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Buffalo Ridge - A Joyride Of Screams


2009-10-13 [confused] Last night around 11pm, my girlfriend and I were driving around looking for hills to venture on. Being new to the area, I only knew of one "hilly" road, and that road is Rybolt Road (I drove through earlier that day). Seeing how entertained I was, my girl suggested a road she and friends use to venture on when she was in still in high school - it was no other than BUFFALO RIDGE. (Might I remind you, I am new to the area and have heard absolutely nothing about any haunting, spirits, or bloody chicken coops to this point).

We ventured our way down Harrison Ave, made a left at the Sunnyside Cafe and ran dead smack into a detoured bridged road, which forced us to turn up the hill of Buffalo Ridge. As we steadily climbed the hill, she started into stories of how locals believe that this road/area is believed to be haunted from a charred crematory (the irony). She then began to tell a story of how her and a couple of friends ventured out into the woods in search of paranormal activities, but failed to experience anything.

By this time we had driven up by a street named Zeon (or something of that nature). Fearing we may get lost, I immediately turned around and started heading back down the hill, but at a slower pace in hopes of seeing something abnormal in the woods. As we crept down the hill, we noticed a doe on the side of the road by a "No Dumping" sign - as we passed it, it scurried into the woods. It was at that time, we heard a distant screaming/screeching voice of a distressed woman. It was at that point I felt like someone had punched me in the back of my head. All I could see was blackness in the middle of my vision, like if someone had pointed their finger directly in front of my eyeball. Numbness and then chills filled my entire body. I quickly snapped out of it, immediately turning to my loved one and asked if she had just heard what I heard. She stumbles across her words as she accepts the noise she was trying to disbelieve. Frantically, we made our way to the end of Buffalo Ridge and darted back out onto Harrison Ave where we made our way back home.

Still skeptical about the whole situation, I decided to venture out and look for answers - that's what brings me here to you, today... Though, there are similar stories, only I'm still not convinced! I will venture back there some day, but only then, I will be prepared for what may be lurking in that wooded hellhole! You watch and see! [Skeptical]

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cincy22amos, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

WildStallionDHSGahanna (1 stories) (12 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-10)
Ever heard of Hell Town Ohio...? That's where it's at cuz...
marcos (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
I no longer live in the Cincinnati area, but my family once lived on a farm very near Buffalo Ridge Rd.

I recommend doing this in a small group on any warm evening DURING A FULL MOON.

From the intersection of Buffalo Ridge Rd & Zion Rd, turn onto Zion Rd and drive south. A couple miles down the road you will see Zion Hill Rd begin directly in front of you. Turn Right. (Continue traveling on Zion Rd.) About 1/4 mile after this turn you will notice a wierd directional sign that's an upside down "Y" with a line drawn through the legs. This is a U-turn onto Jordan Road. Turn right into this U-turn and head down Jordan Road.
Jordan Road begins relatively flat but soon it begins to weave and curve. Then the road takes a deep "double plunge" into a valley at which Jordan Creek begins to follow along the driver's side. In the bottom of this valley you will notice the road making two extremely large horseshoe-style swings, then begin to straighten out quite a lot. Around this point you need to keep your eyes open for very old low-lying concrete on both sides of the road amidst a bunch of trailers. At this point you are over Thunder Creek. Cross over to the other side of the bridge then turn right into dead end. Park your car at the gate. You made it!

Before Mitchell Memorial Forest was dedicated this road had the name Thunder Road. The park decided to close this road permanently because no one lives on most of it, and it was too expensive to keep parts of the road from perennially washing into Thunder Creek. So if you or your friends decide to walk this road, be careful! WALK ON THE LEFT SIDE going up the road. Then on the way back stay to the same side of the road! STAY IN YOUR TRACKS!
You may not believe this, but if you venture past those gates on foot and keep going, you'll find yourself on Buffalo Ridge Road!

As you and your friends are walking along, try not to notice the howling coming from around that creepy little house on the hill in front of haunted Thunder Lake!
Have Fun! 😨
bigd (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-05)
click on the haunting of buffalo ridge up above for my story and others
Miss_laura (9 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-20)
how did bloody chicken coops come into this story did I miss something? I'm confused
ElectricTNT (1 stories) (45 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-19)
Hi Cincy22amos

The next time you go to the area, try and take a tape recorder with you if you have one. If the scream you heard was both audible to you and your friend, you may be able to pick it up on tape. You may also be able to pick up EVP's on tape.

It sounds like an interesting area. Please let us know what happens in the future. Thanks for the story.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-18)
I have got to say that your mentioning of the chickens and burned down crematory (I agree, Oh the irony there) got me searching for Buffalo Ridge.
How interesting to find out that Charles Manson just MAY have played there as a young child. A little trivia there, nothing else was meant by it at all.
According to and
There are NUMEROUS legends circling the area. How very intriguing. I find it extremely coincidental that in at least one other account of the area, someone else has mentioned that street sign and a deer. To me, that would indicate that you may have been in "the right place" so to speak, to be where OTHERS have seen or experienced something there.
Again, nothing was meant by that, I was only making an observation.
I am with you. I would have to do a bit more "investigating" to find the source of the scream (natural "wind tunnels" through the remains of whatever ruins are still there?) mainly as I do not have the answer for it, but also as there are conflicting accounts as to what kind of facility WAS there and burned. With THAT kind of difference (some say it was a crematory, others say there was a Planetarium or Observatory), it sounds as if the rumor mill is/ or WAS running wild.
I would be interested in finding out what it is you DO find when you go back.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Cooperdoo (1 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
I looked up Buffalo Ridge, and I read about an unfortunate series of twisters. An F5 in the early 90's, maybe the woman you heard screaming was an unfortunate victim in one of these tornadoes.
L0VEPiNK07 (1 stories) (47 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
So what does the bloody chicken coop have to do with anything...? Did I miss something?
melissa26 (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
Be carefull you might not like what you find! Next time you venture out there bring god w/you to protect you...
DiaMonique (1 stories) (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
Wow...interesting story, you are pretty brave to venture out into a place like that. I would've been scared sick! I'd like to hear more about this Buffalo Ridge. Have you tried to do any research on the place yet?

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