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Real Ghost Stories

Attacked by the Damned


December 31, 11:15pm... I was merely sitting in the living room alone; in front of me was a bottle of red wine sitting on the center table. I was entitled to that bottle as it was a present from my grandfather's brother. I sat on the sofa with exhaustion enveloping my conscience. I had finished doing everything for the New Year's festivities: I had set up the fireworks that my father told me to, I helped with the cooking and preparations, and I did the greeting of family relatives and friends to welcome them and so on.

By that time, the night sky was already covered with pre-occasioned fireworks. I felt something very strange in the area of the living room, although it was very faint for my exhaustion had moderately muted it and the outside noise was blocking its effect on me. I did not pay it any mind and decided to open the bottle; as I was reaching for it, a very strong shock in my head repulsed me to stop completely. My vision momentarily blurred but my head was still hurting. A sort of rampage has filled the living room with commotion: the sofa I was sitting on was shaking very hard, and the ceiling fan was as well being shaken by a force, the curtains were flying off even though the windows were closed, the lights flickering while my portrait and other hanged pictures on the wall are being flipped drastically.

"Why are you doing this?!"

I asked with some force left in me. Everything stopped moving, but now that I was electrocuted awake I felt the presence even more clearly than before I paid attention to it. I leaned my back against the sofa and thought that it had stopped completely. Before I knew it, I was being assaulted after the lights went out. I knew he was a man, but even in the pitch black darkness it was like he was a real person. I couldn't fight back and, no matter what, I couldn't scream for help since my father had trained not scream no matter what the pain is.

He was in between my thighs so I wasn't able to kick him anywhere. It wasn't a sexual assault. The fingers of his left hand dug into the right side of my torso, his nails stabbed me forcefully; the fingers of his right hand digging into my left thigh's skin scratching it and injuring my flesh. I felt it as an injury yet I couldn't see if it was really bleeding or not. My movements were limited as his left collarbone pinned my neck on the top side of the sofa's back rest. I couldn't breathe properly as his virile shoulders were very hard. I was losing the very last bit of my strength to stop him.

"Why...are you... Doing - - this...?"

The applied pressure on his collarbone was weakening. He seemed to have leaned his face closer to mine.

"I want to make you feel pain..."

His slightly grudging voice was digging into my ear as how it seemed unearthly.

"I have been damned from entering God's kingdom, let alone still using his name to protect me from evil spirits... I have been suffering all my life as you have been... Do not let this go to your heart forever and leave this anger and enter God's gates... I am certain you will be welcomed there as I can no longer be because of my sins..."

I have said this in my head for quite a number of times but I didn't expect it to be used for an evil spirit.

"Impossible..." His grip tightened. "How can you be damned from entering his kingdom?!"

Once his grip tightened, the air in my lungs skidding in my larynx making installments of moderately toned down moans and cries of pain.

"Please...stop...this... You have no reason... To be Sinning... I've been feeling pain for... 16 years... I...don't...want it... To be...17..."

He wasn't paying attention... I was as good as dead when my mother hadn't called me from the kitchen. He could have done a lot more damage at that position he was in. The lights went on and I saw the places where he scared me were really scrapped and bruised; I had to change clothes so that no one would notice it.

It continues for up until now and his visits are getting more painful and gruesome. Every time I was alone, he would do the same rampage but different forms of assaults in different positions.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, amakajaku, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

majarlika012 (12 stories) (122 posts)
6 years ago (2017-12-14)
Wow [at] amakajaku nice story, very well delivered. But, just like the comments here, I am a bit skeptical if this really happened. I give you the benefit of the doubt though. It's just it's like I am reading a novel with lots of suspense and thrill.

If your story happened in real life, then I must say, GOD ALWAYS FORGIVE THOSE PEOPLE WHO REPENTS WHOLEHEARTEDLY. God hates sins but loves sinners.

If a demon goes to you trying to break your faith, do not let him. What you need to do is kneel down to God and ask Him for a divine intervention. If God is for us, then who can be against us? That's what the Bible says.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-31)
Sweet tooth: she was attacked by a demon... The demon of plagiarism! 😆
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-31)
ahmm hi... Can someone please tell me what or who attack him?
Is it a demon or a ghost?
420man (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-11)
A spirit... Saying that much... And in quite a pretty long conversation. You must have an EMF pump inside your body for a spirit to pull off that much energy. Regardless if this is an evil spirit or just a intelligent bad spirit, that much words will leave you drained unless it has another source of that much energy to grab onto.
jorgejuan (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-06)
it's a good read, I commend you for being a good writer. That is all I can say.
knives (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
well that's quite cool making that stupid stories. And its amazing that you can endure pain until now, that's weird. Maybe you should try jumping on a building and scream. IM CRAZY!
mischeighlah (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-29)
wow, you have a wild imagination. It seems like the story is a made up story. If lights we're flickering and the furniture are shaking, your mom would surely notice that. You mentioned relatives and friends and the fact that it's New year's eve. How come none of them witnessed it? Where are they? In the bedroom dreaming of Saint Nichols?:)
velvetynighttime (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
I am not very religious but I just don't think that God is vengeful and nasty. I'm sure he will welcome you with open arms when your time comes. Maybe you have so many evil spirits around you because you give off so much negative energy (not that it's your fault) and are so full of self-loathing.

Velvety nighttime xx
jonahh08 (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
That's an awful experience. Have you considered going to the psychiatrist?
irakowei (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-07)
This girl just copied ghost stories from books or tv episodes. The way she encrypted "her" stories, *they seem to be written by different people * (I mean an author has his own style of writing, her blogs just exudes multiple authors).

Stories are true but she didn't experience them. From her 2 "INCUBUS" Rapists STORIES and HER FARTING BOY GHOST STORY IN a "second hand" Pajero. Geeesh.

At first I thought she's just hallucinating her rapists but now I'M CERTAIN SHE'S VIOLATING COPYRIGHTS.

Amakajaku, why don't you just indicate that you saw these "stories" somewhere, in another site also here in the philippines, we indicate if the story was lifted somewhere or it's a personal one.

BTW, didn't your teacher or mother tell you plajarism is also a form of cheating? You poor girl.
irakowei (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-07)
This girl just copied ghost stories from books or tv episodes. The way she encrypted "her" stories, they seem to be written by different people (I mean an authors has his own style of writing, her blogs just exudes multiple authors).

Stories are true but she didn't experience them. From her 2 "INCUBUS" Rapists STORIES and HER FARTING BOY GHOST STORY IN a "second hand" Pajero. Geeesh.

At first I thought she's just hallucinating her rapists but now I'M CERTAIN SHE'S VIOLATING COPYRIGHTS.

Amakajaku, why don't you just indicate that you saw these "stories" somewhere, in another site also here in the philippines, we indicate if the story was lifted somewhere or it's a personal one.

BTW, didn't your teacher or mother tell you plajarism is also a form of cheating? You poor girl.
irakowei (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-07)
This girl is just copied ghost stories from books or tv episodes. The way she encrypted "her" stories were written seem to be written by different people (I mean authors have their own style, her blogs just exudes multiple authors).

Stories are true but she didn't experience them. From her 2 "INCUBUS" Rapists STORIES and HER FARTING BOY GHOST STORY IN a "second hand" Pajero. Geeesh.

At first I thought she's just hallucinating her rapists but now I'M CERTAIN SHE'S VIOLATING COPYRIGHTS.

Amakajaku, why don't you just indicate that you saw these "stories" somewhere, in another site also here in the philippines, we indicate if the story was lifted somewhere or it's a personal one.

BTW, didn't your teacher or mother tell you plajarism is also a form of cheating? You poor girl.
merlin (23 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
It's an evil spirit and that spirit is already in your mind.
Try discussing this out to your family as they are also member in your household.
Clear your mind. Best of luck to you.
lovebugs (3 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-17)
your story is like the one I used to read in one of my favorite books... Your story is a bit weird and impossible I think... Hndi pwde magalaw ng demon ang tao ng bsta bsta...
freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-04)
Wow, that's so strange that that spirit would want to hurt you like that! 😨
Even though I'm a religious person, I believe that our creator can't help us all the time. You've just got to find the strongest part of your soul and let it out! ❤
xeraj10 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-23)
hmm idk- if I'm going to believe this story of yours 😕 I felt that when I read it looks like I read in a novel books, you know. But if this is true- call the Father and ask to cleanse your house! And you have to have a Holy bible- it has to be open.
Gweilo (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
Hi there denice... Tuloy tuloy pa ba pg bother nya? Email or add me in your YM tulisanako2003 [at]
Thealoneone (1 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-09)
This demon is actually a ghost that has been cast out, that's the reason for all then negativity. Perhaps you should tell him that perhaps if yous talk then he may feel better about it. Also try to research on Google about PSI shields. They are a sort of shield created via your own energy. Which stops you from psychic attacks.

odesey (1 stories) (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-26)
you can have a bible with you all the time... And at the end of your every prayer always inlcude the line 'in Jesus Christ's name'.
holdfast (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-17)
are you still "visited" these days? How would you make me believe that your stories are true?🤔
Blackh0wling (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-29)
Christ said in John 6:37:

"All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."

Also in I John 1:9:

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Have a blessed day. 😁
Charlemagne (1 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-09)
Hi Amakajaku, thanks for the story. Have you told anyone else about this? Most notably your family?

Since it is happening in your home, shouldn't you be concerned about the other people in your household... Wouldn't it be possible for this "being" to assault them as well?

And no, our God is not unforgiving.
den2x23 (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-28)
im a little bit skeptical with this story...
It doesn't make any sense... A god that does not forgive?woahh...
The story is also a little bit good, plenty of action... 😉 😊
megankay (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-01)
First bugsy it was the ghost or fiugre or demon that was saying that, not amakaajaku. It confused me at first too. And amakaajaku you need to get that thing out of your house asap! You need to cleanse it, or something to rid of it. If you need to know how just ask me and I know some ways. Hope I can help.
😉 Megan 😉
bugsy (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-01)
I don't understand why you are damned, and think you are not going to heaven? I'm lost somewhere in this. Could someone please explain this way of thinking. Thank You.
Lalat (2 stories) (38 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
hey amajaku I'm also a filipina I'm quite intrigued with your story, if you want you can email me your no. And maybe we could txt, that is if only you want to. My e-add is lalat05 [at]
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
If I understood my years of Bible study correctly, then, there is not one soul who fervently repents that is damned. If all I learned was true, then you need only fall on your knees and shed a sinful, damned nature at the feet of the Lord.
According to the Tanakh, are we not to forgive and receive forgiveness? Salach is available to any, who in all honesty, ask for it, and act to receive it.
Saint Augustine said "Forgiveness is the remission of sins. For it is by this that what has been lost, and was found, is saved from being lost again..."

In Buddha, (when Dighavu was given a chance to retaliate) "Dighavu thought: 'People will forgive great wrongs which they have suffered, but they will never be at ease about the wrong which they themselves have done. They will persecute their victims to the bitter end..."
Most religions from the Mayan to Hindu to New Age recognize the concept of and need for forgiveness.
It is up to the INDIVIDUAL, in the free will that the Creator gave, to ask and receive such a blessing. Love and forgiveness should be essential to any religious or nonreligious person.
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-09)
do you really believe in your prayers? If not then that is why you don't feel forgiven and I'm with frawin on not praising an unforgiving God, and I would listen to whitebufflao, and frawins advice, as they give good advice. No one is damned if that were the case I'd be on that list along with the rest of the world. ❤
desi2u4uraqtmsncom (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-08)
Don't be afraid. You have a calling on your life and just know that the devil will do what ever it takes to snuff that from you. You should goto a church and talk to a pastor about these episodes. That way you will have people interceding for you. Good Luck.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-08)
Hello amakajaku. You asked for a reason for enjoying your story? The reason is because it made me think. Your story made me think outside my comfort zone. You spun the tale of a damned soul, an unforgiving God and a angry otherworld entity into a thought invoking story. Whether I believed it or not is not important, the important part is the story itself made me think. Any story, idea or what have you that jogs my thinking -I truly enjoy. Thank you for making me think.


P.S. Just for the record- I refuse to believe in an unforgiving God. A GOD that refuses the prayers of a child does not and will not get my praise.

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