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Real Ghost Stories

A Visit to Grandpa


This happened a long time ago in Prudential Hollow, I was about four years old. My mother and I were at grandpa's house, we had spent the biggest part of the day there and it was getting late in the evening. Rather than walk the mile or so home in the dark, it was decided that we spend the night and go home the next day.

Grandpa's house, like every house in Prudential was old, very old. It was an old mining house which had been added to over the years. It consisted of three rooms and two porches. The first two rooms were side by side, the same length with doors leading to the front porch. The room on the right was the living room and Grandpa had his bed in there. The room on the left was fixed up as a bedroom, with the door leading to the front porch closed off and the only other door being the one that opened into the living room. Both rooms had fireplaces in them. The third room sat at the back of the house with a door opening off the living room. This room was used as a kitchen/dining room with a small porch opening off the back.

Now that you know the layout of the house, on with the story. As I mentioned, Grandpa slept in the living room, He said he could not sleep in the bedroom, something bothered him in there. Now, my Mother had (to put it delicately) a big mouth and constantly used it. She made the brag that she could sleep in there and nothing could stop her (thanks a lot Mom}.

Come bedtime and we all settled in, Grandpa and Ma in their bed in the living room and my Mother and I in the bedroom. All went well for about fifteen or twenty minutes and then all hell broke loose. The bed started shaking and the metal bedstead banging against the wall, as if this wasn't enough, there was a moaning or groaning and the bed started jumping up and down off the floor. As you can imagine by this time my mother was screaming like a banshee and yours truly was along for the ride. Grandpa came running, dressed in his long johns and hollered for her to pitch me to him and then jump and run, Grandpa caught me and she jumped and we ran to the living room shutting the bedroom door behind us.

After awhile it calmed down and mom and I spent the rest of the night on a pallet on the floor next to Grandpa's bed. We never did spend the night there again. My father later stated that he would not have spent the night in that house for a hundred dollars as bad as he needed the money.

This wasn't the only thing that happened at this place, it was just the only one I was involved in. Some things happened that Grandpa would talk about and some things he wouldn't. I may talk to my older brother and see if he remembers the stories. If he does I'll write a part II.

I will close by saying I do remember that there was a certain patch of ground that nothing would grow in no matter how you tried to get things to grow it would stay bare.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, FRAWIN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-13)
Hi metalhed. I am inclined to agree with you, while I never lived in that house I have lived in houses just about that bad- let's just say that it makes things interesting 😊.Thanks for reading my story, I glad you liked it.

metalhed16 (14 stories) (119 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-13)
Wow! Scary! Lol

that would have driven me mad if I had to live in that place.

Thanks for the story

God bless
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-13)
racemustang,grandpa's house sat about a half mile from where my brother and I had our encounter with the man in the black hat. If the houses had still been there, there would've been four houses between grandpa's and our encounter site.
The last part of your comment will keep me thinking for a long time-THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME THINK 😐 😊.

racemustang (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-12)
Please forgive. Is this the same home site that you and your brother saw the man in the black hat around on your walk? Many of the old mining towns in America have since become ghost towns. A handful of residence may still be in attendance, but most have moved on either due to the destruction of the site, or to escape the life that had them bound to the land. All land is sacred, and must be tread on softly. To rape the land and take from her what it is that we humans think is a necessity is an unforgivable stain on humanity. We must pay for the sins of our ancestors, and prepare for the strengths of our offspring. Some of us are just lucky enough to have constant reminders of how we need to improve upon the past.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2007-12-20)
Hi Essie, It`s untelling what went on in that house. This happened when I was between three to fours years old, so that would put the year at either 1957 or 58 and grandpa`s house was extemely old then. In the old days there was a lot of "witchery" went on in these hills, about every region had their own witch doctor or "granny women" as some called them. And yes like your mom says some things don`t need talking about, just let them fade away. May God Bless You All.

essiej (guest)
16 years ago (2007-12-20)
I had an aunt who scared the bejesus out of everyone in my family almost. When we would go visit her there were times of the day when we were not allowed in her room. My uncle was knocked away from the doorway once when he thought he smelled something burning and went to help my aunt. No one knows what she did in there but the adults said it smelled like sulfer. I don't know. When she died mom and dad found some interesting stuff in her room, but mom said she's gone, let's not talk about how she lived her life in here. I always wondered what she ment. This room sounds like that room, that's why I said all of that.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2007-12-08)
That would be great, if possible, FRAWIN to see if you could capture anything on tape. I have never been to a town that once was (that did not sound or look right, I hope you caught what I meant there) and that one sounds positively enchanted. I do not know much about coal camps, save for the fact that it was an extremely hard life and so many were lost (lives, I mean). I can just barely imagine the hardship that those living there would have encountered. I would almost venture to guess that you may not have enough film going back there 😊. Thank you for answering my questions.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2007-12-08)
Hello whitebuffalo,
Yes at one time Prudential was a mining town but in these parts they were refered to as coal camps. There were quite a few camps scattered through here all within a fifteen mile radius of each other. After the mines played out years ago Prudential became more or less a poor man`s subdivision. The houses were burned down by the Land Company and the "Coal Barons".In the midseventies they were strip mining on the mountain behind Prudential and hauling the coal through the hollow. The people that were still living there complained about the dust that was generated by the coal trucks. Instead of addressing the problem the Land Company made them all move and the mining company burned down all the houses. Now you can`t even go there unless you have a permit from the Land Company that cost fifty bucks. I am thinking about getting a permit and go to some of the homeplaces(especially Grandpa`s) and see if I can "catch" anything on film or audio. Who knows I may see the man in the black hat again and ask him who he is/was, if I have the nerve.
I am presently working on a story about the other houses in Prudential that had activity in them.

Be Safe and God Bless FRAWIN
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2007-12-08)
Hello again FRAWIN, good Lord what an experience. Was Prudential Hollow a mining town, by chance? I am a bit curious as to the burning down of the town also. Was this an organized burning, or an accidental one? It almost seems a shame that a new town was not built in it's stead. However, if more than this one house in the Hollow had activity in them, maybe the town folk did not think they wanted to risk the chance of the entities remaining after reconstruction. Thank you for another great story.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2007-12-05)
Hello Chris,
Yeah, I have dealt with it off and on all my life, while some of it can be frightening at other times it can be comical. I`ll have to tell you all about Abigal sometime. There will be a part 2 but it will be a part of the Prudential story. I am also working on a story about the homeplace but I`m afraid that I will have to publish it in parts because so much has happened there.

Be Safe and God Bless FRAWIN 😊
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2007-12-05)
Hi Frawin. And again you posted a GREAT story! While I was reading it I felt a chill go down my spine. You have seen and dealt with the paranormal at a very young age. If it was me I would be crazy if all of those things happened to me! I hope there will be a part two! I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-19)
Hi FRAWIN. Interesting history there. I can't wait to hear what the 'older heads' 😆 as you call them have to say about the area. Thanks for replying.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-18)
Hi All,
Oblong-Grave makes perfect sense, must be why I didn`t think of it. The patch of ground, the best that I remember was about the size of three or four grave plots. I could have been a burial site at one time or another. In the past people used to bury their dead on their property, especially in rural areas.
To Bellissima : No the house is no longer in the family, as a matter of fact there are no houses left in Prudential, they were all burnt down over thirty years ago. I know a lot of the history of the area but I don`t know who owned the land before the Land Company bought it. I may go to the courthouse and see if there are any records left.
To KimSouthO: Yes my grandparents did have iron wills, they had to have to survive the times in which they were born. This incident happened in the late fifties, I was too young to be scared but I do remember the ''grownups'' being quite upset. I guess that`s what upset me, seeing them scared.
Grandpa`s house wasn`t the only house in Prudential to have activity in them, it seemed their were quite a few that did. I will talk to the older heads and see what I can find out, it might make my next story.
Be Safe and God Bless
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Wow, how horrifying that must have been! It sounds as if your Grandpa knew what he was doing by moving the bed into the front area! Obviously, whatever is in the house does NOT want people sleeping in that room in that bed! Whew, how freaky! I understand you say this was an old minig house, very old. I would be very interested in trying to find out siome information on the history of the house and the land. With what you indicate about the land... Something is certainly going on in this area, and something certainly has gone on in this area to have these types of occurances. Let me also say, your grand parents must have the will of iron to be able to live in this house with the obvious varrying occurances going on there! Whew, I think I would have slept out side, off the property under a sleeping bag or blanket I would have been so frightened.

God Bless! ❤
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Hi FRAWIN. Thanks for the story. I would like to hear more about the happenings in the house. Is the house still in your family? You should try checking the history of the house, you might find out some reasons for the hostile activities.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Hello again FRAWIN! Oblong, like maybe a body had been buried there! Creepy to think of something like that but I was just wondering. 😨 I don't watch adult swim so I don't know who the oblongs are. I read a book when I was about twenty-six years old, it was called, "The People in the Attic". It was a true story about a haunting. The family was even on that old show 'Sightings' or something like that. Anyway, they planted flowers and shrubs all the time and they always died. They finally gave up planting anything knowing that it would just die. When they tried to wallpaper the walls, the next day, when they would come back, the wallpaper was neatly peeled off and laid on the floor. Water or some kind of liquid would seep through the kitchen floor. It was like the house refused to let the new owners change anything. Even the stain on the fire place kept coming back after they would scrub it off. There are so many more things in this book. It was so good that I couldn't put the book down. It would scare me at night to where I couldn't fall asleep until daylight. I don't know who the author is but I doubt there is another book on the paranormal with the same name. You should read it! ~Shelby 😊
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Hi mustang Whatever it was certainly didn`t want any''bed buddies''.The area was kind of circular, why? Do you have any theories or was the question a good natured jab at the Oblongs on Adult Swim <grin>.
Be Safe and God Bless FRAWIN
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Hi FRAWIN! Wow, what a story! I guess whatever miner stayed in that bedroom a long time ago does not want to share his room with anyone! That must have been some night! Hey, is that patch of dirt where things won't grow oblong? Thanks for sharing your story. ~Shelby ❤ 😊

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