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Real Ghost Stories

The Tree


When I was a child there is a tree in our community which I and my friends frequented. This tree (Aratilis) is located inside an abandoned house. Every day we would sneak into the property and climbed the tree. I had a nanny then who told us not to go there because the tree is home to unseen creatures. Being kids we were frightened at first but our curiosity won us over.

One afternoon, it was a good Friday, we went up the tree and played there for awhile when suddenly one of my friends fell from a branch that broke off. As soon as my friend hit the ground the branches which I and my other friend was sitting on snapped and we all fell to the ground. As you could tell we were in a lot of pain but we manage to get up and go home. Well that's what I remember. What happened next was a retelling of what my mom and my friends' moms told us.

After we reached our homes we collapsed on the door step. My mom rushed by my side and checked on me I had very high fever and I was in a convulsive state and I was continuously blabbering about someone who they did not knew. My mom being a nurse she did not believed in superstition of sorts so she took me to the hospital. That's when she discovered I have a big bluish bruise on back. The doctors said it should be gone in a few days but it did not it was on my back for a week and so as with my friends.

After consulting with medium we found out that we were, as we called it, spanked by the spirit of the owner of the house who has been guarding the tree. It seems as though he wanted us to remember to heed the warnings of our elders. After making amends, the bruising on our backs disappeared.

To this day when there is a chance I and my old friends meet we still go back to that time when the tree we frequented whooped our butts for being naughty kids.

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Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
Hello to my fellow kababayan! 😁

May I ask where in the Philippines this took place?
Well, most trees in the Philippines, especially in the provinces are home to spirits, gnomes, kapre, duwendes, and nuno (as we call it). So this is quite common (here). And I wonder why other countries doesn't have any entities. Your grandmothers aren't that imaginative, eh? Kidding!:D

Did your friends caught fever too? And how did you make amends with the spirit? I'm curious! I have never encountered something like this, fortunately.
notadaddysgirl (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
Dull trees here in the UK too.

Some of them don't even have leaves. 😜
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
We have the same here. Dull old trees that get lush green leaves, some fruit bearing. But when all the fruit is picked and eaten all that is left is the green leaves. When fall comes and the leaves have to be raked my husband puts out no less than 90 lawn garbage bags a year, mostly oak out to the road to be picked up by garbage trucks once a week. Hmm. Maybe these trees are evil. 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-20)
Very interesting read. But I agree with lady-glow there are just too many more logical reasons for this to happen.
Did any of your friends get a high fever and start to convulse? If not then it was likely you were already sick and just didn't want to admit it before going out and hanging with your friends.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-19)
2nd1st - Sup cuz! I'm in sunny Christchurch, but originally from Wellington; grew up in Newlands then some scary years in Cannons Creek before shifting South just in time for the earthquakes!

Ha yeah, Punga trees; botanical evil personified!

Ka Kite!
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-19)
Mack, I hadn't noticed you were a brother kiwi! Where are you? I'm wellington.

Sorry, on topic. I'm not sure how boring our trees are. I'm pretty sure something evil lurks in punga trees. If you ever get the fur like stuff that grows out of them down the back if your shirt... Well some serious evil definitely unleaded. Sorry... Probably only the kiwis here will get that:)
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-19)
Wow, the trees here in New Zealand are soooooooo boring! Big brown trunks covered in brown bark, stupid green leaves on dull, dull twigs and yawn-inducing lichen.

Why can't we have loads of haunted trees like other countries that punish people for going near them or simply having fun in them!? What is it with New Zealand's normal trees?

However, all that aside... I don't understand why the "dead owner" would break all those branches of the very tree he was trying to guard and protect in order to teach you a lesson. Doesn't compute.


L_Melb (220 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
I also wanted to add that my mum told me that in her childhood, adults would use stories of "ghosts" and "monsters" as a way of stopping kids going into potentially dangerous areas while the adults were out working (just a thought)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
Although I am not going to deny the POSSIBILITY of the spirit of the owner of the house making you and your friends fall from the tree, I think there are too many more logical explanations for this to happen.

For instance, I imagine the good old tree was in need of a good trimming and pruning, no surprise that the branches would break with the weight of you kids.

"After we reached our homes we collapsed on the door step. My mom rushed by my side and checked on me I had very high fever and I was in a convulsive state and I was continuously blabbering about someone who they did not knew. My mom being a nurse she did not believed in superstition of sorts so she took me to the hospital. That's when she discovered I have a big bluish bruise on back..."

Have you considered the possibility of being in shock after the fall? What about an hematoma as a result of the blood vessels that surely broke on your skin after hitting the ground? It would have faded away after some time... Without the help of a medium.

What kind of "amends" did you do? I hope they didn't include making the medium a tad richer! 😆

Thanks for sharing.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
It is like a story right from a child's book but made scarier.
If this happened in Brazil, you are going to be "spanked" twice, first by the tree, then by adults around you lol

How glade you guys are not seriously injured!

Holy blesses from São Paulo

Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
An interesting read. That's the scary thing about trees in the Philippines; you mess with the wrong ones, and you incur the wrath of the fae. It's a good thing you guys didn't do more than just climb it out of defiance. My dad and his group cut down some trees without asking permission first, and they got a collection of mishaps from falls to strokes. Speaking of permission, I wonder if things would've been different if you guys asked permission to climb the tree first.

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