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Between Two Worlds?


When my first son was born, everything seemed fine. In fact, he appeared to progress normally until he turned about three, when his development slowed down to a crawl.

No matter what I said to the military pediatricians, first at one duty station, then at another, I was consistently brushed off as worrying too much over the only child I had. It wasn't until he was nearly ready to begin school that we discovered that he is autistic. Nowadays there would have been intervention much earlier, but this was the early 1980's, when autism was only beginning to be recognized as a spectrum disorder.

Well, autistic or not, my firstborn has always had a peculiar quirk--he seems to know things in advance.

As a preschooler, he would casually tell me when someone was coming to the door before they knocked and without being able to see them through a window. There was also the time his father (now my ex) was injured on a jump (he was in the airborne) the phone rang and he said "Daddy," as if he was talking to him. Since his father was as I thought at the time on a field training exercise, I blew it off until I picked up the phone. Yes, it was my other half, calling for me to come and get him from the hospital, he'd hurt his ankle on the previous night's jump which was the start of the field problem.

I guess the most unusual incident, though, was the day I was sitting on the couch with him and he reached over and began to pat my abdomen. I asked him why and he answered, "Baby."

"Baby?" I asked.

"Baby," he replied firmly. "Tiny baby in there."

Well, he was five years old at this time, and I had been using no form of contraceptives since he was almost two, so I thought he had a great imagination. I stood up, and he threw his arms around me and said. "Hugging tiny baby."

It was about two months later that I discovered that I was, indeed, about 12 weeks pregnant with the child who would be his younger brother.

When discussing this with a friend of mine, she simply shrugged and said it was no surprise to her.

"JP," she said, "is very special. He isn't troubled by logic or our conceptions of reality. People like him are really between two worlds."

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Sakura (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-06)
I can relate to this.
When I was a kid, only 3-4, in my old house, I had a dream that my mom had a baby, and I could see one of the spare bedroom all dressed up in pink, and in my dream, my mom said, "It's a girl!" And she gave me the baby to hold.

2 weeks later, my mom said she was going to have a baby. And it turned out to be a girl (but we didn't find out until my mom gave birth, she wanted it to be a surprise).
But the weirdest part was that the same exact room (in my dream) became the baby's room. And we had 3 spare rooms at the time, so it could have been any.

I only have two memories from that age, one when I was in California, and two, when I had that strange dream.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-06)
It is so sad when people relate their character to a specific character in a film or even think their life is a mirror of a particular they have seen or TV programme.
WolfReal (1 stories) (140 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-04)
Id have to know more about what you are seeing \ feeling. Maybe if you are doing the same thing on a daily basis... Going to work ext you are dreaming about it? Is it like déjà vu? Give me an example of how the dream relates to your real life.
For myself I have specific memories of movies or TV shows as if I am someone IN them.
The "Contact" movie where Jody Foster is looking from the space craft \ pod thing. Eventually it opens up and she is looking at a galaxy repeating over and over "Its Beautiful..." I dreamed that one scene several years before the movie was even mentioned as if I were that character.
War of the Worlds (Steven Spielberg's version) - the scene where the tanks roll over the hill to fight the aliens. I dreamed I was someone looking at those tanks moving over the hill. Again several years before there was any mention of the movie.
The others are a bit more difficult to describe because for the most part they are TV which are a bit more obscure.
These dreams happen with the same lighting ect as is seen in the movie \ Tv shows that come out. The only difference is that I have real feeling as if I am someone really there experiencing it.
420_CONNOISSEUR (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-04)
Wolf...what I see in the dreams its not basic thigs... Theyre specifics to the movies or anything really... I don't see any commercials or advertisments for it... Its mostly I dream of something...anything...and you can bet on it like clockwork that I will see something throughout my day that will be linked to my dream... Hard to explain, yes... But maybe you would understand since you do go through it? Idk...
WolfReal (1 stories) (140 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-03)
420_CONNOISSEUR - Ok heres the thing. I am a complete skeptic though I believe I still have an open mind. It is important for you to consider the following. If you dream and see the same basic thing on a TV show 2 days later I would chalk that up to having seen a commercial or something for the show, remembering it subconsciously and then dreaming about it. For movies perhaps you saw the advertisements for it yes? If this is what was happening to me, this is exactly the way I would explain it. However it is only when I sit and watch the movie or program do I realize I had a dream about it. Normally when I have these dreams its as if I were viewing from the eyes of the character in the movie or TV show. Its not always this way but mostly. What is completely confounding about it is when I think back to it, its normally years that has passed. I'm guessing but its along the order of 5 or more. How can you know you are dreaming of a scene in a movie until you see that scene?
Whats the answer here? Well perhaps I am dreaming of the future movie. If true, very odd. Very odd. Perhaps movie makers are picking up on my thoughts and making movies from them. Perhaps I am picking up on the story teller's thoughts. Perhaps I have already lived this life and am living it again. There are no answers and I do not dwell looking for them for I know if I did I would do nothing else and people would begin to see me as not right in the head.
I can not tell how many people here are relaying real experiences but I would give a great deal for someone to be able to explain further what this is.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-03)
libertybelle, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I really enjoyed it. You're a very fortunate person to have such a wonderful family and a wonderful son.

libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-02)
Cholulteca, JP has an almost photographic memory. I've often said that he probably has such unbelievable recall because his mind isn't filled up with the things we 'normal' folks are concerned with. 😊

420_CONNOISEUR, I think perhaps you and WolfReal would have a great time comparing notes! 😊
420_CONNOISSEUR (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-02)
"Youll find this funny but its true none the less. I dream of the future though I do not know it at the time. I find out later and think to myself, hey I had a dream about that. And what do I dream of you ask? Movies. I had a dream long before the movie Contact was ever mentioned. War of the Worlds. Oh and I also dream of some TV shows as well."

THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENS TO ME... Almost on a daily basis... Ill have a dream, and then when I'm watching tv or somebody mentions something, ill say, yo I had a dream about this last night... The dreams itself are not the movie in entirety or anything, but little things in it, that will only standout to me... And that's when I think to my self that I saw it

Cholulteca (148 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-02)
Hi Libertbelle,
Beatufiul story, I'm glad both your kids have turn out good, sometimes I guess "normal" people are just to inmerse in our "reality" to really SEE what is around us, 😁 Regards, Claudia
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-31)
TwistedWispersNeko, you're absolutely right. Many autistic people are very bright in some way, particularly in music--a lot of them have perfect pitch. Many are also very gifted when it comes to mathematical calculations--a friend of mine (also the mother of an autistic son) knew of a young man who could tell you what day of the week a date was on if you asked him--like, "Sam, what day of the week did January 14, 1976 fall on?" and he'd tell you. Truly amazing.
TwistedWispersNeko (3 stories) (90 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-31)
I like this. Definatly going in favorites. I some times wonder about Autisim. Alot of kids I've met who have it, are very intelligent to me. 😁
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-31)
Troyarn, I hadn't used any contraceptives for over 3 y3ars. That's why I had a hard time believing that I could be pregnant.

By the way, loved your story about the mirror in your room--my husband served at Kadena, also on Okinawa--and I'll own up right here that I will not look in mirrors unless I have plenty of lights on 😆!

Rhodes, as always, I appreciate your comments. Yes, I think that we who are considered 'normal' tend to make assumptions about those with physical or mental limitations, assumptions that are very often untrue. JP, far from being a burden, has been a blessing in more ways than I could ever have imagined the day we got the diagnosis. His father, now, is another story--he couldn't deal and left when our firstborn was seven and his brother a little over a year old--and I discovered only last year that he'd told his fourth wife (whom he also abandoned when she became disabled--great guy, huh?) that there was no way JP could have been his son, because of his autism. I merely shrugged and said something like, "Well, he's accused me of just about every other sin in the calendar, so why not throw in adultery as well? I know the truth of the matter." I guess that's my whole take on things--if it isn't true, I don't care who says it.

JP's reality seems to be a pretty cool place--at one time a friend of mine who was undergoing a great deal of stress and strife told me, "I think I'd like to go on vacation in JP's world for awhile! It seems like a pretty nice place, because he's always so happy!"

Whitebuffalo, thanks for your corroboration of how one can choose to not use contraceptives for a very long time and then get an unexpected blessing. I also am glad that you included the story of your daughter's knowing before you did (and even placing her 'order' for a brother 😊), because I've seen the same thing on other occasions. I guess that kids aren't confined by the 'rules of logic,' if you will, as we so often become as we grow up!
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-01-31)
Coming right from where YOU were, Liberty, this is absolutely beautiful.
Personally, We went 11 birth control free years before our closing chapter child arrived. We had used NOTHING for twelve years, so we about fell over when EssieJ told us (while standing out at the bus stop with fifteen other children) that she wanted a baby brother.
We kind of laughed, she was just in first grade, OBVIOUSLY she has been talking with OTHER young people who DO have siblings younger than them, and she wanted one. Then she STOMPED (Ha! She is BACK to that stage! Marvelous the Circle of life, Is it not?) and pointed at my stomach stating "No, THAT one. I want him to be a boy."
You can WELL imagine the thoughts that went through our heads when the doctor handed me a print out of what the test results were. Wow...
And WHO says that children CAN NOT be intuitive? They OBVIOUSLY do not pay attention to their children...
Thank you.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-31)
Thank you for another captivating account Libertybelle!

Reading through your story as well as your comments (I like to peek from times to times 😊) I couldn't help but admire this Extraordinary and very gifted child of yours!

It IS amazing how some times the most gifted individuals are born with a particular physical limitation if one can call it that! I tend to believe that OUR perception of "limitations" is very much distorted as it is people like your son who not only live and experience life and the world to the fullest but can see far beyond the surface of things!
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-31)
This was an interesting story, but I am a bit confused... Why wouldn't you be surprised to be with child if you had not been using birth control? It seems to me you would have been more surprised had you been using it.
Satansgirl666 (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-30)
Thank you for sharing this story. I suggest you check out this link on "Indigo Children":

I am not very "new-age" and I'm not sure what I think of this website. However I think the link to this site will be interesting to you at the very least.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-30)
Kiran I find it quite amusing that you say there is no other world especially coming from such a high caste family. As far as indian films go...
WolfReal (1 stories) (140 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-30)
libertybelle - thank you for your stories. I believe you, though I know its not important to you that I say that. Sitting back and enjoying it... Well no, I just kind of accept it and I always wonder for the real cause of it. You see I am a scientist at heart first and foremost. I believe that people have souls (for lack of a better word right now) but I do not believe in the God of the bible. I think all religions at their foundation are attempting to say the same thing, "There is more then just this life." Still, being "aware" of things doesn't make a lot of sense to me. From a human survival perspective (the thing that nature built into us first and foremost) having the ability to potentially see things that would come to pass might help those that could...survive. That doesn't explain how it's actually possible though.
In the end its not a big deal. It is reassuring to know that others have experienced similar things.
scaryboy (2 stories) (117 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-30)
there is no other world libertybelle (the name sounds different and good) and belle there is only one world my dear what you said was exactly a film in india (not kidding seriously) and the name of that indian film is deviputrudu no one knows I think and you can watch that film get rid of your doubts
Never I say more because
Scary boy
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
Osa, I agree with you. JP is autistic, but he definitely does NOT 'suffer' from it. He has such a childlike sense of wonder about things that every day is a new adventure.

He is also very high functioning, especially when I think of how relatively late he was diagnosed. Unlike many autistics, he talks (almost non-stop 😆), maintains eye contact, can cook, do his laundry, and has an almost fanatical sense of order. He lives in a group home and has a part-time job, and is very active in our church congregation. Of course, he has a lot of contact with his family, too--it's understood that he's at home for every three-day weekend, as well as family vacations.

His brother, the 'tiny baby' he was hugging even before I knew of his existence, has grown into a very respondible young man who is ready at any time to step up to the plate
--in common with many younger siblings of special needs people, he took on the role of older sibling at a pretty young age.

I'd love to hear from you--just go to my profile page.
Osa (1 stories) (70 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
Libertybelle, Thank-you for bringing autism to the fore-front in the paranormal. While I do NOT specifically work with kids with autism, (I have on occasion) I do work with kids with mental handicaps. I can attest to their ability to be used & convey messages from those that have crossed over. Perhaps I will share my story with you privately via e-mail. Suffice it to say that children with (I hate to use the word suffer, because I truly believe in my heart they do not suffer) autism are receptive receivers from those that have crossed over. All children are a blessing, however they come to us. 😊
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
WolfReal, I'm so sorry for your losses, and coming one right after the other is enough to poleaxe anyone.

My middle sister, Diane, for years would get a very specific dream three nights in a row just before a death. I remember it happening three times that she told me of, and they were before our mother died, before our uncle died (about 2 years after Mom), and when she was carrying her next-to-last child. Whenever she had this dream, she'd see a coffin. Just before the deaths of our mother and uncle, she saw regular coffins, but when she was pregnant, it was a small coffin.

About a week, maybe less, after the dream of the small coffin, she went into a diabetic coma--my oldest sister, Jan, my grandmother, and I went right to the hospital as soon as we were notified. I remember going in with Jan to see Diane, and thinking to myself, "She's in labor!" At this time I was still single and had never even been pregnant, but it was one of those things I just knew on a level that defies logic.

The baby, a little boy, was born next day, but there's still a great mystery as to what happened. First Diane was told that he was stillborn, then that he'd died almost immediately. The really weird thing is that there is NO record of him anywhere--no birth certificate, no death certificate, NOTHING.

If I, who was only his aunt, still wonder, I KNOW that his mother must have even more questions than I do.

And every time my son went to Iraq, I'd hope like crazy that Diane didn't have any of her coffin dreams.

As to the movies and TV show dreams, take it in stride and enjoy it. While JK Rowling was writing the Harry Potter series, I'd dream about the final disposition of the various characters. I was unshaken in my belief that Snape was really good.

WolfReal (1 stories) (140 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
Oh and I'm sorry one other thing. Occationally I am pretty sure I hear other peoples thoughts, like if they are thinking to themselves. Noramlly its just like a one line sentence. Sometimes two or three words. I think the most was every 5 or 6. ITs like I'm listening in. But its just that, two or three words then done. ANd this is rare as well. Its happened maybe 7 times as I think about it. Once this happened with a cat. My brother had a cat and I was staying with him for a while. One day after coming home from work I went through the doorway (without a door) that entered into the dining room where the cat would like to sleep by the window. As soon as I did, I looked at the cat and it was like I hit a brick wall. I just heard this very loud "FRIEND!" in my head but it was like a cat might say it if it could talk. Like it had a purr behind it. It was overwhelming and stopped me in my tracks. When I hear these thoughts from people (if that's what's happening) its never that loud. Its just like they are kind of talking to themselves and I happened to catch wind of it.

Thanks again
WolfReal (1 stories) (140 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
libertybelle - interesting and good to hear. Its hards to believe when you hear someone else mention something like that. Theres always the "I want attention" factor. The movie thing for me is odd. It doesn't happen often, Id say to date 5 times I can remember. And why of all things moives and TV shows? But it does go beyond that now that I think of it. My father, mother and brother all passed away in a very short relative time. With in 4 years of eachother and I knew that each would. I knew it in the oddest way. Its not like I really knew that I knew at the time. I just started think a lot about what I was going to do without them. How was I going to live my life without them if something should ever happen. I thought this about a year before each passed away not knowing. My father might have been expected, he ad had a couple of heart attacks through out his life. My mother as well but not so much. She was younger and healthy enough but she did smoke. Still she came home one day, simply said she had been to the doctor and he had found lumps. The second she said this I instantly knew she had cancer. I had begun to think of what I was going to do without her about a year before this. My brother was completely unexpected. He was 38 when he died and I am not going to tell you how he did. Its difficult even to this day to think about it. In any case same thing, I began to think of how I was going to live my life without him about a year out. About three nights before it happened I yelled at him to stop what he was doing because I didn't want him to die.

Ive also known other things like one year I knew we were going to have big snow storm. I told one of my other brothers that with in two weeks we would have 2 feet of snow. Thats uncommon around here. Iwas right and I remember how I knew. I was getting out of the car one day and saw dry fall leaves swirl in a pattern on the ground. I remember thinking that last time that happen we had a winter with a lot of snow. About a month later I just knew we would have a big storm and how much snow would fall. A couple of other things have happened.
Its odd, no ryhme or reason to it. I can't control it and it doesn't happen often.

Anyway thanks for listening.
Lavender (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
Oh that is so sweet! I hope our cats are just as welcoming to our new addition. ❤
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
Surya, I've seen the same thing happen since my encounter--it just kind of took me aback at the time, especially under the circumstances. I'd quit using birth control of any sort when JP was about 21 months old, and all that time passed with neither a sign nor a symptom, then--SURPRISE!

WolfReal, my brother Steve and I often refer to JP as "The Great Oracle." If he says something will happen, it usually does, and often in an unexpected manner. He's very matter-of-fact about it all--his attitude is usually one of "I knew that," not in a sarcastic way but more as if he can't understand why the rest of us DIDN'T.

Congratulations on your expectations, Lavender. I hope you have a healthy, bouncing baby.

Speaking of cats, when we brought the new baby home from the hospital, our resident cat at the time jumped up on the couch where I was sitting with the new baby in my arms. She sniffed all over his head, then, to the surprise of my husband, older son, and myself, rubbed her forehead against the baby's head. I know that cats have scent glands there that they use for marking things as "theirs," so we all surmised that the cat was accepting the new baby as one of her people--as one who has cats, I'm sure you're aware that you never own cats, cats own you!

Lavender (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
I would like to recommend an interesting book for you to read, though your son is full grown by now, called "Psychic Children" by Sylvia Brown. While I don't always agree with her perceptions of "the other world" it is a nice outline of all the different ways psychic abilities can surface in children. I do agree with her, they all have it, some are just more attuned to it.

Animals too. I am pregnant right now and I think our cats have shown some adaptive behavior already. Though I am not sure they care very much overall. 😁
WolfReal (1 stories) (140 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
Nice story. But ghost related?
Youll find this funny but its true none the less. I dream of the future though I do not know it at the time. I find out later and think to myself, hey I had a dream about that. And what do I dream of you ask? Movies. I had a dream long before the movie Contact was ever mentioned. War of the Worlds. Oh and I also dream of some TV shows as well.
I do not understand it. But so, why not try asking him about the future. SOmething like, do yu know what's going to happen next and see what he says.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-29)
Hi libertbelle.

Children can sense when their mother is pregnant, some will as your little one put their tiny little hands on the stomach and like your little one will say baby. Some will believe it or not, put their forehead on the floor and crawl forwards. It is amazing what babies can sense when they are 5 and below.

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