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Poppy's Visit


My grandfather passed away in June of 2006, at the time I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now almost 2. A few months after my grandfather passed away my family and myself have been noticing a lot of strange things happening around our homes.

In September 2006 my grandmother decided to sell the van that herself and my grandfather drove for years, she put the ad in the paper and a week later a couple came to look at the van. My grandmother only had one set of keys for the van so she gave them to the couple so they could do a test run before deciding. The couple said that they would come back later in the week to pick the van up. The day the couple came to take the van my grandmother was frantically looking around the house for the set of keys, she knew she had them but they disappeared.

When the couple came, my grandmother told the woman that she misplaced the keys and that they would need to come back. The man said, "no my love the keys are in the ignition." My grandmother thought this was weird since she never drove the van since my grandfather passed away and the van was always locked. Weird huh?

Then in December 2006 my grandmother was putting up some decorations around the house. She had a Christmas calendar that had all the days of the month but it was missing the 25th. This upset my grandmother and she began to cry because this would be the first Christmas without our grandfather and she wasn't into celebrating.

A few nights before Christmas Eve my grandmother heard what she said sounded like something rolling across the kitchen floor. When she got up and walked down the hall she heard the rolling sound again. She entered the kitchen there was the missing 25, on the floor in front of my grandfather's cane. This made her feel so much better because she felt my Poppy was with her that night and was telling her to be happy.

My little girl is almost 2 and recently she has been calling out "Poppy up- up". I didn't think anything of it because we always show her pictures of him and tell her its Poppy. A week ago she was in the dining room playing with her baby doll when she stopped and said "Poppy up- up". I walked in and saw her arms stretched out and she was looking up saying, "Poppy up- up Poppy."

So now I'm a firm believer that he comes and visits us all. We miss you Poppy.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ghostgirl24, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-27)
Im very sorry for your loss. But your Granpa wanted to let you all know that he is ok. That he will be watching you all. Thank you for sharring this lovely story. It is nice to hear that loved ones never foget about us. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
What a trully beautiful story you've shared with us Ghostgirl24! As I see there's no doubt in your mind it is your Poppy coming back to help, comfort and protect his loving family including your new member!

Cherish these moments!

Thank you for joining us and hope to have you back with more.
Ghostgirl24 (9 stories) (30 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
yeah it was nice to kno he was here but it was also kind of scary. No that I was afraid that my pop was around but that my little girl actually notices him which explains alot.
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Aaawww, that is so awesome. I wish my maternal grandmother would come and visit me. She passed away when I was about 9 years old and I still miss her so much! Children don't lie and specialy at that age if she sees Poppy, poppy is there.
Thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss.

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