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Real Ghost Stories

3.30 Am


I am from Tamilnadu a state in India. I had this experience while I was studying in my college in the year 2016.

My college was situated in remote area and I was staying in hostel. Behind our hostel there were agricultural fields which we can see through our window. We had been allocated single room for single person and mine was located on 3rd floor.

We had a good wifi facility which won't work (speed) in morning and only works in night. That night I am the only person who was awake until 3 am as wifi speed will be increased as no one is using. I was sitting in corridor opposite to room and using my phone to download new movie (not the movie you expected). Around 3.30 am I felt little exhausted and thought to sleep... So I went to restroom to pee...

Restroom is situated on the other end of the corridor. I am normally an easily scared person and I have this Ghost thoughts all the time. Even though, I am scared but I also want to pee urgently before sleep. I searched for top god songs in YouTube and played it in high volume and heading towards restroom... But when I went in and started peeing I heard some one crying like a small child.

I was hell scared but I remembered my friends once told me that crying sound of cat is similar to human baby cry. They too sometimes heard that in late nights. But at 3.30 am that too in ghostly hours when a guy like me hearing a cry. My spine got chilled. I was running like hell to my room (p.s. After I done peeing). I entered my room, locked every latch on door.

Lying on my cot thinking what it will be? It's really a cat or any supernatural being?. I was stressed and I fell asleep I don't know when.

Suddenly I felt like someone is sitting on me I felt burdened. I can't wake up and my eyes were half opened. I can see a white line passing through my door to my bed but I can't see what's on my top as I can't turn my head. I tried to pronounce god's name I can't but I can say amma, appa. After a long struggle I said Muruga (Tamil god) and everything stopped.

I sat in my bed seeing right and left. I was literally shaking. I can't even go out to my friend's room as I was sacred to get out of my bed. I searched Muruga (tamil god) song in YouTube and played it and I slept, after buried myself under the sheets after a struggle.

Morning when I woke up I was literally shocked and I believed I really had a supernatural encounter for the first time as I remember I closed the door with all the latch closed as I was scared after peeing but in the morning it was wide open!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Yogesh_Pandian, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

HunterJack (4 stories) (26 posts)
2 years ago (2022-05-05)
Hi Yogesh pandiyan, thanks for sharing your experience here, actually you had a sleep paralysis. As you say you're a guy of scared type, thinking of scared and urgently down to bed after a long awake until 3.30 am you may felt tired all of this makes you got sleep paralysis. Actually I'm also from tn.
With Respect
Arunbabu [at] Hunterjack
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-27)
Greetings, Yogesh.

I've been giving your narrative quite a bit of thought and I can't shake the original mental impression I got from your description. Fellow poster ladydarke was very complimentary of my take on experiences: "Bibliothecarius mentioned he has thoughts percolating about your cord sighting; his take is always informed and I'm curious to hear it." If I recall correctly, I didn't explicitly mention that I had a thought percolating, but ladydarke is correct: I had an immediate impression of the event, but I did not want it to be right so I let the idea sit for a while.

Here's the issue: several posters, including both yourself & ladydarke, have given valuable insights into debunking some of the supernatural elements of your experience. I keep coming back to the fact that, "I entered my room, locked every latch on door... But in the morning it was wide open!"

When my mother had a "sleep paralysis" episode, she could couldn't pray and she could barely open her eyes. When she did, she saw that the arm of the entity sitting on her chest was wrapped in chains; she believes that she was attacked by a demonic spirit (she's a very religious Christian). Ultimately, as in your case, prayer to God removed the pressure and she was able to fall asleep.

My initial mental impression of your experience may be affected by my mother's story, but I had the distinct idea that there was indeed a spirit of some kind sitting upon you as you slept. The reason I keep coming back to the "glowing white rope which moved to me like a snake" is because I don't believe that whatever sat upon you was acting of its own choice; I think that it was being forced to act in this manner by a more-powerful spirit, one powerful enough to exert pressure on the door latches to open them. This would not have to be demonic in nature, merely older and more powerful than the spirit that sat on you as you slept. This would account for the spirit that entered your room being connected by the "white rope" to some other location/entity, it being relatively easy for you to dismiss through prayer, yet more powerful physical phenomena (opening the latches) occurring after you had rid yourself of the initial encounter.

I do not write this to scare you, Yogesh, merely to present a potential explanation that I have not been able to shake from my mind for the last couple of weeks. I'm sorry that I did not write it out sooner, as I was hoping that my ideas were wrong. When I am in error, the ideas often slip away; when I'm partly right or completely right, the ideas tend to sit in my head and demand attention.

While I am in agreement that the crying noise you heard could have been a cat, I suspect that the noise frightening you was what drew the attention of whatever entity was responsible for the later encounter.

Please, take in to consideration all of the messages suggesting sleep paralysis, etc., as explanations for your experience; however, I can't shake the idea that there was a more powerful spirit orchestrating the events you experienced.

Did anything else occur to you while you lived in that hostel, or in the years following? Please let me know whether or not you think that my idea is unlikely. Take care.

durai44 (3 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-23)
Nalla Humour Panniga Bro 😅
You suffered from sleep paralysis after the restroom encounter 😳
ladydarke (113 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-15)
Hey Yogesh,

Thanks for sharing your story. Having gone to sleep with a closed and latched door and awakening to find it standing open is the paradigm-shifting aspect of this experience. Previous to that...

The sound of crying probably was a cat. Occam's Razor states that the most likely possibility is probably accurate, right along with other statements like if you hear hoofbeats don't assume a zebra before a horse. When it comes to the paranormal, it's generally best to err on the side of normal without dramatic evidence otherwise. Sometimes that 'evidence' is pretty subjective, to be sure, and most often comes in the form of picking up on strange energies and feelings. The cat sound seemed to come only with your own fear without any other manifestations. I'm sure it was unsettling indeed, but it's best to go with cat. As this happened in 2016, it's a bit too late to suggest you investigate repeat happenings!

I further want to say that hearing a cat that actually was a cat doesn't rule out paranormal happenings for the rest of the night. They're separate occurrences.

Going by your timeline, next you latch your door, go to bed, and fall asleep. You then awaken feeling a weight, experience paralysis, and can't fully awaken. This is a pretty textbook explanation of sleep paralysis. It happens when a cognitive glitch allows us to become conscious while still dreaming, which we then experience as audio and visual hallucinations. We're all chemically paralyzed by our own biology (because brains are cool!) while we sleep so that we don't act out dreams. That's why we wake up still partially paralyzed. The cognitive glitch corrects shortly and we either wake up fully or just go back to sleep. Everything you described is entirely in synch with sleep paralysis.

But. There's a but. Like with the ketamine experiments done to recreate hallucinatory effects seen in near-death experiences in the lab, causing subjects to see the same tunnel of light, thus seeking to debunk near-death visions as the oxygen-deprived hallucinations of a dying brain... Just because something can be replicated in a lab through artificial means doesn't indicate it isn't occurring in nature in a different context. For instance, menstrual cramps can be simulated in the lab with electric charges: yet they also exist in nature with hormonal rather than electrical stimulus, connected to endocrine and organ structures, and serving an important purpose. So perhaps also with sleep paralysis.

Outside the sleep laboratory, the lore teaches our souls can leave our bodies during sleep and wander the astral plane. There is a silver cord attaching the soul to the body, which is our anchor ensuring we can return to flesh on waking.

The white line you saw, especially with your comment elaborating on the description, sounds an awful lot like the silver cord. The "burden" you felt can be explained as the reassumed weight of your own mortal clay. Disclaimer: I've never had an out of body or astral event, so ima just recite some lore there. Perhaps this happens to you regularly - it is said that many dreams are astral journeys and such travel is common for everyone - and you just noticed it tonight due to being meditative from the music, or having senses on edge and sleeping lightly because of the crying sound.

As for the door: can you be utterly positive that, after going back to sleep, you didn't make a groggy half-asleep return trip to the bathroom and not bother locking the door again? A trip that didn't register due to being tired from such a disruptive night, so you're not remembering it? That's really the only possible debunk. If not that, then my best guess thrown out there would be that, given the possibility that you were the ghost wandering around astrally that night and had energetic stuff going on, that you also opened the door through essentially poltergeist activity, which is generally considered to be uncontrolled telekinetic discharge. It was closed when you woke up after seeing the cord going through the shut door, right, so that would have you back in your body. Then you went back to sleep with the door shut, so that rules out your astral self opening it.

It's an intriguing encounter. Honestly, the reason I commented was because of the open door. Unless an unremembered sleepy bathroom trip, then it certainly shifts the focus of this encounter to something paranormal. Bibliothecarius mentioned he has thoughts percolating about your cord sighting; his take is always informed and I'm curious to hear it.

JoJorocks (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-15)
For the crying part, maybe what you heard was truely a cat or any kind of animal since many times proven that some animal sounds almost sounds like human voices. Have you tried searching for cats or any kind of animals in your area? For the part were something is sitting at top of you while you're lying on a bed, it's hard to tell whether you're really experiencing paranormal or just a sleep paralysis.
Rajine (14 stories) (798 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-10)
Hi Yogesh

I'm looking forward to reading about your uncles experience.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
3 years ago (2021-09-09)
Hello Yogesh_Pandian,

That must have been a very scary ordeal for you.

It's common apparently to experience paranormal activities after midnight but more so around the 3am mark, 'apparently because that's when the gates of hell open'.

The sound of a baby crying could be a cat, but that doesn't explain whatever sat on your chest. From what you say, it's a combination of sleep paralysis and paranormal activity.

Is there any known murders, deaths, in that area? Is there someone who might know the history of the place that you can ask?

I'd love to know more about the history if there is any.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience and welcome to YGS.
Best wishes,
😘 ❤
Yogesh_Pandian (1 stories) (4 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-09)
Hi rajine, yeah you know my uncle had this type of incident too but that was way more serious than mine... I will share that too...
Yogesh_Pandian (1 stories) (4 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-09)
Greetings mr. Biblio, First, I am literally a person who doesn't even watch paranormal movies alone... That's why I described myself as easily sacred but I am always interested in ghosts I study about them that's why I got those ghost thoughts all the time. I have never had a thought that that hostel is haunted until I got experienced myself. Second, yeah That was like a string half blurred like a ray of white beam looks like glowing white rope which moved to me like a snake... I' didn't remember starting and ending point in that... But one end came from the doors gap and other end is like attached to me... My eyes were half open that even I can't open it full... This happened biblio a far strange encounter in my life...
Yogesh_Pandian (1 stories) (4 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-09)
Thank you [at] MrsRamsay and remember that "a person who believes is easily scared but I got scared which made me to believe" sorry English is not my tongue but goin to Canada soon!
Rajine (14 stories) (798 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-08)
Hi Yogesh

It's now 3am here in South Africa and I still haven't slept a wink (hopeless insomniac) I'm sure what you experienced must've been terrifying for you, which didn't seem to help your already hyped up mind, it's easier said than done but in certain situations it's good not to show fear.

I've come across a lot of stories where weird stuff usually happens within the 3am hour, even me to if I do manage to get a few hours of sleep I automatically wake up at 3am.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-08)
Greetings, Yogesh, and welcome to YGS.

First, I realize that you claim, "I am normally an easily scared person and I have this Ghost thoughts all the time." That said, did you have any reason to believe the hostel to be haunted *before* your peculiar experience?

It is odd to me that you could "see a white line passing through my door to my bed," but that when you woke up, "it was wide open!" Was the white line moving at all, or did it seem like a long, tight string?

I'd be grateful if you could clarify these two points for me, as I'm trying to better understand your experience.

MrsRamsay (guest)
3 years ago (2021-09-08)
Yogesh, Thank you for this story. Apparently English is not your first language, but you did a great job and you are so FUNNY! Your personality shines through.

My mom used to say, "Nothing good happens after midnight" but I didn't believe her. As I get older and hear more stories like yours, I am starting to believe.

God bless! Stay cool!:)

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