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Stalker Clad In Black


So there have been some recent events. Now I consider myself to be sensitive to the paranormal when it comes to hearing and feeling and even smelling sometimes. But not seeing so much. I believe that something is stalking me in a romantic way (and to be honest, I do feel a little embarrassed to admit it but if ghosts can be friends with people, or try to hurt them, I suppose there aren't any real limits to how they can feel about the living, eh?)

And while it hasn't become a problem, from my standards, it's still something quite peculiar I thought I'd share. In a previous story, I had mentioned having these experiences with a male entity when I used to live in New Jersey. WIth the help of an amazing investigator, certain possible identifications have been ruled out to who the suspected stalker is. I believe it to be a pale male with dark hair and a lean, tall frame. Whenever I am alone, I can sometimes hear a low male voice whether it is breathing, whispering, or even laughing. I will even hear a jingling noise I still believe to be a fob chain like on a watch, for reasons I will explain. Other happenings have been feeling someone right behind me, seeing shadows, and hearing whispering in my own household of more than one ghost.

Now this all started I believe in New Jersey. I understand this isn't a dream interpretation website and that dreams should only be mentioned if they are related to premonitions or a paranormal event and that is why I bring this up. I had a dream one night of a man with light skin and neck length dark disheveled hair wearing a dark suit with a chain sticking out (why I believe this is the entity probably checking a watch). He was screech-screaming and shaking me violently. When I woke up, I was unsettled but I just shrugged it off as a dream. The experience that followed this is what made me believe it might not have been a dream but a ghost trying to communicate something.

I decided a few nights after this to fall asleep on the couch. It was in the early morning hours that I was physically shaken awake and heard that same screech-screaming from my dream. I was so fricking scared that I jumped up and ran back into bed. I didn't see anyone but I just felt that violent force. Considering the screeching was still happening when I was awake and was the same from that dream made me think there was something more to it.

Finally we had moved out of that state, out of that old apartment building. And I believe whatever was in that state has followed me for various reasons. More recently, I have developed sleep paralysis. And while I am aware that it could be sheer coincidence, I do find it strange that every time I have it, I sense that same presence from the night on the couch. I recently had an episode and felt the force of that same guy on me and biting my neck and leaning his body weight on me. I saw him and couldn't move at all. I didn't see his face this time, just his dark hair from my viewpoint. Now I am obsessed with history. Like I'm a giant nerd. Specifically I love the 1800s and my fascination started growing after these events. Upon looking at male fashion I believe he is from around the late 1860s/70s just by the dress and his hairstyle.

Now just a couple nights ago, I couldn't sleep and woke up at around 3 am. I decided to sit on the couch with my laptop watching some videos and listening to music. As I was sat sideways on the couch, I felt a presence once more. I felt my thighs being touched and even heard/felt someone kissing me. Y'know the kissy sound people make. As I was laughing to a video, I heard a low male voice near my ear let out a laugh. I turned around and of course didn't see anyone. I've even attempted several times to communicate and don't get much luck. I've even tried to ask questions out loud and can hear a voice but it's mostly jumbled. Like hearing someone whisper but not making out anything they're saying. I'll even feel a hand gently touching my face. Sometimes I do hear this man's voice loud and clear but most of the time not much. I wonder why that is.

Anyway last night it was more communicative and spoke of us having a life once upon a time. As I was sitting up in bed it said "Do you remember me?" And I said no and tried to go to bed. Now this afternoon, I decided to take a nap and had a bunch of random dreams. You know just your run of the mill dreams. It was then followed by me suddenly appearing in my living room and I felt that dark presence again. I even thought to myself "oh no" and turned around to see him standing there staring me down with an aggressive look on its face. I just remember screaming so clearly. I felt the vibrations in my throat and woke up very confused.

I am going to include some background info on myself just to see if that has anything to do with the conflict of scaring me in my dreams and speaking sweetly to me and caressing me when awake. I have a boyfriend at the moment that I'm getting more serious with.

I've come to terms with just living with whatever is going on. But with that said, it doesn't make me any less curious to what is happening to me. The strange bit is that I believe there are more ghosts in my new apartment which is even weirder because this place was built in the 70s. So what's that about? I've even heard the jumbled whispers and conversations of what I believe to be my ghost to others. But I suppose that's something to only discover in death. I will update on anything else strange that happens as time goes on. Thank you for listening. What do you guys think is going on here?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DirtCreature, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DirtCreature (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
I might have encouraged the entity when I used to be a little younger and more curious about it. Over time, I grew annoyed and frustrated with my curiosity. Now I'm at the point where I just want to push it away. I'm not religious. I have my paranormal belief because of my experiences, otherwise I'm pretty agnostic (though that's further explained on my profile). So, I respect the advice to visit a priest but that isn't up my alley. I am trying to just put myself in a good place and ignore this entity. That's my new plan, ignore it as much as possible. I take note of my experiences but I'm not interested in being communicative with any non-family ghosts anymore unless I one day move into a new place and have to be "stern" with a bothersome former resident. Thanks though.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
Hi DirtCreature...

As I commented on another article, I think any form of non-living entity trying to make contact with you has no good intention. The Catholic exorcists (I'm Protestant, not Catholic btw) have a term for them, "familiars". Basically they will interact with you to gauge your response, then, over time they would increase their interactions with you until they're by your side 24/7. That's when their influence on your life grows significant.

I would suggest that you go to a church and consult a pastor / priest, especially if they (or other entities) start making "contact" with you. Will be keeping you in prayer.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-04)
There isn't much information the necklace will give me. The origin of him is more unknown with the necklace coming from my teacher's neighbor who I've never met and don't even know where they live beyond the state. So the trail feels dead now. The most I can get out of it is when the little picture was made. That can give me a decade or year estimate.:/
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)


I tried uploading them. Hopefully the links work. I haven't worn the necklace in a while as bottle fell off. So I have some comments on the necklace and photo now that I observe it. First off the bottle doesn't seem to match the picture. I believe someone had this photo and attached it to the bottle later on for what reason I do not know. As the necklace looks newer compared to the bottle. Upon looking at the picture, it doesn't really look like a woman. I assumed it was a woman with a high neck and her hair tied back from the 1800s... But now the photo looks like a young man maybe a teen? It looks like hair parted and their wearing a dress shirt... I am not sure it's so hard to tell even off camera. This is even more peculiar because the guy following me has shown himself be at least in his mid 20s and have long wavy dark hair. So either the guy is depicting himself differently, it's a picture of him when he was younger and he died later on, or it is a relative of his and he's attached himself to it. This makes me question why someone would bury the necklace. To get rid of it maybe?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)
A pic would be cool and MAY help point I the right direction of 'when,why' this started.

Objects can be cleansed, and spirits attached to them can be banished if needed so you do not have to worry about losing what ever object may have started this...

Keep us posted.


BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)
[at] Spiritwalking I was nonreligious as a child but believed in witches and stuff haha... Actually as a child is when I had issues with shadow people. But over the years I've fluctuated with different beliefs... I nonreligious but believe in paranormal stuff... I am really apathetic about god currently but do ponder it sometimes. I do not pray so I felt at a loss of how to protect myself being so... Nonchalant about stuff for so long.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)
My mom has tons of old stuff but that's only because she's 61:P I kid.

I have never purchased anything from the past but I was pondering something recently that I own. So I had an art teacher in 8th grade that was pretty rad and she gave me this bottle necklace that had a tiny tintype attached to it that her neighbor apparently found in their backyard. I still have the necklace... The thing is I cannot remember AT ALL if these events started before or after that. So I suppose both are possible.

That's probably why Goggzy and I were having trouble identifying who the suspect is because perhaps the entity wasn't from that apartment at all but still the state of NJ. And I don't know where my art teacher lived in particular. Ugh...

Also the tintype is kind of scratched off on the face a little but I believe it's a woman on there. I am going to take a picture of it when I get the chance and I can share it perhaps. The necklace too... Man I hope it's not attached to it because I love that necklace too:/
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)

Silly me, jumping into the middle of a conversation...

You mention being a History Buff, and of living in a old apartment building in NJ when all this began... You enjoy the 1800's did you make a purchase of anything from that time period just before all this began? If so then there is a chance this 'spirit' is attached to an object rather than you (or at least it started that way).

Reading through the comments I do agree wit what Goggzy stated...

"... And your not someone he knows then he might move on himself."

And the research has been pretty cool to read about...HOWEVER...if this 'spirit' 'rode in' on an object you bought somewhere then his ID may never be discovered... Unless you know the history of the object in question... If there IS an object in question.

So my question seems to be this... Did you buy a period piece (clock, table, watch, vest, dress, shoes...ect) just before these events began to happen?


spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)

Im not sure if theyre any cases where multiple cleansings have been needed.

But there are so many different ways to protect yourself before you try cleansing your home.

Im not sure what your religious beliefs are, mine are a combination of many.

I have begun to ask and pray for protection, healing, and shielding, along with meditation that focus' on protection and healing.
It's worked for me in the past, and have neglected to use it lately which is why I'm going through what I am.

I suggest beggining with a simple meditation of protection. Which will give you a shield until you can figure out what to do next. At least have that in place.
Like spiritual armor, surrounding yourself.

And I agree with you. I wouldn't want any further communication, or experiences with it either.

Definitely tell it its not welcome in your home, or around you. And say it with all of your strength and will. That may help also to get a little distance from it.

Hope you find what works for you.

BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)
I suspect the same. Yep I've read some of Rook's post. He seems like a really intelligent, experienced soul. That's just the vibe I get. Thank you for responding and giving me feedback. If this entity is telling the truth and believes me to be someone from his time, which I'm open minded about, that doesn't make me want to associate with him anymore. Have there been cases where continuous cleansing and shielding has bee unsuccessful and further steps had to be taken? Because I'm too young to be like calling investigators or even going to a psychic as I still have to abide by my parent's rules... Other people on here have seemed to have great success with the method so maybe over time it will work just fine. I wonder if that depends on the strengths/desires of the entity in question.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)

Rook definitely has great advice to follow.
If in fact this entity is from a past life, I would say he/she wasn't your favorite person.
From the description, of your dreams, and how he portrays himself, and acts towards you, I would try to as Rook has suggested.

I honestly don't think he was a good fellow. But a creepy stalker entity.

Please try a cleansing/shielding on Rooks page. It will add a little more protection, for you.

BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)
It's perfectly fine. I have not been diagnosed with bipolar disorder which is why I pointed out that I have symptoms of it. My doctor and I talked about my depression though and I was put on a trial for antidepressants which did not work. They simply made me sick. I'm very sensitive to medication which is why I have a hard time with it. Even antibiotics and cold medicine are not my friends haha. Good thing I rarely get sick in that case. I'm going to go to regular therapy in a short amount of time.

I'll keep trying to do it though. This guy does need to understand that I'm in a committed relationship. So I am not sure what it's trying to do as well. Just as the living shouldn't cross boundaries and be disrespectful neither should the dead. I am not sure what it thinks it's going to gain but I feel like this entity is the reason I feel suicidal sometimes because of experiences that have happened. I don't mean to freak out anyone on here with that. I want to be open about my experiences but at the same time don't want to make anyone think they have to call the hotline or something. I wouldn't be so irresponsible as to not do anything about this as I'm trying to handle myself both by personal regulation and through a doctor's assistance. But I will do regular cleansings and shieldings if that's what it takes.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)

Its very hard to say 'which' came first your "bipolar and depression symptoms" or the spirit as a spirit oppression/possession can mimic those symptoms...

I AM NOT a Doctor of any sort, and I do not mean to pry, nor do you have to answer but I would ask this question... What is your treatment history, were you placed on any meds and if so have you been placed on one that helps or is your doctor still changing your script (different meds/different dosage levels) to find the med and dosage that helps you?

I would venture to say that the "bipolar and depression symptoms" came first and that it was your state of mind, type of energy your were giving off at the 'on set' of them that MAY have attracted a spirit to you.

I would continue any scripts you are on AND either start or continue to Cleanse and Shield yourself, not only yourself but your home as well. As the energy type changes, you will feel a possible spirit 'push back' because it does not want to go, but it needs to... At some point in time you will 'feel' it 'lift' off of you and your home should feel more welcome and inviting as well... Once this happens you MAY notice a change in your "bipolar and depression symptoms" if or when this occurs please see your Doctor about adjusting them AS NEEDED.

Again, I AM NOT A DOCTOR... DO NOT STOP TAKEING any medication you may be proscribed. There are many 'mental' issues that are mirrored by spirit/entity oppression/possession its very hard to tell which is which. However, the Cleansing and Shielding being 'non-medical' in nature, can be used and if the "bipolar and depression symptoms" are being caused by a 'spirit/entity' then they will dissipate as the Cleansing and Shielding begin to work and if they disappear completely they your DOCTOR can remove your proscription. If your "bipolar and depression symptoms" came first then you MAY feel them 'lessen' and your Doctor may reduce/change your script as needed to continue your treatment. ONLY MAKE CHANGES TO ANY MEDS YOU MAY BE ON UNDER YOUR DOCTORS ORDERS.


BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-03)
I started developing the majority of bipolar and depression symptoms. I have struggled with it everyday for the past few years. Could it be that I developed this because of the entity attached to me? Or could it be that I already have this but the symptoms are aggravated on purpose so it has something. Because I am constantly aggressive, angry, easily annoyed.

I do think it was probably partly hard because I feel bad... I'll be honest, I am naturally introverted but in my early teen years I was kind of isolated so it basically became a really close friend almost. So even though I know I have a boyfriend and will be moving out soon and this guy can be a little aggressive, it's difficult to push back perhaps on a subconscious level.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-02)

If a spirit or entity has attached itself to you it MAY MEAN that at the time it did so the ENERGY you were giving off was very comparable to its own. Sense it attached it has done it's best to keep you in a state of mind... And physical shape... That perpetuates that 'type' of energy. Being an inteligent energy form it WANTS you to keep giving off the 'type' of energy, as well as the same level of, that attracted it to you in the first place... So yes... It will push back. The more you focus of getting rid of it will help change the energy coming from and around you and it will move on.

Please keep us posted.


BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-02)
Whenever I have attempted to follow the cleansing and imagine my own white light I feel pushback from the entity. I don't know if that makes sense or not. LIke whatever it is, is really keen on staying. How is it that a spirit attaches to someone in the first place? I never understood how that happened. Because if it's followed me, then it must be pretty resistant.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-01)

Yeah it definitely is. There's a neighbour who stays maybe 200 yards from me who has buriel cuts and buildings in his gardens he has his house up for sale and some parts of it are built on top of 12th century buildings.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)
That extremely fascinating, Goggzy. Must make your house pretty interesting.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)

The warrior seems to walk up and down my hall possibly towards the battlefield which is to the north of the river (where my house faces and is).

The other haunt is my wife's daughter.

We have had spirits pass through (I run cameras and EVP recorders over night every night).
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)
Wow that's actually really cool. That'd be a cool story to read about in regard to your experiences at your house.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)
My house was built in 2005 but was a battle site before then. The warrior is residual possibly 10th century aswell (battles started in around 400 and finished 1100 so quite old land)

The other house was in Stirling Scotland which we use to see if potential investigators and researchers are good enough.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)
Whoa. Is your house old or built on certain grounds?

Last night I felt pressure on my neck and felt my breathing get shallow. I was not having sleep paralysis either. Maybe it's something else entirely. I don't want to jump to conclusions. But I believe what Tweed originally said that it's getting to a point where I need to get this thing away from me. I wish his advice of telling it to f*** off would work in this case.

It's funny because I was momentarily getting sympathetic but ghosts need by bygones sometimes.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)

It's very annoying to be haunted this is my second house to be haunted and the 3 am alarm is the worst thing about it.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)
Thank you Goggzy. I saved Rook's cleansing and shielding so I should be able to do it soon.

Some people on this site believe in past lives and I was thinking that even if this presence somehow knew me in one, it wouldn't even matter if we were married once upon a time or whatever. Or if I was some passing face. It's 2016 and I was born in the late 90s; this is my life now. It would still need to move on regardless of what it thinks about me.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)

Cleansing should work.

Once he knows who he is and your not someone he knows then he might move on himself.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-29)
I am glad:)

That's good to know. Hopefully, he will move on.
Though I do worry in the back of my mind that he won't and that it would eventually take more than cleansings/shieldings and communication. Sorry I'm neurotic xD
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-29)

There is usually drawings of the dead down in the morgue or at home.

Your drawing will make it so much easier and your description means it's a shorter list now as well.

I have enjoyed working your case and will be glad when you don't have to worry about hI'm anymore.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-29)
Thank you ^^ I try.

What happens if we don't get a match?
Is it possible I've been given incorrect information or maybe they don't always have descriptions on hand?
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-29)

Yeah I saw it. Your a great artist. I'm in contact with the state of New Jersey for any images to go with my files and we should get a email back Monday. I told them the description so they can sort it out on there side that we don't get images that definitely won't match.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-29)
Oh you're perfectly fine! ^_^

I actually draw and I decided to draw him as best as I could from what I have seen. I sent you the unfinished sketch through email.

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