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Haunted Norfolk


Here are a couple of occurrences that happened to me and my Navy buddies when we were stationed in Norfolk, VA. Three of us shared an apartment off base. It was a two bedroom 1 bath apartment. My friend Brian had one room and or friend Jason had the second room. I was more or less 'the guy on the couch'. If you've seen the racks (beds) in a ships berthing (sleeping quarters) you'd understand why I opted to stay on my friends couch.

We all had a great time during liberty and on nights that we weren't out raising you know what we'd chill out and watch movies, usually order a pizza. During one of our chill nights, our friend Jason started asking us if we'd ever experienced anything odd in the apartment. There were a few things that would weird us out but we never really discussed it much further. He would tell us about times that he would be there alone and hear a little girl laughing in his room. The TV would turn off and on by itself and the remote would always be moved from place to place. Very very strange we thought. We gave him a hard time and told him to chill out with the drinking ha ha.

A week or so after we all discussed this, we were in the living room watching a movie when Jason said, "see! Look at my door, it's open now". He claimed to have shut the door and now it was wide open. The three of us went to the door, shut it and each gave it a heave with our shoulder making sure that it wasn't just the door. Sure enough, we'd get in to watching the movie and look over and the door would be wide open! It would always do that from then on, like it didn't want the door shut.

I don't know if this is related but both Brian and Jason would ask me what I would do late at night after they went to bed because they would hear me talking in a weird voice in the living room. They would also venture in to the kitchen and see me sitting bolt upright facing the wall, unresponsive. Weird. I recall none of that.

We had another friend who lived on Ocean BLVD. Supposedly, a prostitute was murdered in the bathroom of the apartment. They had one of those Ghostbuster's toy back packs with the rod hanging on the wall as a joke... One night some people were over and we were talking about the woman who lost her life there and being the ignorant / intoxicated sailors they were that evening, they started yelling at 'her' and asking how much a night would be and cursing at her.

I was pretty disgusted at how disrespectful all that was when all of a sudden a loud, "Vrreeer Vvvreeeer vvvrrreeer!" broke the banter. That sound was coming from the Ghostbuster toy that was on the wall across the room from where EVERYBODY was. The only way to make it go off is to press the trigger on it. It is purely mechanical, not electrical at all so for it to go off, the trigger has to be pulled. Needless to say, the tough guys shut up very quickly and headed outside to the balcony.

I'm not going to say that I wasn't a bit freaked but I didn't chuckle to myself thinking, "you showed them girl". I stayed inside and talked with my friend who lived there and he proceeded to tell me hat on many occasions when he woke up his cell phone would be off his night stand and on the middle of the floor in a puddle of water or on a damp carpet. I think that may have tied in with her way of passing (bathtub = water).

Those are yet another few of my true stories. More to follow...

Peace and Love


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imawesome12 (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-16)
i lived in Norfolk it was a great time there and I have had my own 😁 which is different because the same things happened to me
LaBella11 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-22)
Thanks you for the wonderful story. I enjoyed it very much!😁
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-28)
Unfortunately, I have never been to Portsmouth, but I have HEARD some things about that place that makes me wonder why investigators are not crawling all over that place!
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-28)
I think it very well could be. Crazy crazy. I felt a lot of energy in Portsmouth while dry docked their too. I KNOW that place has a lot of history.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-26)
What a small world. Huh. I still have a few "buddies" out there and they say just about the same thing.
I only got to meet the teacher and son in passing, but as I was new in the complex, and in the "Navy Suit" (I last did my reserve time out there) he really enjoyed trying to scare me all the way up until the day I "paid him back" and BOY did things change then. He became as a puppy. Poor thing just needed a bit of attention, and I sure did give it to him!
Anyway, let me fill you in on what we learned about the place, and maybe that would help shed a bit of light on it all for you.
MANY years ago there were a few women of the streets that lived there in a cluster of rooms. It was more convenient for them to be close, so management closed their eyes, put some ear plugs in and pretended they were just "entertaining guests" (well, they WERE). It was not an organized group, they were just a few friends who stayed together for protection sake.
They enjoyed the company of many of the sailors and would stand out at the docks when they saw the ships come in. It was not unheard of that they would sometimes "tag team" if one of the men made them uncomfortable, or gave off a bad feeling. After all, most were gone from six to nine months and had no contact with an approachable female for that amount of time.
One of the women became romantically involved in a sailor who chose not to share her. It is not known if she had fallen in love with him, but many of the residence said that she would see him exclusively. While he was out to sea, her roommate needed some assistance with a young man who was very aggressive, and together they both left this life. (That should be well documented, from what I heard it "closed operations" out of the complex.)
The roommate was not seen again. Haley IS. She roams through the complex and waits for her sailor to come back and save her. I guess on the night in question she had screamed out his name for help.
I told you about the only other tragedy that I know about from that complex, (the family VW) I never DID find out if Joey/Jolie came from that, or from a separate occurrence. But we did/do think that the water in my friends apartment was from that one.
Any thing sound like if would fit?
Thank you.
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-26)
It does sound right. The neighbors name was Fred, as was his sons. I don't recall the vehicle but there was parking on the side that was next to a wood fence.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-26)
Second floor, TWO doors down. The little girls name was Joey, or Jolie, she was so young, it was hard to understand how to pronounce her name. The night manager of the 7-11's name was Felix. We thought that was funny as he reminded us of the black cat. The teacher hardly EVER had time for his children, and the boy tended to "run amok" getting into things. (Either that or he enjoyed messing with me in uniform) There was a rusty colored VW that stood to the left of the apartment, they may have moved it, that supposedly they pulled out of the water with three family members still inside, apparently a suicide/family murder. (What a way to take your life!) They MAY have moved that, but it WAS left there as a memorial to the children inside... Never thought of it before. Perhaps THAT was the connection.
Feel like the same place to YOU?
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-25)
He lived on the right side, three doors from the very end, second floor of the building. Would be facing the bridge. The neighbor was an older man with a son and younger daughter, he was a HS teacher and a bit of an alcoholic. There was a woman who lived in that building also that would tell us of a little girl ghost that she and her husband would see crouching in their closet at night, crying. That whole place seemed very active. I want to get more precise for you... I don't know if these were there during your time but there were condos sort of right in front and to the side of these apartments, sharing the same small parking lot. If you exited the parking lot and took a left as I said there was a 7-11 down a little bit to the right. Then a little further down there was an older hotel on the left, maybe a Ramada? I don't know but I loved the feel of the area down in their, seemed very cozy and comfortable, not so hectic like a lot of the areas around there with all the military crap. Still think its the same place?
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-25)
OMGoodness, Bri! What NUMBER!
My friends window was looking out directly AT the bridge! The handy man was OFTEN in his apartment for a water leak and could NEVER find the source! No condensation on the piping, not one single clue! I lived with him for a while as he keep saying that someone was coming in and throwing the water on the floor to get him to move out. That is so wild!
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-25)
Your description sounds pretty dead on. Pardon the pun. If you were to walk to the far end of the building you'd be at an inlet. Looking out to the left you could see a long bridge over the water.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-25)
OOOh, yeah. I know the place well. That was our hangout when we got creeped out at home. Was there a garden area in the center of the apartment complex, you sort of walked around a circle to get to the section of the apartment where you needed to go up the stairs to get to the right one?
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-24)
Hmm, that may be the one. I'm not a big biscuit and gravy eater but there were signs up around the room. There was an old TV that they had in their too. Gravel parking lot. Small world...
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-24)
Did the Mom and Pop have those awesome biscuits and gravy that they would serve at ANY time of the day, with the sausage gravy more sausage than gravy? Oh, yeah. Little sign on the side saying "Gas goes in your vehicle, not our food"?
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-23)

This was about 3 1/2 years ago. The apartments were way down near the end of Ocean BLVD near a small docking station and excellent little mom and pop (house) diner. It is also walking distance to the seven eleven. That doesn't mean much I know considering that there are a million seven elevens around their. Maybe you know where I'm talking about?
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-22)
Norfolk, Virginia is a very interesting place, is it not BriFisher05?
How long ago where you there? I had a friend who lived on Ocean Blvd too. Interesting...
As Norfolk is a HUGE navy town, I would think that there are many "things" going on there. And experiences too numerous to count. I would like to think that the woman of the night was NOT related to the little girl that walks around the apartment, but it makes me wonder...
Thank you.
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-19)
Thank you all once again for the encouraging feedback. Peace and Love to you all.
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-19)
Hey Bri Fischer, another good one. These occurences are relayed so simply as facts and without prelude that it's easy to believe. Thanks so much for your erudite report.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-19)
Thank you for sharing your story.

I enjoy the part where 'she' let the tough sialors know disrespect was not funny-not in any way!

Paranormal is not always the ghostly echoes and frightening displays, it can be soething as simple as letting those of us around know they are around.
God Bless!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-19)
Wow interesting story. Some things I guess can be some how explained but with the cell phone that was carzy. If I was him I would try catching this on video. Thanks for sharing your story. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-18)
I guess some of this could be just sleep walking and talking in one's sleep. The door opening on its own may be something faulty but still sounds very weird. I know men on the whole are not usually going to believe in the supernatural but all you guys certainly had your share of things happening and you can't all be wrong. Guess the one that resides there did manage to scare the heck out of 3 tough dudes.
deathcipris (2 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-18)
I actually know of that home on Ocean Blvd. I agree that was pretty mean of them to do that but hey alcohol makes people do weird and sometimes stupid things. I actually live in the Hampton Roads area and this place seriously has a lot of history and a lot of spiritual activity.
Ramzey (9 stories) (130 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-18)
Thanks for sharing your story. I would love to do some evp's there... Good job on scarin' 'em!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-18)
Hi Brian, quite an interesting story-someone's pretty busy in that apartment! I think your friends got what they were asking for 😊.I just hope that'll teach them a lesson... Hope to hear more from you. Take care.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-17)
Hi Bri. Sounds like an intelligent haunting, atleast on the side of the woman that was murdered in the bathroom. I got a kick out of your friend's getting the you know what scared out of them and it was well deserved. 😆 Thanks for sharing.

Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-17)
Augh! Chilling! The door gave me shivers and the ghost buster toy- you could really imagine those guys standing slack-jawed and stupid. Looking forward to more
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-17)
Hi Brian. Thanks for the story, I enjoyed it very much. The fascinating thing about the paranormal is that it don't have to be terrifying, it can also be humorous. I can see your buddies now beating a hasty retreat to the balcony 😊.I'm looking forward to your next story, take care.


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