reading this post. I have a dog that's getting up there in years. She has arthritis and a thyroid problem already but she is my whole world. I am terrified of the day that she passes. I was worried about reading this because I figured this story was about a dog and being faced with canine mortality is hard for me.

It sounds like Gigi might have come back to tell your friend good-bye, like you said. That's really sweet. It must have been really hard for him.
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-10)
You are always welcome 😁
Thank you for asking! 😉
Animals seems to pure spirits as said by most people 😊
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-10)
Oh... 😊

So that's why your friend has assumed it was Gigi. Thanks for the information

BloodEman 😊
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-09)
Thanks for commenting!
Yes, that's what I thought too 😊
TJYAKI (5 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-09)
Thats a lovely story, loosing a pet is always hard. Maybe Gigi knew how hard it was on your friend and just wanted to let him know that he was still there?
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-09)
Thanks for commenting!
Heavy snow and darkness that's what I observed...
Are you sure? It was shy infront of us but with my friend it was very very active!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
Did you check for tracks on the snow?

I think Gigi came to say goodbye not only to his master, but to all of you.

Thanks for sharing.
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
"Oh, one thing I should have said is that Gigi will always scratch the front dog whenever it needs us,"

Sorry "front door" there not "front dog" lol
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
Thanks for commenting!
That's very true... 😐
No, I don't think he opened the door at all; it might be because of his drunkenness?😕
But, it could not be other dogs because it was snowy out there and Japan is very strict about stray dogs, there is almost no stray dogs walking around the streets.

I did look out the window but it was dark... Oh, one thing I should have said is that Gigi will always scratch the front dog whenever it needs us, either to play or hungry. It makes my friend frustrated since the front door is full of scratch marks already, he will shout the same way every time it does it. 😆
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
Nice story Zeromaru,

I have a question regarding your post. It's about the part at the end that says ' Our depressed man now a little drunk went to up to the door and shouted "Gigi, stop scratching!" We all went quiet then we all heard a very faint "Heek...heek..." somewhat like a sound dogs will make.'

Did your friend open the door to see what it was? If not, how could any of you conclude it's Gigi at once? Maybe it was just another dog which came to the smell of food.

If I was there, I would go and check on it. Did you do the same? 😊
I'm not trying to say that dogs don't come to visit their owners after death but my point is if any of you didn't see Gigi, how could you say it was Gigi?

I'm really feeling sorry for what happened to Gigi. 😐

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