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The "boy" Named Nick


I've been reading stories on this site for a while now and decided it was time to share my own. I apologize for this will probably be rather lengthy.

In early 2008 my then boyfriend, let's call him Kyle, his family, and I moved in to a 3 story home. To give you an idea of the layout of the house, when you walked in the front door you were standing in the living room. A few steps through the rather small living room and you were in the kitchen. If you were standing in the kitchen to your left was a hallway that lead to 3 of the 5 bedrooms and one of the 2 bathrooms. To your right was a dining area, another bathroom and the stairs leading to one of the other two bedrooms (which was actually a living room area that had been converted). Then past that were the stairs leading to the bedroom Kyle and I shared.

When we moved into the home I was six months pregnant with my son. Nothing happened until the end of July when my son was born. We'll call my son Jake. Now after Jake's birth Kyle took up working night shift. I wasn't particularly fond of this but, as I said, his family also lived there so I wasn't uncomfortable or anything.

Fast forward to the beginning of 2009 and Kyle's Mom had to have surgery. Everyone went to the hospital that morning except me and Jake. Well the surgery took a little longer than expected and me and Jake ended up being home alone all day. I wasn't scared to be alone but I wasn't always weirded out by being left in such a large home by myself with a newborn. It was just a being watched feeling.

Later on in the morning after I fed Jake and put him down for a mid-morning nap I decided to do some tidying up and went downstairs to get the broom to sweep our stairs and floor. While I was downstairs I needed to use the restroom which is located on the first floor but right below the room Kyle, Jake, and I reside in. While in the restroom I heard what sounded like heavy work boots walking above me. I thought, "Oh good. Kyle is home and I don't have to be alone anymore."

Well, I finished up in the restroom and grabbed the broom and went to start up the stairs and as I round the corner to get to my room I see what I believe to be a small childlike figure sitting at the bottom of my stairs. As I approached, it suddenly disappeared and I just dismissed it as my mind playing tricks because of my fear of being alone. Well I enter the room and Kyle is not home. I still just kind of shrugged it off. Nothing happened for quite a few years after this. Except maybe a bump or weird noise hear and there.

Fast forward again to 2011 and my son is now 3. The spare room right below mine is converted into a playroom for Jake. We had various things hanging on the wall and several toy boxes and bookshelves lined the walls. Now every once in a while I'd hear Jake talking to someone while I would be downstairs. Talking to Kyle's family members.

Well, I dismissed it as normal 3 year old behavior until one day Jake told Kyle he had a friend named "Nick" who was mean to him. Kyle knew that Jake had no friends named Nick and he was wondering if maybe we had met someone new at the park or something. I replied no and we kind of got suspicious and started asking Jake questions.

Jake starts telling us that Nick will just show up on the stairs and scare him and then he will push him down and scratch him and take his toys. Well, I was kind of fearful of this response and thought my child was having hallucinations as there were no visible signs of this on Jake so I set up an appointment with his dr who referred us to a psychologist. While waiting to see the psychologist things got weirder.

While Kyle was at work I would hear heavy footsteps above me while in the shower. Toys would be moved or play music by themselves. The TV would turn on and off. Things would fly off the wall and land across the room. The volume would go up and down. The channel would change by itself. Well, I unplugged the TV thinking it was malfunctioning and we never really used it much anyway. While it was unplugged it powered on. I thought Kyle may have have plugged it back in so I went to unplug it and it wasn't plugged in. I freaked out and told whatever was there to leave and leave my family alone. All was fine until the day came to take Jake to psychologist.

We are across town and Kyle's mother is home alone. As we are leaving, Kyle's cellphone rings and it's his mom. Thinking she wanted see how the appointment went he just dismissed it thinking he'd return her call when we got Jake into the car and settled in. She kept calling back to back so after the second time he answered. She was hysterical telling us to hurry home.

When we got home 45 minutes later she's sitting outside and has a look if terror on her face. I asked her what was wrong and she started telling me she was in Kyle's sister's room and the light went out. Thinking the bulb blew, she went and got another and changed it out. Well it still didn't come on so she checked the breaker. It was okay and so she just chalked it up to an electrical problem and was going to have her husband take a look when he arrived later that evening.

She went into the living room to sit on the couch and watch her soap operas and sew button onto her shirt. Well the TV started doing the

Things mine and Kyle's was doing and she said aloud, but to no one in particular, "Okay you can stop now." The TV went back to working normally and to her surprise, the bedroom light came back on as well. She laughed it off and then she said she started hearing Jake's toys being moved and played with. She said she then heard loud heavy footsteps and she got up and went to see what was going on and as she turned the corner, she said she saw what she could only describe as a demon that rushed down the stairs towards her and she ran out of the house.

We cleansed the house and had it blessed and we moved out less than a week later. I have other experiences I will share later on. But my question here is, was Nick a demon disguising himself as a child to get closer to my son or was there more than one entity in this home?

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Blackwidow93 (1 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-16)
I have been told that no one died in the home. With that being said they may have just not wanted to tell us if someone had... I understand what you are saying. Thank you for the comment.
Trumpjr16 (1 stories) (5 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-14)
Had anyone died in that house? If so then maybe that was "Nick's" ghost not wanting anyone else in the home. I doubt that it was a demon because if it was I would think that it would only be interested in your son. IT had no reason to try to attack Kyle's mom, unless she was interfering with it's plans involving you son. Or yes there may well be more than on ghost,spirit,etc... In your house and one tried to attack Kyle's mom. The strange thing about this story is the TV going on and of not plugged in, that one sounds more like a ufo hovering outside or something:). Just my opinion though. I can tell you that whatever it was it's intentions where not good. (For you that is.) Glad that you moved, hopefully it won't follow you and your family because it feed's of your negative (scared) energy. Wish you all the best. 😊
Blackwidow93 (1 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-10)
Brokentree-I alologize for not realizing you commented earlier. I understand what you're saying. He never said anything about his clothing and at the time I didn't think to ask. The small child I saw was dressed in clothing from what I believe to be the late 40s early 50s era.
Blackwidow93 (1 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-09)
Enlightened- We did move out in just one week yes but we didn't have to house hunt and all that a "normal" move consists of. We just moved in with friends of ours. For the week after, yes it helped. I believe I have read some of your stories and I was very intrigued by them
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-09)
Hello Blackwidow,

In my opinion, YES! Demons often portray to be something sweet and harmless (at first). Did the house blessing help? You moved out in just one week? I can't say that I blame for doing so but I just don't know how I could possibly move that fast! This does NOT sound good to me at all. I am adding you as a favorite because I would love to hear more of your stories.

You may want to read some of mine since I have had several experiences. One experience that I have posted is "The Southside Home Haunting"

Thanks for sharing your experience!
BrokenTree (76 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-09)
I might be able to explain it better. Let's say you meet me one day, then a month later you meet me again only this time I'm wearing a Halloween costume. It's still me but you don't know that because I have changed my appearance. Nick merely changed his appearance. As for him showing up suddenly, he needed a lot of energy to do that. There is nothing more energetic than a 3 year old toddler to take energy from. Fear also produces energy as we go into a fight or flight response. Angry emotions and fighting also generate available energy. The boot sounds could be residual, merely an echo of the past.
Did your son ever describe how Nick was dressed? This could narrow down his time period. Even if the house isn't old, the property is and there may have been something else there. I think that Nick could be upset because he realizes that he is missing something such as family or even life itself. I think he realizes he's dead. The only problem is that it is probable he had been taught all his short life that when you die, you go to heaven and see Jesus or family members. Imagine waking up to find strangers around you who also don't see you. Scary for a kid and something that could make them angry.
I hope this helps you understand somewhat. I feel sorry for the kid and hope that someone helps him move on.
Blackwidow93 (1 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-09)
Manafon- Thank you for replying. I wasn't just jumping to demon by the fact that my son said he was mean. Sorry if it seemed that way the only thing that made my mind go to demon was what his mother described. I personally never saw anything of the demonic sort in the home. I only saw the one childllike figure and he didn't seem mean when I encountered him which lead me to believe in the more than come entity. He actually mentioned Nick a couple of times after we moved out and were renting the upperlevel of a home from friends. But when he mentioned him this time he said that he wasn't mean anymore and he just wanted to play. Now since he was only 3 maybe he only for scared because Nick. Seemed to appear out of nowhere. Also I wonder if Nick wasn't really pushing him and scratching him to hurt him but If it was like maybe horseplay. Is that possible? Also the history of the home as far as I know no one has passed away in the home. With that said it was the people we were renting from parents home and maybe they just are back to where they felt the most comfort? The home was built in the 60's and an addition was added in the 70's as far as I know. As Kyle and I have since seperated I can't really say if his family has experienced anything else. Last I talked to them it was just the usual heavy boot sounds and the occasional "bump in the night" Now Kyle's mother did say once not long after we left that she came home from grocery shopping and heard a young child say hey there or something and she assumed Jake and I had stopped by but then quickly remembered she just came in and our vehicle wasn't in the drive way. We definitely weren't there as we were in Gulf Shores visiting family.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (715 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
Blackwidow93--I really had nothing to add to your account but after commenting to RC about the Old Nick thing I did want to tell you that I don't believe a "demon" had anything to do with what your son was experiencing. It's possible there was some paranormal activity in the house but if a spirit was interacting with your son there is absolutely no reason to jump to the conclusion it was a demon.

As your son never had any scratches or bruises after his encounters with "Nick", I think it is likely that Nick was either an imaginary friend or, possibly, a spirit. A bratty spirit maybe but not a demon. I know there have been people on this site that believe most childhood imaginary friends are actually ghosts but, as a kid who had an imaginary friend, I can say that, at least in my case, the "friend" was created by my mind because I was hyperactive and after my real friends would leave I still wanted to interact. Hence the creation of an imaginary chum.

The thumping boot sound might have been another entity. It's hard to know by the information you provided. How old is the house? Do you know anything of the history? At the end of the day, you no longer live there and I imagine your son is doing fine. Has he ever mentioned Nick again? Has Kyle's family experienced anything since you moved out? It would be interesting to know the answers to these prosaic questions.
Blackwidow93 (1 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
Thank you all for the replies.

RcRuskin&Manafon1- That's very weird.

Brokentree- I sort of understand what you are saying. Do you think he was mad because we didn't exactly acknowledge his existence? I don't know why it would wait so long to show itself. Only thing I can think of was there was some turmoil between Us (meaning the people who lived in the home at the time) and an older brother of Kyle's who had previously moved out of the home.
BrokenTree (76 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
Some ghosts can show themselves differently meaning unlike how they were in life. This was probably Nick trying to scare the mother. Why would a demon wait so long to show itself? It had to be the kid and he is mad about something. Best to boot his butt out of the house.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (715 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
Although a quick internet check does show that Old Nick is an old English term for Satan. That would make more sense in conjunction with this account. Either way Satan can't seem to shake the "old" part of the nickname. That stuff effects the ego 😜.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (715 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
RCRuskin--I believe the alternate name for Satan that you are trying to remember is Old Scratch and not Old Nick.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (821 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
I seem to recall from a folklore class that Old Nick is an alternate name for Satan. Can't really be sure though.
Blackwidow93 (1 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
She said he didn't look human. That his skin was a grayish color he was about 6'7 and very skinny. That she could see his veins and everything. She said his eyes were an icy blue color. The tv may have just been messed up or something. I have absolutely no idea how a tv powers on with no electricity. But it wasn't like it was on for an extended period of time maybe a mere 30-45 seconds.
Infikiran (1 stories) (15 posts)
7 years ago (2016-12-08)
Hi Blackwidow93,
Thanks for sharing. It's really hard to say what type of entity or entities were present in your home. It's very rare for a ghost to have an energy signature large enough to power TVs without electricity, but not so rare to have one interact with household objects. In a way it sounded like a poltergeist at first, but they are unseen from what I understand. It is possible that it was a demon. At any rate it didn't sound friendly. Could Kyle's mom describe the entity she saw in any way?

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