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Am I Going Insane


I am new to this site and new to weird experiences. I live in Sydney NSW in a reasonably modern apartment, which I have been renting with my partner for about 6 months now. I think it is also important to note that may partner has not witnessed anything out of the ordinary, in fact she is quite the skeptic and thinks that I am border line crazy for the little I have told her.

I guess you could say that I noticed things about 2 months ago, lying in bed about 11pm, I heard the tap in the bathroom begin to drip, after a few moments of debating whether or not I could tolerate the noise I decided to get up and solve the problem. When I entered the bathroom I was quite shocked to discover that the tap was not dripping, it was net even wet, I checked the shower and the laundry...nothing. Telling myself that fatigue had played a cruel trick I crept back into bed, curled up to my partner and fell slowly off to sleep.

I did not think much more on this until a few days later when I was sitting on my balcony. As I was home alone I was taking some me time by sitting in the sun with a cigarette and a cup of tea. As I was just getting relaxed I saw out of the corner of my eye someone moving in the lounge room, freaking out that it was my partner (I am supposed to have given up smoking) I quickly put out/ flicked cigarette and ducked inside to see why my partner was home early.

The first thing I noticed was that my lounge room was quite cold. I called out to my partner, but there was no answer, I sensed very strongly that I was not alone in apartment but it became clear very quickly that I was still alone; at this point I started to freak out just a bit. When I told my partner upon her return, she just laughed it off, said that I was over worked (one of her common complaints) and I need to take a break.

The following night as I was brushing my teeth before bed I could swear that I started to hear some kind of guttural growl coming from I don't know where. I quickly ran into the bedroom to ask my partner if she could hear it, she said that she couldn't, gave me a weird look and then went back to reading her book. Annoyed I tried to source out the noise but to no avail, within about 5 minutes it became quite faint then disappeared all together.

These are just the start of my experiences in this place, I have no idea what is going and like I said my partner thinks I am going nuts. If interested I will write further experiences so maybe I can get some help on what is going on.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, freakfreaky, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

miss-megan (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
Everything your hearing, I hear in my house in SYDNEY NSW too! And it hasn't yet done anything drastic, banging on walls and scratching is the worst I've heard. You tamper, you make it angry. You acknowledge its presence to much, you accept it in to your life, and from there you could get seriously hurt.
If you are seriously worried for this, get help. But do not get help in your own home, I am not trying to scare you, but rather be "safe then sorry" yes?
Be careful... These things DO go wrong...
Phantom94 (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-01)
Hey, I'm still new at this sute, so maybe I'm not so experienced... But I have to tell you that I have interest to in this kind of thing... I think it's a spirit and it seems like it doesn't want you to live there (for some reasons I can't tell)... I suggest you to try to talk to that spirit... Try to record an EVP... It helps... I'm sure you know to record it, but if you don't,you can contact me or ask anyone else if you want to... 😁 And,i'd like to tell you, that you're not going insane, believe me... I'm sure that there's a spirit there and it wants to tell you something... That's all I can tell... Don't forget, Jesus loves you 😊
Phantom94 (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-01)
Hey, I'm still new at this site, so maybe I'm not so experienced... But I have to tell you that I have interest to in this kind of thing... I think it's a spirit and it seems like it doesn't want you to live there (for some reasons I can't tell)... I suggest you to try to talk to that spirit... Try to record an EVP... It helps... I'm sure you know how to record it, but if you don't,you can contact me or ask anyone else if you want to... 😁 And,i'd like to tell you, that you're not going insane, believe me... I'm sure that there's a spirit there and it wants to tell you something... That's all I can tell... Don't forget, Jesus loves you 😊

Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-24)
FreakFreaky, first off I have got to say that I have enjoyed reading your story and WhiteBuffalo has helped many people to figure out how they can explain the story a little better, she treis to find the truth in all of the stories on here, even the ones she doubts and she asks questions to see if the person can help make the story clearer with more explanations. I would like it if WhiteBuffalo would comment on my stories, because she is just trying to get a better understanding so she can possibly find out what something could be. Thank you for sharing your story FreakFreaky, and please feel free to share some more with us. Thank you WhiteBuffalo for being so helpful. 😊
sittingonthefence (6 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-19)
I have to say this an interesting story however I have to say that being rude to other users on this site is not fair as I felt so much better for the comments I recieved on my stories.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-18)
I believe that there so many things that can be explained that sometimes it maybe just to easy to say its paranormal. Stress is one thing that can let our minds go crazy. I know that this maybe a hard time for you know but I have a gut feeling that there is nothing paranormal going on in there. Thanks for sharring. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
racemustang (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-18)
Seeing how you have been reading the site for a long time, I do not understand how you have this question, but I can tell you exactly why Whitebuffalo is the go to person. She is not afraid to ask questions when she does not get the whole picture, or if a story is a bit vague for her to get the "feel" of it. She is willing to help anyone who is in a situation that seems a bit sticky, no matter the cost to her. She wants nothing from anyone except for the grace to understand that she is nothing but human. If she gives you a comment to a story, you can know for a fact that she has either lived through a similar occurance, or her children and husband have, or she has completely researched it all BEFORE saying a word. She is slow to judge and quick to forgive.
Believe this or not, she is an intellegent woman who does not take any ones discomfort lightly. She tries everyday to be exactly what her Great Spirit wishes her (and everyone else, in my opinion) and does not set out to decieve. I CAN assure you, when she says she is going to do something, it gets done.
You asked, so we answered. THAT is why Whitebuffalo is the go to person, and THAT is why she is so respected here.
bette31 (9 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
freakyfriday-no offense to you but you were the one to submit your story on this site to seek help with what you are dealing with. Whitebuffalo is "looked up to" on this site because of her knowledge and the experiences that she has had, that is one of the reasons that she is the "go to" person here. She is very insightful and every one of her comments to stories, has been with made with a lot of thought put into them. There are a lot of others that are members on here too that are insightful, but I can assure you that they will have nothing but praises and good things to say about Whitebuffalo. She is one of the members that you hope comments on your story.

With that being said, good luck in trying to find an answer to your problem.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
Wow, sorry that I offended you. My appoligies. I was only trying to offer assistance, but I can see from that sentance that my very presence is a sore spot for you, so I will remain from your page.
I wish you a long and fulfilled life that you can truly enjoy.
freakfreaky (2 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
I have been reading this ite for a while now and I have to wonder what has made White Buffalo the go to person, just wondering.

Anyway, my partner claims she may have witnessed a couple of odd & scary occurrences, so I can now rule out the insane verdict.

The first occurrence happened the about a week ago, after cleaning up after dinner (it was her turn) my partner discovered a large puddle of water. Thinking nothing it she told me the next morning that she mopped it up, turned off the light and then settled herself down to watch TV with me. In the morning she was getting ready for work (I had already left) when she discovered the same pool of water on the floor, thinking that it was a leak she investigated, found no obvious source and went to something to clean it up. When she returned with mop she discovered that in fact the puddle was gone, somewhat confused, she rang me it at work to tell me what happened.

The other incident happened 3 nights ago, after being woken by knocking on wall, she shook me awake, quite frightened and wanting to know if I could also hear it. I tried hard but I could not hear the knocking that she claimed was going on all around us. I told her that I did believe she could hear it and then sat up with her until she was ready to go back to sleep. Later in the night she awoke again to say that she had a horrible nightmare about a man being in our flat, she told me that this man meant to do as harm; she was quite shaken by this as she felt that the images in the dream were quite vivid and very real.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
Well, perhaps if you could hint to a few more of the instances, that would help out a bit. I have no clue if the submission site is down for the moment, but if it is, then perhaps you could allude to something?
As I stated "...have not commented yet as it clearly states that you will not participate in the discussion. That USUALLY signifies, to me, that the skunk is about to lift it's tail, if you catch my meaning. But I do not get the impression that this is of that nature..."
Let me repeat that. "I do not get the impression that this is of that nature..."
(Raising my eyebrows) If I do not get the impression that the skunk is about to lift it's tale, then...
In other words, ALL of the things in which are described in this story CAN be attributed to the natural. It could ALSO be attributed to the Supernatural. In that all we can go by is what you write about, there MAY be something there that we can not experience ourselves.
I would love for you to fill us in on the new instances.
Thank you.
freakfreaky (2 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
The reason I will not participate in discussion is because I have limited access to the internet and such would not be able to have consistent dialog with other members of this site. My interest in publishing my story on this site was to get feedback as I was starting to become generally worried/ Since these experiences started there have been many situations, to the extent where may partner and I are going to leave our apartment; I can post further stories when website allows. Initially I was happy to accept natural explanations, but I no longer think that this is the case. Thank you to all for your feedback thus far.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
I have got to say that I read this story several times and have not commented yet as it clearly states that you will not participate in the discussion. That USUALLY signifies, to me, that the skunk is about to lift it's tail, if you catch my meaning. But I do not get the impression that this is of that nature.
I can honestly say that the last time I was trying to be sneaky (like when you were out having a smoke) I had genuinely frightened myself into believing that there was someone right behind me. I whipped around trying to see who/what it was, and there was NO one there. Live or life impaired.
So, building off of that experience, and that only, I would say that perhaps that happened to you as well.
As you were already spooked by the sight out of your peripheral vision, the chills that followed into the home MAY have been the "fear reaction" (Chills).
Guttural growls can be anything from noises from water pipes, to furnaces. Air conditioning to ice machines. Unfortunately, without being able to investigate the place, it would be hard to determine.
Water faucets sometimes sound as if they are dripping. The sink does not get wet, as they are dripping back wards, back down INTO the faucet. (I learned that on The Haunted when a plummer was called in to check out why the sound was constantly there, AND recorded, but there was never any moisture.)
In short, I feel that this MAY be all natural. But the, YOU are the only one who can unquestionably answer that one.
Thank you.
COBzeppelin99 (2 stories) (32 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-17)
well, ignore the dripping water. It may have been a leak or something, or anything else so don't freak about that. The growling could have been anything from the wind to your stomach to your partner talking softly. The thing in the corner of your eye, well, if it was detailed then that could mean something. I see things in the corner of my eye quite often. And it's nothing. The coldness may have been the air conditioning. So before thinking it's supernatural, think logic. As I always do. Like the time I saw a UFO. First I thought an airplane or lights, but it turned out to be neither.
burning_flame87 (1 stories) (52 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
Id dismiss the dripping tap. That could be a million and one different things and its almost never paranormal. The other stuff is worth keeping an eye on but you've only been there 6 months so you can't quite be used to every trick of the light. I would try and give up the smoking though or you might end up a ghost.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
Well I don't think you are going insane but your partner may have a point. Maybe you do need a break, stress can have strange effects on people. Take Care.

dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
The growl sound like some creature/demon and also did you found out what going on the apartment/ building like history may have like witch craft or stuff that going on that apartment before you and your mate move in or the ground before the apartment building.
Cdn_Tinkerbell (2 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-15)
FF thanks so much for sharing your story. I need to assure you that you are not going loopy. I to live with someone who is a huge skeptic but he humors me 😊

Anyways you say your flat is "Reasonably Modern". How old is the place and are you the first tenants in the flat? If not try and research the flat. If you find nothing then try and research the land. Spirits can be attached to the land. It could also possibly be a residual haunting where what you are experiencing is actually recorded on the fabric of time. It's like a play back but the characters are not actually there.

I know soe more experienced people will have some great advice for you. I hope you get to the bottom of this.


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