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Real Ghost Stories

How It All Started


When I was around 3-5 years old, I moved too this new house on the country side. I was really young and looking for fun all the time, and lucky for me the neighbor boy next door was at the same age as me (I'm just going to call him Mike) and had the same interests as me at that time.

One day Mike started to talk about this house on one of the fields that was close to the forest. He said that it was really old and possibly ghosts lived there. At this time, I had no clue what a ghost was so I was curious and tagged along. When we had sneaked through the cow fence and the houses, we arrived close enough to the house so that I could start too see what's inside the windows by detail. It was really old, it was grey with a fainted red color on it and some broken windows and a lot of webs in the windows.

As I looked on one of the 2nd floor windows, I noticed a woman looking out at us. She was really pale and had curly hair and a white dress, and she looked like she was hiding behind one of the curtains.

I quickly asked him "Are you sure no one lives there?" he responded quickly "Psst! Of course, who would live like that?" I didn't respond and looked up again towards where I had seen the woman, and she was gone.

When we reached the house we only looked inside the windows as the old furniture and chairs that had been placed on the tables.

We went on the backside and he ran over the window with a big open crack, and he put his arm in trying to reach something. "What are you doing?" I asked him, "There's a hat there, I want it!" I just hurried over and peeked inside. It was a bowler hat; it was dirty and didn't look any pleasant to wear on your head.

He didn't get it out of the crack, since it was too small and got really angry and I just said "Let's just look on the other side of the house then, maybe we can reach something there?" so we ran around and I noticed this plank on the wall that was loose.

I quickly pushed it and it cracked, I just threw it on the ground and noticed the gray ash inside the wall, I just called for him and he ran over and saw the pile of ash. "What's this?" he responded and started to take his hands into it, like if he was digging after something.

He managed to get something and he pulled it out, and it was a bone. I freaked out and just stood there looking at the bone, it didn't look like an animal bone since it was as long as half of my arm and he just smiled and looked at it. "Aren't you scared?" I asked him, "No, should I? This is cool I've always wanted a bone." I quickly snatched it from his hands and placed it into the pile of dust and I heard the neighbor dogs started to bark towards us.

"Oh my god! We have to get out of here before they spot us!" (The owner of the old house lives close enough to see if a person is in front of the house) he said and started to run home, and I just ran after him.

Some days later I started to wake up at night, I didn't know why but I did it almost every night. And every time I heard someone walk in the hallway outside my room, so I always hid under the blanket until I fell asleep again.

Not long after this I decided to go out in the hallway to see if it was one of the cats walking around, but when I came out there no cats was to be found, and I quickly looked up the stairs and saw the lights were on and I some a shadow of a person walking by. I hurried up in hope to see if it was my mother being up at night again, but the living room was all dark and I just freaked out and ran into my parent's bedroom and I woke up my parents and told them what I just saw. And as normally parents say, they said I was dreaming. So I went downstairs and just went back to sleep.

Ok this was just some of the things happening, I've had many more then these experiences with the thing called "ghosts/spirits", but I will try to get them up later.

I also still live in the house, and I'm not the only one that have had things happening around the house.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cirdan, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Maren_Elisabeth (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-28)
In Norway, letting your five your old run around alone isn't that uncommon. When I was young, my mum used to let me out in the morning and back in at dinner-time.
I remember me and my friend used to walk down to the airport, about a half-an-hour walk from where we lived. I don't remember how old we were, but it was before we started school, so we must've been about five or six.
Our parents never worried about it.
sillymehe (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-05)
Så hvor er dette huset med knokler i? 😕 Blir nysgjerrig. Det virker som at det er få skikkelige historier fra Norge, men masse I USA, England etc.
Cirdan (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-28)
Hmm, I won't post another story until things have cleared and gotten settled in -real- life. Too many bad things are happening so I got a lot on my mind, so It's hard for me to remember. I could just try and do what I did on this one, just prepare for 1-3 weeks by writing notes and stuff as I remember them.
I'll see what I can do, and I'm not sure what to post now... Maybe I'll just write about when I started to see this "ghost"... 😐
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-24)
You were right, Cirdan. We call it that here too, it is just that the word is so scarcely used many do not know what that means. 😉 But you're good, Hun.
Cirdan (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-24)
Haha, yes. A hat like Charlie Chaplins hat...Hmm... I don't acctually know the english name for the hat name so I just called it a "Bowler" hat. 😆
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-19)
A bowler hat is a derby hat. It is a hard felt hat with a rounded crown. It used to be called an "iron hat".
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-19)
I believe that a bowler hat is the kind of hat like Charlie Chaplin wore. Instead of having indentions in the top, it was oval shaped.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-19)
Hi Cirdan. Can anybody tell me what a 'bowler hat' is?! Is it just a special hat that a bowler wears or what?! Thanks. ~Shelby ❤ 😊
odnana (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-19)
omg that's sooo scary but how did you know what a bowler hat was if you were 3-5.seams like you just made up that story but it was a good one hahahahhahahaha but serioustly it was a good story even if it was made up! ❤
HERNANDEZ512 (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-18)
I like your story but does a 3-5 year old know what a bowler hat is? Well good story.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-18)
Hi kaylor123. You really should read the comments. Therefore you would know that Cirdan's Mother slept all day and they were on their own. ~Shelby 😊
kaylor123 (4 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-18)
im not saying you fully lying but really I don't believe that you parents would let a 3 year old run around wherever 😊
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-16)
Cirdan, I'm not saying that you cannot remember things when you are at a younger age I meant that in detail as you have explained it. I wish I could believe you it's just a little hard. I can understand now why at your age (3-5) you were out and about by yourself without adult supervision but, just the whole story does not jive. If this trully happened I would recommend explaining it more in detail. Things you think might not be relevant to the story might be the key points for us to believe you.
I would hate for you to think "forget this no one believes me I just won't ever talk about it" because that is not the case. I just want to try to make you see that the way the whole story was described makes it hard to believe that's all.

Luv ❤
tkkchang (4 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-16)
Sometime souls are not rested and they need a proper burial ground. I think the spirit followed you home. I would notify my parents or authorities to check on the house, who know's, maybe it's human bones you found. The spirit is probably not at peace because you know about it, and your choosing not to say anything about it. Pray and tell someone about it... 😕
Ramzey (9 stories) (130 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-16)
Whoa, how long have you lived there now? Sounds like you have definetly experienced the paranormal. I know how it feels.
Cirdan (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
Oh and for the "Remember it as it was yesterday", I do have a good memory about things that have happened, thing I never will be able to forget maybe.
My grandmother even remember stuff since she was 7, and she's over 60.
Cirdan (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
Thanks for the comments.
And I'm 16 now... Well my mother usually slept all day long, or she thought I was playing around in the garden. And Dad usually were at his work.
Well I think I mentioned in the story that my mother usually was up at night, so it means she sleeps a lot in day time.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
Well since mustang has my red flags and WB has my meter, I`ll have to use one of these 🤔. The story in itself is very believable, it`s just hard for me to see two small five year olds out by themselves. Are you sure you wasn`t older. Thanks for sharing your story.

CenterCore (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
I can relate whole-heartedly to this, Cirdan. I had similar experiences when I was 3, all the way until today. Little kids are more attuned to these types of things as opposed to adults because kids are more open-minded and most people see strange things but dismiss them as something with a logical explanation. I feel for you on this, bro. If you want, feel free to read my stories and treat yourself to a taste of the hell I've had to put up with in my life.
- Core
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
Now MY meter is going off. Hmmm, maybe I am FRAWIN's proxy. Spidey senses (or census) says?
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
😕 How old were you? I would never let my kids run about at this age. I don't see how you did all this and remember it as if it was yesterday. I'm not sure if this one I can be too sure of sorry 🤔
You might not be making it up, but based on what you are indicating it sure does seem like it.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
Hi Cirdan. I don't want to sound rude or hurt your feelings or anything of the sort. However, I am very skeptical of your story. It sounds just as such, a story, that's all. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel a 'RED FLAG' sticking up on this one, as FRAWIN would say! How old are you anyway? Thanks for sharing your STORY. ~Shelby
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-15)
hmmmm, quite a memory and vocabulary for a 3-5 year old. I am not sure I would have let my 3-5 year olds wander that far from home. Where were your parents?

I am not saying you did not have an experience of this nature, but... Maybe it has grown a little in your imigination over the years?

Just need a few more details that have been either omitted or maybe embelished a bit?

God Bless!

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