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Ghosts I Believe I Saw As A Child


I am going to start with my childhood encounters. When I was young, I used to go to my dad's house on the weekends. He lived way out in the middle of nowhere, outside of a small town (Sheridan, Oregon). The road out to the house was a skinny curvy road. Much of it had no shoulder on one side, just a drop off down a hill into a creek, and many, many pines. I could easily see how there could be many accidents on this road. I mention this because I feel one of the spirits I seen as a child may be a victim of this road.

On occasion, my dad would work late and I would stay at my grandparent's house, which was a couple fields away, I guess about three or four city blocks. My Grandparents had a large living room, you walk in the front door, which had a bell on it, and there was a couch against that wall with a coffee table in front of it. I would sleep on the other side of the room on a couch facing that couch. My grandparents went to bed a lot earlier then I would have liked to, so they were in their room snoring away while I was laying on the couch, unable to sleep and bored. I was facing the back of the couch, away from the front door, and I heard the bell above the door. I turned around and there was a woman who had come in and was squeezing between the couch and the coffee table on the other side of the room, you know how you walk when you are walking between two things like that, she was carrying some bags of some sort and breathing heavy. It felt like she had just had a long trip trying to get home from the grocery store. The first person I thought of was my sister, she had similar body type and hair to her, but across the dark room I couldn't see a face. I sat up on one elbow, she sat down in a huff, seemingly exhausted, I said my sisters name, "Shanette?" No response. I said it again a little louder, still no response. The last time I said it I got the most chilling, "SHHHHHHH" from her. I quickly turned back around towards the back of the couch, and pulled the covers over my head. I was petrified. This was definitely not my sister, but who was it? This person didn't seem to want to kill me in my sleep or anything she just wanted to sit down and rest in peace. On the other hand I wasn't comfortable sleeping in the same room with a stranger. There was no way I would have woken my grandparents, they had a strict, "children should be seen and not heard policy." Waking them wasn't an option unless the house was burning down. So, I eventually just went to sleep hoping that it was one of my grandmas children who I had never met, I guess that would be an Aunt?

The next morning the person was gone. I told my grandparents and my dad about the person and tried to figure out who it could have been. I went through every possibility I could think of: a family member, a friend, a vagrant passing by. They were all shot down as being impossible. The door was locked, nobody else had a key to the house, there wasn't a key outside, if a family member had come by and had to leave before morning they would have called and or left a note. I was told nobody came in and it was just my imagination. That person came in and was as real to me as any other person. (I don't remember seeing the person closing the door, I didn't think about it at the time but they should have been still shutting the door after coming in when I turned around.)

The other story I have was at my dad's house. At the end of his gravel driveway was the road I spoke of earlier, and on the other side of the road is a little clearing with a big boulder on one side, and a small river or creek running through, the rest of the area is very dense pines. My dad took me fishing in the clearing which was about fifteen to twenty feet long and ten feet or so wide. My dad had taken over the fishing pole because I wasn't doing it right, I turned and saw a little girl on top of the boulder. I was so ecstatic to see another kid, I immediately wanted to play. She was wearing an old blue dress and was very cut and bruised up, she was covered head to toe in grime. I would describe it now as road rash, like she was dragged down the road by a car, but at the time I didn't know what that was. I am used to being cut, bruised, and covered in muck, growing up in the country and a tom boy, I spent most of my time that way, but this was definitely worse than I had seen before. I asked her if she was okay, she didn't know, so I said I'll get my dad, he'll help her, No she said and seemed edgy. Then I barraged her with other questions:

Do you want to play tag? No

Do you want to play hide and seek? No

Where did you come from? Over there (pointing off into the pines)

How did you get all cut up? I don't remember

How come you can't remember, I remember mine, (then pointing out a few scars and explaining my adventure)

I asked her other questions too, I don't remember them all but most of her answers were I don't know or no. I am not 100% what her name was but I am thinking it was Sarah. After a while my dad called me over, he was upset and said we were leaving. I protested asking why, he said I hadn't paid any mind to fishing, I was just over there talking to myself. I was flabbergasted saying, No, I was talking to my new friend. I looked back over about to point her out and she was gone. I called out to her, but nothing. Then my mind went to finding her, she must live close by and we could play together. I told my dad her description and pointed to where she pointed when she told me where she came from. I was asking about finding her again so we could play together. My dad said that there wasn't a girl and to get a hold of my imagination. I was adamant about it and explained how she was cut up really bad and gave a brief recap of our encounter. He paused just before we crossed the road and starred off in the direction I had pointed. He had a look I had never seen before on his face. It was a mixture of confusion and maybe a little shock, I couldn't figure out why he looked that way and after a second I asked why he looked that way. He said maybe it was one of farmer Someone's (I can't remember his last name) daughters. I started asking if we could go to their house. Before we reached the house, I was told to quit, and drop the subject and none of my questions were answered.

I have no way to say these were spirits, but I really don't have a good explanation as to where these people came from or where they went. The little girl would have had a hard time disappearing the way she did, the only thing I could think of is her heading through the pines and finding a way up stream to cross. I really don't feel there would have been time to completely vanish like she did, but it is a possibility. I am leaning more towards spirit because of the immediate appearance and disappearance, her physical appearance, her inability to answer a lot of my questions, and the look on my dad's face. His look is probably more shocking to me then actually seeing a ghost. I feel like he knew something he wasn't telling me. Right after the look the subject was shut down so abruptly. That side of my family did not believe in ghosts and any such talk was a product of wild imagination. As for the person at my grandparent's house, I have no other explanation except paranormal.

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trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-07)
Shelbyloree- Yeah, you never know I guess. That's cool about your grandparents, but it sure does seem like a lot of work always acting like something your not Lol, but I guess we are all probably guilty of that from time to time 😁
Yeah I don't get doll collectors AT ALL! Why would you want those things in your house, CREEPY! 😨
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
I think you may find in time there's probably a reason for the hush hush atmosphere. You may find your gift probably came from that side but they didn't want to stand out from the crowd by being the local soothsayer or whatever.

My dad's parents were very hard line, no nonsense Lutherans and if it wasn't in the Bible, it didn't happen. And yet, turns out, grandpa had a knack for knowing the future, and after their deaths, they came back in dreams, and kind of watch over everyone, etc.

So I think there's more to the picture that you may not realize until that group is much older and willing to let a few things slip, who knows. Maybe if you had turned every doll around facing the wall before you left, it could have let your grandma know WEIRD! Creepy dolls are WEIRD, grandma! Lol!
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
Melda- Yes I agree with you about the loneliness. Yes I feel the lady was not happy I was there. I actually slept in a spare room before that. It was my grandma's doll room. The bed, dressers and table, and floor were covered with creepy old dolls. I couldn't stand it because it was so creepy and of course it smelled like old dolls. Of course I always felt watched because there were a lot of eyes on me. Lol The couch with the lady was still better than the doll room! πŸ˜†
Thank you for reading and commenting -trentinray
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
trentinray - I enjoyed reading your experiences. I grew up under the same circumstances. If anything was a little illogical and could not be given an earthly explanation, it quite simply did not happen or did not exist.

Children and teenagers who find themselves in that situation can lead a pretty lonely life. I don't mean lonely in the sense of not having any friends but I think you know what I mean.

I believe your father knew more about the little girl than he was prepared to tell you. He more than likely acted in that manner so as not to frighten or confuse you.

As far as the lady is concerned, perhaps she was just as surprised at as you were. She was probably wondering what you were doing in her space πŸ˜†

Regards, Melda
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
Shelbyloree- Thank you too for reading and commenting. ❀
Yeah it was pretty freaky when she SHHHed me!
Yes, I had that thought too, I do wish I could have gotten more info.
My family was very closed minded, if there wasn't a clear logical explanation then it did not happen, it was your imagination and nothing to the counter was open for discussion. Pretty sad, I feel, to live in a box where only concrete things are excepted. I don't know what's out there or on the other side, but I am open to think about possibilities. 😊
Well thank you again -trentinray
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
Timilicious- Thank you for reading and commenting, you made me laugh! πŸ˜†
I wish I had had the courage to interact more, whether talking more or going over to her, just to see what would have happened.
I continued to try and ask questions here and there but the subject was shut down. I left Oregon with my mom about three years later and haven't had much communication with my family since, so I wouldn't really be able to bring it back up. I did try a few searches a few years ago of death records in that area, but it was exhausting and didn't really come up with anything. I am curious too!
I had "pictures" that popped in my head of a future event until about 15 but that's it, I think that was given to me by someone else, like a guardian angel or something. No other "people" came to visit, at least not that I know of, sometimes they look pretty darn real! LOL
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
That's interesting both encounters interacted with you. I would not have been happy either if a random 'person' invaded the house in the middle of the night, and then turn on me when questioned. How bizarre.

Maybe the little girl 'disappeared' unexpectedly (or suspiciously) and it may have clued your dad in about where she had really gone. Farmer So and So may have told everyone something other than what had actually happened as a cover.

Doesn't sound like anyone wanted to clue you in about either events anyway. Probably didn't want to alarm you.

The lady in the middle of the night sounded like she didn't want to wake your grandparents for whatever reason either. She seems spookier than the farmer's kid. How mysterious.
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Hi Trentinray,

Very interesting experiences indeed, I enjoyed reading them, thank you.

When I read the part where the lady said;"Shhh!" aggressively, I couldn't help but think, how rude. Lol... I don't know how I would've reacted at that age but now I'd probably be like; "Excuse me, this is my grandparents house, and no one even invited you in, you shhhh!."πŸ˜†

Did you ever find out what happened to the farmer's daughter? Is there a way you can now? Am curious to know what happened to her.

Clearly the other side knew you had an ability to interact with it, did you outgrow it or can you still see them?

trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-04)
Enlightened1959- This happened in 1988/89. I was 8/9 years old, and the experiences were about 6-7 months apart. Sorry I didn't realize I didn't include that.
I had my dog after he passed come to the side of my bed when I was a child. A couple of years ago I had a scary haunting that was difficult to get through.
I actually wrote that story first, it was pretty long and I just needed to do the proofreading and my computer crashed. I had to reboot the whole thing and lost my story. So we will see when I have the energy to type that again! 😒
Thank you for reading and commenting 😁
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-04)
Sheld999- I couldn't see her face. She was about 5'2" or so and I guess you would say medium build, not really overweight but not super skinny. She had brownish/dark hair that looked maybe shoulder length or a little longer. She was wearing a white sweater with some sort of lines or designs on it, and I think light blue jeans. Her SHHH was one of the scariest things I have ever heard. It was loud, aggressive and angry sounding. I hope that answers your questions. Thank you for reading and commenting 😁
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-04)

Very interesting experiences! How many years ago did this happen? Both occurrences are definitely ones to remember.

Have you had any other paranormal experiences since then?
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-04)
Intresting. Can you describe the lady with heavy breathing more? As in way she said shh (facial expression)

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